370 research outputs found

    Afuera los dioses sonreían: la lección de los tiempos modernos

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    Los tiempos modernos fracasaron. La felicidad prometida por los creyentes de la razón, de la ciencia y del progreso, nunca llegó. No se trata, sin embargo, de condenarlos sino de constatar este fracaso. El humanismo moderno no tiene un paradigma pero sí un espíritu, un sueño: hacer la historia confiando sólo en las fuerzas humanas. No abolió la religiosidad, la secularizó. Mantuvo los mismos deseos y anhelos de la Edad Media, pero con envoltura humana: el hombre y la historia son el ser supremo, la sustancia divina. Así, polarizó el ideal religioso y el humanista. La nueva cultura debe romper con el hábito de oponer los contrarios: masculino- femenino, cielo-tierra, mal-bien. Ha de ser andrógina, abalórica, y permitirse todas las posibilidades de ser

    Lo que algunos no ven en el Festival de Cine de Málaga

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    El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es mostrar una representación gráfica de lo que se crea, produce, realiza y sucede tras los focos y cámaras del Festival. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo fuimos partícipes de dicho evento, asistiendo a los pases de prensa, entrevistas, pre-estrenos, photocall, galas de inauguración y de clausura, captando dichos momentos mediante instantáneas de los aspectos más relevantes, y lo que la mayoría de personas no ven, que ocurren tras un acontecimiento de gran envergadura como es el Festival de Cine de Málaga

    Geometrie analysis and scaling properties of calcite e-twins in the Cameros Basin (NW Iberian Chain, Spain)

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    One dimensional geometric analysis has been carried out in several scan lines from 885 measures of twins in calcite grains to determine grain width (in microns) and twin density (number of twins.mm-1 ) distributions. Grain width and twin density have a good fit to the log-normal frequency distribution. Twinning in calcite implies intracrystaline deformation mechanism with low shear stress. When the process begins low grain width and calcite twins are developed with a probably random distribution what could be supported by a negative exponential distribution tendency. The twinning process continues until a "critical" value of grain width and density which is going to influence in the scaling process, and becoming the distribution to log-normal type. But some data also conform to a power-law (fractal) frequency distribution from determined range or sizes (300 to WOO mm) and density (2 to W twins.mm-1) with some superimposed random (negative-exponential) elements, possible due to the irregularities at grain scale, but also because this systems show multifractal behavior

    Evaluation of an expert system for the generation of speech and language therapy plans

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    Background: Speech and language pathologists (SLPs) deal with a wide spectrum of disorders, arising from many different conditions, that affect voice, speech, language, and swallowing capabilities in different ways. Therefore, the outcomes of Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) are highly dependent on the accurate, consistent, and complete design of personalized therapy plans. However, SLPs often have very limited time to work with their patients and to browse the large (and growing) catalogue of activities and specific exercises that can be put into therapy plans. As a consequence, many plans are suboptimal and fail to address the specific needs of each patient. Objective: We aimed to evaluate an expert system that automatically generates plans for speech and language therapy, containing semiannual activities in the five areas of hearing, oral structure and function, linguistic formulation, expressive language and articulation, and receptive language. The goal was to assess whether the expert system speeds up the SLPs’ work and leads to more accurate, consistent, and complete therapy plans for their patients. Methods: We examined the evaluation results of the SPELTA expert system in supporting the decision making of 4 SLPs treating children in three special education institutions in Ecuador. The expert system was first trained with data from 117 cases, including medical data; diagnosis for voice, speech, language and swallowing capabilities; and therapy plans created manually by the SLPs. It was then used to automatically generate new therapy plans for 13 new patients. The SLPs were finally asked to evaluate the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of those plans. A four-fold cross-validation experiment was also run on the original corpus of 117 cases in order to assess the significance of the results. Results: The evaluation showed that 87% of the outputs provided by the SPELTA expert system were considered valid therapy plans for the different areas. The SLPs rated the overall accuracy, consistency, and completeness of the proposed activities with 4.65, 4.6, and 4.6 points (to a maximum of 5), respectively. The ratings for the subplans generated for the areas of hearing, oral structure and function, and linguistic formulation were nearly perfect, whereas the subplans for expressive language and articulation and for receptive language failed to deal properly with some of the subject cases. Overall, the SLPs indicated that over 90% of the subplans generated automatically were “better than” or “as good as” what the SLPs would have created manually if given the average time they can devote to the task. The cross-validation experiment yielded very similar results. Conclusions: The results show that the SPELTA expert system provides valuable input for SLPs to design proper therapy plans for their patients, in a shorter time and considering a larger set of activities than proceeding manually. The algorithms worked well even in the presence of a sparse corpus, and the evidence suggests that the system will become more reliable as it is trained with more subjects.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalXunta de GaliciaMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. TIN2013-42774-

