123 research outputs found

    Health education in primary school: Alicante city (Spain) teachers’ opinions

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    Objetivo: Explorar la opinión del profesorado de educación primaria de la ciudad de Alicante sobre las actividades de salud realizadas en la escuela. Método: Estudio exploratorio mediante análisis de contenido cualitativo. Se formaron tres grupos de discusión (8-9 participantes) con profesorado de educación primaria (14 mujeres y 11 hombres) procedentes de 14 escuelas públicas y 7 concertadas de la ciudad de Alicante. La información se obtuvo preguntando a los/las participantes sobre las actividades de salud realizadas en el aula o en el centro escolar. Resultados: El profesorado diferenció las actividades que forman parte de las programaciones escolares de educación para la salud de las que proceden de programas de otras instituciones públicas o privadas. Consideró que los programas externos son impuestos, no tienen continuidad y responden a modas pasajeras. Aunque mostró una actitud más favorable y comprometida con las actividades y programaciones escolares, identificó la educación para la salud como una tarea secundaria. En su opinión, incrementar su formación en salud, implicar a los padres y las madres, profesionales sanitarios y la administración educativa fomentaría la educación para la salud en la escuela. Conclusiones: El profesorado muestra una opinión más favorable y un mayor compromiso hacia las actividades de salud que complementan y facilitan su tarea educativa. Su programación docente y opinión deben tenerse en cuenta para maximizar la eficiencia de las actividades de promoción y educación para la salud promovidas por instituciones, compañías y fundaciones externas a la escuela.Objective: This study explores the opinions of primary school teachers about health activities carried out in schools in Alicante city (Spain). Methods: An exploratory study was conducted through qualitative content analysis. Three focus groups were conducted with 25 primary school teachers (14 women and 11 men) working in 14 public and 7 private schools in the city of Alicante. Participants were asked about the health activities carried on in their schools. Results: Teachers distinguished between health education activities promoted by the school and those included in external programmes promoted by public and private institutions. External programmes were considered as impositions, lacking continuity and chosen according to passing fads. Although teachers demonstrated a more positive attitude towards activities arising from their own initiative, they identified health education as a secondary task. Teachers considered that improving their own health education training and promoting the involvement of parents, health professionals and public institutions were the most appropriate ways to promote health education in the school. Conclusion: Teachers showed a more positive opinion and greater commitment towards health activities that complement and facilitate their teaching tasks. Their didactic programme and opinion should be taken into account to maximise the efficiency of the health promotion and education activities promoted by external organisations.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Escuela Valenciana de Estudios en Salud (EVES) de la Generalitat Valenciana nº 044/2006

    Cambios en el uso del preservativo en una cohorte de prostitutas

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    ResumenObjetivoDescribir los cambios en el uso del preservativo en una cohorte de mujeres que ejercen la prostitución en Alicante y analizar los factores que se relacionan con los cambios en esta práctica preventiva.MétodosSe han usado los datos de un estudio prospectivo que incluyó a las mujeres dedicadas a la prostitución que acudieron al Centro de Información y Prevención de Sida (CIPS) de Alicante desde 1986 a 1996. Se estimó la frecuencia en el uso del preservativo con los clientes en la primera y última visita al centro, se valoró el cambio entre las dos visitas y los factores asociados a ellos. Se realizaron dos análisis de regresión logística para determinar la asociación entre el cambio positivo o negativo y las variables explicativas.ResultadosLa prevalencia de uso del preservativo en la última visita fue mayor que en la primera (83,9% frente al 69,2%; p < 0,001). Entre las prostitutas que trabajan en contactos se incrementa más de cinco veces el uso del preservativo que entre las que lo hacen en los clubs y en la calle. Las que tienen mayor tiempo de seguimiento son las que tienen una mayor prevalencia en el uso del preservativo al final del seguimiento (odds ratio ajustada > 6 años frente a < de un año = 7,61; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%: 2,2-26,0).ConclusiónEste estudio ha puesto en evidencia un incremento en la frecuencia del uso del preservativo y la baja frecuencia de su abandono en una cohorte de prostitutas a lo largo de 10 años. En un futuro será necesario adaptar esta estrategia preventiva a las nuevas formas de prostitución menos estables y al incremento de inmigrantes, factores que motivan una menor asistencia y adhesión a centros de prevención.SummaryObjetiveTo describe changes in condom use among prostitutes enrolled in a prospective cohort study in Alicante (Spain), and to identify those factors associated with changes in this behaviour.MethodsData from this study come from a prospective cohort study of women working at prostitution enrolled in a center for AIDS preventive at Alicante from 1986 to 1996. The proportion of condom use by prostitutes with their clients was recorded during the first visit and the last one, and changes in condom use were estimated as the difference between them. Two logistic regression analyses were done to identify those factors associated with positive or negative changes in condom use.ResultsA statistically significant increase in the prevalence of condom use was observed between the first, 69,2%, and the last visit, 83,9% (p < 0,001). Prostitutes working private increased the condom use more than five time than those working in clubs or at the street. The higher the follow-up time the higher the prevalence of condom user, OR > 6 years = 7,6 (95% CI: 2,2-26,0). No variable was associated with a negative change in condom use.ConclusionThis study shows an overall increase of condom use in a cohort of prostitutes after 10 years of follow-up. Relapse in risk behavior has been infrequent. In the future, preventive strategies to increase the use of condoms among prostitutes should be adapted to the new forms of sexual commerce

