3,376 research outputs found

    Localization Strategy for Global Expansion via E-commerce

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    The global pandemic and travel limitations caused a surge in e-commerce between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. As a result, the market's growth was expedited and corporate tactics were modified. As businesses started to provide their services internationally, specialized development techniques were necessary. Localization, which entails modifying an online store's content for a particular market, has several advantages for businesses, including a rise in market share and profits. By adapting their services to the specific needs and expectations of local markets, a good localization plan may help e-commerce businesses position themselves for success in the global market. Despite the fact that there is no universally applicable strategy for success, careful planning, and careful research may greatly enhance business operations and raise revenues in untapped areas. For the knowledge and use of localization methods in e-commerce to develop, more study and access to corporate data are required

    Do Online Marketplaces Play a Significant Role in Shaping Entrepreneurial Intention? An Empirical Investigation

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    Online marketplaces are regarded to play a vital role in assisting businesses to start up online. This is because of the reduced expenses involved with launching a company on online marketplaces compared to beginning an online business on a seller’s new website. Numerous enterprises are turning to online marketplaces and benefiting from the low start-up expenses and simplicity of selling. Sellers are spared of the responsibilities of storage, shipping, and payment collection. This research attempts to explore the antecedents of entrepreneurial inclination among US university students with a special focus on the role of online marketplaces. The data was acquired from 252 students using self-administered surveys in 4 different institutions in the United States. The structural model was evaluated using structural equation modeling for assessing the link between educational assistance, societal norms, perceived support from global online marketplaces, attitude, and entrepreneurial inclination. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was employed for data analysis. The findings suggest that the perceived online marketplace support has a statistically significant positive effect on entrepreneurial intention. This implies that the existence of an online marketplace motivates individuals for entrepreneurial activities. The findings of this research would be useful for individuals who intents to begin an online business without incurring the high startup costs associated with the majority of traditional businesses

    Cultivating the Guerrera Spirit: Forming Social Justice Warriors Through Latina Empowerment and Development

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    The presence of the Latina/x community in the U.S. is loud and powerful. Constituting over 18% of the entire U.S. population and the fast-growing numbers that reflect the changing face of the country calls for an examination of current leadership narratives and demands a commitment to elevate and empower Latina leadership (U.S. Census Bureau, 2022). In a society divided by power and discrimination, it is crucial that Latinas and Women of Color (WOC) have access to spaces that cultivate and celebrate their unique gifts and talents which are often overlooked and undervalued. This project gathered WOC from the Chica Project community to explore a new element of Latina leadership, the guerrera spirit, through community, storytelling, art, reflection, and meaningful discussion. Through a combination of data presentation, conversations, and interactive activities, participants engaged in dialogue over what the guerrera spirit looks like in their personal lives, how storytelling and art can be utilized as tools for leadership, and how this can be applied to the further advancement of Latina leadership. This project found that participants connected deeply with the element of guerrera leadership through collective, intimate, and creative lenses and adds to previous literature calling for revolutionary leadership narratives

    A importância do magnésio na doença cardiovascular

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    This paper is a literature review that aimed at describing the importance of magnesium in cardiovascular disease. Bibliographic compilations about original scientific articles and literature reviews on indexed journals were carried out. The work has described that magnesium ion is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions with anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and cell growth modulating properties in order to reduce oxidative stress. Magnesium deficiency is associated to metabolic syndrome, hypertension, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus and arrhythmias. It has been concluded that magnesium, because of its role of relaxing the smooth muscles of cardiac vessels, dilates the coronary arteries improving myocardial contractility, reducing the risks of coronary spasms and inhibiting platelet aggregation by increasing the relationship between prostacyclin/ thromboxane. Due to its dilating effect, it reduces blood pressure and is responsible for stabilizing the cardiac rhythm. Therefore, it plays an important role in cardiovascular diseases’

    A importância da microbiota no organismo humano e sua relação com a obesidade

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    This paper is a bibliographic review aiming to describe the importance of microbiota in the human organism and its relationship with obesity. Original scientific articles and reviews from indexed journals such as Brazilian Cardiology articles, Scielo PubMed/Medline, SeCs were compiled. The present work described that microbiota is a population of microscopic organisms that live into the human body. Intestinal microbiota influences gastrointestinal diseases and a great variety of immunological conditions such as, diabetes mellitus type I, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune demyelinating diseases, allergy, asthma and obesity. There is a close association between intestinal microbiota and body weight due to a modification in bacterial composition of obese people which is different from those with normal BMI. The increase in the number of health promoting microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract may be achieved by eating prebiotic and probiotic food. They change microbiota composition by creating a barrier against bad bacteria from the ecosystem. Such paper has demonstrated that when preserving intestinal integrity, it is possible to avoid the occurrence of diseases by preventing the entrance of pathogenic and antigenic microorganisms

