2,502 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Advanced Practice Nurses with Respect to Complex Chronic Wounds in the Management of Venous Ulcers

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    This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of advanced practice nurses with respect to complex chronic wounds (APN-CCWs) in the care of patients with venous ulcers. A multicentric, quasi-experimental pre-post study was conducted without a control group in the sanitary management areas where the APN-CCW program is being piloted. The intervention consisted of a mass training of clinical nurses from the participating districts on the proper management of injuries and the use of compression therapy. The data were collected through a specifically constructed questionnaire with questions regarding descriptive variables of injuries and their treatment. A total of 643 professionals responded (response rate of 89.1%), attending to a total population of 707,814 inhabitants. An increase in multilayer bandage use by 15.67%, an increase in elastic bandage use by 13.24%, and a significant decrease in the referral of patients to consultation with hospital specialists was achieved, from 21.08% to 12.34%. The number of patients referred to the APNs was 13.25%, which implied a resolution rate of 94.08% of their injuries. In conclusion, the coordination by the APN-CCWs in patients with venous ulcers was effective in improving the continuity of care, in the optimization of resources, and in their care role

    Efficacy of gel containing organic extra virgin olive oil for peristomal skin hygiene: A pilot randomised controlled trial

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    Aim: To assess the efficacy and safety of the application, during stoma hygiene, of a pH-neutral gel containing organic EVOO (oEVOO) for the maintenance of peristomal skin integrity. Method: Patients with a colostomy or ileostomy were enrolled in a pilot randomized controlled trial and assigned treatment with a pH-neutral gel made from natural products including oEVOO or usual stoma hygiene gel. The primary outcome was three domains of abnormal peristomal skin: Discolouration, Erosion and Tissue overgrowth. Secondary outcomes that were evaluated included skin moisture; oiliness; skin elasticity; water-oil balance; patients’ perceptions; difficulty inserting and removing the pouching system; pain, any other chemical, infectious, mechanical, or immunological complications of concern. The intervention lasted 8 weeks. Results: Twenty-one patients were recruited for the trial and randomly assigned to either the experimental group (n = 12) or the control group (n = 9). The groups did not differ significantly in terms of patient characteristics. No significant differences between groups were identified either at baseline (p = 0.203) or at the end of the intervention (p = 0.397). In the experimental group, domains of abnormal peristomal skin improved after the intervention. The difference observed before and after the intervention was statistically significant (p = 0.031). Conclusion: The use of a gel containing oEVOO has shown similar levels of efficacy and safety to other gels commonly used for peristomal skin hygiene. It is also relevant to highlight that a significant improvement in skin condition was observed in the experimental group before and after the intervention.Department of Nursing, University of Granada, Spain

    Periferias nacionales y patrimonio cultural: Desarrollo comunitario en áreas marginales de Europa

