496 research outputs found

    Publicidade digital, storytelling e transmedia narrativa: educomunicação do consumidor

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    The present text tries to analyze the relationships between the concept of digital storytelling applied to advertising starting from the base of the transmedia narrative. This is: how the new transmediatic narrative helps the construction of advertising discourses based on the notion of storytelling and how it establishes the bases for an educommunication of the consumer, the spectator and / or the target.El presente texto trata de analizar las relaciones entre el concepto de storytelling digital aplicado a la publicidad partiendo de la base de la narrativa transmedia. Esto es: cómo la nueva narrativa transmediática ayuda a la construcción de discursos publicitarios basados en la noción de storytelling y cómo ello establece las bases para una educomunicación del consumidor, del espectador y/o del target.O presente texto tenta analisar as relações entre o conceito de narrativa digital aplicado à publicidade a partir da base da narrativa transmedia. Isto é: como a nova narrativa transmediaica ajuda a construção de discursos publicitários com base na noção de narrativa e como estabelece as bases para uma educação do consumidor, o espectador e / ou o target

    Novas tendências em marketing por causa do auge da Internet

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    The use of Internet has changed considerably the marketing practice. In this article the authors carry on a literature review to analyse the factors involved in the process and also the advantages, challenges and opportunities of this technology from a marketing perspective.El uso de Internet ha traído cambios considerables para la práctica del Marketing. Este artículo lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica donde se analizan los factores que están relacionados con el proceso de cambio así como las ventajas, desafíos y oportunidades que ofrece esta nueva tecnología desde una perspectiva del Marketing.O uso da Internet trouxe mudanças consideráveis para a prática do Marketing. Este artigo realiza uma revisão bibliográfica onde se analisam os fatores que estão relacionados com o processo de mudança assim como as vantagens, desafios e oportunidades oferecidas por esta nova tecnologia a partir de uma perspectiva de Marketing

    Los factores clave del éxito de las promociones realizadas con dispositivos móviles de última generación: un análisis teórico

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    The use of mobile devices has grown exponentially in the last 15 years. This development has reached the culmination with the introduction in 2007 of Smartphones and Tablets. Companies and organizations have a new channel with multiple commercial possibilities and are doing the best of it. The objective of this research was to analyze and understand this reality through academic literature. The results of the investigation will clarify the reasons why commercial promotions are successful and it will show us what the most important factors are that make mobile devices extend and improve the way in which companies perform promotional activities.La utilización de los dispositivos móviles ha crecido exponencialmente en los últimos 15 años llegando a la culminación con la introducción de los teléfonos inteligentes y las tabletas. Las empresas y organizaciones tienen un nuevo canal con múltiples posibilidades comerciales y lo están aprovechando. Analizar esta realidad a través de la literatura académica ha sido el objetivo de esta investigación. Nos ha permitido averiguar por qué las empresas utilizan cada vez más los dispositivos móviles para realizar promociones comerciales y nos ha mostrado los factores clave para realizar promociones exitosas utilizando los terminales móviles de última generación como soporte promocional

    Art and propaganda in the Sevillian Baroque: The construction of the Catholic Church’s brand

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    El arte barroco es un arte indudablemente propagandístico. Su eterno cultivo por parte de la Iglesia católica durante la Contrarreforma, nos ha dejado un patrimonio artístico inmenso que hoy podemos recuperar con mucha facilidad, sobre todo en la ciudad más importante del territorio español a comienzos del siglo XVII: Sevilla. El resultado de la confluencia entre pautas artísticas y fines propagandísticos dio lugar a una extensa campaña persuasiva y a una poderosa imagen de marca que aquí se pretenden analizar en términos comunicativos.Baroque art is an undoubtedly propagandistic art. Its eternal cultivation by the Catholic Church during the Counter-reformation has left us with an immense artistic heritage that nowadays can be recovered with ease, above all, in the most important city of the territory of Spain at the beginning of the 17th century –Seville. The result of the convergence among artistic rules and propagandistic aims led to a wide persuasive campaign and to a powerful brand image that in this article are expected to be analysed in communicative terms

    Digital social media: An interactive technology incorporated as a competitive advantage for business

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    In a more transparent and dynamic world, in which consumers trust other consumers more for advice and recommendations on products and services, the continuity of organizations appears to be associated with socialization, the sharing of interests and the interaction with the audience. This is associated with the incorporation of digital technologies to business, specifically the use of social media. Consequently, it is timely and interesting to explore the phenomenon of virtual socialization, although it is a littlestudied field and what is needed is an innovative and theoretical approach based upon theories of marketing and communication. Expertise in these areas is present in all organizations and their performance is important for appropriate development of them. This work is a qualitative analysis about the behavior, reactions and attitudes of individuals to organizations, in order to understand the social factors that contribute to sustainable competitive advantages of organizations which can support strategic and future actions. We conclude that relevant factors associated with the tacit knowledge of the organization, specifically to learning and social interaction of the organization and their knowledge of virtual communities. The higher the coexistence of factors, the more difficult is the replication and greater will be the hypothesis of sustainable competitive advantage

    Learning in Digital Media: the legacy of McLuhan and his Impact on Formal Education

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    This paper describes a bibliographic analysis of the vision of Marshal McLuhan and the vision adopted by diverse current authors regarding the use of new interactive learning technologies. The paper also analyzes the transformation that will have to take place in the formal surroundings of education in order to improve their social function. The main points of view and contributions made by diverse authors are discussed. It is important that all actors involved in the educational process take in consideration these contributions in order to be ready for future changes