    Mental health problems among pregnant and non-pregnant youth

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of mental health problems in primiparous adolescents and to compare their mental health profile with the profile of sexually active adolescents who have never gotten pregnant. METHODS: Cross-sectional study that compared two groups of adolescents aged 13 to 17 years from a city in Southern Brazil, 2003-2004. The sample included 207 primiparous who attended prenatal care programs in urban public services, and 308 sexually active students from state public schools who had never gotten pregnant. A screening instrument to identify mental health problems in adolescents (Brazilian version of the Youth Self-Report) was applied to the participants together with a questionnaire on risk factors for pregnancy in adolescence. Statistical analysis included Chi-square tests, Fisher's exact test, Mann Whitney's U and logistic regression models. RESULTS: Pregnant and non-pregnant adolescents did not differ in the prevalence of total mental health problems (24.6% vs. 27.3%; p=0.50). Compared to the group of never pregnant adolescents, the group of primiparous presented higher prevalence of anxious/depressive symptoms (24.2% vs. 15.3%; p=0.01) and withdrawn/depressed symptoms (13.0% vs., 4.5%; p<0.001) and there was a greater number of tobacco users (21.3% vs. 11.0%; p=0.002). These differences were confirmed by logistic regression models controlled for maternal education. CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety and depression symptoms and tobacco use were more frequent in pregnant adolescents in comparison to non-pregnant. These problems require special attention from prenatal care services in order to avoid potential damages for the health of mothers and their children.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de problemas de saúde mental em adolescentes primigestas e comparar seu perfil de saúde mental com o daquelas sexualmente ativas que nunca engravidaram. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal, comparativo entre dois grupos de adolescentes de 13 a 17 anos, em Marília, Estado de São Paulo, 2003-2004. A amostra incluiu 207 primigestas atendidas em programas de pré-natal de serviços públicos municipais urbanos e 308 estudantes de escolas estaduais, sexualmente ativas, que nunca engravidaram. Foram aplicados um instrumento de rastreamento para problemas de saúde mental em adolescentes (versão brasileira do Youth Self-Report) e um questionário sobre fatores de risco para gravidez na adolescência. A análise estatística incluiu testes de qui-quadrado, exato de Fisher, U de Mann Whitney e modelos de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Adolescentes grávidas e não-grávidas não diferiram quanto à prevalência do total de problemas de saúde mental (24,6% vs. 27,3%; p=0,50). Comparado às adolescentes não-grávidas, o grupo das primigestas apresentou maior prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade/depressão (24,2% vs. 15,3%; p=0,01) e sintomas de retraimento/depressão (13,0% vs, 4,5%; p<0,001), além de maior número de fumantes (21,3% vs. 11,0%; p=0,002). Estas diferenças foram confirmadas em modelos de regressão logística, controlados para escolaridade da mãe. CONCLUSÕES: Foram mais freqüentes os sintomas de ansiedade e depressão e uso de tabaco em adolescentes primigestas em comparação com as adolescentes não-grávidas. Esses problemas requerem especial atenção dos serviços de pré-natal a fim de evitar possíveis prejuízos para a saúde das mães e de seus filhos.Faculdade de Medicina de Marília Disciplina de PsiquiatriaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PsiquiatriaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL

    Teenage pregnancy and frequent use of alcohol and drugs in the home environment

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess individual and family factors associated to teenage pregnancy, including frequent use of alcohol and illicit drugs by family members. METHODS: Case-control study conducted with a sample of 408 sexually active female adolescents (aged 13-17 years) in school from the city of Marília (Southeastern Brazil) in 2003-2004. Cases consisted of 100 primigravid teenagers assisted in prenatal care programs in health units. Controls were 308 nulligravid students from state public schools. Standardized instruments identified demographic and educational factors, contraceptive behavior, mental health problems, and family characteristics. Statistical analysis included chi-square tests and logistic regression models. RESULTS: Low paternal education (p=0.01), lack of information on sexuality and fertilization (p=0.001) and the use of illicit drugs by a resident family member (p=0.006) were independent risk factors. Family income per capita and asking the partner to use a condom were confounders. CONCLUSIONS: The frequent use of illicit drugs by a resident family member is a factor strongly associated to teenage pregnancy, regardless of other risk factors. The expectation of going to college constitutes a protective factor, mainly in the presence of low maternal education.OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores individuais e familiares associados à gravidez na adolescência, incluindo uso freqüente de álcool e drogas ilícitas por familiar. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso-controle com amostra de 408 adolescentes (13-17 anos) escolares sexualmente ativas, de Marília, SP, 2003-2004. Os casos eram 100 primigestas atendidas em programas de pré-natal de unidades de saúde e os controles, 308 estudantes que nunca haviam engravidado, provenientes de oito escolas estaduais. Foram coletados com instrumentos padronizados dados sociodemográficos, educacionais, comportamento contraceptivo, problemas de saúde mental e características familiares. A análise estatística incluiu testes de qui-quadrado e modelos de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: A baixa escolaridade paterna (p=0,01), a falta de informação sobre sexualidade e fertilização (p=0,001) e o uso de drogas ilícitas por familiar residente no domicílio (p=0,006) foram fatores de risco independentemente dos demais. Renda familiar per capita e pedir ao parceiro que usasse preservativo foram fatores de confundimento. CONCLUSÕES: O uso freqüente de drogas ilícitas por familiar residente no domicílio é um fator fortemente associado à gravidez na adolescência, independentemente dos demais. A expectativa de cursar a faculdade constitui fator de proteção, principalmente na presença de baixa escolaridade materna.Faculdade de Medicina de MaríliaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PsiquiatriaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL

