2,026 research outputs found

    Influence of dissociative recombination on the LTE of argon high-frequency plasmas at atmospheric pressure

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    This work presents a few preliminary results from a collisional-radiative (CR) model intended to describe an argon microwave (2.45 GHz) plasma at atmospheric pressure. This model aims to investigate the influence of dissociative recombination products on the Saha-Boltzmann plasma equilibrium. The model is tested through comparison with experimental results obtained in an argon plasma column generated by a traveling electromagnetic surface-wave, which is suitable to perform a parametric investigation of the plasma. It is shown that dissociative recombination predominantly populates the 4s levels and the ground state. It is further observed that it strongly influences the population of the levels, specially those of lower energy. However, the higher levels (close to the ionization limit) appear to be in equilibrium whatever the plasma density. This allows assuming that the excitation temperature Texc determined from the upper levels in the atomic system in the Boltzmann-plot is equal to Te.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Sistema Contable en la Cooperativa de Transporte Inter Urbano Norte (COTRAN,R.L) del Municipio de Matagalpa, en el I semestre del año 2013

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    La presente investigación está orientada al estudio de los Sistemas Contables y Control Interno en las Cooperativas del Municipio de Matagalpa durante el I semestre del 2013, con el propósito de identificar las debilidades de Control Interno existente y proponer mejoras en cuanto a la aplicación del mismo. El Control Interno es importante ya que fomenta la eficiencia y eficacia de las operaciones, brindando seguridad razonable para salvaguardar los bienes de la empresa y que la información que se presente sea efectiva y confiable, en él se involucran todos los integrantes de una organización desde los altos directivos hasta el último empleado. Este estudio es de suma importancia para la Cooperativa de Transporte Inter Urbano Norte Cotran R.L ya que a través de este análisis realizado se obtuvo que exista un alto riesgo de errores cometidos por los empleados ya que no existe segregación de funciones lo cual provoca que las actividades se realicen de una manera informal. Por lo antes expuesto se propone una estructura organizacional y su respectivo Manual de Funciones, lo cual servirá como guía a los empleados al desempeño de sus actividades de una manera eficiente, con el fin de alcanzar una adecuada organización administrativ

    Opportunities of Base of the Pyramid from the Perspective of Resources and Capabilities

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    This paper addresses the issue of the Base of the pyramid (BOP) from the perspective of resources and capabilities, analyzing the best strategies to enter the market, making appropriate use of internal resources, which is the main determinant of innovation and organizational capabilities with which have good results, and success stories of Mexican companies were analyzed

    Effect of the anodization voltage on the porewidening rate of nanoporous anodic alumina

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    A detailed study of the pore-widening rate of nanoporous anodic alumina layers as a function of the anodization voltage was carried out. The study focuses on samples produced under the same electrolyte and concentration but different anodization voltages within the self-ordering regime. By means of ellipsometry-based optical characterization, it is shown that in the porewidening process, the porosity increases at a faster rate for lower anodization voltages. This opens the possibility of obtaining three-dimensional nanostructured nanoporous anodic alumina with controlled thickness and refractive index of each layer, and with a refractive index difference of up to 0.24 between layers, for samples produced with oxalic acid electrolytes

    Do semantic parts emerge in Convolutional Neural Networks?

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    Semantic object parts can be useful for several visual recognition tasks. Lately, these tasks have been addressed using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), achieving outstanding results. In this work we study whether CNNs learn semantic parts in their internal representation. We investigate the responses of convolutional filters and try to associate their stimuli with semantic parts. We perform two extensive quantitative analyses. First, we use ground-truth part bounding-boxes from the PASCAL-Part dataset to determine how many of those semantic parts emerge in the CNN. We explore this emergence for different layers, network depths, and supervision levels. Second, we collect human judgements in order to study what fraction of all filters systematically fire on any semantic part, even if not annotated in PASCAL-Part. Moreover, we explore several connections between discriminative power and semantics. We find out which are the most discriminative filters for object recognition, and analyze whether they respond to semantic parts or to other image patches. We also investigate the other direction: we determine which semantic parts are the most discriminative and whether they correspond to those parts emerging in the network. This enables to gain an even deeper understanding of the role of semantic parts in the network