    Fundamentos referenciales de los circuitos largos y producción agroecológica en el Pacifico y Occidente de México

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    Purpose: Identify the national landscape of research on long supply circuits as a driving force for agroecology in Mexico. Methodology: Five databases were used to search for articles published between 2017 and 2023 using keywords such as "long supply circuit" and "agroecology". Theoretical and practical findings: A referential analysis was obtained on the relationship between long supply circuits and agroecology in the maize system in Mexico, highlighting a research gap. Transdisciplinarity and sustainability innovation originality: This recent and updated study contributes to state of the art in applying agroecology and long supply circuit in agricultural production systems. Conclusions and limitations: More research is needed on long supply chains as a tool to promote the efficiency of agroecological systems at a commercial scale. The literature primarily focuses on short supply chains as an alternative to the agro-industrial system and as a tool for sustainable economic and social development at the local level.Objetivo: Presentar el estado del arte en investigaciones sobre los circuitos largos de consumo como elemento impulsor de la agroecología en México. Metodología: Se utilizaron cinco bases de datos para encontrar artículos publicados entre 2017 y 2023 con palabras clave como "circuitos largos de consumo" y "agroecología". Hallazgos teóricos y prácticos: Se obtuvo un análisis referencial sobre la relación de los circuitos largos y agroecología en el sistema maíz en México, destacando un vacío de investigación. Originalidad transdiscilinar desde el punto de vista de la innovación sostenible: Estudio reciente y actualizado que contribuye al estado del arte en la aplicación de la agroecología y los circuitos largos de consumo en sistemas productivos agrícolas para la sostenibilidad. Conclusiones y limitaciones. Se necesita más investigación sobre los circuitos largos de como herramienta para impulsar la eficiencia de sistemas agroecológicos a escala comercial. La literatura se enfoca principalmente en los circuitos cortos de comercialización, como una alternativa al sistema agroindustrial y como herramienta de desarrollo económico local y social sustentable. &nbsp

    Ensilado de maíz, una revisión sistemática de la calidad y el rendimiento en diferentes regiones del mundo

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    Corn sialge (Zea mays L.) is the most widely used in the world in dairy cattle diets because of its higher biomass yields, palatability, homogeneous quality at harvest, and ease of silage due to its higher soluble sugar content. Studies were systematically searched to know the silage corn quality and yield from different countries concerning dry matter yield (t/ha), population density (plant density/ha), quantity of Dry Matter (DM), Crude Protein (CP), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Non-Fibrous Carbohydrates (NFC), Organic Matter (OM), DM Digestibility (DMD), Neutral Detergent Fiber Digestibility (NDFD), and milk production  (kg) per hectare (kg milk/ha) using MILK2006®. Six clusters (CL, PROC CLUSTER) of corn silage were analyzed: CL1: “Starch,” which included DMD, DNDF, TDN1 x DM, Mega calories per kg of DM, and kg of milk/t DM; CL2: “ether extract” which included TDN1 x DM, Mcal/kg DM, and kg of milk/t DM; CL3: “DM,” composed only of DNDF; CL4: “Plant Density,” including Yield of DM/ha and Milk Production/ha; CL5: “NDF,” and CL6: “CP.” In conclusion, CL1 is characterized by a higher DMD, NDFD, CNF, and starch, which allow higher TDN1 x DM and an energy concentration (Mcal/kg DM) with higher milk production (kg milk/ha). CL2 with a higher ether extract (EE) allows higher TDN1 x DM and an energy concentration (Mcal/kg DM) having a higher milk production (kg milk/ha). The DM concentration increases in the whole plant because of maturity, affecting the starch content and NDFD; the DM content (> 35 g/100 g DM) mainly causes a decrease in the NDFD, while in a very early stage of DM harvest (< 25 g/100 g DM) a low ratio of starch:NDFD is present.El ensilado de maíz (Zea mays L.) es el más utilizado en el mundo en dietas de ganado lechero por sus mayores rendimientos de biomasa, palatabilidad, calidad homogénea a la cosecha y facilidad de ensilar por su mayor contenido de azúcar soluble. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de estudios para conocer la calidad y el rendimiento de ensilados de maíz en diferentes países con relación al rendimiento de materia seca (t/ha), densidad de población (densidad de plantas/ha), Materia Seca (MS), Proteína Cruda (PC), Fibra Detergente Neutra (FDN), Carbohidratos No Fibrosos (CNF), Materia Orgánica (MO), Digestibilidad de la MS (DMS), Digestibilidad de Fibra Detergente Neutra (DFDN) y producción de leche por hectárea (kg de leche/ha), mediante el programa MILK2006®. Se analizaron 6 clúster (CL, PROC CLUSTER) de ensilado de maíz: CL1: “Almidón”, que incluyó DMS, DFDN, TDN x MS, Mega calorías por kg de MS y kg de leche/tonelada/MS; CL2: “extracto de éter” que incluyó TDN1 x MS, Mcal/kg MS y kg de leche/tonelada MS; CL3: “MS”, conformado solo por DFDN; CL4: “Densidad de plantas” incluyendo el Rendimiento de MS/ha y Producción de leche/ha, CL5: “FDN” y CL6: “PC”. El CL1 se caracterizó por una mayor DMS, DFND, CNF y almidón que permiten una mayor TDN1 x MS y una concentración de energía (Mcal/kg MS) que muestra una mayor producción de leche (kg de leche/tonelada MS/ha). Las características de CL2 con mayor extracto de éter (EE), permiten un mayor TDN1 x MS y concentración de energía (Mcal/kg MS) con mayor producción de leche (kg de leche/tonelada MS/ha) en comparación con otros clústeres. La concentración de MS aumenta en toda la planta por efecto de la madurez, lo que afecta el contenido de almidón y DFDN; el contenido de MS (> 35 g/100 g MS) provoca principalmente una disminución de la DFDN, mientras que en una etapa muy temprana de cosecha de MS (< 25 g/100 g MS) se presenta una baja relación almidón-DFDN