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    El present treball analitza diferents processos de patrimonialització en àrees perifèriques del sud-oest europeu (frontera hispà-lusitana en el Baix Guadiana) i el centre (República Txeca, Eslovàquia i Polònia), definint la condició perifèrica de les fronteres des de les perspectives geogràfica i socioeconòmica. Es presta una especial atenció a iniciatives de desenvolupament comunitari a través de la mobilització entorn del patrimoni, és a dir, la participació de comunitats locals en activitats relacionades amb la valorització del patrimoni, les estratègies de participació i els actors d'aquests processos socials. Malgrat les diferències entre els processos històrics dels països seleccionats i analitzats, les seves perifèries enfronten problemes semblants, als que donen respostes diferents. A través de la descripció de casos locals, aquest article explora la diversitat i les especificitats de la *patrimonialización en regions perifèriques, com ara el rol de la (*in)estabilitat de les fronteres, els problemes d'adaptabilitat/ resiliència de les comunitats locals, les estratègies de desenvolupament sostenible o l'equilibri entre aspectes locals/ globals de la posada en valor del patrimoni. Finalment, la descripció i interpretació permet crear nous interrogants que poden contribuir al desenvolupament de recerques futures centrades, p. ex., en el paper de les fronteres, comunicació/ cooperació entre comunitats frontereres, diferenciació al nivell de la patrimonialització, etc.This paper examines different heritagization processes in peripheral areas of Southern (the Portuguese-Spanish border in the Lower Guadiana Basin) and Central (Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland) Europe, while defining the peripherality of these borderland regions from a geographic as well as a socio-economic perspective. We pay particular attention to community building initiatives involving heritage mobilization, i.e., the participation of local communities in activities related to heritage enhancement, the participatory strategies, and the actors in these social processes. Despite the differences in the historical development of the countries selected, their peripheries face similar processes while generating different responses to those issues. Through the description of selected, locally based cases, the paper explores the varieties and the specifics of heritagization in peripheral regions (such as the role of in/stability of the borders, issues around the adaptability/resilience of local communities and sustainable growth strategies as well as the balance of local/global aspects in heritagization). Finally, the description and interpretation of the cases brings up new questions and addresses new issues which can be analysed and developed in further research (e.g., the role of the boundaries, communication/cooperation in cross-border communities, the differentiation of heritagization, etc.).El presente trabajo analiza distintos procesos de patrimonialización en áreas periféricas del suroeste europeo (frontera hispano-lusa en el Bajo Guadiana) y Centroeuropa (República Checa, Eslovaquia y Polonia), definiendo la condición periférica de las fronteras desde las perspectivas geográfica y socioeconómica. Se presta una especial atención a iniciativas de desarrollo comunitario a través de la movilización en torno al patrimonio, es decir, la participación de comunidades locales en actividades relacionadas con la valorización del patrimonio, las estrategias de participación y los actores de estos procesos sociales. A pesar de las diferencias entre los procesos históricos de los países seleccionados y analizados, sus periferias enfrentan problemas semejantes, a los que dan respuestas distintas. A través de la descripción de casos locales, este artículo explora la diversidad y las especificidades de la patrimonialización en regiones periféricas, tales como el rol de la (in)estabilidad de las fronteras, los problemas de adaptabilidad/ resiliencia de las comunidades locales, las estrategias de desarrollo sostenible o el equilibrio entre aspectos locales/ globales de la puesta en valor del patrimonio. Por último, la descripción e interpretación permite crear nuevos interrogantes que pueden contribuir al desarrollo de investigaciones futuras centradas, p. ej., en el papel de las fronteras, comunicación/ cooperación entre comunidades fronterizas, diferenciación al nivel de la patrimonialización, etc.Peer Reviewe

    Susceptibility and resistance of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts against preservatives with potential application in table olives

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    In the present study, a dose-response model was used to investigate the susceptibility (NIC) and resistance (MIC) of the lactic acid bacteria and yeast populations with respect to five chemical preservatives (fumaric and pyruvic acids, cinnamaldehyde, sodium metabisulphite and natamycin) with potential application in table olives. Results were compared with respect to potassium sorbate, a well-known preservative habitually used in olive packaging. Sodium metabisulphite was the most efficient preservative to control lactic acid bacteria growth (MIC, 50 ppm), followed by cinnamaldehyde (1060 ppm) while pyruvic acid required higher concentrations (3211 ppm). Natamycin (25 ppm) was highly efficient against yeasts, followed by cinnamaldehyde (125 ppm), potassium sorbate (553 ppm), sodium metabisulphite (772 ppm) and pyruvic acid (3038 ppm). Fumaric acid, in the range assayed (0–2000 ppm), did not show any inhibitory effect against these two microbial groups. This survey presents for the first time a comparative study of the efficiency of potential preservatives to control the growth of table olive related microorganisms. Further studies should be performed to validate their effects and interactions in the food matrix.The research leading to these results has received funding from INTERACEITUNA (Organización Interprofesional de la Aceituna de Mesa, Spain) and the Junta de Andalucía. FNAL thanks to the Spanish Government and CSIC for his Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral research contract, while VRG thanks the AgriFood Campus of International Excellence (ceiA3), Bank of Santander, Spanish Government and ‘Aloreña de Málaga’ Olive Manufacturing Association for her pre-doctoral fellowship (training and formation program of Ph.D. in companies).Peer Reviewe

    The relationship between maximum isometric strength and ball velocity in the tennis serve

