87 research outputs found

    Flipped classroom evaluation using kahott and moodle in the undergraduate teaching lab

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    Comunicación presentada en EDULEARN 2018, 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (July 2-4, 2018, Palma, Mallorca, Spain).This article analyzes the implementation of a flipped classroom methodology in the undergraduate teaching labs of engineering degrees. The methodology is focused on providing the students, before the lab session, with audio-visual resources that cover the theoretical background and explanations needed to follow the session. At the beginning of each lab session, the preparatory work performed by the students is evaluated with an on-line test, which was performed using Kahoot and Moodle resources and has an impact on the mark of the session. This methodology is helpful in the sense that eliminates the frequently required theoretical introduction, allowing devoting more time to the experimental part. On the other hand, it provides an immediate information of the degree of prior knowledge gained by the students, so the weaker aspects can be reinforced during the lab session. An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages found for the two on-line resources employed, in conjunction with the impact produced on the students by the methodology is presented. Moodle was found to show greater seriousness and more versatility to introduce the test questions. However, the use of Kahoot was preferred by the students, since it creates a more relaxed lab atmosphere, which was also very useful to increase the participation of some students who were unmotivated. The students recognized that the methodology helped to better follow the lab sessions and improved the quality of their lab reports, which are the items used for their evaluation

    Importancia de la planificación en el entrenamiento deportivo : análisis del proceso de entrenamiento en minibasket

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    La influencia que el entrenamiento deportivo tiene en el proceso formativo del joven jugador de baloncesto tiene una importancia vital. La consideración de principios pedagógicos a la hora del diseño de las sesiones de entrenamiento lleva a que éstas se desarrollen en un entorno que asegure la formación integral de los jugadores. Esto justifica la importancia de la planificación y control de los entrenamientos deportivos. La tecnología puede facilitar este proceso surgiendo un programa específico para este ámbito como es el “Pyc Basket”. El presente estudio tiene como objeto el análisis de las sesiones de entrenamiento diseñadas en una temporada por un entrenador de minibasket, así como mostrar la utilidad del “Pyc Basket” para la planificación y el control del entrenamiento deportivo. Los resultados muestran como el entrenador trabaja bajo una metodología alternativa al ser predominante la utilización del juego como medio, las situaciones de juego muestran una progresión siendo superior la utilización de situaciones de 1x1, se trabaja más la fase de ataque pero con una intención clara de tratar ambas y el tiempo dedicado a los contenidos tácticos es superior que el de la técnica. Son varias las aportaciones de esta herramienta al ámbito deportivo, mejorar la calidad de las sesiones de entrenamiento, favorecer las investigaciones sobre la metodología, conocimiento y formación de los entrenadores, etc. Todo ello para mejorar la formación de los jugadores y consecuentemente conseguir el éxito de este deporte.The sports training’s influence has on the educational process of a young basketball player, has a vital importance. The consideration of pedagogic principles for the design of training sessions leads them to be developed in an environment, which ensures the players’ integral formation. This justifies the importance of the planning and control of the sports training. Technology can ease this process, appearing a specific programme for this field as “Pyc Basket”. The present paper has as objective, the analysis of the designed training sessions in a season for a minibasket coach, as well as showing the usefulness of “Pyc Basket” for the planning and the control of a sports training. The results show how the coach works under an alternative method, since the use of the game as a medium is predominant; also the game situations demonstrate a progress, being the use of 1x1 situations superior. In addition, they also displayed that the attack is worked more, but with a clear intention of training both; and the time devoted to the tactical contents is greater than that of the technique. The contributions of this tool to the sports field are several, to improve the quality of training sessions, to support the researches on this methodology, knowledge and coaches’ formation, etc. Overall, all of that is to improve the formation of athletes, and consequently, to achieve the success of this sport

    Multifunctional probes for high-throughput measurement of Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity at room temperature

