1,603 research outputs found

    Influence of Di erent Sieving Methods on Estimation of Sand Size Parameters

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    Sieving is one of the most used operational methods to determine sand size parameters which are essential to analyze coastal dynamics. However, the influence of hand versus mechanical shaking methods has not yet been studied. Herein, samples were taken from inside the hopper of a trailing suction dredger and sieved by hand with sieves of 10 and 20 cm diameters on board the dredger. Afterwards, these same samples were sieved with a mechanical shaker in the laboratory on land. The results showed di erences for the main size parameters D50, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. Amongst the main results, it should be noted that the highest values for D50 and kurtosis were given by the small sieves method. On the other hand, the lowest values were given by the mechanical shaker method in the laboratory. Furthermore, standard deviation and skewness did not seem to be a ected by the sieving method which means that all the grainsize distribution was shifted but the shape remained unchanged. The few samples that do not follow these patterns have a higher percentage of shells. Finally and definitely, the small sieves should be rejected as a sieving method aboard

    Transfer learning or design a custom CNN for tactile object recognition

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    International Workshop on Robotac: New Progress in Tactile Perception and Learning in RoboticsNovel tactile sensors allow treating pressure lectures as standard images due to its highresolution. Therefore, computer vision algorithms such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be used to identify objects in contact. In this work, a high-resolution tactile sensor has been attached to a robotic end-effector to identify objects in contact. Moreover, two CNNs-based approaches have been tested in an experiment of classification of pressure images. These methods include a transfer learning approach using a pre-trained CNN on an RGB images dataset and a custom-made CNN trained from scratch with tactile information. A comparative study of performance between them has been carried out.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Spanish project DPI2015-65186-R, the European Commission under grant agreement BES-2016-078237, the educational project PIE-118 of the University of Malag

    New design parameters for biparabolic beach profiles (SW Cadiz, Spain)

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    165 profiles of seventy-one beaches along the Gulf of Cadiz (SW, Spain) were studied to improve the formulation of the beach profile in tidal seas. Maritime climate, degree of energy exposure and size of the sand grains were taken into account to study the two sections of the biparabolic profile. The objective of the study was the determination of more accurate formulations of the design parameters for the equilibrium profile that involves tidal seas. These formulations were modelled and validated based on existing profiles to quantify the error existing between the real profile and the modelling. This comparative analysis was extended by considering the formulations proposed by other authors. The best results were obtained with the proposal presented herein

    A comparison of Clinical Risk Index for babies (CRIB-II), Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (SNAP-II) and SNAPPE-II in predicting parenteral nutrition necessity in low birth weight preterm neonates.

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    Advances in perinatal care have made it possible to improve survival of low birth weight neonates. Clinical risk index for babies (CRIB-II), score for neonatal acute physiology (SNAP-II), and SNAP-perinatal extension-II (SNAPPE-II) have been used as mortality predictors for preterm infants. Feeding intolerance is very frequent in preterm neonates, and the development of an early effective biomarker for its prediction could be useful for carrying out a proper feeding strategy. Our aim was to compare the ability of CRIB-II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II in predict the feeding intolerance and parenteral nutrition necessity in preterm neonates. Methods: A retrospective cohort study on preterm neonates’ born at Jaen Hospital Complex with low birth weight and ≤ 36 weeks of gestation was done. Epidemiological, clinical and clinical scores CRIB II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II were recorded. Results: 255 low birth weight preterm neonates, 131 males (51.4%), aged ≤32 weeks of gestation (71%), were enrolled at our hospital. Parenteral nutrition needed were significantly higher in preterm neonates weighed 2500-1500 g (73.3%) and ≤ 1000g (87%). CRIB-II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II mean values were higher in neonates group subjected to parenteral nutrition compared with oral nutrition (p<0.05). CRIB-II and SNAPPE-II scores significantly correlated with parenteral nutrition days (p<0.05). Overall mortality rate was 11%. The 78.6% of all deceased infants needed parenteral nutrition. Conclusion: Clinical Risk Index for babies (CRIB-II) better than SNAPPE-II correlated with the feeding intolerance and thus the parenteral nutrition days in preterm neonates with low birth weight.Subvencionado: Ayuda del Plan Propio de Investigación de la UMA. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Influencia del número de días tipo en la optimización de plantas térmicas centralizadas

