7,936 research outputs found

    El papel de la tutoría en la formación integral del universitario

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    Las instituciones de educación requieren poner en marcha programas de tutoría para que los alumnos logren una formación integral, sin embargo, el reto al que se enfrentan es cómo llevarlos a cabo. El objetivo de este estudio consiste en presentar una propuesta para la instrumentación del Programa de Tutoría en las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES). La metodología consiste en realizar un diagnóstico y análisis de los problemas presentados por la comunidad estudiantil, con el fin de planear las actividades y atender las necesidades académicas. Como resultado, se obtiene el programa de tutoría con las estrategias a seguir para atender las necesidades académicas detectadas, dar seguimiento y evaluar las acciones tutoriales.Las instituciones de educación requieren poner en marcha programas de tutoría para que los alumnos logren una formación integral, sin embargo, el reto al que se enfrentan es cómo llevarlos a cabo. El objetivo de este estudio consiste en presentar una propuesta para la instrumentación del Programa de Tutoría en las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES). La metodología consiste en realizar un diagnóstico y análisis de los problemas presentados por la comunidad estudiantil, con el fin de planear las actividades y atender las necesidades académicas. Como resultado, se obtiene el programa de tutoría con las estrategias a seguir para atender las necesidades académicas detectadas, dar seguimiento y evaluar las acciones tutoriales

    Delgadina: un imaginario colectivo sin fronteras (Delgadina: a collective imaginary without borders)

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    Este ensayo examina la variante y la recepción del romance \u27\u27Delgadina transmutado en un corrido/canción popular mexicana entre la frontera de Mexico y los Estados Unidos, especificamente en las regiones de Chihuahua y El Paso, Texas. Reconociendo la importancia de los estudios anteriores hechos por Beatriz Mariscal acerca de las variantes del romance Delgadina , recopiladas en El Cancionero General de Cuba(1) , y la interpretación feminista de Maria Herrera Sobek(2), el presente trabajo se ha propuesto abrir nuevas dimensiones en el estudio de este romance tratando sus variantes, su recepción e interpretación en la frontera. Se trata de un intento de exarninar el efecto cognitivo de la canción en las interpretaciones de ciertos informantes en las regiones fronterizas aqui señaladas. Para ello, se analizan sistemas de memoria generados en la conciencia colectiva a través de la canción popular, respetando su función historica y reconociendo el impacto social y moral de su mensaje

    Delgadina: From Romance to Corrido on the US-Mexico Border

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    This study examines in its context one variant of the Spanish romance of Delgadina transmuted into a Mexican corrido. Acknowledging the studies by Beatriz Mariscal and the feminist interpretations of Maria Henera-Sobek, this study is a departure from past critical work in that it attempts to examine the cognitive effect on both singers and listeners of the modern corrido form and the continuity of the tale and the theme of incest. Memory systems generated through popular song are examined as they relate to Delgadina\u27s purpose as a tale, in terms of its social and moral message and impact. Interviews were conducted with one corridista (popular song writer), and several respondents familiar with the song on both sides of the border (Mexico\u27s northern region of Chihuahua, and El Paso, Texas), and their discourse analyzed in order to illuminate the continuity and variants of the folk song Delgadina and its social and political implications

    Spanish Language, Cultural Knowledge and Teachers’ Professional Development in an English-Only Environment

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    This study documents the findings of action research projects generated by two teachers with different cultural backgrounds and grade levels; one is a bilingual Spanish-English high school teacher and the other is an English monolingual first grade-reading teacher. Teachers’ cognitive and professional development is examined by taking into account the results of the action research project on the literacy needs of their students. Qualitative data from teacher interviews and reflections have been collected and analyzed. These teachers as researchers of their own practice plan and integrate cultural interpretation produced by the children to better understand how learners construct knowledge through primary language and in the acquisition of English. In the kindergarten/first grade classroom, the teacher cannot use the native language of the children and must use non-fictional text to teach beginning reading. The teacher uses a culturally graphic text with English prose to see if children respond positively to the ethnic representation in the symbolic art. This teacher is documenting children’s reactions to the text and her own learning process as a result of the use of these texts with Spanish speaking children. In the high school context, the teacher is teaching in the native language of the students. Student writing samples have been generated based on a literary prompt at the beginning of a literature unit and at the end. These are analyzed based on literary elements that also include an oral language presentation in the native language

    El auge de la literatura infantil bilingue: consideraciones criticas de accion participativa. (The surge of children’s bilingual literature: critical perspectives of participatory action)