    A comparison between the Functional Analysis and the Causal-Loop Diagram to model inventive problems

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    The pressure of the market, the exigencies of the society, and the environmental restrictions ask for new problem-solving approaches. In this context, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) offers several advantages: it is a knowledge-based approach for problem-solving that links the problem requirements with some engineering models to guide the solving process. However, the learning process of TRIZ and its use with a practical purpose reveal many drawbacks. A significant problem, while using TRIZ, emerges when the user needs to analyze and formulate an inventive problem. To deal with this issue, a combination of TRIZ with other tools seems the best strategy. The use of the Functional Analysis (FA) is one of the best examples. Despite the usefulness of the FA technique, a difficulty remains: it is a complex task to model the causal relationship between several parameters or conditions within a system. However, a tool used in the System Dynamics Modeling deals well with this situation. The System Dynamics (SD) analyzes the nonlinear behavior of complex systems over time. Congruent with recent TRIZ advances, the SD is a computer aided-approach with an extended application domain, practically in any complex system-social, managerial, economic or natural system defined by some relationships, a flow of information, and some effects of causality. Hence, SD can produce useful information when there are several conflicts in a system, also called a problem network. SD uses a graphical tool to model the variables and states of a system: The Causal-Loop Diagram. This tool is helpful to explain a conflict, the change of a system, or merely the interactions that take place to obtain an effect. This article presents a comparison between the Functional Analysis and the Causal-Loop Diagram to model inventive problems

    Convertidor semi controlado CA-CD

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    La asignatura de electrónica de potencia representa un ambiente interactivo de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que permite a los estudiantes estar presentes en una zona de desarrollo próximo (ZDP) y dispuestos a la asimilación de nuevos conocimientos. Como una ZDP requiere que se establezcan estrategias didácticas que promuevan: el aprendizaje situado realizando prácticas de laboratorio; las comunidades de aprendizaje, fomentado el aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo; el aprendizaje por imitación mediante el manejo de la instrumentación y la adquisición del conocimiento teórico mediante sesiones presenciales. Es de alto interés por los autores que en este trabajo a través del desarrollo de una fuente de CA-CC semicontrolada, se organice el conocimiento y la documentación necesaria para generar una ZDP, y que mediante la estrategia de la práctica de laboratorio sea posible reproducirla a nivel de licenciatura. Para ello se explicita la experiencia por medio de la descripción del proceso de transferencia del conocimiento teórico al pragmático, de manera que sea posible conceptualizar por medio de un control de cruce por cero la manipulación de un motor de CD utilizando un convertidor CA-CD, experimentación que involucra elementos, funcionamiento y aplicación de la electrónica de potencia que ambienta una ZDP transferible al grado de licenciatura, a favor del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de la tecnología eléctrica-electrónica en las instituciones de educación superior


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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu