5,030 research outputs found

    Famille, genre, génération et sexualité au Brésil

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    De nombreux changements générationnels se profilent actuellement au Brésil, en particulier ceux qui sont liés aux moeurs sexuelles. Cet article a pour objet la représentation des jeunes femmes en rapport avec la sexualité : malgré une certaine évolution, les jeunes hommes les voient encore comme des subalternes et leurs propres familles contribuent à la reproduction de cette vision. Les jeunes, en particulier les jeunes filles, éprouvent toujours des difficultés d’insertion sur le marché du travail, demeurent économiquement dépendants de leurs parents, ce qui endigue leur possibilité de transformation des moeurs sexuelles traditionnelles. L’auteure expose une nouvelle analyse d’une étude réalisée en 2004 auprès d’élèves d’écoles secondaires brésiliennes et de leurs parents, sur les thèmes de l’initiation sexuelle, de la virginité et des conversations sur la sexualité entre parents et enfants. Elle y joint également les résultats d’une autre recherche réalisée en 2006 avec des adolescents et des adolescentes à leur domicile.Customs and discourses on sexuality have been changing in Brazil, mainly in the industrialized and urban centers, among young men and women and among their parents. But despite its acceptance of some notable changes in young women’s behavior families still seem to be an important locus for the reproduction of gender differences. Despite its acceptance of notable changes in young women’s sexual behavior, parents and young men still differentiate their sons’ and daughters’ sexual behavior. Two investigations with young adults and their parents addressing issues such as virginity, sexual initiation, representations of sexuality and parental expectations of sexual behavior have demonstrated that while the discourse on sexual autonomy is prevalent among young adults, economical dependency of the younger generation on their parents stifles sexual behavior of young women, and that young women are still seen as inferior and without sexual drive by many young men

    Equity research of Volkswagen : valuation amidst of an emissions scandal

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    Mestrado em FinançasThis project report follows the format recommended by the CFA Institute “(Pinto et. al., 2015)” and materials on this report will only reflect the public information issued on Volkswagen AG until September 30th, 2016. Volkswagen AG is Europe’s largest auto-manufacturer and one of the largest worldwide. The company offers a wide selection of brand portfolios and generates the highest economies scale in Europe in this industry. The emission scandal it faced on 2015 reflected negatively in the company’s financials and its stock price plunged to nearly 50%. Conducting an in-depth analysis on the company’s management, financials, market and risk assessment along with the application with the most realistic assumptions enabled a proper valuation on the company’s target price. Using the discounted cash flow (DCF) to the firm as the main valuation methodology, a target price of €146.36 for 2017YE was attained with an upside potential of 25.1% from its current price of €116.95 on September 30th, 2016 rated the company with a “Buy” recommendation with high risk. Complementary valuation methods were used and market uncertainties in our estimations were stressed, and all supported our “Buy” recommendation. The current target price of €146.36 is a downward revision by me if the company did not have such scandal. I have valued VW with and without the scandal and the impact on price target was a decrease of about €43.32 per share, or €21.7 billion (for 501 billion shares outstanding) in terms of present value at 2017YE. Despite the loss in its fundamental (present) value of around 29.6% (€21.7 billion), in this report the total estimated and not discounted ‘direct’ cost of the scandal reaches about €46.4 billion.Este relatório de projeto segue o formato recomendado pelo CFA Institute “(Pinto et. al., 2015)” e os conteúdos deste relatório apenas refletem a informação pública emitida sobre a Volkswagen AG até 30 de setembro de 2016. A Volkswagen AG é a maior produtora automóvel da Europa e uma das maiores do mundo. A empresa tem disponível um vasto portefólio de marcas e gera as maiores economias de escala da Europa na indústria. O escândalo das emissões que enfrentou em 2015 influenciou negativamente as contas da empresa e o preço das suas ações desvalorizou quase 50%. O desenvolvimento de uma análise detalhada da gestão da empresa, contas, mercado e avaliação de risco conjuntamente com a aplicação dos pressupostos mais realistas permitiram uma adequada avaliação do preço alvo da empresa. Através do modelo dos fluxos de caixa descontados (DCF) para a empresa como principal metodologia de avaliação, o preço alvo de €146,36 para 2017FA foi obtido com um potencial de crescimento de 25,1% do preço atual de €119,95 em 30 de setembro de 2016, classificou a empresa com uma recomendação de “Comprar” com elevado risco. Métodos de avaliação complementares foram usados e alterações em estimativas incertas de mercado foram testadas, tendo todas elas suportado a recomendação de “Comprar”. O preço alvo atual de €146,36 corresponde a uma revisão em baixa caso a empresa não tivesse tido o escândalo. Avaliei a VW com e sem o impacto do escândalo no preço alvo, correspondendo a uma diminuição de cerca de €43,32 por ação, ou €21,7 mil milhões (para 501 mil milhões de ações em circulação) em termos de valores atuais a 2017FA. Apesar da perda no seu valor fundamental (atual) de cerca de 29,6% (€21,7 mil milhões), neste relatório a estimativa do custo ‘direto’ total do escândalo, não descontado, chega a cerca de €46,4 mil milhões

