61 research outputs found
Kasvisruokailukokemuksia Lappeenrannassa
Tarkoituksena oli selvittää kasvisruokailun tämänhetkistä tilannetta Lappeenrannan ravintoloissa lakto-ovovegetaarisen ruokavalion näkökulmasta. Lappeenranta on kaupunki Kaakkois-Suomessa, jonka asukasluku on ollut alkuvuodesta 2010 noin 72 000. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli kymmenen myös lounasta tarjoavaa ravintolaa.
Työ oli kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, johon kerättiin tietoa lounaasta kasvisruokailijalle mysteerikuluttaja-menetelmällä sekä haastattelemalla kasvisruokailijoita ja ravintoloiden henkilökuntaa. Mysteerikuluttaja- tutkimus tehtiin lounasaikaan ja sen tulosten arviointia varten luotiin kriteerit käyttäen Kansaneläkelaitoksen suositusta opiskelijalounaalle.
Teoriaosuudessa selvitettiin lakto-ovovegetarismia ravinnosta saatavien elintärkeiden vitaaliaineiden sekä proteiinin lähteiden kautta. Myös tutkimusmenetelmiä, kasvisruokailijoiden motiiveja ja kokemuksia selvitettiin. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin myös kolmea ravintola-alan ammattilaista heidän näkemyksistään kasvisruoasta ravintolassa.
Tutkimus osoitti, että kriteerien mukaista kasvisruokaa löytyy melkein joka ravintolasta, mutta ruoka on hyvin samanlaista monissa paikoissa, eikä ruoka usein kohtaa kasvisruoka-asiakkaiden toiveita. Ravintoloiden henkilökunnan mukaan kasvisruokaa ei osata niin hyvin markkinoida, että se tavoittaisi toivotusti asiakkaat. Mysteerikulutus tutkimuksessa sekä asiakashaastattelujen perusteella markkinoinnin osalta huomattiin parantamisen varaa. Ravintolat kaipasivat lisätietoa kasvisruokailijoiden toiveista, jotta tulevaisuudessa kasvisruokailu voitaisiin kehittää.The aim of the study was to find out vegetarian´s up-to-date status in restaurants in Lappeenranta from lacto-ovovegetarian point of view. Lappeenranta is a town in Southeast Finland whose population was circa 72 000 at the beginning of 2010. The objects of the study were ten restaurants that also served lunch.
The study was done with qualitative method. Information for the study was gathered with mystery shopping–method and by interviewing vegetarian customers and personnel of the restaurants. Mystery shopping study was done at lunch time and to assess the results, criteria were made to match Kela´s recommendation for student lunch.
The theoretical part of the thesis deals with lacto-ovovegetarism based on substances and protein sources. Also research methods, vegetarians´ motives and experiences were clarified. In the study three catering professionals were interviewed for their thoughts about vegetarism from restaurant´s point of view.
The study shows that most of the restaurants serve vegetarian food to match the criteria but the food is mostly similar to the others and the food rarely matches the wishes of vegetarian customers. According to the personnel of the restaurants vegetarian food is not marketed well enough to meet vegetarian customers in a larger scale. The mystery shopping study and vegetarian interviews show also that the marketing of vegetarian food needs improvement. Restaurants were interested in having more information on vegetarians´ wishes so they can make advancement in this matter
Identitat cultural versus identificació política: saber psiquiàtric i itineraris d'aflicció
Master Oficial en Antropologia i EtnografiaMàster, Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Geografia i Història. Departament d'Antropologia, curs: 2010-2011, Director: Dr. Ignasi Terradas Saborit. Cotutor: Dr. Àngel Martínez Hernáe
Exchange Bias Effect in Au-Fe3O4 Nanocomposites
We report exchange bias (EB) effect in the Au-Fe3O4 composite nanoparticle
system, where one or more Fe3O4 nanoparticles are attached to an Au seed
particle forming dimer and cluster morphologies, with the clusters showing much
stronger EB in comparison with the dimers. The EB effect develops due to the
presence of stress in the Au-Fe3O4 interface which leads to the generation of
highly disordered, anisotropic surface spins in the Fe3O4 particle. The EB
effect is lost with the removal of the interfacial stress. Our atomistic
Monte-Carlo studies are in excellent agreement with the experimental results.