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    An apparatus capable of rapid measurement of the Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity at room temperature is reported. The novel aspect of this apparatus is the use of 4 multifunctional probes that comprise a junction of two conductors at the tip and serve as both thermocouples and electrical contacts. In addition, one of the probes has a built-in heater that can establish a temperature gradient in the sample for the Seebeck measurement. The technique does not require special sample geometries or preparation of contacts and is suitable for bulk and thin film materials. Together with automated sample stage and data acquisition, the equipment is able to measure both the Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity in less than 20 s with good accuracy. Less than 5% and 4% relative errors were found for the measurement of the Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity, respectively. This makes the apparatus especially useful for high throughput evaluation of thermoelectric materials.The authors wish to acknowledge financial support from the Accelerated Metallurgy Project, which is co-funded by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme (Contract No. NMP4-LA-2011-263206), by the European Space Agency and by the individual partner organizations. Moreover, the assistance of the electrical and mechanical workshops from the Cardiff School of Engineering is acknowledged

    Competencia y confianza profesional en atención temprana en el uso de prácticas recomendadas y su relación con la involucración parental

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    Parent involvement in early childhood intervention (ECI) is considered an important component of recommended ECI practices. However, how parents are involved in their child’s early intervention differs considerably between ECI practitioners. Current research indicates that practitioners’ competence and confidence appraisals influence the use of ECI practices. The purposes of this study were to (1) adapt and validate the Early Childhood Intervention Practitioner Competence and Confidence Scale for use in Spain, (2) examine the psychometric properties of the scale, (3) compare practitioners’ beliefs about their competence and confidence in using recommended ECI practices, and (4) evaluate the relationship between belief appraisals and practitioners’ judgmentsof parent involvement in ECI. The sample included 130 Spanish ECI practitioners. The results indicated that the scale is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring practitioners’ competence and confidence in using six ECI recommended practices in Spain. Practitioners’ appraisals of competence and confidence, however, differed across the recommended practices. Significant positive correlations were found between the practitioners’ appraisals of competence and confidence and their judgments of parent in-volvement. These results show that a strong sense of competence and confidence in using different kinds of ECI-recommended practices is related to increased parent involvement in active child participation in learning and development in everyday activities.Research and practical implications are discussed.La involucración parental es un componente importante de las prácticas recomendadas en atención temprana (AT). Sin embargo, la forma en que los padres son involucrados en la intervención temprana de sus hijos difiere considerablemente entre los profesionales. En este sentido, la investigación actual muestra que el juicio de los profesionales en relación a su competencia y confianza influye el uso de prácticas de AT. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron (1) adaptar y validar la Early Childhood Intervention Practitioner Competence and Confidence Scale para su uso en España, (2) examinar las propiedades psicométricas de esta escala, (3) comparar las creencias de los profesionales en relación a su competencia y confianza en el uso de prácticas recomendadas, y (4) analizar la relación entre estas creencias y el juicio de los profesionales sobre la involucración parental en AT. A este fin, se contó con una muestra española de 130 profesionales de AT. Los resultados indicaron que la escala es un instrumento válido y fiable para medir la competencia y confianza profesional en el uso de seis prácticas recomendadas de AT en el contexto español. El juicio de los profesionales respecto a su competencia y confianza difirió entre las diversas prácticas recomendadas. Se encontraron correlaciones positivas y significativas entre las valoraciones de competencia y confianza de los profesionales y sus juicios sobre la involucración parental. Estos resultados muestran que una elevada competencia y confianza en el uso de diferentes tipos de prácticas recomendadas en AT está relacionada con una mayor involucración parental en la participación activa del niño en su aprendizaje y desarrollo en actividades cotidianas. Se discuten las implicaciones prácticas y de investigación

