
Retail, design and communication in point of sale


La competitividad de los establecimientos comerciales está conformada por una serie de factores estratégicos y tácticos donde los productos y/o servicios no son las únicas variables que se deben tener en cuenta, pues forman parte de un todo más complejo: el marketing mix. Ante la actual saturación competitiva existente, así como la necesidad de diferenciación y posicionamiento de marca (y producto), los puntos de venta hacen uso de las diversas técnicas de merchandising: distribución y adyacencia de productos, uso de materiales o animación en el propio POS. En este sentido podemos afirmar que el diseño final de un punto de venta es claramente determinante a la hora de incrementar la rentabilidad de la empresa. En este orden de ideas, el diseño de experiencias para el consumidor juega un papel muy importante, como afirman Cant & Hefer (2013), para quienes: “Visual merchandising can in simple terms be seen as the way in which retailers display their products in store in order to attract consumers”. Es aquí es donde entra en juego el diseño de experiencias aplicado al punto de venta.The competitiveness of commercial establishments is made up of strategic and tactical factors where products and services are not the only variables that must be considered, as they are part of a more complex whole: the marketing mix. With the current competitive saturation, as well as the need for differentiation and brand positioning (and product), the points of sale make use of the various merchandising techniques: distribution and adjacency of products, use of materials or animation in the POS itself. In this sense we can say that the final design of a point of sale is clearly determining when it comes to increasing the profitability of the company, providing added value for a good differentiation as well as for a good brand building. In this order of ideas, the design of experiences for the consumer plays a very important role, as stated by Cant & Hefer (2013), for whom: "Visual merchandising can be seen as the way in which retailers display their products in store in order to attract consumers”. This is where the experience design applied to the point of sale starts to do

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