2,544 research outputs found

    RSM optimization of the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of methyl orange and correlation with major intermediates and by-products

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    Statistical response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the main parameters of the CWPO reaction in the catalytic degradation of methyl orange (MO) in a 1.5 L semi-batch reactor. Studied experimental variables were: (i) catalyst’s concentration, (ii) dose of hydrogen peroxide and (iii) reaction time; Non-controllable variables were: starting pH, Temperature and initial [MO] loading (as Total Organic Carbon - TOC)

    Degradación de naranja de  metilo  mediante la tecnología PCFH  activada con un catalizador  Al-Fe/PILC

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    Entre los procesos de oxidación avanzada (POAs), la Peroxidación Catalítica en Fase Húmeda (PCFH) activada con un catalizador de tipo Al/Fe-PILC ha demostrado un enorme potencial para la depuración de compuestos orgánicos tóxicos disueltos en agua (Figura 1) [1]. Por otra parte, recientes estudios han demostrado que la Materia Orgánica Natural (MON) en las fuentes de abastecimiento, está generando serios problemas en los sistemas de tratamiento para la producción de agua potable [2]. Sin embargo, dado que la estructura de la MON es bastante compleja, con una significativa contribución de fenoles y aminas aromáticas, los colorantes diazoicos como el naranja de metilo (NM) pueden servir como moléculas modelo para anticipar el comportamiento de la fracción nitrogenada presente en la MON ante la degradación vía POAs. De acuerdo a lo anterior, en el presente trabajo se reporta la optimización simultánea de los principales parámetros de la degradación PCFH de naranja de metilo (NM) en medio acuoso, empleando un diseño estadístico de experimentos central compuesto, seguido de análisis por superficies multi-respuesta (MSR). Durante el proceso se maximizaron las respuestas: mineralización de NM (eliminación de COD), decoloración (UV-Vis), fracción de peróxido reaccionada (UV-Vis) y eliminación de nitrógeno total (NT) combinadas en una función deseabilidad. También se siguieron los principales intermediarios y subproductos de la oxidación mediante HPLC/DAD y GC/FI

    Heavy Lift Launch Capability with a New Hydrocarbon Engine

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    The Advanced Concepts Office at NASA's George C. Marshall Space Flight Center was tasked to define the thrust requirement of a new liquid oxygen rich staged combustion cycle hydrocarbon engine that could be utilized in a launch vehicle to meet NASA s future heavy lift needs. Launch vehicle concepts were sized using this engine for different heavy lift payload classes. Engine out capabilities for one of the heavy lift configurations were also analyzed for increased reliability that may be desired for high value payloads or crewed missions. The applicability for this engine in vehicle concepts to meet military and commercial class payloads comparable to current ELV capability was also evaluated

    UC-441 Finding the Limits of AI for Web Development in 2023

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    This Project explores the limits of artificial intelligence (AI) in web development, focusing on the year 2023. The study is conducted by AI Limits Team 1 from Kennesaw State University. The primary objective of the project is to harness the potential of ChatGPT 3.5, an advanced AI model, to create a fully functional Auction House Website. The achievements of the project include innovative web development, AI-generated content, and successful integration of AI into both frontend and backend aspects of web development. The research findings offer valuable insights into ChatGPT\u27s proficiency in generating web application code and emphasize the importance of validation and testing in AI-driven development. Ethical considerations in AI-generated content are highlighted as well

    Early Metal Di(pyridyl) Pyrrolide Complexes with Second Coordination Sphere Arene−π Interactions: Ligand Binding and Ethylene Polymerization

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    Early metal complexes supported by hemilabile, monoanionic di(pyridyl) pyrrolide ligands substituted with mesityl and anthracenyl groups were synthesized to probe the possibility of second coordination sphere arene−π interactions with ligands with potential for allosteric control in coordination chemistry, substrate activation, and olefin polymerization. Yttrium alkyl, indolide, and amide complexes were prepared and structurally characterized; close contacts between the anthracenyl substituents and Y-bound ligands are observed in the solid state. Titanium, zirconium, and hafnium tris(dimethylamido) complexes were synthesized, and their ethylene polymerization activity was tested. In the solid state structure of one of the Ti tris(dimethylamido) complexes, coordination of Ti to only one of the pyridine donors is observed pointing to the hemilabile character of the di(pyridyl) pyrrolide ligands

    Beliefs and Attitude Changes Towards Virtual Reality Usefulness After Disabilities Simulation

