2,319 research outputs found

    Hunting passerines with non–selective trapping methods was a source of conflict in Spain as far back as 1933

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    La caza de paseriformes con métodos de captura no selectivos ha sido una fuente de conflictos en España desde 1933 En este estudio se muestra documentación inédita referente a una queja presentada al Gobierno de España en 1933 por la Federación Ibérica de Sociedades Protectoras de Animales y Plantas, por el aparente incumplimiento de la Convención Internacional para la Protección de las Aves (1902). El motivo era la caza con métodos de captura no selectivos (redes y liga), que estaban prohibidos por dicho tratado, pero que el Gobierno de España, en 1929, había autorizado en determinados casos. Este tipo de caza pudo contribuir a la eliminación de grandes cantidades de paseriformes, algunos protegidos por ley. Según la documentación estudiada, la queja de esta federación fue impulsada por una carta remitida por Léon Pittet, presidente del Comité National Suisse pour la Protection des Oiseaux. Estos hechos ponen de relieve las relaciones existentes entre las organizaciones europeas, cuya finalidad era la conservación de las aves, y ciertas asociaciones españolas, entre cuyos objetivos figuraban también la defensa de los paseriformes, en una época en la que aún no se había constituido la Sociedad Española de Ornitología. Además, indican que la Convención de 1902 tuvo algunas consecuencias prácticas positivas, que posteriormente disminuyeron debido a la presión ejercida desde importantes sectores cinegéticos de España. El caso que se presenta aquí pone de manifiesto que el conflicto que existe actualmente en el país entre determinados métodos de caza y las leyes para la conservación de las aves se remonta al menos a la primera mitad del siglo  XX.La caza de paseriformes con métodos de captura no selectivos ha sido una fuente de conflictos en España desde 1933 En este estudio se muestra documentación inédita referente a una queja presentada al Gobierno de España en 1933 por la Federación Ibérica de Sociedades Protectoras de Animales y Plantas, por el aparente incumplimiento de la Convención Internacional para la Protección de las Aves (1902). El motivo era la caza con métodos de captura no selectivos (redes y liga), que estaban prohibidos por dicho tratado, pero que el Gobierno de España, en 1929, había autorizado en determinados casos. Este tipo de caza pudo contribuir a la eliminación de grandes cantidades de paseriformes, algunos protegidos por ley. Según la documentación estudiada, la queja de esta federación fue impulsada por una carta remitida por Léon Pittet, presidente del Comité National Suisse pour la Protection des Oiseaux. Estos hechos ponen de relieve las relaciones existentes entre las organizaciones europeas, cuya finalidad era la conservación de las aves, y ciertas asociaciones españolas, entre cuyos objetivos figuraban también la defensa de los paseriformes, en una época en la que aún no se había constituido la Sociedad Española de Ornitología. Además, indican que la Convención de 1902 tuvo algunas consecuencias prácticas positivas, que posteriormente disminuyeron debido a la presión ejercida desde importantes sectores cinegéticos de España. El caso que se presenta aquí pone de manifiesto que el conflicto que existe actualmente en el país entre determinados métodos de caza y las leyes para la conservación de las aves se remonta al menos a la primera mitad del siglo  XX.We here show unpublished documentation regarding a complaint presented to the Spanish Government by the Iberian Federation of Societies for the Protection of Animals and Plants in 1933. This complaint concerned apparent non–compliance with the International Convention for the Protection of Birds (1902). The reason was hunting with non–selective trapping methods (nets and birdlime) that were prohibited by the convention but authorized in certain cases by the Spanish Government in 1929. Such hunting could have contributed to the elimination of large numbers of passerines, some protected by law. According to the documentation studied, the complaint from this Iberian Federation was triggered by a letter sent by Léon Pittet, president of the Comité National Suisse pour la Protection des Oiseaux. This event emphasizes the relationships between European organizations whose purpose was the conservation of birds, and certain Spanish associations whose objectives included the defense of passerines in the years before the Spanish Ornithological Society was created. In addition, it indicates that the 1902 Convention had some positive practical consequences, although these later decreased due to pressure from important hunting sectors in Spain. The case presented here shows that the current conflict in Spain between the use of certain hunting methods and legislation for the conservation of birds dates back at least to the first half of the twentieth century

    Contribución de Graells a la posición de España en el primer convenio internacional para la protección de ciertas especies de la fauna silvestre (1902)

