50 research outputs found

    Soil and leaf mineral element contents in mediterranean vineyards: bioaccumulation and potential soil pollution

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    The study reported here concerns the geochemical distributions of macro- and trace elements (including potentially toxic elements, PTEs) in the vineyard soils of Alcubillas, which is one of the oldest, albeit not world-renowned, wine-growing areas in La Mancha (Central Spain). Soil and leaf samples were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to ascertain the levels of various elements in the soil and the plant. The potential toxicity of the elements was assessed with regard to the development of the vineyard. Despite the fact that fertilizers and pesticides are employed in the vineyards in this area, the results showed that the levels of trace elements in the soil samples did not exceed the reference values according the pedogeochemical values for the region and Spain. This finding suggests that the study area is not polluted, and therefore, there are hardly any traces of anthropogenic contamination. The Biological Absorption Coefficient (BAC) was calculated to assess the assimilation of various elements from the soil to the leaves, and differences were found in the element absorption capacity of the vines. Some elements were not taken up by Vitis vinifera despite elements like Zr and Rb being present in relatively high concentrations in the soil. The production in these soils does not represent a threat to human health or the ecosystem, because the farmers in this area are extremely careful to preserve the environment and they only farm to achieve moderate yields of grapes per hectar

    Understanding the quality of local vineyard soils in distinct viticultural areas: a case study in Alcubillas (La Mancha, central Spain)

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    The essential features of the soils of a pilot zone in La Mancha (Central Spain), namely the Alcubillas municipability, have been characterized. The soil properties that may contribute to a better understanding of the impact of soil on grape production have also, been evaluated. For this, several soil profiles have been described and analyzed and the profiles have been mapped. The soils are mainly Entisols, Inceptisols and Alfisols, with their evolution controlled by the action of a xerophytic Mediterranean climate. Most of these soils have a loamy clay texture, with medium clay contents and sufficient nutrient contents (despite the low content in organic matter 1.39% and 1.04%, and the high concentrations of calcium carbonate 23.7% and 26.9% in the surface and subsurface horizons, respectively). Drainage problems were not observed and it can therefore be stated that the Alcubillas vineyards are based on a ‘terroir’ term for the production of high quality grapes. In general, the soils are not subjected to treatments to control possible diseases or pests and we have therefore postulated that the soils represent the ideal scenario to establish a distinctive zone and for the increasingly valued ecological and natural viticultureThis research was funded by “Denominación de origen Valdepeñas” (denomination of origen), grant number UCTR18006

    Characteristics of vineyard soils derived from Plio-Quaternary landforms (raña or rañizo) in southern Europe

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    Soil is an essential component in viticulture. The study reported here concerns the assessment of the morphology chemical and physicochemical features of typical, well-developed and representative evolved Mediterranean soils near Anchuras (Spain, southern Europe), a site with soils that developed on old landforms (Plio-Quaternary) called ‘raña’ and/or ‘rañizo’. The soils under study were described and sampled by conducting soil surveys. Selected soil properties, such as texture, bulk density, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and contents of organic matter, nutrients, etc., were analysed using standard procedures. The results showed that these landscape surfaces were, linked with specific soil properties such as low pH (from 4.4 to 5.3) and EC (from 0.15 to 0.02 dSm 1 ), clay contents (20.1%–48.8%), high CEC (26–39 cmol/kg), and low base saturation values (from 11.2% to 17.2%), and have an adequate and singular pedological potential in relation to the ‘terroir’ or ‘terron’ concepts that meet suitability criteria. Furthermore, the information provided by this study, fundamentally through the weathering indices, supports the role of soil-forming factors and their influence on soil properties. In addition, as these landforms and underlying materials have abundant and extensive rock fragments, the role of these soils in the context of vineyard growth and development has been investigatedThis research was supported by the Winerin Eldoze (Project number UCTR180065

    A morphological approach to evaluating the nature of vineyard soils in semiarid Mediterranean environment

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    La Mancha (Central Spain) is one of the most extensive vineyard regions in the world, and ‘Valdepeñas’ is a representative Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) in this region. However, what are their main soil types? what kind of horizons are the most common? and what is the role of the geomorphological positions in their pedodiversity? After describing and sampling 90 soil profiles in this area, Alfisols, Inceptisols and Entisols were mainly identified in Soil Taxonomy terms; in other words, Luvisols, Cambisols, Regosols, Leptosols and a highly significant proportion of Calcisols according to FAO-UNESCO-ISSS. The accumulation of carbonate, the thickness of which varies from a diffuse or powdery form to crusted forms, appear sometimes like polycyclic. The presence of red soils, with or without a calcic or petrocalcic horizon, indicates the most representative edaphic stages in this region. Consequently, the morphological signature is calcic or petrocalcic, followed by argillic and/or cambic horizons, under ochric horizons. It can be concluded that the nature of soils in Valdepeñas can be considered a differential factor to bear in mind for quality viticultural production. Highlights: There are unknown conceptual zones in support production of wine. A comprehensive study in a local case was performed due to its traditional production of vineyards. This study highlights the importance and uniqueness of the calcic and petrocalcic horizons. A disconnect exists between some tradicional viticultural zones with low reputation and the real value of their soil

