2,552 research outputs found


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    Natural disasters have potentially large economic impacts on developing nations. Thereis a small, but growing literature analyzing these impacts on variables such as gross domesticproduct. In this study Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, andNicaragua are studied to measure the impact that disasters have had on economic growth overthe past twenty-nine years (1970-1998). The development indicator, gross domestic product(GDP) growth rate, will be measured over the twenty-nine year study period and analyzed withrespect to correlation with natural disasters. Regression analysis is used to investigate therelationship between natural disasters and economic growth.It is hypothesized that the number of natural disasters that a country faces has a negativeimpact on economic growth rate as measured by GDP. As the quantity of disasters experiencedin any given year increases the overall disruption of the economy is predicted to be greater, thusleading to lower levels of economic growth in the short term

    Indiana CTSI Preclinical Innovation Think Tank Program

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    The skills and knowledge required for successful commercialization of new technologies (intellectual property protection, SBIR/STTR funding, and startup creation) are very different than those for traditional academic research (scientific publication and R01-style grant funding). The Indiana CTSI Think Tank Program is designed to provide early guidance to academic and clinical investigators interested in advancing their discoveries to the market. The program is open to investigators from Indiana University (IU), Purdue University, or the University of Notre Dame; and includes a pool of advisors across these universities and industry around the state to provide investigators with a wide range of expertise and perspectives.N/

    Research on Wearable Technologies for Learning: A Systematic Review

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    A good amount of research has explored the use of wearables for educational or learning purposes. We have now reached a point when much literature can be found on that topic, but few attempts have been made to make sense of that literature from a holistic perspective. This paper presents a systematic review of the literature on wearables for learning. Literature was sourced from conferences and journals pertaining to technology and education, and through an ad hoc search. Our review focuses on identifying the ways that wearables have been used to support learning and provides perspectives on that issue from a historical dimension, and with regards to the types of wearables used, the populations targeted, and the settings addressed. Seven different ways of how wearables have been used to support learning were identified. We propose a framework identifying five main components that have been addressed in existing research on how wearables can support learning and present our interpretations of unaddressed research directions based on our review results

    Towards predicting post-editing productivity

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    Machine translation (MT) quality is generally measured via automatic metrics, producing scores that have no meaning for translators who are required to post-edit MT output or for project managers who have to plan and budget for transla- tion projects. This paper investigates correlations between two such automatic metrics (general text matcher and translation edit rate) and post-editing productivity. For the purposes of this paper, productivity is measured via processing speed and cognitive measures of effort using eye tracking as a tool. Processing speed, average fixation time and count are found to correlate well with the scores for groups of segments. Segments with high GTM and TER scores require substantially less time and cognitive effort than medium or low-scoring segments. Future research involving score thresholds and confidence estimation is suggested

    Determinación de las causas que generan fallas en las viviendas del Pueblo Joven La Libertad, propuesta de solución, Chimbote – Ancash, 2017

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    La presente investigación denominada “Determinación de las causas que generan fallas en las viviendas del Pueblo Joven La Libertad, propuesta de solución, Chimbote – Ancash, 2017” es del tipo cuantitativa, con un diseño que corresponde a una investigación no experimental, del tipo descriptiva porque mediante la observación se recogió la información de las fallas en las viviendas, para luego realizar una descripción, análisis e interpretación de la información obtenida. La población considerada fueron las setecientas trece viviendas de albañilería confinada de la zona y como muestra se trabajó con doscientas cincuenta viviendas de albañilería confinada, la elección de la muestra de realizo mediante el muestreo probabilístico, seleccionadas al azar. Para la recolección de datos de utilizó una ficha técnica validada por el criterio de tres jueces, ingenieros civiles especialistas en el tema de investigación, y el otro instrumento fue el protocolo, brindados por el laboratorio de mecánica de suelos GEOMG S.A.C. Luego de procesar los datos obtenidos de las fichas técnicas y protocolo se determinó las causas que generan las fallas en las viviendas siendo estas el ataque de sales y sulfatos, la humedad por ascensión capilar y los asentamientos diferenciales y tracción diagonal


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    El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó la investigación descriptiva por que se basó en el análisis y observación de los procesos desarrollados en Mi banco para la gestión de créditos, para luego describir los hechos basados en la realidad; donde el planteamiento del problema se orientó a la interrogante ¿De qué manera la gestión de créditos influye sobre la morosidad en Mi banco de la Microempresa S.A agencia Huánuco matriz, periodo 2019? Para el desarrollo de la investigación se diseñó una encuesta compuesta por 18 preguntas con dos opciones de respuesta, estas encuestas están dirigidas a los asesores de negocio que laboran en Mi Banco Huánuco matriz, los resultados de esta investigación comprueban la hipótesis propuesta. Según las respuestas de los asesores de negocio, para el procesamiento porcentual de datos se utilizó el spss. Que permitió analizar la información y procesos que utilizar para la gestión de créditos y el índice de morosidad que se presenta en Mi banco de la microempresa S.A.Tesi