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    The aims of this study were to analyze the relationship between maximum isometric strength levels in different upper and lower limb joints and serve velocity in competitive tennis players as well as to develop a prediction model based on this information. Twelve male competitive tennis players (mean ± SD; age: 1 7.2 ± 1.0 years; body height: 180.1 ± 6.2 cm; body mass: 71.9 ± 5.6 kg) were tested using maximum isometric strength levels (i.e., wrist, elbow and shoulder flexion and extension; leg and back extension; shoulder external and internal rotation). Serve velocity was measured using a radar gun. Results showed a strong positive relationship between serve velocity and shoulder internal rotation (r = 0.67; p < 0.05). Low to moderate correlations were also found between serve velocity and wrist, elbow and shoulder flexion – extension, leg and back extension and shoulder external rotation (r = 0.36 – 0.53; p = 0.377 – 0.054). Bivariate and multivariate models for predicting serve velocity were developed, with shoulder flexion and internal rotation explaining 55% of the variance in serve velocity (r = 0.74; p < 0.001). The maximum isometric strength level in shoulder internal rotation was strongly related to serve velocity, and a large part of the variability in serve velocity was explained by the maximum isometric strength levels in shoulder internal rotation and shoulder flexion.peerReviewe

    Archaeologist with(out) borders: the ANA-lise Project and the study of Low Guadiana Valley’s settlement (Portugal and Spain) from 8th c. BC to 1st c. AD

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    O estudo das fronteiras e dos territórios fronteiriços é um tema de investigação com repercussões evidentes no mundo actual, bem como uma oportunidade para desenvolver estratégias de turismo cultural e protecção do património cultural. Apresentam-se, neste trabalho, algumas questões sobre um projecto de investigação transfronteiriço (ANA-lise/ ANA-lisis) que estuda o povoamento humano ao longo da bacia do Guadiana entre os séculos VIII a.C. e I d.C., bem como o papel do projecto no contexto de outras iniciativas na União Europeia. Apresentam-se, igualmente, alguns resultados preliminares de duas campanhas de prospecção que contribuíram para a elaboração de um tentame de síntese dos processos prévios à construção da fronteira política entre os países ibéricos com o Tratado de Alcañices (1297) e para uma reflexão sobre a necessidade de desenvolver estudos e estratégias de protecção e difusão do património cultural transfronteiriço.The study of Boundaries or Borderlands is a current theme of research and an opportunity to develop strategies for cultural tourism and for the protection of Cultural Heritage. This paper presents some questions about a Cross-border Reseach Program (ANA-lise/ ANA-lisis) that deals with the study of human settlement along the Guadiana Valley between the 8th Century BC and the 1st Century AD, as well as the project’s role among others in the European Union’s context; the results of two campaigns of field work and research are a stepping stone for a preliminary synthesis of the historical processes previous to the delimitation of the political boundary between Spain and Portugal with Alcañices’ Treaty (1297), as well as for a global reflection about the need to study and protect the cross-border Cultural Heritage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Local processes and Global History in the examination of the Lower Guadiana Bassin's borderlands (Portugal and Spain)

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    O presente trabalho analisa questões relativas à aplicação das recentes metodologias do estudo da História Global aos territórios fronteiriços, valorizando a sua apetência para o desenvolvimento de relações sociais singulares e de interconexões. Este estudo centra-se, sobretudo, no Baixo Guadiana, que separa parcialmente dois países (Portugal e Espanha), assinalando-se a sua permeabilidade e o modo como, ao longo do tempo e do espaço, se desenvolveram processos locais que fazem com que as fronteiras possam ser um objecto de estudo idóneo para a História Global.In this paper we examine the use of recent methodologies from Global Studies in the study of borderlands. Borders or boundaries are critical for the development of unique social relations and interconnections. This study is mostly focused on the Lower Guadiana Valley, which separates partially two countries (Portugal and Spain). Permeability and the development of local processes in time and space are also examined, which leads to the assumption that borderlands are idoneous case-studies for Global History

    Mértola between the late Bronze Age and the beginning of the roman presence: problems and perspectives of investigation