    Anthropometric characteristics of elite paddle players: Pilot study

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las características antropométricas, la composición corporal y el somatotipo de una muestra internacional de jugadores de pádel de alto nivel de ambos sexos. En el estudio participaron 29 jugadores (15 varones y 14 mujeres) de categoría absoluta. Un total de 16 variables antropométricas fueron evaluadas. Se encontraron diferencias entre sexos en las variables masa, talla e IMC (p<0,001); en los pliegues tricipital, muslo, pierna (p<0,001) y en el sumatorio de 6 pliegues; en los perímetros brazo, muslo (p<0,001) y pierna (p<0,03); y en todos los diámetros analizados (p<0,001). Asimismo se encontraron diferencias en los componentes endomórfico (p<0,01), mesomórfico (p<0,001) y ectomórfico (p<0,05) del somatotipo. Los jugadores presentan un somatotipo mesomórfico-endomórfico y las jugadoras endo-mesomórfico. Esta investigación aporta datos biotipológicos actualizados de referencia para el pádel de élitePaddle is one of the racket sports that has grown the most in recent years. However, there are few or very limited studies that address the biotype of this discipline, especially in the elite paddle. The aim was to describe the anthropometric characteristics, body composition and somatotype of an international sample of high level paddle players. 29 subjects national top level (15 male and 14 female) participated in this study. 16 anthropometric variables were evaluated. Differences were found between sexes in the variables weight, height and BMI (p <0.001); in triceps, thigh and leg folds (p <0.001); in the arm, thigh (p <0.001) and leg (p <0.03) perimeters; and in all diameters analysed (p <0.001). Differences were also found between men and women in the endomorphic (p <0.01), mesomorphic (p <0.001) and ectomorphic (p <0.05) components of the somatotype. Male players present a mesomorphic-endomorphic somatotype while female players are preferably endo-mesomorphic. This research provides up-to-date reference data for somatotype in elite paddle playersInstituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses por el proyecto “Análisis de las demandas fisiológicas del pádel de competición: estudio de marcadores asociados al rendimiento físico-deportivo.

    Looking into the future: Learning services-based technological ecosystems

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    La gran distancia existente entre la tecnología y las metodologías docentes provoca que los nuevos avances tecnológicos no tengan fácil su integración en los contextos y prácticas metodológicas implantados, y que las tecnologías educativas maduras y los métodos educativos aplicados no respondan a las demandas de la sociedad ni al potencial transformador de la tecnología para la mejora del aprendizaje. Esta contribución plantea la necesidad de ofrecer un entorno tecnológico para el soporte de servicios de aprendizaje, el ecosistema educativo, que rompa con las limitaciones tecnológicas y de proceso de las actuales plataformas tecnológicas para conseguir una mejora de los procesos educativos. La propuesta de ecosistema educativo se concreta en 6 líneas de actuación: 1) arquitectura para la implantación de ecosistemas de servicios de aprendizaje; 2) toma de decisiones basadas en analíticas de aprendizaje; 3) sistemas de gestión de conocimiento adaptativos; 4) formación gamificada; 5) porfolios semánticos para la recogida de evidencias de aprendizaje; 6) metodologías educativas que hagan un uso efectivo de los avances tecnológicos en pro de la mejora del aprendizaje.The existing distance between technology and learning methods have two consequences: on the one hand, it makes the fit of new technological advances and existing educational methods and practices difficult; on the other hand, mature educational technologies and methods might not give an adequate answer to actual society needs and demands, and they may not fully use their transforming potential to improve learning processes. This study discusses the need for a new technological environment supporting learning services: the educational ecosystem. The educational ecosystems must be able to break the technological constraints of existing learning platforms and achieve an effective improvement of learning processes. Our proposal of educational ecosystems pivots around six specific lines of action: 1) an arquitecture that gives support to learning service-based ecosystems; 2) learning analytics for educational decision making; 3) adaptive knowledge systems; 4) gamifications; 5) semantic porfolios to collect learning evidences; 6) learning methods that make and effective use of technology for the improvement of learning processes

    Regenerative and resorbable PLA/HA hybrid construct for tendon/ligament tissue engineering