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    The process followed by Spain to decide whether it should subscribe the International Convention for the Protection of Birds Useful to Agriculture, signed in 1902 is described. The fundamental role played by Mariano de la Paz Graells, one of the foremost Spanish naturalists of the 19th century, in the technical review and acceptance of the draft agreement, drawn up in 1895, is highlighted. Furthermore, a critical analysis of Graells’s position in relation to this so-called first international convention for the conservation of certain wildlife species, has been carried out.Se describe el proceso que siguió España para decidir si debía suscribir el Convenio Internacional para la Protección de las Aves Útiles a la Agricultura, firmado en 1902. Se pone de manifiesto el papel fundamental que tuvo Mariano de la Paz Graells, uno de los más importantes naturalistas españoles del siglo XIX, en el examen técnico y aceptación del proyecto de dicho convenio, redactado en 1895. Además, se ha realizado un análisis crítico de la postura de Graells en relación con la que puede calificarse como la primera convención internacional para la conservación de ciertas especies de la fauna silvestre

    Brayton technology for Concentrated Solar Power plants: Comparative analysis of central tower plants and parabolic dish farms

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    [EN]Concentrated solar power plants intend to be key in the pool of renewable energy production technologies in the next future because of their versatility and high efficiency. In this work a comparative study between two promising technologies is developed. A central tower receiver surrounded by a heliostat field and a farm of parabolic dishes, both coupled to a hybrid Brayton cycle, are considered. Two power scales are surveyed (between 5 and 20 MW) at three different locations with quite different latitudes (between Sahara desert and medium European latitudes) and meteorological conditions. A modelling scheme developed by our group that allows to obtain the expected thermodynamic and thermo-economic plant records is applied. Key indicators like efficiency, net generated energy, levelized cost of electricity, and specific plant investment are calculated and analysed. Variability of natural gas prices and also land cost uncertainty are reflected on levelized cost of electricity range. Among the plants compared, minimum values are found within the interval [135–163] USD/MWh for central towers at the highest power considered and southern latitudes. In addition, the area needed for the installation of the plants and the influence of CO taxes is also analysed. Displayed cashflows show larger investment costs for central tower than for dish farms. Finally, those systems are put into the context of other concentrated solar power, other renewable, like wind or photovoltaic, and other conventional power plants.PC_TCUE18-20P_010. Universidad de Salamanca and Banco de Santande

    Evaluation of draw solutions and commercially available forward osmosis membrane modules for wastewater reclamation at pilot scale

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    An intensive evaluation of draw solutions (DS) was performed by focusing on the wastewater reuse applications of hybrid forward osmosis (FO) processes. The substances studied were potassium formate, potassium phosphate, magnesium sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium polyacrylate and polyethylene glycol, and their osmotic pressure, conductivity, pH, thermostability, sunlight exposure, toxicity, FO filtration performance and replenishment costs were determined. Additionally, commercially available FO membrane modules were evaluated at pilot scale. The results revealed that the most relevant DS properties for wastewater reuse under the studied conditions were the DS regeneration method, DS replacement price, pH adjustment and toxicity. These properties were shown to be more relevant than filtration flux when a maximum DS osmotic pressure value of 10 bar was used. This was the limit for efficient DS recovery. When the different FO membranes were compared, thin-film composite (TFC) flat-sheet membranes showed the highest flux and the highest salt rejection, and the lowest permeability and salt rejection values were presented by cellulose triacetate (CTA) hollow fibre membranes. Based on the information obtained, a TFC-FO/nanofiltration (NF) demonstration plant will be constructed next to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in San Pedro del Pinatar, in the region of Murcia (Spain). This represents the world's first FO demonstration plant for municipal wastewater reclamation and its results will allow this technology to be evaluated for wastewater reuse for agricultural purpose

    Soft–bottom sipunculans from San Pedro del Pinatar (Western Mediterranean): influence of anthropogenic impacts and sediment characteristics on their distribution