    Phishing video game to validate the principles of persuasion in university students

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    Phishing is a social engineering procedure in which a malicious actor impersonates a trusted third party with the intention of tricking the user into disclosing confidential information. Research on social engineering has shown that inappropriate use of persuasion principles in emails leads to increased susceptibility to phishing in users. Therefore, a serious game is proposed to measure the three principles of persuasion in information security: authority, scarcity and taste, in university students about phishing attacks. The methodology includes the elaboration of a visual novel for serious games and a questionnaire for measuring psychological principles aimed at university students and based on real case scenarios. The findings support previous research, which indicates that the use of psychological principles in phishing attacks generates greater susceptibility in users. The principles of persuasion evaluated show high susceptibility scores

    Estructura Productiva : Análisis de la producción, comercialización y consumo de arroz en Nicaragua 2009-2013

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    El arroz se cultiva en todo el territorio nacional en alturas entre 0 a 800 m.s.n.m, presenta un crecimiento óptimo a temperaturas de 25-30 °C, siendo la máxima hasta 40 °C y con temperaturas de 17 a 18 ºC disminuye su crecimiento. En Nicaragua es uno de los cultivos más importantes dentro del Sector Agropecuario y al mismo tiempo uno de los principales alimentos en la dieta de los nicaragüenses con un consumo per cápita de 126 lb/año y con tendencia a incrementarse. El sector arrocero produce más de 5.5 millones de quintales al año, lo cual equivale a un 90% de consumo nacional en los restantes países de Centroamérica el 85% del arroz es importado. De las 62,50 Mz. de granos básicos con riego que se siembran en el país, el arroz de riego representa el 95% del total. Asimismo, existen 24,442 productores de arroz y de estos, el 92% son productores de secano con rendimientos de 75qq/Mz y 32 qq/Mz respectivamente. Por lo tanto, mejorar esta brecha de rendimientos es un desafío que se espera superar en los próximos años y aun así, el uso del riego en la producción sigue siendo fundamental en la mejora de los rendimientos, puesto que en el caso del arroz de secano, los promedio apenas superan los 30 qq/Mz; asunto que también sigue siendo un desafío por superar para el sector. Sumado a esto, ANAR (2011) señala que para el año 2012 la inversión relacionada al rubro a nivel nacional fue de aproximadamente $120 Millones con un área sembrada de 100,000 Mz (67% en manos de productores de 0 a 50 Mz); una producción comercial total de 4.3 millones de quintales oro (63% arroz riego, 37% arroz de secano); con un canal de distribución resumido en 650 mayoristas y 36,000 pulperías a nivel nacional y la existencia de 47 trillos con capacidad de procesamiento estimada en el 200% de la producción total en el país

    The Impact of Presence in Global Online Marketplace on Global Brand Awareness

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    The worldwide accessibility of e-commerce marketplaces enables a business to swiftly and inexpensively test and enter new foreign markets. The global digital marketplace enables enterprises to connect with customers from all over the globe, creating incredible prospects for development and expansion, leading to brand awareness globally. This research seeks to examine the impact that the presence of enterprises in the global online marketplace makes on global brand awareness. A multiple regression model has been applied using the data from 122 small and medium enterprises in the USA. The results show that global brand awareness significantly increases when a business is present in global online marketplaces. Additionally, this research measures the impacts of total sales and advertisement expenditures on global brand awareness. The results suggest that both variables positively impact global brand awareness. According to the findings of this study we recommend small business owners enter global online marketplaces to boost their global brand awareness
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