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    [EN] Tendon and ligament shows extremely limited endogenous regenerative capacity. Current treatments are based on the replacement and or augmentation of the injured tissue but the repaired tissue rarely achieve functionality equal to that of the preinjured tissue. To address this challenge, tissue engineering has emerged as a promising strategy. This study develops a regenerative and resorbable hybrid construct for tendon and ligament engineering. The construct is made up by a hollow poly-lactic acid braid with embedded microspheres carrying cells and an anti-adherent coating, with all the parts being made of biodegradable materials. This assembly intends to regenerate the tissue starting from the interior of the construct towards outside while it degrades. Fibroblasts cultured on poly lactic acid and hyaluronic acid microspheres for 6 h were injected into the hollow braid and the construct was cultured for 14 days. The cells thus transported into the lumen of the construct were able to migrate and adhere to the braid fibers naturally, leading to a homogeneous proliferation inside the braid. Moreover, no cells were found on the outer surface of the coating. Altogether, this study demonstrated that PLA/HA hybrid construct could be a promising material for tendon and ligament repair.This work was supported by AITEX (Textil Research Institute, Alcoi, Alicante, Spain) through the researching contract "Development of braided biomaterials for biomedical applications'' and also funded by AEI "RTI2018-095872-B-C21 and C22/ERDF''.Araque-Monrós, MC.; García-Cruz, DM.; Escobar-Ivirico, JL.; Gil-Santos, L.; Monleón Pradas, M.; Más Estellés, J. (2020). Regenerative and resorbable PLA/HA hybrid construct for tendon/ligament tissue engineering. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 48(2):757-767. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-019-02403-0S757767482Aktas, E., C. S. Chamberlain, E. E. Saether, S. E. Duenwald-Kuehl, J. Kondratko-Mittnacht, M. Stitgen, J. S. Lee, A. E. Clements, W. L. Murphy, and R. Vanderby. Immune modulation with primed mesenchymal stem cells delivered via biodegradable scaffold to repair an Achilles tendon segmental defect. J. Orthop. Res. 35(2):269, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1002/jor.23258 .Araque Monrós, M. C., J. Más Estellés, M. Monleón Pradas, L. Gil Santos, S. Gironés Bernabé. Process for obtaining a biodegradable prosthesis. Patent ES2392857, 2013.Araque-Monrós, M. C., T. C. Gamboa-Martínez, L. Gil Santos, S. Gironés-Bernabé, M. Monleón-Pradas, and J. Más-Estellés. New concept for a regenerative and resorbable prosthesis for tendon and ligament: physicochemical and biological characterization of PLA-braided biomaterial. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 101A:3228, 2013.Araque-Monrós, M. C., A. Vidaurre, L. Gil Santos, S. Gironés-Bernabé, M. Monleón-Pradas, and J. Más-Estellés. Study of degradation of a new PLA braided biomaterial in buffer phosphate saline, basic and acid media, intended for the regeneration of tendons and ligaments. Polym. Degrad. Stabil. 98(9):1563, 2013.Chen, J., and G. Abatangelo. Functions of hyaluronan in wound repair. Wound Repair Regen. 7(2):79, 1999.Costa, M. A., C. Wu, B. V. Pham, A. K. S. Chong, H. M. Pham, and J. Chang. Tissue engineering of flexor tendons: optimization of tenocyte proliferation using growth factor supplementation. Tissue Eng. Pt. A 12(7):1937, 2006.Daniel, K. L. Achilles tendon repair with acellular tissue graft augmentation in neglected ruptures. J. Foot Ankle Surg. 46(6):451, 2007.Deborah, P. L. The costs of musculoskeletal disease: health needs assessment and health economics. Best Pract. Res. Clin. Rheumatol. 17(3):529, 2003.Deng, D., W. Liu, F. Xu, Y. Yang, G. Zhou, W. J. Zhang, L. Cui, and Y. Cao. Engineering human neo-tendon tissue in vitro with human dermal fibroblasts under static mechanical strain. 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    Determinacion de zonas isotermicas y seleccion de estaciones meteorologicas representativas en Aragon como base para la estimacion del impacto del cambio climatico sobre la posible relacion entre mortalidad y temperatura.

