3,463 research outputs found

    The possible contamination of Jupiter

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    The Galileo probe, though at present its future is uncertain, would, if not sterilized, represent a good chance of contaminating Jupiter. Most scientists opposed to sterilizing the probe argue that to order the probe sterilized would be the death of the project, since sterilization would entail a reconstruction of the probe, and there are not enough funds to accomplish this. These scientists, however, are ignoring a relatively simple and inexpensive alternative to the traditional heat sterilization method. The main threat of contamination comes from Galileo's exterior surfaces: the shell of the probe and its parachute. The probe innermost components would not represent a threat since the probe is sealed. In light of the fact that only the exterior of Galileo would have to be sterilized, heat would not have to be used as a method of sterilization. Instead, various gas mixtures could be sprayed entirely over the probe and its parachute, gases which would kill any and all bacteria. This idea is more thoroughly examined

    Teachers’ representations of school indiscipline

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    In this article we analyze a set of teachers’ representations of school indiscipline and its implications for pedagogical practices, particularly related to the resolution of problems in the classroom. Initially we explore three teachers’ representations on the genesis of school indiscipline. The first representation attributes prominence to the student as the singular subject in the production of indiscipline and who will be the center of the pedagogical intervention. The second representation attributes the genesis of the indiscipline to the context of the relations among the subjects in the classroom. The third representation suggests that the indiscipline would be something socially constructed in the schools, where it is intrinsically related to its nature and social function, and is an intrinsic part of its institutional culture. This third representation is distant of the previous ones, and provides an understanding of the indiscipline as a cultural message. In the second part of this article we analyze a set of implications of the teachers’ representations in relation to their pedagogical practices. At the ending of the text, we present some notes that put in evidence some issues that seems to be at the center in the study of the representations regarding to school indiscipline, in relation to the roles teachers are supposed to taken in contexts of indiscipline

    New Mexican Spanish: Gauging Attitudes and Possibilities of Dialect Restoration

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    New Mexican Spanish, unique from other Latin American varieties, experienced severe decline in the last century after centuries of stability. Despite its ties to the state, access to learning the variety appears nonexistent. I aim to speak with New Mexican residents and educators to assess the possibility of its preservation

    In vitro identification and in silico utilization of interspecies sequence similarities using GeneChip(® )technology

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    BACKGROUND: Genomic approaches in large animal models (canine, ovine etc) are challenging due to insufficient genomic information for these species and the lack of availability of corresponding microarray platforms. To address this problem, we speculated that conserved interspecies genetic sequences can be experimentally detected by cross-species hybridization. The Affymetrix platform probe redundancy offers flexibility in selecting individual probes with high sequence similarities between related species for gene expression analysis. RESULTS: Gene expression profiles of 40 canine samples were generated using the human HG-U133A GeneChip (U133A). Due to interspecies genetic differences, only 14 ± 2% of canine transcripts were detected by U133A probe sets whereas profiling of 40 human samples detected 49 ± 6% of human transcripts. However, when these probe sets were deconstructed into individual probes and examined performance of each probe, we found that 47% of human probes were able to find their targets in canine tissues and generate a detectable hybridization signal. Therefore, we restricted gene expression analysis to these probes and observed the 60% increase in the number of identified canine transcripts. These results were validated by comparison of transcripts identified by our restricted analysis of cross-species hybridization with transcripts identified by hybridization of total lung canine mRNA to new Affymetrix Canine GeneChip(®). CONCLUSION: The experimental identification and restriction of gene expression analysis to probes with detectable hybridization signal drastically increases transcript detection of canine-human hybridization suggesting the possibility of broad utilization of cross-hybridizations of related species using GeneChip technology

    Notas sobre o professor interdisciplinar

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre o professor interdisciplinar, pensando sua formação a partir de duas perspectivas conceituais complementares sobre o perfil desse professor. Inicialmente são exploradas as contribuições de dois teóricos brasileiros da interdisciplinaridade, onde se resgata de suas obras particularmente as implicações de considerar a interdisciplinaridade enquanto atitude em relação ao conhecimento. A seguir consideramos a perspectiva de um grupo de professores de Educação Básica, também sobre o perfil suposto de um professor interdisciplinar. Ao final, após contrastar e integrar as características associadas ao professor interdisciplinar originadas das fontes indicadas acima, analisamos alguns aspectos da formação dos professores para a interdisciplinaridade.This paper presents a study on the interdisciplinary teacher, analyzing his/her education through two complementary conceptual perspectives of the teacher's profile. Initially, the writings of two Brazilian theorists on interdisciplinarity are considered, highlighting in particular, the idea of interdisciplinarity as an attitude toward knowledge. Then, the perspective of a group of k-12 teachers will be considered, as well as the assumed profile of the interdisciplinary teacher. Finally, after contrasting and integrating the features associated to the interdisciplinary teacher, as found in the sources indicated above, an analysis of some aspects of the in-service education of interdisciplinary teachers is presented