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    ABSTRACT Virtual Reality (VR) has been utilized often as a potential recreational tool for enjoyment by generating false realities to interact with, but in regards to a potential tool to introduce understanding in cultures and empathetic responses it has seen little use. Stereotypical beliefs seem to exist that disabled people are unable to care for themselves (Burgstahler & Doe, 2004). Furthermore, individuals without disabilities may not fully understand how a person with disabilities is able to even function in daily life (McKenny, 2018). Leo and Goodwin (2016) emphasized the value of simulation exercises to change individual attitudes and perspectives towards those who live with disabilities. PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to assess people’s attitudes and belief changes towards the use of VR after participating in disability simulations. METHODS: Implemented in a class about motor movement in special populations, subjects were college students(n=44) who were administered a Likert scale pre-survey. The survey emphasized subject’s beliefs around the use of VR for gaming, education, work preparation, therapy, use for individuals with disabilities, and those developing empathy towards individuals with disabilities. Subjects then participated in a VR training session, an autism emotional disturbance simulation, and a simulation of what a blind person’s imagination goes through while handling sounds and touch sensations around them. A Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used in SPSS software to analyze the nonparametric data for two nominal variables comparing pre and post beliefs and attitudes. RESULTS: Overall, most questions posed to the subjects were not found to be statistically significant with the error rate used throughout the entirety of the study (α = 0.05). However, when asked about the ability for VR simulations to create or increase empathy in the subjects towards those with disabilities there was a statistical significance (Z = -2.02, p = 0.042.) Additionally, positive trends were found in the aggregated mean scores when comparing the pre and post surveys with subjects across all variables in the survey. CONCLUSION: While more categories were expected to have a significant change, only empathy showed statistical significant. This result encourages the ability of VR simulations to assist in understanding and sharing comprehension with another individual who has disabilities or in a restricted perceptual motor/behavioral state. Further research on the topic may also reveal that the positive trends found in this study may have statistical significance if used in larger sample sizes

    Initial Jitter Analysis of Lynx, a Proposed Future Large Astrophysics Facility

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    Lynx is an X-Ray telescope large-mission concept for consideration in NASA's 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey. A conceptual structural design is evolving that leverages the success and lessons learned from Chandra and that takes into account unique needs of Lynx. Space optics systems require extreme stability. Any motion in-service (thermal effects, structural dynamics, etc.) impacts performance. An initial analysis was performed to predict the first-cut dynamic responses, jitter, at two selected points on the Lynx observatory. One point is on the Lynx X-ray Mirror Assembly (LMA) and the other, on the focal plane Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM). Relative motion between these two points was predicted along with vibration spectra. This information will be used in upcoming analyses of the LMA and the ISIM

    Sexuality Education Websites for Adolescents: A Framework-Based Content Analysis

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    The web has unique potential for adolescents seeking comprehensive sexual health information. As such, it is important to understand the nature, scope, and readability of the content and messaging provided by sexuality educational websites. We conducted a content analysis of 14 sexuality education websites for adolescents, based on the 7 essential components (sexual and reproductive health and HIV, relationships, sexual rights and sexual citizenship, pleasure, violence, diversity, and gender) of the International Planned Parenthood Framework for Comprehensive Sexuality Education. A majority of content across all sites focused on sexual and reproductive health and HIV, particularly pregnancy and STI prevention, and other information about STIs and HIV. No other topic comprised more than 10% of content coverage across a majority of sites. The authors found little discussion of gender issues, sexual rights, sexual diversity, or sexual violence. Most sites provided brief references to sexual pleasure, generally moderated with cautionary words. The language used implied a heterosexual female audience. Reading levels for most sites were above the 9th-grade level, with several at the college level. These findings have implications for enhancing online sexuality education and broadening the coverage of essential topics

    Phases of collaborative mathematical problem solving and joint attention : a case study utilizing mobile gaze tracking

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    Given the recent development of mobile gaze-tracking devices it has become possible to view and interpret what the student sees and unravel the associated problem-solving processes further. It has also become possible to pinpoint joint attention occurrences that are fundamental for learning. In this study, we examined joint attention in collaborative mathematical problem solving. We studied the thought processes of four 15-16-year-old students in their regular classroom, using mobile gaze tracking, video and audio recordings, and smartpens. The four students worked as a group to find the shortest path to connect the vertices of a square. Combining information on the student gaze targets with a qualitative interpretation of the context, we identified the occurrences of joint attention, out of which 49 were joint visual attention occurrences and 28 were attention to different representations of the same mathematical idea. We call this joint representational attention. We discovered that 'verifying' (43%) and 'watching and listening' (35%) were the most common phases during joint attention. The most frequently occurring problem solving phases right after joint attention were also 'verifying' (47%) and 'watching and listening' (34%). We detected phase cycles commonly found in individual problem-solving processes ('planning and exploring', 'implementing', and 'verifying') outside of joint attention. We also detected phase shifts between 'verifying', 'watching and listening', and 'understanding' a problem, often occurring during joint attention. Therefore, these phases can be seen as a signal of successful interaction and the promotion of collaboration.Peer reviewe

    Advancing video research methodology to capture the processes of social interaction and multimodality

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    In this reflective methodological paper we focus on affordances and challenges of video data. We compare and analyze two research settings that use the latest video technology to capture classroom interactions in mathematics education, namely, The Social Unit of Learning (SUL) project of the University of Melbourne and the MathTrack project of the University of Helsinki. While using these two settings as examples, we have structured our reflections around themes pertinent to video research in general, namely, research methods, data management, and research ethics. SUL and MathTrack share an understanding of mathematics learning as social multimodal practice, and provide possibilities for zooming into the situational micro interactions that construct collaborative problem-solving learning. Both settings provide rich data for in-depth analyses of peer interactions and learning processes. The settings share special needs for technical support and data management, as well as attention to ethical aspects from the perspective of the participants' security and discretion. SUL data are especially suitable for investigating interactions on a broad scope, addressing how multiple interactional processes intertwine. MathTrack, on the other hand, enables exploration of participants' visual attention in detail and its role in learning. Both settings could provide tools for teachers' professional development by showing them aspects of classroom interactions that would otherwise remain hidden.Peer reviewe