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    Fundamento: En regiones extensas y diversificadas, como Aragón, se cree la necesidad de dividirlas en áreas en función de las variables atmosféricas disponibles, para seleccionar una estación meteorológica representativa. El objeto de este artículo es determinar la existencia de regiones isotérmicas y seleccionar las estaciones representativas con el fin de estudiar la correlación entre variables de temperatura y mortalidad diaria. Métodos: Se seleccionaron datos diarios de temperatura máxima y mínima para el periodo comprendido entre enero de 1987 y diciembre de 2006. Para determinar las zonas isotérmicas se realizó un análisis de conglomerados jerárquicos y un análisis factorial discriminante, así como un tratamiento previo de datos de relleno de lagunas y detección de heterogeneidades en las series climáticas. Se analizaron datos de 93 estaciones (44 en Huesca, 15 en Teruel y 34 en Zaragoza). Resultados: De los resultados del análisis para la regionalización de Aragón extrajimos que un solo factor explica la varianza de cada serie. En temperaturas máximas ese único factor explicó el 93,43% de la varianza y la estación que representó un mayor factor de correlación fue Huesca-Monflorite (correlación=0,984). Para temperaturas mínimas un único factor explicó el 90,88% de la varianza, siendo la estación con mayor factor de correlación Pallaruelo de Monegros (correlación=0,976). Conclusiones: Se consideró que Aragón es una única región isotérmica con una única estación representativa de la variabilidad de las temperaturas, Zaragoza-Aeropuerto, con una correlación en temperaturas máximas de 0,980 y en mínimas de 0,974. Background: In extensive and diversified regions, such as Aragon, it is believed the need to divide them into areas in terms of the available atmospheric variables with a view to select a representative weather station. The objective of this study was to determine the existence of isothermal regions and select representative stations for Aragon in order to carry out further study on the correlation between variables of temperature and daily mortality. Methods: Daily data on maximum and minimum temperature for the period between January 1987 and December 2006 was selected. In order to determine the isothermal areas a cluster analysis and a discriminate factor analysis were carried out along with a data pretreatment of filled gaps and detection of inhomogeneities in the climatic series. We analyzed data from 93 stations (44 in Huesca, 15 in Teruel and 34 in Zaragoza). Results: The results of the analysis for the regionalization of Aragon lead us to conclude that a unique factor explains the variance of each series; at high temperatures one factor explains 93.43% of the variance and the station with the highest correlation factor is Monflorite-Huesca (correlation = 0.984). At low temperatures one factor explains 90.88% of the variance, with Monegros-Pallaruelo being the station that presents the greatest correlation factor (correlation = 0.976). Conclusions: It was felt that Aragon was a unique isothermal region with one unique representative station of the temperature variability, Zaragoza-Airport with a correlation of 0.980 in maximum temperatures and 0.974 minimum

    Variation in antiosteoporotic drug prescribing and spending across Spain. A population-based ecological cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Evidence has shown that utilization of antiosteoporotic medications does not correspond with risk, and studies on other therapies have shown that adequacy of pharmaceutical prescribing might vary between regions. Nevertheless, very few studies have addressed the variability in osteoporotic drug consumption. We aimed to describe variations in pharmaceutical utilization and spending on osteoporotic drugs between Health Areas (HA) in Spain. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional ecological study of expenditure and utilization of the five therapeutic groups marketed for osteoporosis treatment in Spain in 2009. Small area variation analysis (SAVA) methods were used. The units of analysis were the 168 HA of 13 Spanish regions, including 7.2 million women aged 50 years and older. The main outcomes were the defined daily dose (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants and day (DDD/1000/Day) dispensed according to the pharmaceutical claims reimbursed, and the expenditure on antiosteoporotics at retail price per woman =50 years old and per year. Results: The average osteoporosis drug consumption was 116.8 DDD/1000W/Day, ranging from 78.5 to 158.7 DDD/1000W/Day between the HAs in the 5th and 95th percentiles. Seventy-five percent of the antiosteoporotics consumed was bisphosphonates, followed by raloxifene, strontium ranelate, calcitonins, and parathyroid hormones including teriparatide. Regarding variability by therapeutic groups, biphosphonates showed the lowest variation, while calcitonins and parathyroid hormones showed the highest variation. The annual expenditure on antiosteoporotics was €426.5 million, translating into an expenditure of €59.2 for each woman =50 years old and varying between €38.1 and €83.3 between HAs in the 5th and 95th percentiles. Biphosphonates, despite accounting for 79% of utilization, only represented 63% of total expenditure, while parathyroid hormones with only 1.6% of utilization accounted for 15% of the pharmaceutical spending. Conclusion: This study highlights a marked geographical variation in the prescription of antiosteoporotics, being more pronounced in the case of costly drugs such as parathyroid hormones. The differences in rates of prescribing explained almost all of the variance in drug spending, suggesting that the difference in prescription volume between territories, and not the price of the drugs, is the main source of variation in this setting. Data on geographical variation of prescription can help guide policy proposals for targeting areas with inadequate antiosteoporotic drug use