These results show a new path towards tuning EB in nanostructures, namely
controllably creating interfacial stress, and open up the possibility of tuning
the anisotropic properties of biocompatible nanoparticles via a controllable
exchange coupling mechanism.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Nanotechnolog
Notes and contributions to the knowledge of the flora of Minorca (VIII)
Abstract not availabl
Notes and contributions to the knowledge of the flora of Menorca
Abstract not availabl
Forward numerical modelling constraining environmental parameters (Aptian carbonate system, E Iberia)
The facies distribution in time and space of sedimentary successions is controlled by a complex interplay between physical, chemical and biological processes, which are nowadays difficult to construe from the geological record. Numerical models constitute a valuable tool to identify and quantify such controlling factors permitting a reliable 3D extrapolation and prediction of stratigraphic and facies architectures beyond outcropping rock strata. This study assesses the roles of three controlling parameters being carbonate production rate, relative sea-level changes and terrigenous clastic sediment supply, on the evolution of an Aptian carbonate system. The SIMSAFADIM-CLASTIC, a 3D process-based sedimentary-stratigraphic forward model, was used for this evaluation. The carbonate succession modelled crops out in the western Maestrat Basin (E Iberia), and corresponded to a platform-to-basin transition comprising three depositional environment-related facies assemblages: platform top, slope and basin. Testing of geological parameters in forward modelling results in a wide range of possible 3D geological scenarios. The documented distribution of facies and sequence-stratigraphic framework combined with a virtual outcrop model were used as a reference to perform geometric (quantitative) and architectural and stacking pattern (qualitative) research by model-data comparison. The time interval modelled spans 1450 ky. The best-fit simulation run characterizes and quantifies (1) relative sea-level fluctuations recording five different genetic types of deposit (systems tracts) belonging to two depositional sequences as expected from field-data analysis, (2) a rate of terrigenous clastic sediment input ranging between 0.5 and 2.5 gr/s, and (3) a mean autochthonous carbonate production maximum rate of 0.08 m/ky. Furthermore, the quantitative and qualitative sensitivity tests carried out highlight that the fluctuation of relative sea level exerted the main control on the resulting stratigraphic and facies architectures, whereas the effect of inflowing terrigenous clastic sediment is less pronounced. Facies assemblages show different sensitivities to each parameter, being the slope carbonates more sensitive than the platform top facies to inflowing fine terrigenous sediments. On slope depositional settings, siliciclastic input also controls stratal stacking patterns and the dimensions of the carbonate bodies formed. The final 3D model allows to spot architectural features such as stacking patterns that can be misinterpreted by looking at the resulting record in the outcrop or by using other 2D approaches, and facilitates the comprehension of reservoir connectivity highlighting the occurrence of initial disconnected regressive platforms, which were later connected during a transgressive stag
Modular Evolution and Population Variability of Oikopleura dioica Metallothioneins
Chordate Oikopleura dioica probably is the fastest evolving metazoan reported so far, and thereby, a suitable system in which to explore the limits of evolutionary processes. For this reason, and in order to gain new insights on the evolution of protein modularity, we have investigated the organization, function and evolution of multi-modular metallothionein (MT) proteins in O. dioica. MTs are a heterogeneous group of modular proteins defined by their cysteine (C)-rich domains, which confer the capacity of coordinating different transition metal ions. O. dioica has two MTs, a bi-modular OdiMT1 consisting of two domains (t-12C and 12C), and a multi-modular OdiMT2 with six t-12C/12C repeats. By means of mass spectrometry and spectroscopy of metal-protein complexes, we have shown that the 12C domain is able to autonomously bind four divalent metal ions, although the t-12C/12C pair -as it is found in OdiMT1- is the optimized unit for divalent metal binding. We have also shown a direct relationship between the number of the t-12C/12C repeats and the metal-binding capacity of the MTs, which means a stepwise mode of functional and structural evolution for OdiMT2. Finally, after analyzing four different O. dioica populations worldwide distributed, we have detected several OdiMT2 variants with changes in their number of t-12C/12C domain repeats. This finding reveals that the number of repeats fluctuates between current O. dioica populations, which provides a new perspective on the evolution of domain repeat proteins
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