3,413 research outputs found

    3D FEM model development from 3D optical measurement technique applied to corroded steel bars

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    Understanding the mechanical effects of the corrosion pits on the steel surface requires an accurate definition of their geometry and distribution along the rebar. 3D optical measurement technique is used to obtain the outer geometry of artificially corroded bars tested under cyclic or monotonic loads. 3D FEM model development from the 3D scanning results were carried out in order to investigate the failure process and local effects on the pits, which are responsible of the variation of the mechanical properties in corroded steel reinforcement. In addition, a validation of a simplified model, which allows the mechanical steel properties determination given an estimated corrosion level, is presented. 3D models were convenient to observe and measure the local effects on the pits.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A collaborative company commited to ethics and labor conditions

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    Estudia2 es un proyecto empresarial joven y colaborativo, con menos de cinco años de andadura, que ha nacido con la intención de ser una plataforma internacional de encuentro entre personas para compartir conocimientos, una plataforma de E-learning llevada a cabo con la conjunción de un diseño propio y el empleo de una serie de herramientas TIC de acceso libre. Una de las máximas más importantes con las que ha nacido esta empresa es el respeto absoluto por unos valores éticos basados en el cumplimiento de las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores, los derechos de autoría de los creadores de contenidos y la privacidad de los datos de los usuarios.Estudia2 is a young and collaborative business project, with less than five years operating, that was born with the goal of being an international platform for connecting people to share knowledge. An E-learning platform developed with the conjunction of an own design and the use of a mixture of free access ICT tools. One of the most important ideas which this project has been born in, is the absolute respect to several ethical values based on the fulfillment of the workers’ labor conditions, the intellectual property rights of the content creators and the privacy of the user data.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSO2016-78386-

    Emeralds from the Delbegetey deposit (Kazakhstan): mineralogical characteristics and fluid-inclusion study

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    The aim of this study is to provide the first detailed mineralogical and fluid-inc1usion description of emeralds from the Delbegetey deposit (Kazakhstan). The characteristic features of Delbegetey emeralds are established: they have dissolution figures on crystal faces, bluish colour and distinct colour zoning; the refractive indices are ro = 1.566-1.570, E = 1.558-1.562, and the specific gravity is 2.65±0.005, relatively low for natural emeralds; they have very small concentrations of the impurities (Fe, Mg, Na and others) typical of other emeralds, and contain Cr and V; there is a significant preponderance of vapour in fluid inc1usions of all types and there is liquid-to-vapour homogenization of primary fluid inc1usions (at 395-420°C). The lattice oxygen isotope composition data obtained (0180 SMOW value of 11.3%0) situate the deposit within the range characteristic of other granite-related emerald deposits. Emerald crystallization took place in low-density (0.40-0.55 g/cm3 ) aqueous fluid, with the following chemical composition (mol.%): 75.6-97.4 HzO, 0.0-18.4 caz, 0.0-0.9 C~, and 4.06-9.65 wt.% NaCI equiv. salinity. According to the calculated isochores, the pressure offormation ofthe Delbegetey emeralds can be estimated at 570-1240 bar

    Exploring the relation between the structure strategy and source attention in single expository text comprehension: a cross-sectional study in secondary education

