114 research outputs found

    Exact relativistic models of thin disks around static black holes in a magnetic field

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    The exact superposition of a central static black hole with surrounding thin disk in presence of a magnetic field is investigated. We consider two models of disk, one of infinite extension based on a Kuzmin-Chazy-Curzon metric and other finite based on the first Morgan-Morgan disk. We also analyze a simple model of active galactic nuclei consisting of black hole, a Kuzmin-Chazy-Curzon disk and two rods representing jets, in presence of magnetic field. To explain the stability of the disks we consider the matter of the disk made of two pressureless streams of counterrotating charged particles (counterrotating model) moving along electrogeodesic. Using the Rayleigh criterion we derivate for circular orbits the stability conditions of the particles of the streams. The influence of the magnetic field on the matter properties of the disk and on its stability are also analyzed.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:gr-qc/0409109 by other author


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    Subjectivations, language and parody: reflections on expert discourse about commercial sexual exploitation of boys, girls and adolescents (ESCNNA)

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    RESUMEN: El artículo que se presenta a continuación hace parte de un estado del arte sobre la producción documental realizada entre 1995 y 2005 cuyo tema central fue la Explotación Sexual Comercial de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (ESCNNA) en la ciudad de Medellín. Se privilegia el uso de la categoría analítica del sujeto para mostrar el funcionamiento que dicha categoría tiene al interior de los discursos que hablan de la explotación sexual comercial.ABSTARCT: This article presents a state of art about the publications between 1995 and 2005, whose main topic was the Sexual and Commercial Exploitation of children and adolescents in Medellín. We privilege the analytical category of subject in order to show how it functions in discourses which speak about sexual and commercial exploitation

    Paternity and cultural difference : historical-anthropological reflections for discussion

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    ABSTARCT: This paper asks for paternity, from a historical-anthropologic approach based on the concept of cultural diversity, proposing it like a social construction that can be re-elaborated for other familiarity modes not considered. Thus, it must be clear that those modes are not included in this work, because doing that will imply the prescription of specific types of family experiences. Avoiding prescriptions, this work present the need of keeping paternity open for different possible ways of social articulation.RESUMEN: Este trabajo aborda la pregunta por la paternidad desde una aproximación histórico-antropológica y, a partir del concepto de diferencia cultural, la plantea como un una construcción social que puede ser reelaborada para efectos de otros modos de familiaridad no contemplados. Así, debe aclararse que dichos modos no son señalados en este trabajo porque, si así fuera, se estarían prescribiendo formas específicas de experiencia familiar. Lejos de prescribirla, el presente trabajo postula la necesidad de mantener abierta la paternidad a distintas formas posibles de articulación social

    Una mirada pedagógica a la relación entre imagen, imaginación y formación humana, tomando como ejemplo el Orbis sensalium pictus de Juan Amós Comenio

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    ABSTRACT: This piece of writing approaches the paper of imagination and image in the pedagogical-formative proposal of Comenio and for that the Orbis sensualium pictus is taken as an example. The authors show how in this play, Comenio takes a pedagogical look at the world to present it as didactic. The Orbis Pictus is introduced not only as a play for the teaching of latin but also from the pedagogical and didactic point of view. A conception of the formation that, besides, makes evident its grounds on pansophia, in the doctrine of mago Dei and in the emanatist thought of Comenio.RESUMEN: En este escrito se aborda el papel de la imaginación y de la imagen en la propuesta pedagógico-formativa de Comenio y para ello se toma el Orbis sensualium pictus como ejemplo. Los autores muestran cómo en esa obra, Comenio da una mirada pedagógica al mundo para presentarlo de modo didáctico. Se plantea que el Orbis Pictus no es sólo una obra para enseñar el latín, sino que hay plasmada en ella, desde el punto de vista pedagógico y didáctico, una concepción de la formación que, además, hace evidente su fundamentación en la pansofía, en la doctrina de la imago Dei y en el pensamiento emanatista de Comenio