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    We analysed the distribution of soft bottom sipunculans from San Pedro del Pinatar (Western Mediterranean). This study was carried out from December 2005 to June 2010, sampling with biannual periodicity (June and December). Physical and chemical parameters of the sediment were analysed (granulometry, organic matter content, pH, bottom salinity and shelter availability). Nine different species and subspecies were identified, belonging to five families. Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri was the dominant species, accumulating 89.06% of the total abundance of sipunculans. Higher sipunculan abundances were correlated with stations of higher percentage of coarse sand, empty mollusc shells and empty tubes of the serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina, where some of the recorded species live. Sediment characteristics played the main role controlling the sipunculans distribution. Anthropogenic impacts could be indirectly affecting their distribution, changing the sediment characteristics. Key words: Sipuncula, Aspidosiphon muelleri, Mediterranean, Anthropogenic impact, Soft–bottom.Se analizó la distribución de los sipuncúlidos de fondos blandos de San Pedro del Pinatar (Mediterráneo occidental). Este estudio se llevó a cabo entre diciembre de 2005 y junio de 2010, muestreando con periodicidad semestral (junio y diciembre). Se analizaron parámetros físicos y químicos del sedimento (granulometría, contenido de materia orgánica, pH, salinidad de fondo y disponibilidad de refugio). Nueve especies y subespecies diferentes fueron identificadas, pertenecientes a cinco familias. Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri fue la especie dominante, acumulando el 89,06% de la abundancia total de sipuncúlidos. Las mayores abundancias de sipuncúlidos se correlacionaron con las estaciones con mayores porcentajes de arena gruesa, conchas de moluscos vacías y tubos vacíos del poliqueto serpúlido Ditrupa arietina, donde viven algunas de las especies registradas. Las características del sedimento jugaron el papel principal en el control de la distribución de sipuncúlidos. Los impactos antropogénicos podrían estar afectando indirectamente su distribución, cambiando las características del sedimento. Palabras clave: Sipuncúlidos, Aspidosiphon muelleri, Mediterráneo, Impacto antropogénico, Fondos blandos.We analysed the distribution of soft bottom sipunculans from San Pedro del Pinatar (Western Mediterranean). This study was carried out from December 2005 to June 2010, sampling with biannual periodicity (June and December). Physical and chemical parameters of the sediment were analysed (granulometry, organic matter content, pH, bottom salinity and shelter availability). Nine different species and subspecies were identified, belonging to five families. Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri was the dominant species, accumulating 89.06% of the total abundance of sipunculans. Higher sipunculan abundances were correlated with stations of higher percentage of coarse sand, empty mollusc shells and empty tubes of the serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina, where some of the recorded species live. Sediment characteristics played the main role controlling the sipunculans distribution. Anthropogenic impacts could be indirectly affecting their distribution, changing the sediment characteristics. Key words: Sipuncula, Aspidosiphon muelleri, Mediterranean, Anthropogenic impact, Soft–bottom

    The mysterious bird outbreak of 1779 in southeastern Iberian peninsula: a massive irruption of the Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis from Africa?

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    Several current and past bibliographical references mention the sudden pest outbreak of a mysterious sparrow–like bird in the southeastern Iberian peninsula in 1779. Based on these references, we investigated unpublished documentary sources from various historical archives that reflected the actions carried out by public authorities against the bird pest. Some narratives come from direct witnesses who sometimes provided relevant data on the origin and biology of the birds involved. From the analysis and interpretation of these data, it was clear that the bird outbreak was caused by an unusual passerine in southeastern Iberia. In May 1779, birds irrupted in large numbers into several localities in the current provinces of Alicante, Murcia and Almería, probably coming from North Africa. Damage caused to cereal crops was meaningful and the extraordinary alarm generated in the people motivated the intervention of both local authorities and government institutions. The birds formed large arboreal colonies, building multiple nests per tree. We discuss different hypotheses related to the taxonomic position of these birds within the Ploceidae and Passeridae families. The bird species whose distribution, morphology, life characteristics and behaviour agrees best with the testimonies analysed is the Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis. We propose that this sparrow could be the protagonist of this historic bird pest outbreak

    The spatially-resolved star formation histories of CALIFA galaxies: Implications for galaxy formation

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    This paper presents the spatially resolved star formation history (SFH) of nearby galaxies with the aim of furthering our understanding of the different processes involved in the formation and evolution of galaxies. To this end, we apply the fossil record method of stellar population synthesis to a rich and diverse data set of 436 galaxies observed with integral field spectroscopy in the CALIFA survey. The sample covers a wide range of Hubble types, with stellar masses ranging from M109M_\star \sim 10^9 to 7×1011M7 \times 10^{11} M_\odot. Spectral synthesis techniques are applied to the datacubes to retrieve the spatially resolved time evolution of the star formation rate (SFR), its intensity (ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR}), and other descriptors of the 2D-SFH in seven bins of galaxy morphology (E, S0, Sa, Sb, Sbc, Sc, and Sd), and five bins of stellar mass. Our main results are: a) Galaxies form very fast independently of their current stellar mass, with the peak of star formation at high redshift (z>2z > 2). Subsequent star formation is driven by MM_\star and morphology, with less massive and later type spirals showing more prolonged periods of star formation. b) At any epoch in the past the SFR is proportional to MM_\star, with most massive galaxies having the highest absolute (but lowest specific) SFRs. c) While nowadays ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} is similar for all spirals, and significantly lower in early type galaxies (ETG), in the past ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} scales well with morphology. The central regions of today's ETGs are where ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} reached the highest values (>103M> 10^3 \,M_\odot\,Gyr1^{-1}\,pc2^{-2}), similar to those measured in high redshift star forming galaxies. d) The evolution of ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} in Sbc systems matches that of models for Milky-Way-like galaxies, suggesting that the formation of a thick disk may be a common phase in spirals at early epochs.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, abstract abridged for arXiv submissio