1,333 research outputs found

    Bowel obstruction in adults due to ascariasis

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    In the world the most frequent and cosmopolitan parasitosis of all human helminthiasis is that caused by ascaris lumbricoides this sickness affects 1.5 billion people around the world, and approximately 60,000 people die annually as the result, about of complications, the intestinal obstruction being the most frequent complication from 38 to 87.5%, the humans become infected by ingesting the larvated eggs of the parasite. OPS report a prevalence of 46 million children between 1-year-old and 14 years old, the most importance prevalence occurs in children between 2 years old and 10 years old, decreasing significantly from the 15 years old. Mexico report through SINAVE (SEMARNAT 2020) a national incidence of 24,203 cases, the State of Sinaloa a total of 690 cases (2.8%). Lack of sanitation, drinking water and precariousness are risk factors for complications such as obstruction a complication that can progress to death

    Estimación de la ubicación del tren en una línea ferroviaria a partir de la medida de la impedancia eléctrica

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    En la actualidad, los circuitos de vía tienen una gran importancia en la detección de un tren que circula por un tramo de la línea ferroviaria. Eléctricamente, un circuito de vía se aborda como una línea de transmisión con parámetros R, L, C, G por unidad de longitud que dependen tanto de la frecuencia como de la humedad relativa del balasto; siendo esta última, fuente de incertidumbre a la hora de estimar la posición del tren. En el presente trabajo, se analiza y simula el efecto de la humedad relativa, primero en el comportamiento eléctrico de la vía y después en la estimación de la posición del tren. Además, se estudia y simula el efecto de una vía ocupada en la detección de señal de una vía paralela y libre, a partir del acoplamiento de corrientes de fuga entre vías paralelas.Track circuits play an important role in detecting the presence of a train on a railway track. Electrically, track circuits are studied under the line-transmission approach considering R, L, C, G per-length parameters which depend on the frequency as well as on ballast relative humidity. In this regard, the ballast relative humidity is a source of uncertainty when estimating the train position on track. In this work, the effect of the relative humidity is simulated and analyzed; first, considering the electrical behavior of the track and then estimating the train position. In addition, the simulation and analysis of the effect that an occupied railway has in the signal detection on a parallel and empty railway is presented; for this purpose, a model for coupled leakage currents among two railways is considered.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Electrónic

    The Effectiveness of Advanced Practice Nurses with Respect to Complex Chronic Wounds in the Management of Venous Ulcers

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    This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of advanced practice nurses with respect to complex chronic wounds (APN-CCWs) in the care of patients with venous ulcers. A multicentric, quasi-experimental pre-post study was conducted without a control group in the sanitary management areas where the APN-CCW program is being piloted. The intervention consisted of a mass training of clinical nurses from the participating districts on the proper management of injuries and the use of compression therapy. The data were collected through a specifically constructed questionnaire with questions regarding descriptive variables of injuries and their treatment. A total of 643 professionals responded (response rate of 89.1%), attending to a total population of 707,814 inhabitants. An increase in multilayer bandage use by 15.67%, an increase in elastic bandage use by 13.24%, and a significant decrease in the referral of patients to consultation with hospital specialists was achieved, from 21.08% to 12.34%. The number of patients referred to the APNs was 13.25%, which implied a resolution rate of 94.08% of their injuries. In conclusion, the coordination by the APN-CCWs in patients with venous ulcers was effective in improving the continuity of care, in the optimization of resources, and in their care role

    Design and deployment of Low-Cost Drifting Buoys for coastal monitoring applications

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    Several Low-Coast Drifting Buoys (LCDB) have been designed and constructed at ICMAN-CSIC to determine flow characteristics of The Guadalquivir Estuary. Position and velocity of the driftes can be sent to a local server every ten minutes. The battery module has been dimensioned to provide experiment duration longer than two weeks. Flow patterns registered by the LCDB successfully match Acoustic Doppler Current (ADC) data from some others moored ADC profilers.Peer Reviewe

    ROM-Based Finite State Machine Implementation in Low Cost FPGAs

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    This work presents a technique for the resource optimization of input multiplexed ROM-based Finite State Machines. This technique exploits the don't care value of the inputs to reduce the memory size as well as multiplexer complexity. This technique has been applied to a publicly available FSM benchmarks and implemented in a low-cost FPGA. Results have been compared with tools supported ROM and standard logic cells implementations. In a significant number of test cases, the proposed technique is the best design alternative, both in resource requirements and speed

    Formation of phenotypic lineages in Salmonella enterica by a pleiotropic fimbrial switch

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    The std locus of Salmonella enterica, an operon acquired by horizontal transfer, encodes fimbriae that permit adhesion to epithelial cells in the large intestine. Expression of the std operon is bistable, yielding a major subpopulation of StdOFF cells (99.7%) and a minor subpopulation of StdON cells (0.3%). In addition to fimbrial proteins, the std operon encodes two proteins, StdE and StdF, that have DNA binding capacity and control transcription of loci involved in flagellar synthesis, chemotaxis, virulence, conjugal transfer, biofilm formation, and other cellular functions. As a consequence of StdEF pleiotropic transcriptional control, StdON and StdOFF subpopulations may differ not only in the presence or absence of Std fimbriae but also in additional phenotypic traits. Separation of StdOFF and StdON lineages by cell sorting confirms the occurrence of lineage-specific features. Formation of StdOFF and StdON lineages may thus be viewed as a rudimentary bacterial differentiation program