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    En este artículo se analizan los problemas y perspectivas de investigación sobre la Protohistoria y romanización en la antigua Myrtilis y su territorio, presentándose una síntesis sobre el estado de la cuestión. La falta de contextos conservados en esta villa alentejana es un problema que las recientes excavaciones en la Biblioteca, dirigidas por el Campo Arqueológico de Mértola, pueden solucionar. Estos trabajos son un punto de partida para futuras investigaciones sobre la ocupación humana durante los periodos señalados. Desde una perspectiva territorial y étnica, Myrtilis puede ser interpretada como un lugar de frontera, con condiciones de defensa privilegiadas, y como un punto estratégico de contacto entre otras ciudades interiores (p.ej., Pax Iulia), las minas (São Domingos, Castro Verde), y el mar, lo que ha contribuido decisivamente para su importancia en la Antigüedad y en épocas posterioresThis paper analyses the problems and perspectives of investigation about the Protohistory and Romanization in the ancient Myrtilis and its territory. It presents a synthesis of the state of the question. The lack of preserved contexts on this village is a problem that the recent excavations of Mértola’s library by the Campo Arqueológico de Mértola can solve, serving as a stepping stone for further investigations about the occupational sequence during these periods. In terms of territorial and ethnical perspective, Myrtilis can be seen as a frontier place, with privileged defence conditions, as well as a strategic point of contact between other towns in the interior (e.g. Pax Iulia), the mines (São Domingos, Castro Verde) and the sea, which justifies its importance in the Antiquity and other periodsMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España HAR2015-68310-

    On the Machinability of an Al-63%SiC Metal Matrix Composite

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    This paper presents a preliminary study of aluminium matrix composite materials during machining, with a special focus on their behavior under conventional processes. This work will expand the knowledge of these materials, which is considered to be strategic for some industrial sectors, such as the aeronautics, electronics, and automotive sectors. Finding a machining model will allow us to define the necessary parameters when applying the materials to industry. As a previous step of the material and its machining, an experimental state-of-the-art review has been carried out, revealing a lack of studies about the composition and material properties, processes, tools, and recommended parameters. The results obtained and reflected in this paper are as follows; SiC is present in metallic matrix composite (MMC) materials in a very wide variety of sizes. A metallographic study of the material confirms the high percentage of reinforcement and very high microhardness values registered. During the machining process, tools present a very high level of wear in a very short amount of time, where chips are generated and arcs are segmented, revealing the high microhardness of the material, which is given by its high concentration of SiC. The chip shape is the same among other materials with a similar microhardness, such as Ti or its alloys. The forces registered in the machining process are quite di erent from conventional alloys and are more similar to the values of harder alloys, which is also the case for chip generation. The results coincide, in part, with previous studies and also give new insight into the behavior of this material, which does not conform to the assumptions for standard metallic materials, where the hypothesis of Sha er is not directly applicable. On the other hand, here, cutting forces do not behave in accordance with the traditional model. This paper will contribute to improve the knowledge of the Al-63%SiC MMC itself and the machining behavior

    Effect of green Spanish-style Manzanilla packaging conditions on the prevalence of the putative probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus pentosus TOMC-LAB2

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    This work focuses on the persistence of the putative probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus pentosus TOMC-LAB2 on green Spanish-style Manzanilla olives according to different packaging conditions and storage temperatures. The lactic acid bacteria population decreased with time but the highest survival counts (and lowest yeasts) at the end of storage (8 months) were observed in plastic pouches under nitrogen atmosphere and glass jars with brine stored at 20°C. Molecular techniques showed a 100% presence of the putative probiotic bacteria in biofilms adhered to olive epidermis, while it was absent in PPB (plastic pouches with brine) and in olives stored at 7°C. No changes in NaCl, pH or combined acidity were observed during the storage except for a slight increase in titratable acidity at 20°C. The color of the fruits was stable but degraded at 20°C for olives in plastic pouches with brine.The research leading to these results has received funding from the EU's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n°243471 (PROBIOLIVES) and the Junta de Andalucía (through financial support to group AGR-125). Thanks to JOLCA for supplying the fruits and the packages and to ASEMESA for its support. FNAL thanks the Spanish Government and CSIC for his Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral research contract, while VRG wishes to thank the AgriFood Campus of International Excellence (ceiA3), Bank of Santander, Spanish Government, and ‘Aloreña de Málaga’ Olive Manufacturing Association for her predoctoral fellowship (training program of PhD in companies).EUR 1,172 APC fee funded by the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access PilotPeer reviewe