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    [EN] Organisational signals and sources can be considered metatextual cues that guide the processing of the discourse. Organisational signals encourage readers to use the structure strategy, while source information reveals the epistemic and formal properties of texts. This study addressed three gaps in prior research about these topics: (1) whether organisational signals were useful for 12–14/14–16-year-old students reading causal and sequential texts, (2) the role of sources in single-text understanding, and (3) the relationship between sensitivity to organisational signals (rhetori cal competence) and attention to sources. Participants read causal and sequential texts with or without these metatextual cues and wrote a summary. Summary quality was considered an indicator of understanding and using the structure strategy. The number of sources translated into the summaries was considered an indicator of source attention. The results indicated that (1) organisational signals had an efect on summary quality in both age groups and texts; (2) sources did not afect summary quality, but when participants read signalled texts, the number of sources mentioned made a unique contribution to summary quality beyond decoding, general reading comprehension and rhetorical competence; and (3) the number of sources mentioned correlated with rhetorical competence among participants who read the signalled texts. These results suggest that 12–16-year-old students need the aid of organisational signals to launch the structure strategy with causal and sequential texts and that sources may be more useful in combination with organisational signals, but only for students with some level of rhetorical competence, illustrating the intricacy of literacy development.Organisational signals and sources can be considered metatextual cues that guide the processing of the discourse. Organisational signals encourage readers to use the structure strategy, while source information reveals the epistemic and formal properties of texts. This study addressed three gaps in prior research about these topics: (1) whether organisational signals were useful for 12–14/14–16-year-old students reading causal and sequential texts, (2) the role of sources in single-text understanding, and (3) the relationship between sensitivity to organisational signals (rhetorical competence) and attention to sources. Participants read causal and sequential texts with or without these metatextual cues and wrote a summary. Summary quality was considered an indicator of understanding and using the structure strategy. The number of sources translated into the summaries was considered an indicator of source attention. The results indicated that (1) organisational signals had an efect on summary quality in both age groups and texts; (2) sources did not afect summary quality, but when participants read signalled texts, the number of sources mentioned made a unique contribution to summary quality beyond decoding, general reading comprehension and rhetorical competence; and (3) the number of sources mentioned correlated with rhetorical competence among participants who read the signalled texts. These results suggest that 12–16-year-old students need the aid of organisational signals to launch the structure strategy with causal and sequential texts and that sources may be more useful in combination with organisational signals, but only for students with some level of rhetorical competence, illustrating the intricacy of literacy development.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCLE

    The Spanish company in the face of COVID-19: adaptation factors to the new scenario

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    La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha cambiado de forma radical e impredecible el entorno competitivo de las empresas, siendo España uno de los países de su entorno que se ha visto más afectado. En este nuevo contexto, para hacer frente a unas condiciones del entorno extremadamente dinámicas, complejas y difícilmente predecibles, las empresas para poder adaptarse necesitan estar en posesión o desarrollar una serie de capacidades específicas. Este artículo pretende mostrar que el desarrollo de las TIC, la flexibilidad laboral y la capacidad de innovar son tres factores que favorecen la capacidad de las organizaciones para adaptarse a los nuevos y cambiantes entornos competitivos provocados por la emergencia sanitaria de la COVID-19. La capacidad de adaptarse se refleja a través de su habilidad para dar continuidad tanto a la gestión y monitorización de sus operaciones como a la relación con sus clientes a lo largo de todos los niveles del proceso de venta. Para analizar esta relación, se entrevistó a directivos de empresas durante los meses posteriores a la declaración del estado de alarma en España. Mediante la aplicación de la técnica de análisis multivariante PLS-SEM, se ha estimado que un mayor nivel de los tres aspectos indicados se relaciona positivamente con una mejor adaptación de las empresas tanto a las nuevas necesidades como a las limitaciones de operación en sus respectivos mercados.The COVID-19 pandemic has radically and unpredictably changed the competitive environment for companies, with Spain being one of the western countries most affected. In this new context, to face extremely dynamic, complex, and hardly predictable competitive environments, companies must adapt by having or developing a series of specific resources and capacities. This article aims to show that the development of Information and Communication Technology, labor flexibility and the capacity to innovate are factors that favor organizations having the ability to adapt to the new and changing competitive environments caused by the health emergency of COVID-19, reflecting the organization’s ability to adapt through its ability to give continuity to both the management and monitoring of its operations and the relationship with its customers throughout all levels of the sales process. To analyze this relationship, company managers were interviewed during the months after the declaration of the state of alarm in Spain. Through the application of the multivariate analysis technique Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), it has been estimated that high levels of ICT development, labor flexibility or capacity to innovate are positively related to a better adaptation of companies to both the new needs of their customers as well as the operating limitations imposed in their respective markets

    Structural effects of steel reinforcement corrosion on statically indeterminate reinforced concrete members

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1617/s11527-016-0836-2Steel corrosion in reinforced concrete structures produces loss of reinforcement area and damage in the surrounding concrete. As a consequence, increases in deflections, crack widths and stresses may take place, as well as a reduction of the bearing capacity, which depends on the structural scheme and redundancy. In this paper an experimental study of twelve statically indeterminate beams subjected to different levels of forced reinforcement corrosion is presented. Different sustained loads were applied during the corrosion phase to assess their influence on the effects of corrosion. An important increase in deflections was registered in all corroded beams, especially in those subject to higher load levels. It was also found that the rate of corrosion was affected by the load level. Internal forces redistributions due to induced damage were measured. Finally, the experimental results were compared with those predicted by a non-linear time-dependent segmental analysis model developed by the authors, obtaining in general good agreement.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Invisible floral larcenies: microbial communities degrade floral nectar of bumble bee-pollinated plants

