4,717 research outputs found

    Decision Support System for an Intelligent Operator of Utility Tunnel Boring Machines

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    In tunnel construction projects, delays induce high costs. Thus, tunnel boring machines (TBM) operators aim for fast advance rates, without safety compromise, a difficult mission in uncertain ground environments. Finding the optimal control parameters based on the TBM sensors' measurements remains an open research question with large practical relevance. In this paper, we propose an intelligent decision support system developed in three steps. First past projects performances are evaluated with an optimality score, taking into account the advance rate and the working pressure safety. Then, a deep learning model learns the mapping between the TBM measurements and this optimality score. Last, in real application, the model provides incremental recommendations to improve the optimality, taking into account the current setting and measurements of the TBM. The proposed approach is evaluated on real micro-tunnelling project and demonstrates great promises for future projects.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Implementación de un sistema de gestión del mantenimiento productivo total (TPM) para reducir los costos de mantenimiento en la empresa ISICAL E.I.R.L. 2023

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general Implementar un plan de mantenimiento productivo total para reducir los costos de mantenimiento en el área de soldadura de la empresa ISICAL 2023; se utilizó como metodología la aplicada, diseño experimental; en cuanto a la población estudiada fue a 16 operarios, para la recolección se utilizó la técnica de encuesta; y como instrumento el cuestionario. En cuanto a la validez de datos estos fueron realizados a través del juicio de 03 expertos, y en relación a la confiabilidad se aplicó el Alfa de Cronbach, que arrojaron para la variable TMP (0.876) y para la variable Costo de Mantenimiento (0.719). Por otro lado, para el contraste de hipótesis se usó la prueba paramétrica “T Student” analizada por comparación de medias antes y después de la implementación del programa; Así mismo se demostró mediante Indicadores de evaluación económica financiera, y con una inversión S/. 28,500 se obtuvo una tasa interna de retorno TIR (27.76%), y un valor anual neto de S/. S/. 22,328.70; y un costo beneficio C/B (1.54); esto explica la viabilidad técnica, económica y financiera del programa de mantenimiento

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento de Bogotá, D. C. Colombia.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento de Bogotá, D. C. Colombia.Tratar desde el análisis subjetivo en este diplomado temas problémicos de violencia, permite para sus autores la categorización de necesidades sociales y comunitarias con mirada profesional; pues la interrelación de contextos con situaciones similares relacionadas con la violencia, la guerra, la indiferencia, el olvido y las realidades, solo están en quienes lo viven y lo sienten.Treat from the subjective analysis in this diploma issues of violence, allows for its authors the categorization of social and community needs with professional eyes; because the interrelation of contexts with similar situations related to violence, war, indifference, forgetfulness and realities, are only in those who live it and feel it. We find here, a brief analysis to the story of "Angelica" along with a trilogy of strategic, circular and reflective questions duly justified from their relevance. Finally, and for the case "Cacarica", we will find three Psychosocial proposals that from their analysis reveal the appropriation of the topics addressed in our diploma. We intend from the connection of learned knowledge, to approach the realities that leave us decades of violence and marginalization in hundreds of families; from their narrative approaches they help us to consider their great psychosocial needs by their stories from the narrative perspective that call us to efforts within the professional field to construct questions from the Psychosocial approach. These actions are already available on the way to sustainability and socialization within the framework of the diploma thesis to document subjective forms in these scenarios studied together with an imaginary of alternatives that will be available within the toolbox in the repository of our National University Open and Distance (Unad)

    Evaluation of Optimal Vibrotactile Feedback for Force-Controlled Upper Limb Myoelectric Prostheses

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    The main goal of this study is to evaluate how to optimally select the best vibrotactile pattern to be used in a closed loop control of upper limb myoelectric prostheses as a feedback of the exerted force. To that end, we assessed both the selection of actuation patterns and the effects of the selection of frequency and amplitude parameters to discriminate between different feedback levels. A single vibrotactile actuator has been used to deliver the vibrations to subjects participating in the experiments. The results show no difference between pattern shapes in terms of feedback perception. Similarly, changes in amplitude level do not reflect significant improvement compared to changes in frequency. However, decreasing the number of feedback levels increases the accuracy of feedback perception and subject-specific variations are high for particular participants, showing that a fine-tuning of the parameters is necessary in a real-time application to upper limb prosthetics. In future works, the effects of training, location, and number of actuators will be assessed. This optimized selection will be tested in a real-time proportional myocontrol of a prosthetic hand.This research was funded by University of Alicante through project “Control Platform for a Robotic Hand based on Electromyographic Signals” (GRE16-20)

    Anosognosia in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment is Related to Diminished Hippocampal Volume Comparable to Alzheimer's Disease Dementia:Preliminary MRI Findings

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    Although the presence of anosognosia in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) may be predictive of conversion to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), little is known about its neural correlates in AD and aMCI. Four different groups were compared using volumetric and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging metrics in regions of interest (hippocampus and cingulum cortex gray matter, cingulum bundle white matter): aMCI subjects with anosognosia (n = 6), aMCI subjects without anosognosia (n = 12), AD subjects with anosognosia (n = 6), and AD subjects without anosognosia (n = 9). aMCI subjects with anosognosia displayed a significantly lower gray matter density (GMD) in the bilateral hippocampus than aMCI subjects without anosognosia, which was accounted for by bilateral hippocampal differences. Furthermore, we identified that the mean hippocampal gray matter density of aMCI subjects with anosognosia was not statistically different than that of AD subjects. The groups of aMCI and AD subjects with anosognosia also displayed a lower GMD in the bilateral cingulum cortex compared to subjects without anosognosia, but these differences were not statistically significant. No statistically significant differences were found in the fractional anisotropy or mean diffusivity of the hippocampus or cingulum between subjects with and without anosognosia in aMCI or AD groups. While these findings are derived from a small population of subjects and are in need of replication, they suggest that anosognosia in aMCI might be a useful clinical marker to suspect brain changes associated with AD neuropathology