    Coffee Consumption and All-Cause, Cardiovascular, and Cancer Mortality in an Adult Mediterranean Population

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    We assessed the association between usual coffee consumption and all-cause, cardiovascular (CV), and cancer mortality in an adult population in Spain, taking into account both the amount and type of coffee consumed. We used baseline data on coffee consumption and other personal variables, and the number of deaths during an 18-year follow-up period, for 1567 participants aged 20 years and older from the Valencia Nutrition Study in Spain. Total, caffeinated, and decaffeinated coffee consumption was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Cox regression models were used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). During the 18-year follow-up period, 317 died; 115 due to CV disease and 82 due to cancer. Compared with no-consumption, the consumption of 1 cup per day and >1 cup per day of coffee was associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality, HR = 0.73 (95% CI: 0.56–0.97) and HR 0.56 (95% CI: 0.41–0.77), respectively. A lower cancer mortality was observed among drinkers of more than 1 cup per day compared with nondrinkers, HR 0.41 (95% CI 0.20–0.86). Regarding the type of coffee, only the overall consumption of caffeinated coffee was associated with lower all-cause mortality at 12 and 18 years of follow-up, HR = 0.66 (95% CI:0.46–0.94) and HR = 0.59 (95% CI: 0.44–0.79), respectively. In conclusion, this study suggests that the moderate consumption of coffee, particularly caffeinated coffee (range 1–6.5 cups per day), is associated with a lower all-cause and cancer mortality after a long follow-up period. No significant association was found between coffee consumption and CVD mortality

    Olive oil consumption and all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality in an adult mediterranean population in Spain

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    Objective: We assessed the association between usual olive oil consumption (OOC) and all-cause, cardiovascular (CVD) and cancer mortality in an adult population in Spain. Materials and methods: OOC was evaluated at baseline in 1,567 participants aged 20 years and older from the Valencia Nutrition Study in Spain using validated food frequency questionnaires. During an 18-year follow-up period, 317 died, 115 due to CVD and 82 due to cancer. Cox regression models were used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Results: After adjusting for demographic and lifestyle factors, the OOC was associated with a lower risk of all-cause, CVD and cancer mortality. Compared to the less than once per month consumption, the consumption of up to one tablespoon per day was associated with a 9% lower risk of all-cause mortality (HR: 0.91; 95%CI: 0.68-1.22) and the consumption of 2 or more tablespoons with a 31% lower risk of all-cause mortality (HR: 0.69; 95%CI: 0.50–0.93; p-trend = 0.011). The consumption of 2 or more tablespoons per day was also associated with lower risk of mortality for CVD (HR: 0.54; 95%CI: 0.32–0.91; p-trend = 0.018) and cancer (HR: 0.49, 95%CI: 0.26–0.94; p-trend = 0.019). Conclusion: Higher olive oil consumption was associated with lower long-term risk of all-cause, CVD and cancer mortality in an adult Mediterranean population. The maximum benefit was observed for the consumption of two or more tablespoons per day. Copyright © 2022 Torres-Collado, García-de la Hera, Lopes, Compañ-Gabucio, Oncina-Cánovas, Notario-Barandiaran, González-Palacios and Vioque.The VNS study was supported by a grant from the Dirección General de Salud Pública, Generalitat Valenciana 1994 and the Fondo Investigacion Sanitaria (FIS 00/0985). This study has also received support from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER funds (FIS PI13/00654), CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), CB06/02/0013 and ISABIAL

    Revista de Revistas.