    Retail, design and communication in point of sale

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    La competitividad de los establecimientos comerciales está conformada por una serie de factores estratégicos y tácticos donde los productos y/o servicios no son las únicas variables que se deben tener en cuenta, pues forman parte de un todo más complejo: el marketing mix. Ante la actual saturación competitiva existente, así como la necesidad de diferenciación y posicionamiento de marca (y producto), los puntos de venta hacen uso de las diversas técnicas de merchandising: distribución y adyacencia de productos, uso de materiales o animación en el propio POS. En este sentido podemos afirmar que el diseño final de un punto de venta es claramente determinante a la hora de incrementar la rentabilidad de la empresa. En este orden de ideas, el diseño de experiencias para el consumidor juega un papel muy importante, como afirman Cant & Hefer (2013), para quienes: “Visual merchandising can in simple terms be seen as the way in which retailers display their products in store in order to attract consumers”. Es aquí es donde entra en juego el diseño de experiencias aplicado al punto de venta.The competitiveness of commercial establishments is made up of strategic and tactical factors where products and services are not the only variables that must be considered, as they are part of a more complex whole: the marketing mix. With the current competitive saturation, as well as the need for differentiation and brand positioning (and product), the points of sale make use of the various merchandising techniques: distribution and adjacency of products, use of materials or animation in the POS itself. In this sense we can say that the final design of a point of sale is clearly determining when it comes to increasing the profitability of the company, providing added value for a good differentiation as well as for a good brand building. In this order of ideas, the design of experiences for the consumer plays a very important role, as stated by Cant & Hefer (2013), for whom: "Visual merchandising can be seen as the way in which retailers display their products in store in order to attract consumers”. This is where the experience design applied to the point of sale starts to do

    Brand Placement in Music Videos: Effectiveness in UK, Spain and Italy: El ‘brand placement’ en los videos musicales: efectividad en Reino Unido, España e Italia

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    Brand placement is used as an alternative advertising strategy. This case study aimed at investigating its efficacy in music videos in the UK, Spain and Italy through surveys. The first research question aimed at determining the degree of association between nationality and brand familiarity. Results have reported a directional association for half the brands advertised. The second research question aimed at determining the correlation between brand familiarity and brand recall. This study demonstrated that the greater the familiarity of the brand, the more likely it is to be recalled after watching a music video. The third research question aimed at determining whether participants were more aware of brands that they had not previously heard of after watching the music videos. Results showed similar responses of participants either agreeing or disagreeing with the statement and similar results were obtained for the Italian and British samples. It could be concluded that brand placement in music videos is especially effective in certain cultures and situations.El brand placement es utilizado como una estrategia publicitaria alternativa. Este estudio de caso tuvo como objetivo investigar su eficacia en videos musicales en Reino Unido, España e Italia a través de encuestas. La primera pregunta de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de asociación entre la nacionalidad y la familiaridad con la marca. Los resultados mostraron una asociación direccional para la mitad de las marcas anunciadas. La segunda pregunta de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la correlación entre la familiaridad con la marca y su recuerdo. Este estudio demostró que cuanto más familiar es una marca, más probable resulta que se recuerde después de ver un video musical. La tercera pregunta de investigación tuvo como objetivo preguntar a los participantes si después de ver el vídeo musical eran más conscientes de las marcas que no conocían. Los resultados mostraron respuestas similares de participantes que estaban de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con la declaración y se obtuvieron resultados similares para la muestra italiana y la británica. Se podría concluir pues que el brand placement en videos musicales es especialmente efectivo en determinadas culturas y situaciones

    Blocs: una nova narrativa

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    Internet became in the 20th century the biggest media of information dissemination in the world, and from this digital dissemination, blogs were born. The interest of our research are the new type s of narratives that begin to emerge from blogs. Blogs are very innovative because they give the user interactive tools that permit the creation of content in a dynamic and interactional way and which is different to traditional methods such as printedmaterial. The narrative created by the blogs is different from the traditional narrative because is open and dynamic, which facilitate the uncontrolled introduction and intervention by other people who,a priori, do not belong to the history. Those people, at any time, may alter narrative and the course of it. Therefore, we aim through the tools offered by greimasiana semiotics to reveal the nuances covering this new form of narrative

    Advertising at the point of sale: influence on children´s body image

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    Introducción: En este artículo se estudia la representación del cuerpo infantil en el punto de venta de los establecimientos de moda infantil, con el objetivo de analizar la imagen corporal proyectada en dichos establecimientos dirigidos a niños, como consumidores, y a sus padres, como compradores. Metodología: Para ello se han analizado, a través de la observación como método, una serie de variables (delgadez, altura, etc.) aplicadas a los componentes del punto de venta. Este análisis se ha realizado sobre una muestra de 50 establecimientos pertenecientes a 18 marcas de moda infantil. Resultados y conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos arrojan luz sobre realidades analizadas en investigaciones previas, como la desafección de los niños por su cuerpo o los desórdenes alimentarios relativos a ello, puesto que la mayoría de establecimientos tienden a generar imágenes de niños-adultos irreales.Introduction: In this article we study the representation of children’s body at the point of sale of children’s fashion shops, with the aim of analyzing the body image projected in these establishments aimed at children as consumers and their parents as buyers. Methodology: Through observation as a method, a series of variables (thinness, height, etc.) applied to the components of the point of sale have been analyzed. This analysis was carried out on a sample of 50 establishments belonging to 18 brands of children's fashion. Results and conclusions: The results obtained explained the realities analyzed in previous research, such as the disaffection of children by their body or related eating disorders, since most establishments tend to generate images of unreal adult children