    Factors Related to Multiple Role Adjustment in Mexican American Working Women

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    Mechanism Of Nucleosome Targeting By Pioneer Transcription Factors

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    Transcription factors (TFs) forage the genome to instruct cell plasticity, identity, and differentiation. These developmental processes are elicited through TF engagement with chromatin. Yet, how and which TFs can engage with chromatin and thus, nucleosomes, remains largely unexplored. Pioneer TFs are TF that display a high affinity for nucleosomes. Extensive genetic and biochemical studies on the pioneer TF FOXA, a driver of fibroblast to hepatocyte reprogramming, revealed its nucleosome binding ability and chromatin targeting lead to chromatin accessibility and subsequent cooperative binding of TFs. Similarly, a number of reprogramming TFs have been suggested to have pioneering activity due to their ability to target compact chromatin and increase accessibility and enhancer formation in vivo. But whether these factors directly interact with nucleosomes remains to be assessed. Here we test the nucleosome binding ability of the cell reprogramming TFs, Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and cMyc, that are required for the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells. In addition, we also test neuronal and macrophage reprogramming TFs. Our study shows that reprogramming TFs bind nucleosomes with a range of nucleosome binding affinities, indicating that although specific cocktails of TFs are required for reprogramming, mechanistically these TFs show differential nucleosome interacting behaviors. These results allowed us to assess differential features between TFs nucleosome binding ability and to correlate their binding with reprogramming potential. To determine how general is nucleosome binding we extended our analysis to screen 593 of the 2,000 predicted human TFs in the genome for potential nucleosome binding and validated their binding in solution. Based on 3D structural analysis, we proposed that strong nucleosome binders anchor DNA through short -helixes and have a flexible and adaptable DNA binding domain while weak nucleosome binders use -sheets or unstructured regions and have a higher rigidity within their DNA binding domain. Through the experiments presented in this dissertation we present the first study revealing the shared structural features contributing to nucleosome binding potential of pioneer TFs and thus allow for predication of novel pioneer TFs with cell reprogramming potential

    Welcome to the TVI Service-Learning Program

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    We are delighted that you have agreed to participate in this exciting opportunity for TVI faculty and students to become involved in Service-Learning! The concept of service-learning is not new, of course, but in the past decade, many higher education professionals have taken the lead in promoting this as an essential dimension of the college experience. Campus Compact, for example is a consortium of over 500 college presidents who have mandated integrating service programs into their institutions. Simultaneously, the American Association of Community Colleges has recently awarded 15 grants to community colleges to create Learn and Serve Program, to develop models for service-learning specifically in community and technical-vocational colleges

    Review of Teaching English Language Learners through Technology

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    Multimetallic Alkaline-Earth Hydride Cations

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