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    Centralizar la producción térmica de un conjunto de edificios plantea numerosos problemas de interés técnico. Uno de ellos es la selección óptima de los equipos que componen la planta: tecnologías, potencias, conexionado y control. Este problema puede resolverse satisfactoriamente utilizando modelos de programación lineal-entera, pero su coste computacional suele ser elevado, especialmente cuando las demandas de calefacción y de refrigeración vienen dadas como series horarias anuales. La opción más habitual para reducir el tiempo de cálculo consiste en identificar un conjunto reducido de “días tipo” que representen la demanda original con suficiente exactitud. La configuración de la planta se resuelve entonces ejecutando el modelo de optimización para los días tipo en lugar de para el año completo. En un trabajo anterior, los autores de esta comunicación propusieron un método objetivo para identificar días tipo a partir de series detalladas de demanda. El objetivo de la presente comunicación es analizar el efecto del número de días tipo sobre los resultados de la optimización de un sistema centralizado típico. En primer lugar, se compara la serie de demanda original con la que se obtiene sustituyendo la demanda de cada día por la de su día tipo. En segundo lugar, se comparan los resultados de la optimización de una planta de producción térmica según el número de días tipo utilizados. Los cálculos se realizan para un caso de estudio concreto, que consiste en una instalación centralizada que presta servicio de calefacción y refrigeración a un parque tecnológico, con uso predominante de oficinas. La conclusión para el caso de estudio es que basta con utilizar entre 12 y 20 días tipo para obtener buenos resultados, y que las cotas que se fijan estudiando únicamente las series de demanda son esencialmente las mismas que se obtienen ejecutando el modelo de optimización. Esta conclusión puede variar para otras aplicaciones, pero el procedimiento de análisis sigue siendo válido

    Virtual resources for the improvement of teaching in the course of Port and Coastal Engineering (dregree in Civil Engineering)

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    Port and Coastal Engineering is a subject included in the third year of the degree in Civil Engineering (Civil Constructions and Hydrology specialty) taught at the Polytechnic School of Algeciras. As this is a subject with a very specific syllabus, there is no textbook (or even appropriate references) that contemplates all the related topics of the whole course. Moreover, there are many students who, for different reasons (repeaters, Erasmus, labour obligations, ...), cannot attend the regular classes. This lack of attendance has been leading to another problem: this kind of students have been leaving the subject for several years. In addition, understanding of the basic concepts becomes even more complicated for Erasmus students enrolled in the subject because of the language barrier. In order to solve this problem, a project of teaching innovation has been launched which consists of the creation of a set of evaluable tasks for the different topics addressed to be performed by the students. In this way, the students are motivated to keep up-to-date the course contents. A comparison of the last year results with those of the preceding five years is provided. Finally, an analysis of the significance of the improvement is also presented

    Structural, photoluminescent properties and Judd-Ofelt analysis of Eu3+-activated CaF2 nanocubes

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    Eu3+-doped CaF2 nanocubes with variable europium concentration, [Eu3+] = 0, 0.6, 1.3, 1.7, 2.2 and 5.4 mol%, have been synthesized by a direct precipitation route. It has been found that, within this concentration range, the nanoparticles present the fluoride-type crystalline structure and the characteristic cubic shape of CaF2 crystals. The nanoparticle size follows a log-normal distribution with a mean value decreasing with the Eu3+ content. Rietveld refinement has been performed to calculate the lattice parameter and crystallite size. Eu3+ concentration affects both parameters giving rise to an increase in the lattice parameter and a reduction of crystallite size. The luminescent properties of Eu3+ ions in these nanostructures have been investigated under CW and pulsed excitation. A Judd-Ofelt analysis, as function of the Eu3+ content, has been performed to determine the transition probabilities, radiative lifetimes and branching ratios of the 5D0 emitting level. It was found that and Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters are dependent on the doping level, showing an evolution that indicates a decrease in the Eu3+ site local symmetry with increasing Eu3+ concentration. Finally, it has been observed that the characteristic luminescence decay time of the 5D0 manifold is reduced with increasing Eu3+ concentration. This effect is partially due to an increase of radiative transition probability, associated with a reduction in the local symmetry of the lanthanide ions, and also to the occurrence of concentration quenching effectsThis work has been partially supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under projects MAT2016-75716-2-2-R and RTI2018- 101020-B-I00

    Influencia de los estilos de vida físicamente activos y sedentarios en la percepción subjetiva de la salud y el bienestar de la juventud española

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    La presente comunicación se enmarca en un estudio financiado por el Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) (Ref. 007/UPB10/12). Uno de los objetivos específicos del estudio, en el que se basa la comunicación, es ampliar el conocimiento sobre la influencia de los estilos de vida físicamente activos y sedentarios en la percepción subjetiva de la salud y el bienestar de la juventud española