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    Selección de reseñas bibliográficas. (Octubre, Noviembre y Diciembre, 1991) Trastornos de la personalidad bordeline. Epidemiología (Thomas A. Widiger, Mima M. Weissman), Assessement y Diagnosis (Andrew E. Skodol y John M. Oldhan), Biological y Pharmacological Aspects (Emil F Coceara, Richard J. KavonssJ), Standarized Appraaches to individual Psychoterapy (M. Tracy Shea) y Graup y Family Tretments (Jons F Clarkin y EIsa MarzialJ) Hospital and community Psychiatry. Octuber 1991; 42 (10): 1015-1043 . M García Pérez La dopamina en la esquizofrenia: una revisión y reconceptualización Dopamine in schizophrenia: A review and reconceptualization. Kenneth L. Davis, MD, Rene S. Kahn, Mo., Grant Ka. MD, MichaelDavidson, Mo. (Del Departamento de Psiquiatría del Hospital y Escuela de Medicina de Mount Sinai, NY) AM J Psychiatry. 1991; Nov, 148: 1474-1486. M García Pérez La controversia Freud-Ferenczi. Un legado viviente. The Freud-Ferenczi controversy. A living legacy. Axel Hoffer, Brookline, Massachusetts. The International Review of Psychoanalysis. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal. 1991; 18 (4): 465-472. A. E. Nafs Revisión de los conocimientos del Autismo Psicógeno. Revised understandings of Psychogenic Autism. Frances Tustin, Londres. The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. Int. J. Psycho-Anal 1991; 72 (4): 585-591. A. E. Nafs Dementia of Depresion in Parkinson's Disease and Stroke. Starkstein S.E., Robinson R.G. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 1991 (octubre); 179: 593-601 M. Catalina Zamora An interactionistic integrative view of depresive disordes and their tretment. C. Perris. Departamento de Psiquiátrica y colaborador del Centro de Enseñanza e Investigador de enfermedades Mentales. Universidad de Umea. Suecia Acta Psychiartr. Scand 1991; 84: 413-423E. García Yagüe Personalidad premórbida y síntomas positivos y negativos en la esquizofrenia. V. Peralta y M.J. Cuesta. Unidad de Psiquiatría del Hospital Virgen del Camino. Pamplona. España. J. Delean. Instituto Psiquiátrico de Pensilvania U.S.A. Acta Psychiatr. Scand. 1991; 84: 336-339. E. García Yagüe Interacción entre vulnerabilidad genética y ambiente familiar: estudio finlandés de familias adoptivas en la esquizofrenia. P Teinavi. Departamento Psychiatry. Acta Psychiatr. Scand 1991; 84: 460-465 E. García Yagüe Factores de estrés y enfermedad. J.L. González Rivera. Actas Luso-Esp. Neurol. Psiquiatr. 1991 (Nov-Dic); 19 (6): 290-297. J. García-Noblejas Los orígenes de la psicosis y el «origen del hombre». The origins of psychosis and "the descent of man". T.J. Crow British Journal of Psychiatry. 1991; 159 (sup. 14): 76-82 M.I. de la Hera Cabero. Hallazgos clínicos. Trastornos del estado mental y del movimiento y sus secuelas. Clínical findings. Abnormalities of the mental state and movement disorder and their correlates. Eve C. Johnstone, o.G.C. Owens, c.o. Frith and J. Leary British Journal of Psychatry 1991; 159 (supl. 13): 21-25. M.I. de la Hera Cabero Una perspectiva psicobiológica en los trastornos de la personalidad. A psycobiological perspective on the personality disorders. L.J. Siever, K. L. Davis AM. J. Psychiatry 12, Diciembre 1991; 148: 1647-1658. c. Herraez Martín de Valmaseda El estado de la cuestión en... Manifestaciones psiquiátricas en enfermos con lupus eritematosos sistémico. Salvador Robert M., Pérez Sales P.., Rubio Valladolid G

    Revista de Revistas.