    Representações dos professores sobre indisciplina escolar

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    In this article we analyze a set of teachers’ representations of school indiscipline and its implications for pedagogical practices, particularly related to the resolution of problems in the classroom. Initially we explore three teachers’ representations on the genesis of school indiscipline. The first representation attributes prominence to the student as the singular subject in the production of indiscipline and who will be the center of the pedagogical intervention. The second representation attributes the genesis of the indiscipline to the context of the relations among the subjects in the classroom. The third representation suggests that the indiscipline would be something socially constructed in the schools, where it is intrinsically related to its nature and social function, and is an intrinsic part of its institutional culture. This third representation is distant of the previous ones, and provides an understanding of the indiscipline as a cultural message. In the second part of this article we analyze a set of implications of the teachers’ representations in relation to their pedagogical practices. At the ending of the text, we present some notes that put in evidence some issues that seems to be at the center in the study of the representations regarding to school indiscipline, in relation to the roles teachers are supposed to taken in contexts of indiscipline.Neste artigo analisamos um conjunto de representações dos professores sobre indisciplina escolar, bem como suas implicações para as práticas pedagógicas particularmente relacionadas ao enfrentamento da indisciplina em sala de aula. Inicialmente exploramos três representações dos professores em relação à gênese da indisciplina. A primeira representação considerada atribui destaque ao aluno como sujeito singular na produção da indisciplina e sobre o qual vai estar centrada a intervenção pedagógica. A segunda representação atribui a gênese da indisciplina ao contexto próprio das relações entre os sujeitos em sala de aula. A terceira representação sugere que a indisciplina seria algo socialmente construído nas escolas, e estaria intrinsecamente relacionada à natureza e função social da escola, bem como imbricada em sua cultura institucional. Essa terceira representação se distancia das anteriores e fornece um entendimento da indisciplina como mensagem cultural. Na segunda parte do artigo analisamos um conjunto de implicações das representações dos professores em relação a suas práticas pedagógicas. Ao final do texto, apresentamos considerações que destacam algumas questões que nos parecem centrais no estudo das representações dos professores sobre a indisciplina escolar em relação aos papéis que estes supostamente deveriam exercer em cenários de indisciplina. Palavras-chave: Educação. Indisciplina escolar. Representações dos professores

    Indisciplina, incivilidade e cidadania na escola

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    Este artigo discute algumas relações entre indisciplina, incivilidade e cidadania na escola. Inicialmente abordamos algumas questões sobre disciplina e educação, e exploramos a noção de indisciplina como um modo de ruptura nas relações pedagógicas. A seguir discutimos a noção de incivilidade, recorrendo ao pensamento do sociólogo francês Bernard Charlot. Buscamos traçar uma relação entre incivilidade e indisciplina na escola. Também abordamos o conceito de cidadania, explorando alguns dos seus significados no cenário educacional. Ao final, analisamos a possibilidade das incivilidades estarem a comunicar algo ao projeto educacional, civilizatório das escolas, e recorremos à noção de reconhecimento, a qual nos parece promissora para avançar as noções de cidadania, respeito, civilidade, educação e disciplina nas escolas.This paper debates some of the ties between indiscipline, incivility and education for citizenship in schools. Initially, some issues on discipline and education are considered, and the notion of indiscipline as a rupture in teacher-student relations is explored. Then, the notion of incivility is discussed from the perspective of French sociologist, Bernad Charlot. And the relation between incivility and indiscipline in schools is considered as well. The concept of citizenship is addressed and some of its meanings in the school scenario are considered. Finally, we analyze the possibility that acts of incivility may be communicating something about the school's educational and civilizatory project, therefore we explore the notion of recognition, which seems to be a promising path for advancing the concepts of citizenship, respect, civility, education and discipline in schools

    A Interdisciplinaridade Segundo Os Pcns

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar os sentidos relacionados ao conceito de interdisciplinaridade nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) de Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio. Utilizamos um método de análise conceitual, proposto por Coombs e Daniels, que possibilita investigar um conceito em um conjunto de textos. A análise apontou diferentes significados associados à interdisciplinaridade: abordagem epistemológica, modo de articular conteúdos, forma de contribuição das disciplinas, forma de organizar as disciplinas em projetos, perspectiva de reorganização curricular, instrumento para articular conhecimentos e processo de integração das disciplinas. Também analisamos o tratamento teórico e a implementação da interdisciplinaridade segundo os PCNs.PCNs.Interdisciplinarity according to the PCNsAbstractThe aim of this article is to analyze the meanings related to the concept of interdisciplinarity in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) relative to Fundamental and High School Education. We used a method of conceptual analysis presented by Coombs and Daniels, which makes it possible to investigate a concept in a set of texts. The analysis indicated different meanings associated to the interdisciplinarity: epistemological approach, way to articulate contents, form of contribution of the disciplines, form of discipline organization in projects, perspective of curriculum reorganization; instrument for knowledge articulation and process of discipline integration. We also analyzed the theoretical treatment and implementation of interdisciplinarity according to the PCNs. Keywords: Education. Interdisciplinarity. Curriculum. PCNs

    OncoLog Volume 53, Number 02, February 2008

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    Assessing Symptom Burden in Cancer DiaLog: Making Headway in Hematology, by Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Leukemia Helping Kids Make Smart Food Choices Expanding Therapy Options for Advanced Cancerhttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1167/thumbnail.jp