    Finite axisymmetric charged dust disks in conformastatic spacetimes

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    An infinite family of axisymmetric charged dust disks of finite extension is presented. The disks are obtained by solving the vacuum Einstein-Maxwell equations for conformastatic spacetimes, which are characterized by only one metric function. In order to obtain the solutions, it is assumed that the metric function and the electric potential are functionally related and that the metric function is functionally dependent of another auxiliary function, which is taken as a solution of Laplace equation. The solutions for the auxiliary function are then taken as given by the infinite family of generalized Kalnajs disks recently obtained by Gonz\'alez and Reina (MNRAS 371, 1873, 2006), which is expressed in terms of the oblate spheroidal coordinates and represents a well behaved family of finite axisymmetric flat galaxy models. The so obtained relativistic thin disks have then a charge density that is equal, except maybe by a sign, to their mass density, in such a way that the electric and gravitational forces are in exact balance. The energy density of the disks is everywhere positive and well behaved, vanishing at the edge. Accordingly, as the disks are made of dust, their energy-momentum tensor it agrees with all the energy conditions.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Prevalence of malnutrition and evaluation of dietary treatment for adult hospitalized patients in a public institution of high complexity

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    ABSTRACT: Malnutrition in hospitalized patients is a common problem generally associated with morbidity increasing, mortality, complications and stay days; nevertheless it neither is diagnosed, nor opportunely treated. objective: To determine malnutrition prevalence and evaluate the dietary treatment of energy and proteins for hospitalized adult patients in a public institution of high complexity. Methodology: Descriptive observational cross-sectional study. There was evaluated nutritional status of 138 hospitalized adult patients during the first 48 hours of admission, using the Global Subjective Estimate (GSE). Energy and proteins contribution of the prescribed diet was determined and it was compared with the requirement. Results: risk or malnutrition were presented in 63% of the patients, without difference for age (p=0.12), nor for service (p=0.249). Energy and protein prescription were inadequate in 56% and 70% of the patients respectively, with significant differences according to the professional (p=0.0000). There were no differences between the correct prescription and the nutritional status for energy (p=0.42) not for proteins (p=0.23). Conclusions: Malnutrition prevalence by using GSV parameter in hospitalized adult patients was elevated. The majority of cases the dietary tratment was not adjusted to energy and proteins requirements. Key words: malnutrition, protein-energy malnutrition, diet therapy, energy, protein, nutrition assessment, inpatient, hospitalization, adult.RESUMEN: la malnutrición en los pacientes hospitalizados es un problema común, generalmente asociado con aumento de la morbilidad, mortalidad, complicaciones y días de estancia, sin embargo no se diagnostica ni se trata oportunamente. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de malnutrición y evaluar la prescripción de la energía y proteínas de la dieta de los pacientes adultos hospitalizados en una institución pública de alta complejidad. Metodología: estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. Se evaluó el estado nutricional de 138 pacientes adultos hospitalizados en las primeras 48 horas de admisión, utilizando la Valoración Global Subjetiva (VGS). Se determinó el aporte de energía y proteínas de la dieta prescrita y se comparó con el requerimiento. Resultados: 63% presentó riesgo o desnutrición, sin diferencia por edad (p=0.12), ni por servicio (p=0.249). La prescripción energética y proteica fue inadecuada en el 56% y 70% de los pacientes respectivamente, hallándose diferencias significativas según profesional (p=0.0000). No hubo diferencias entre la adecuación en la prescripción y el estado nutricional para energía (p=0.42) ni para proteínas (p=0.23). Conclusiones: la prevalencia de malnutrición según VGS en los pacientes adultos hospitalizados fue alta. En la mayoría de los casos la prescripción dietética no se ajustó a la energía y proteínas requeridas. Palabras clave: desnutrición, desnutrición proteico calórica, dieta, energía, proteínas, evaluación nutricional, paciente