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    8 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 láminaThe ecology of nectarivorous microbial communities remains virtually unknown, which precludes elucidating whether these organisms play some role in plant–pollinator mutualisms beyond minor commensalism. We simultaneously assessed microbial abundance and nectar composition at the individual nectary level in flowers of three southern Spanish bumble bee-pollinated plants (Helleborus foetidus, Aquilegia vulgaris, and Aquilegia pyrenaica cazorlensis). Yeasts were frequent and abundant in nectar of all species, and variation in yeast density was correlated with drastic changes in nectar sugar concentration and composition. Yeast communities built up in nectar from early to late floral stages, at which time all nectaries contained yeasts, often at densities between 104 and 105 cells/mm3. Total sugar concentration and percentage sucrose declined, and percentage fructose increased, with increasing density of yeast cells in nectar. Among-nectary variation in microbial density accounted for 65% (H. foetidus and A. vulgaris) and 35% (A. p. cazorlensis) of intraspecific variance in nectar sugar composition, and 60% (H. foetidus) and 38% (A. vulgaris) of variance in nectar concentration. Our results provide compelling evidence that nectar microbial communities can have detrimental effects on plants and/or pollinators via extensive nectar degradation and also call for a more careful interpretation of nectar traits in the future, if uncontrolled for yeasts.Work was supported by grants 2005-RNM-156 (Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía) and by CGL2006-01355 and EXPLORA CGL2007-28866-E/BOS (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Gobierno de España).Peer reviewe

    Modelación numérica de un pilote individual cargado lateralmente

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónLa modelación de pilotes cargados lateralmente en el software PLAXIS 8.2 (versión estudiantil), es el resultado del trabajo de grado. Con el ánimo de observar el comportamiento en desplazamientos de diferentes combinaciones de secciones, longitudes y geometrías; ante una carga constante para las modelaciones y aplicada sobre el nivel 0.0 (rasante), simulando posibles cargas de viento, marea e incluso una fuerza cortante que intente dar volcamiento a la súper estructura.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Booking intention research progress: Emerging trends and research agenda

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    Purpose: Booking intention in the hotel context has motivated the interest of researchers in recent decades. However, research in this field is fragmented and its understanding presents gaps. The aim of this paper is to identify current trends in booking intention research and to recommend future research directions. Methods: To this end, a bibliometric study and content analysis were conducted on a total of 274 papers published between 2000 and 2022 in the Web of Science database. In particular, VOSviewer, SciMAT and the R software package were used to determine, quantify and visualise research clusters, as well as emerging topics in this field of study. Results: The results revealed the existence of three lines of research that have evolved during the total period studied: (1) the impact of technologies on booking intention, (2) the influence of internal consumer factors on booking intention and (3) the hotel attributes that are most sensitive to booking intention. Finally, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourist booking intention is reflected cross-sectionally in the studies, where variables such as consumer trust and perceived risk have become more important. Implications: Consequently, this paper contributes to the current body of literature on booking intention, providing a structured overview of research in this field and suggesting future avenues for research

    Degradación de los agregados pétreos a causa de la compactación por impactos (inv e-243-13) para las canteras de Dromos y Vista hermosa

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    Trabajo de investigaciónSe realiza una comparación de los resultados obtenidos en el ensayo de la degradacion de los agregados petreos a causa de la compactacion por impactos y los ensayos de dureza para los agregados, con el fin de establecer una relación que exista entre el desempeño del material en su puesta en servicio y las propiedades inherentes del material que dependen de la roca madre.1. GENERALIDADES 1.1 FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 1.2 JUSTIFICACIÓN 1.3 OBJETIVOS 2. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 2.1 MARCO TEÓRICO 2.2 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 2.3 MARCO NORMATIVO. 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS Y ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 5. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 6. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 7. ANEXOS 7.1 RESULTADOS DE LABORATORIO 7.2 REGISTRO FOTOGRÁFICOEspecializaciónEspecialista en Ingeniería de Pavimento