1,073 research outputs found

    A propósito de la STS de 3 de abril de 2003 : Junta general ordinaria de accionistas convocada fuera de plazo

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    En este comentario a la sentencia de la Sala 1ª del Tribunal Supremo de 3 de abril de 2003 analizamos el supuesto de la convocatoria de la Junta General ordinaria de accionistas celebrada extemporáneamente sin intervención judicial. El Tribunal Supremo considera nula dicha convocatoria porque la celebración de la Junta General ordinaria fuera de plazo debe realizarse mediante convocatoria judicial, no siendo posible convocarla por los administradores de la sociedad. Nosotros no compartimos esta postura, y mantenemos la validez de esta Junta, salvando la posible responsabilidad en que hayan podido incurrir los administradores por los perjuicios causados a la sociedad o a los socios.In this commentary to the judgement of the 1st chamber of the Supreme court of 3 April 2003, we analyse the case of the call of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders hold out of time and without any juridical intervention. The supreme court considers such meeting void since the celebration of the ordinary general meeting out of time must take place by means of judicial convocation, not being possible to call it by the administrators of the company. We do not share this position, and keep the validity of this board, saving the possible responsibility that the administrators may have provoked for the damages caused to the company or the partners

    Instalación para el estudio de la propagación de ondas de presión en conductos y su aplicación en túneles para trenes de alta velocidad

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    Se ha construido una instalación experimental de bajo coste para realizar ensayos a escala de la onda de compresión que se generan en el interior de un túnel al introducirse en él un tren a alta velocidad, con el fin de estudiar posibles configuraciones para reducir la presión de la onda reflejada en la salida. El coeficiente de reflexión de varias terminaciones ha sido medido y la influencia de la porosidad en la salida ha sido evaluada utilizando el método de la pulsoreflectometría acústica A low-cost experimental facility has been built to perform scale measurements of the pressure waves generated by a high speed train entering inside a tunnel, in order to study possible configurations to reduce the pressure reflected back at the tunnel exit. The reflection coefficient of some tunnel terminations has been measured and the influence of the porosity at the exit has been evaluated by using the Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry method (APR)

    CSCG: Conceptual Schema of the Citrus Genome

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    We describe our proposed Conceptual Schema (CS) to work with Citrus genome information (CSCG). The presented CS is being used in a real-world industrial case to validate it and gather expert domain feedbackGarcía Simón, A.; Pastor López, O. (2020). CSCG: Conceptual Schema of the Citrus Genome. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14423

    A simplified approach to determine aerodynamic damping of railway overheads

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    The railway overhead (or catenary) is the system of cables responsible for providing electric current to the train. This system has been reported as wind-sensitive (Scanlon et al., 2000), and particularly to the occurrence of galloping phenomena. Galloping phenomena of the railway overhead consists of undamped cable oscillations triggered by aerodynamic forces acting on the contact wire. As is well known, aerodynamic loads on the contact wire depends on the incident flow mean velocity and the angle of attack. The presence of embankments or hills modifies both vertical velocities profiles and angles of attack of the flow (Paiva et al., 2009). The presence of these cross-wind related oscillations can interfere with the safe operation of the railway service (Johnson, 1996). Therefore a correct modelling of the phenomena is required to avoid these unwanted oscillations

    Experiencia de Aplicación de Tecnologías Informáticas y Cibernéticas a la docencia de Tecnología Aeroespacial

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    En un mundo global y dinámico como en el que actualmente se desarrolla la docencia, las nuevas tecnologías informáticas y cibernéticas cobran cada vez más importancia. Dentro de las nuevas metodologías docentes que en el ámbito universitario se están desarrollando, se encuentra la enseñanza a distancia o tele–enseñanza, en dos modalidades e-learning, (enseñanza a distancia) o b-learning (enseñanza mixta: a distancia y clase magistral en aula). En este artículo se presenta la implantación progresiva de una metodología docente basada en b-learning, junto con un sistema de evaluación de tipo continua que ha sido llevada a cabo en la asignatura de Tecnología Aeroespacial de la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica

    Consideration of tip speed limitations in preliminary analysis of minimum COE wind turbines

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    A relation between Cost Of Energy, COE, maximum allowed tip speed, and rated wind speed, is obtained for wind turbines with a given goal rated power. The wind regime is characterised by the corresponding parameters of the probability density function of wind speed. The non-dimensional characteristics of the rotor: number of blades, the blade radial distributions of local solidity, twist angle, and airfoil type, play the role of parameters in the mentioned relation. The COE is estimated using a cost model commonly used by the designers. This cost model requires basic design data such as the rotor radius and the ratio between the hub height and the rotor radius. Certain design options, DO, related to the technology of the power plant, tower and blades are also required as inputs. The function obtained for the COE can be explored to �nd those values of rotor radius that give rise to minimum cost of energy for a given wind regime as the tip speed limitation changes. The analysis reveals that iso-COE lines evolve parallel to iso-radius lines for large values of limit tip speed but that this is not the case for small values of the tip speed limits. It is concluded that, as the tip speed limit decreases, the optimum decision for keeping minimum COE values can be: a) reducing the rotor radius for places with high weibull scale parameter or b) increasing the rotor radius for places with low weibull scale paramete