    Consideraciones básicas del riesgo de interés estructural

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    El riesgo de interés estructural es la potencial alteración que se produce en el margen financiero y/o en el valor económico (valor patrimonial) de una institución financiera debido a la variación de los tipos de interés. La exposición a movimientos adversos en los tipos de interés constituye un riesgo inherente al desarrollo de la actividad bancaria que, al mismo tiempo, se convierte en una oportunidad que suele ser bien aprovechada para la creación de valor económico. Por ello, el riesgo de interés debe ser medido y gestionado de manera que no sea excesivo con relación al patrimonio de la institución financiera, y que guarde una relación razonable con el resultado económico estimado por la gerencia y los accionistas. El presente artículo considera una serie de métricas con las que se calculan indicadores del riesgo de interés estructural: GAP contable, Margen en Riesgo (MeR), Ganancia en Riesgo (GeR), Sensibilidad de Margen Financiero (SMF), Duration GAP, Valor Patrimonial en Riesgo (VPR) y la Sensibilidad de Valor Económico (SVE

    Consideraciones básicas del riesgo de interés estructural

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    El riesgo de interés estructural es la potencial alteración que se produce en el margen financiero y/o en el valor económico (valor patrimonial) de una institución financiera debido a la variación de los tipos de interés. La exposición a movimientos adversos en los tipos de interés constituye un riesgo inherente al desarrollo de la actividad bancaria que, al mismo tiempo, se convierte en una oportunidad que suele ser bien aprovechada para la creación de valor económico. Por ello, el riesgo de interés debe ser medido y gestionado de manera que no sea excesivo con relación al patrimonio de la institución financiera, y que guarde una relación razonable con el resultado económico estimado por la gerencia y los accionistas. El presente artículo considera una serie de métricas con las que se calculan indicadores del riesgo de interés estructural: GAP contable, Margen en Riesgo (MeR), Ganancia en Riesgo (GeR), Sensibilidad de Margen Financiero (SMF), Duration GAP, Valor Patrimonial en Riesgo (VPR) y la Sensibilidad de Valor Económico (SVE

    Los relatos de mujeres viajeras ¿Una mirada crítica sobre el colonialismo? Isabelle Eberhardt (1877-1904)

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    WOMEN'S TRAVEL NARRATIVES. A CRITICAL GAZE ON COLONIALISM? iSABELLE EBERHARDT (1877-1904) - The aim of this paper is to analyse the life and works of a woman travel writer, Isabelle Eberhardt and to set it within the context of the recent scholarship related to travel narrative, orientalism and gender. In effect, in his important work on orientalism, Said argued that the Orient is an European construct serving an image of the Other that not only defines the Other but also identifies the self as Western. Nevertheless, Said's contribution neglects the heterogenity of colonial discourse and conceals the roles played by women in the colonization process as well as in its representation. On the contrary, recent feminist scholarship focus on the role of European women as cultural agents in the formation of imperial relations and explores women's complicity with colonialism as well as their resistance to it. But most of the research on women travellers has been carried out by English-speaking authors on english-speaking women travellers. This paper, then, tries to contribute to this field by recovering a marginal voice coming from a different place:Isabelle Eberhardt was born in Geneva (although she was of Russian origin), travelled to Tunisia and Algeria and wrote in french. The complex dynamics of complicity and resistance in Western women is very clear in the case of Isabelle. On one hand, she has the reputation of being "an enemy of France" but, on the other, she is central to the colonial encounter. Isabelle transgresses European norms of gender and civilization by dressing as an Arab and embracing Islam, but her self-exploration was made possible by French colonial power, and in the end, she became a player in French imperial politics. The ambivalence towards colonialism that we can observe in Isabelle's life and works (as in many other women travellers) openly questions the notion of simple Otherness as presented in Said's work. The intersection of colonial and gender discourses involves a shifting subject positioning, whereby Western women can simultaneously constitute center and periphery, identity and alterity. Therefore, this paper hopefully shows that for the study of colonialism it is important to focus on narratives coming from the margins as they provide new perspectives which can destabilize established conceptions on the colonial relationship