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    En la década de los noventa ha habido una cierta proliferación de libros de literatura infantil en espanol e inglés en los Estados Unidos. Basándome en varios de estos libros, de reciente publicación, me ocupo de la importancia que tienen nuestras representaciones culturales en los cuentos infantiles que se usan para la enseñanza de lectura en las escuelas públicas. Los libros que he escogido son los siguientes: En Mi Familia, Carmen Lomas Garza, Prietita y la Llorona de Gloria Anzaldúa, Medio Pollito de Alma Flor Ada y Los Tres Pequeños Jabalíes de Susan Lowell. Trato estos libros en forma de acción participativa, mediante un diálogo dialéctico con tres maestras anglosajonas encargadas de la enseñanza de niños de diversas culturas, que utilizaron estos cuentos en sus clases

    El Triunfo del Amor: Selecciones de poesia amorosa de-y para-la comunidad

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    Este epigrafe, mas algunas otras ideas de la autora, me han inspirado para la breve presentación interpretativa de la siguiente selección de poemas, anticipo del libro sobre este tema, Eclipse and Umbras Love Poems by Chicanas and Friends, que preparo en colaboración con Bernice Zamora. Varios de las/ os poetas representados somos autores no profesionales a quien la poesia se nos impuso en una circunstancia concreta de nuestras vidas. De aqui que el contenido, en muchos de estos poemas, desborda a la forma pues presupone una intertextualidad basada en la interacción de contenidos, y no de formas, de un fondo etnico/ semiótico de gran complejidad, basado en temas, imagenes y simbolos del imaginario -y el inconscierite- colectivo de la historia y la cultura de la comunidad chicana

    Participatory Action and Drought as a Symbolic Context: The Case of Aldama Chihuahua, Mexico

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    This paper presents a field-based project and a theoretical framework for work with an Action Research paradigm. The complexities of process are illustrated and synthesized in two theoretical models. The design of the study required constant change in the focus of projects as a result of the action produced from genuine involvement. As a result a working template of the execution of the action research projects involving multiple educational institutions was generated by bi-national collaborations. Participants were ecological researchers and schoolteachers, actively engaged in schools and in the education of the community at-large on the effects of drought in their lives. Through formal and informal field based observations, group narratives and technological communication systems, distinct sources of results illuminate an on-going spiraling venue using drought as a symbolic system. This project documents transformative knowledge in education to enhance multidisciplinary approaches toward social change and ecological awareness

    A cidade difusa e os instrumentos para o seu (re)conhecimento: o “atlas ecléctico” de Stefano Boeri

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    A cidade difusa é o contexto, no quadro da cidade contemporânea, de que parte o presente artigo. Apesar de comparável em certos aspectos a outras realidades urbanas mundiais, essa assume características estruturais específicas que lhe garantem uma localidade concreta, europeia, mesmo que não possa ser generalizável nesse espaço. É possível, então, descrever os seus atributos, sistematizando factos de incompreensão julgados caóticos, mas que assim se classificam – essencialmente – por recusa de ver a figura urbana que está diante dos olhos. A necessidade da sua conceptualização para, em consequência, definir um aparato técnico que lhe seja ajustado, é, contudo, condição para planear e intervir na nova realidade urbana. A noção de um “atlas ecléctico”, tal como descrito por Stefano Boeri (1997/2011) em vários textos, é pretexto para discorrer sobre a pertinência deste instrumento para o (re)conhecimento da cidade difusa, assim a legitimando como expressão urbana «plena».The diffuse city is the concept, within the contemporary city framework, from which stems this paper. Although comparable to some extent to other world urban realities, the diffuse city assumes specific structural features that grant it a concrete placement, a European rootedness, though it may not be generalized within this space as a whole. It’s therefore possible to describe some of its characteristics, pointing out its typical misunderstood aspects, broadly seen as chaotic, a classification mostly due to a refusal to see the urban figure that is before our eyes. The need of its conceptualization to define an adjusted technical apparatus is, however, a prerequisite to plan and act in the new urban reality. The notion of an “eclectic atlas”, as described by Stefano Boeri, is a pretext to discuss the relevance of this instrument for the (re)cognition of the diffuse city, thus legitimating it as full urban expression

    Education and Ambiguous Borders in Mexican Corridos Thriving in the United States

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    In a previous papers on the corrido I have considered the corrido as a device for cultural transmutation and have analyzed several corridos by focusing on intertextual clements. My attempt in this paper was to reflect on the connection of the lives of the Mexican immigrants living in the United States with the history of the rural schools in Mexico through clements chronicled in corridos and modes of popular culture. With this in mind, the initial focus of my effort was directed at examining the role of the rural school teacher in connection with the community. I found however, from the corridos I selected to examine, that what had persisted was not the rural teacher as an icon but the rural school ideology and praxis of schooling. In this paper I illustrate how this ideology has been transmitted to the Mexican people, especially the thousands of people that had immigrated north