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    Selección de reseñas bibliográficas. (Octubre, Noviembre y Diciembre, 1991) Trastornos de la personalidad bordeline. Epidemiología (Thomas A. Widiger, Mima M. Weissman), Assessement y Diagnosis (Andrew E. Skodol y John M. Oldhan), Biological y Pharmacological Aspects (Emil F Coceara, Richard J. KavonssJ), Standarized Appraaches to individual Psychoterapy (M. Tracy Shea) y Graup y Family Tretments (Jons F Clarkin y EIsa MarzialJ) Hospital and community Psychiatry. Octuber 1991; 42 (10): 1015-1043 . M García Pérez La dopamina en la esquizofrenia: una revisión y reconceptualización Dopamine in schizophrenia: A review and reconceptualization. Kenneth L. Davis, MD, Rene S. Kahn, Mo., Grant Ka. MD, MichaelDavidson, Mo. (Del Departamento de Psiquiatría del Hospital y Escuela de Medicina de Mount Sinai, NY) AM J Psychiatry. 1991; Nov, 148: 1474-1486. M García Pérez La controversia Freud-Ferenczi. Un legado viviente. The Freud-Ferenczi controversy. A living legacy. Axel Hoffer, Brookline, Massachusetts. The International Review of Psychoanalysis. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal. 1991; 18 (4): 465-472. A. E. Nafs Revisión de los conocimientos del Autismo Psicógeno. Revised understandings of Psychogenic Autism. Frances Tustin, Londres. The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. Int. J. Psycho-Anal 1991; 72 (4): 585-591. A. E. Nafs Dementia of Depresion in Parkinson's Disease and Stroke. Starkstein S.E., Robinson R.G. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 1991 (octubre); 179: 593-601 M. Catalina Zamora An interactionistic integrative view of depresive disordes and their tretment. C. Perris. Departamento de Psiquiátrica y colaborador del Centro de Enseñanza e Investigador de enfermedades Mentales. Universidad de Umea. Suecia Acta Psychiartr. Scand 1991; 84: 413-423E. García Yagüe Personalidad premórbida y síntomas positivos y negativos en la esquizofrenia. V. Peralta y M.J. Cuesta. Unidad de Psiquiatría del Hospital Virgen del Camino. Pamplona. España. J. Delean. Instituto Psiquiátrico de Pensilvania U.S.A. Acta Psychiatr. Scand. 1991; 84: 336-339. E. García Yagüe Interacción entre vulnerabilidad genética y ambiente familiar: estudio finlandés de familias adoptivas en la esquizofrenia. P Teinavi. Departamento Psychiatry. Acta Psychiatr. Scand 1991; 84: 460-465 E. García Yagüe Factores de estrés y enfermedad. J.L. González Rivera. Actas Luso-Esp. Neurol. Psiquiatr. 1991 (Nov-Dic); 19 (6): 290-297. J. García-Noblejas Los orígenes de la psicosis y el «origen del hombre». The origins of psychosis and "the descent of man". T.J. Crow British Journal of Psychiatry. 1991; 159 (sup. 14): 76-82 M.I. de la Hera Cabero. Hallazgos clínicos. Trastornos del estado mental y del movimiento y sus secuelas. Clínical findings. Abnormalities of the mental state and movement disorder and their correlates. Eve C. Johnstone, o.G.C. Owens, c.o. Frith and J. Leary British Journal of Psychatry 1991; 159 (supl. 13): 21-25. M.I. de la Hera Cabero Una perspectiva psicobiológica en los trastornos de la personalidad. A psycobiological perspective on the personality disorders. L.J. Siever, K. L. Davis AM. J. Psychiatry 12, Diciembre 1991; 148: 1647-1658. c. Herraez Martín de Valmaseda El estado de la cuestión en... Manifestaciones psiquiátricas en enfermos con lupus eritematosos sistémico. Salvador Robert M., Pérez Sales P.., Rubio Valladolid G

    Creating an Index to Calculate the Level of Convergence of a Medium

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    Since the end of 1990's, media are undergoing great changes brought by digital technology, with the objective to optimize resources and enrich contents. The concept of convergence has a relevant significance in this process. We see the convergence as an integrating process of traditional separated media outlets and modes of communication that affect business, technology, professionals, and audiences at all stages of production, delivery, and consumption of contents of any kind (information, entertainment, and advertising). This paper provides a methodological tool for calculating an index over which reflects the level of convergence of a medium. This proposal, fruit of the work of a collective research project -which is currently carried out by a numerous group of Spanish scholars with public funding (see for details our website _www.infotendencias.com/objetivos_)-, is based on the following variables: relationships among newsrooms, media polyvalence, type of collaboration on contents development, and type of contents delivery

    The use of lower or higher than recommended doses of folic acid supplements during pregnancy is associated with child attentional dysfunction at 4–5 years of age in the inma project

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    We assessed the association between the use of lower-and higher-than-recommended doses of folic acid supplements (FAs) during pregnancy and attentional function in boys and girls at age of 4–5. We analyzed data from 1329 mother-child pairs from the mother-child cohort INfancia y Medio Ambiente Project (INMA) study. Information on FAs use during pregnancy was collected in personal interviews at weeks 12 and 30, and categorized in <400, 400–999 (recommended dose), and ≥1000 µg/day. Child attentional function was assessed by Conners’ Kiddie Continuous Performance Test. Multivariable regression analyses were used to estimate incidence rate ratios (IRR) and beta coefficients with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Compared to recommended FAs doses, the periconceptional use of <400 and ≥1000 µg/day was associated with higher risk of omission errors—IRR = 1.14 (95% CI: 1.01; 1.29) and IRR = 1.16 (95% CI: 1.02; 1.33), respectively. The use of FAs < 400 µg/day and ≥1000 µg/day was significantly associated with deficits of attentional function only in boys. FAs use < 400 µg/day was associated with higher omission errors with IRR = 1.22 and increased hit reaction time (HRT) β = 34.36, and FAs use ≥ 1000 µg/day was associated with increased HRT β = 33.18 and HRT standard error β = 3.31. The periconceptional use of FAs below or above the recommended doses is associated with deficits of attentional function in children at age of 4–5, particularly in boys
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