    An infinite family of magnetized Morgan-Morgan relativistic thin disks

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    Applying the Horsk\'y-Mitskievitch conjecture to the empty space solutions of Morgan and Morgan due to the gravitational field of a finite disk, we have obtained the corresponding solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. The resulting expressions are simply written in terms of oblate spheroidal coordinates and the solutions represent fields due to magnetized static thin disk of finite extension. Now, although the solutions are not asymptotically flat, the masses of the disks are finite and the energy-momentum tensor agrees with the energy conditions. Furthermore, the magnetic field and the circular velocity show an acceptable physical behavior.Comment: Submitted to IJTP. This paper is a revised and extended version of a paper that was presented at arXiv:1006.203

    Planteamiento estratégico de Responsabilidad Social para la Empresa la Casita de la Mazorca

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    El concepto de la responsabilidad social empresarial moderna viene tomando fuerza desde la creación de entes internacionales que regulan el trabajo, los derechos fundamentales, el cuidado del medio ambiente y las demás políticas sociales, como lo son la OIT, la ONU, la ISO, la declaración de derechos humanos, la sostenibilidad ambiental y demás iniciativas que buscan garantizar los derechos de la población y que las empresas retribuyan un poco al entorno social y medioambiental, considerando la cantidad de recursos que consumen y las emisiones que generan en el desarrollo de su actividad económica. En el presente trabajo se diagnosticaran y se formularan estrategias de mejora de la gestión que realiza La casita de la mazorca en cuanto a la implementación de programas de responsabilidad social dentro y fuera de la organización, del cuidado del medio ambiente, la convivencia laboral y la divulgación de resultados y rendiciones de cuentas que muestran la buena fe y transparencia con la que opera la organización; permitiéndole ganar buen posicionamiento en el mercado en el que se desenvuelve. Dicho análisis se realiza mediante la revisión documental de informes, reglamentos internos y políticas adoptadas por la organización, así como también la aplicación de un instrumento de recolección de información, como lo es la encuesta la cual nos permite analizar los diferentes datos y también de la percepción que tienen los trabajadores y colaboradores del accionar y las políticas de la empresa.The concept of modern corporate social responsibility has been gaining strength since the creation of international entities that regulate work, fundamental rights, care for the environment and other social policies, such as the ILO, the UN, the ISO, the declaration of human rights, environmental sustainability and other initiatives that seek to guarantee the rights of the population and that companies give back a little to the social and environmental environment, considering the amount of resources they consume and the emissions they generate in the development of their activity economic. In the present work, strategies will be diagnosed and formulated to improve the management carried out by La casita de la mazorca in terms of the implementation of social responsibility programs inside and outside the organization, care for the environment, work coexistence and the disclosure of results and accountability that show the good faith and transparency with which the organization operates; allowing it to gain a good position in the market in which it operates. Said analysis is carried out through the documentary review of reports, internal regulations and policies adopted by the organization, as well as the application of an information collection instrument, such as the survey, which allows us to analyze the different data and also the perception that workers and collaborators have of the company's actions and policies

    Field Survey of Cucumber mosaic virus Subgroups I and II in Crop Plants in Costa Rica

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    copyright 2001 American Phytopathology Society Journals. Datos y artículo incluido por Lisela Moreira Carmona, responsable de depósitos de publicaciones del área de Patógenos y Plagas del CIBCMLeaf samples were collected from cucurbit and solanaceous crop plants and Musa spp. in 28 locations in five provinces of Costa Rica during the period from January to October 1996. Sampling sites were selected in dry, humid, and moist tropical regions ranging in altitude from 50 to 2,100 m above sea level. RNA-enriched total nucleic acid solutions were spotted onto nylon membranes and hybridized to RNA probes specific for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) subgroups I or II. The presence of CMV was confirmed in 13 crops in 23 of the 28 sampling sites. CMV subgroup I was found to predominate in Costa Rica. CMV subgroup II was detected in the Atlantic region only, and in only 1 out of 113 CMV-positive samples.Universidad de Costa Rica/[801-94-905]/UCR/Costa RicaUnited States Agency for International Development/[HRN-5600-G-00-2013-00]/USAD/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[801-95-583]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Biología Celular y Molecular (CIBCM