    Capacidad del Sistema de Tratamiento Pasivo para mejorar la calidad del drenaje ácido de mina de la Quebrada Puca, distrito Huandoval – Ancash, 2018

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    La actividad minera está asociada a distintos impactos ambientales, uno de estos es la generación de drenaje acido de roca, la cual debe ser controlada y remediada para no producir lixiviados ácidos, con presencia de iones metálico, provocando la degradación de cuerpos hídricos, ya que este afecta gravemente al desarrollo de las plantas y la vida acuática, la cual puede persistir durante décadas degradando el ambiente. Al respecto, la precedente investigación presenta una alternativa para remediar, compensar y mitigar este impacto, a través de un sistema pasivo el cual aprovecha las condiciones del lugar, los sustratos orgánicos y es potenciado por el uso de bacterias sulfato reductoras las cuales, como parte de su desecho metabólico, generando una reducción desasimilaría del sulfato del ciclo del azufre. Por ello la presente tesis tiene por objetivo evaluar en qué medida la capacidad del sistema de tratamiento pasivo puede influir en la mejora de la calidad del drenaje acido. La investigación es experimental, con un diseño de investigación de tipo cuasi experimental, dado que solo se observó cual era el efecto del drenaje acido de mina al transcurrir por los componentes del sistema de tratamiento pasivo, en la que a través de métodos APA se determinó la concentración de metales pesados, sulfato, pH y conductividad, llegándose a la conclusión de que el sistema presenta un 96% de eficiencia

    Radial Dependence of the Pattern Speed of M51

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    The grand-design spiral galaxy M51 has long been a crucial target for theories of spiral structure. Studies of this iconic spiral can address the question of whether strong spiral structure is transient (e.g. interaction-driven) or long-lasting. As a clue to the origin of the structure in M51, we investigate evidence for radial variation in the spiral pattern speed using the radial Tremaine-Weinberg (TWR) method. We implement the method on CO observations tracing the ISM-dominant molecular component. Results from the method's numerical implementation--combined with regularization, which smooths intrinsically noisy solutions--indicate two distinct patterns speeds inside 4 kpc at our derived major axis PA=170 deg., both ending at corotation and both significantly higher than the conventionally adopted global value. Inspection of the rotation curve suggests that the pattern speed interior to 2 kpc lacks an ILR, consistent with the leading structure seen in HST near-IR observations. We also find tentative evidence for a lower pattern speed between 4 and 5.3 kpc measured by extending the regularized zone. As with the original TW method, uncertainty in major axis position angle (PA) is the largest source of error in the calculation; in this study, where \delta PA=+/-5 deg. a ~20% error is introduced to the parameters of the speeds at PA=170 deg. Accessory to this standard uncertainty, solutions with PA=175 deg. (also admitted by the data) exhibit only one pattern speed inside 4 kpc, and we consider this circumstance under the semblance of a radially varying PA.Comment: 14 pages in emulateapj format, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Deferiprone modulates in vitro responses by peripheral blood T cells from control and relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis subjects

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    T cells are important mediators of autoimmune inflammation in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Previous studies found that deferiprone, an iron chelator, suppressed disease activity in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis, and inhibition of T cell proliferation was implicated as a putative mechanism. The objective of the present study was to examine the effects of deferiprone on suppressing in vitro responses of T cells from control and RRMS subjects. Peripheral blood T cells were co-stimulated with anti-CD3 + anti-CD28 and cultured with or without interleukin 2 (IL-2). Proliferating CD4+ T cells from control and RRMS subjects, cultured with or without IL-2, decreased in response to 75 μM deferiprone, although the extent of decreased proliferation of CD4+ T cells from RRMS subjects was less than for control subjects. Proliferating CD8+ T cells from control subjects, cultured with or without IL-2, also decreased in response to 75 μM deferiprone, and this decrease was seen in proliferating CD8+ T cells from RRMS cultured with IL-2. CD4+CD25+ and CD8+CD25+ cells from control subjects, cultured with or without IL-2, declined in 75 M deferiprone, but the decrease was smaller than for the CD4+ and CD8+ proliferative responses. CD4+CD25+ and CD8+CD25+ cells from RRMS subjects showed more variability than for control subjects, but CD4+CD25+ cultured with IL-2 and CD8+CD25+ cells cultured without IL-2 significantly declined in 75 μM deferiprone. CD4+FoxP3+ and CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ cells tended to remain constant or increase. In summary, deferiprone induced declines in proliferative responses at a dosage that is within peak serum pharmacological concentrations