    Annealing Effect on the Conductivity of XLPE Insulation in Power Cable

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    Conductivity () in XLPE insulation of power cables annealed at 90 ºC at temperatures between 50 and 97 ºC has been measured. In all cases there is an initial increase in conductivity that develops a maximum and finally decreases for long annealing times. This maximum appears in the sample annealed 20 days when conductivity is measured at 50 ºC and shifts gradually to higher annealing times up to 40 days when the measurement is performed at 97 ºC. A linear behavior of ln() versus T -1/4 is observed, which implies that the transport mechanism is basically via thermally assisted hopping conduction. Infrared spectroscopy indicates that, during annealing, some chemical species diffuse from the semiconducting shields (SC) into the XLPE. Thermally stimulated depolarization currents technique (TSDC) and intensity-current measurements (I-V) point out as well the presence of this diffusion process that becomes less significant after long annealing times. The initial increase in is explained in terms of the increase in traps density due to the diffusion process from the SC shields. Long term decrease in is justified by the observed decrease of diffusion rate for long annealing times

    Effect of annealing on conductivity in XLPE mid-voltage cable insulation

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    A new study of the electrical conductivity of crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) mid-voltage (MV) cable insulation is presented. Its main objective is to show the effect of annealing treatments on MV cables under actual service conditions. Complementary time domain (absorption/resorption currents) and frequency domain (dynamic electrical analysis) techniques are applied on different laboratory samples containing XLPE insulations: sections of XLPE insulated cable (with and without semiconducting screens) in the case of absorption/resorption currents and, in the case of dynamic electrical analysis, a thin ribbon obtained from the cable insulation by mechanical procedures. For annealing temperatures below a certain critical temperature, conductivity decreases both for XLPE cylinders (cable sections from which inner and outer semiconducting screens have been removed) and for real cables (sections of cable with semiconducting screens) but its value is smaller in the case of cables. If the annealing temperature is higher than the critical temperature, the behaviour of conductivity is more complex. In XLPE, cylinders conductivity initially decreases with the annealing time but after some annealing time it begins to increase, it passes over a maximum and eventually it decreases monotonically. In the case of real cable sections, conductivity grows, tending to a saturation value, which is noticeably higher than the corresponding value of the maximum obtained for XLPE cylinders. The experimental results are explained satisfactorily by means of the Mott equation that takes into account hopping conduction assisted both by temperature and electric field

    Efectos de la asistencia, densidad de la misma y la capacidad del pabellón en las victorias conseguidas en casa en función de la conferencia en la NBA

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    Los equipos que juegan en casa ganan más del 50% de los partidos. El estudio de los efectos relacionados con el apoyo del público ha sido poco analizado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar los efectos de la capacidad del pabellón, la asistencia a los partidos y la densidad de la misma en las victorias conseguidas en casa. Se analizaron los resultados por equipo de 7 temporadas de la NBA (N=210). Los datos fueron extraídos de la página web especializada Basketball-Reference.com. La asistencia media, la capacidad del pabellón y la densidad de la asistencia y su relación con el número de victorias en casa fueron analizadas. Se utilizó un análisis de regresión para analizar los efectos de estas variables en el número de victorias en casa. Los resultados muestran un efecto estadísticamente significativo de la asistencia media al pabellón en ambas conferencias, y de la capacidad del pabellón en la conferencia oeste. El tamaño del público ya se ha demostrado como uno de los predictores más potentes de las victorias en casa. El aumento de la asistencia al pabellón va a llevar a un aumento del rendimiento de equipo. Los clubes deben promover políticas que hagan más atractivo desplazarse al pabellón por parte de los aficionados, aumentando la asistencia y, por tanto, el número de victorias en casa

    Estudio de las fases de juego a través del análisis del entrenamiento deportivo en categoría minibasket

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    El objeto de este estudio fue analizar la planificacion de las fases de juego que realiza un entrenador durante el entrenamiento. La muestra la constituyen la totalidad de las tareas de entrenamiento de dos temporadas deportivas (n=846). Las variables de estudio fueron las fases de juego, los medios de entrenamiento y las situaciones de juego. Se analizaron las diferencias en el tratamiento de las variables en las dos temporadas y la relacion entre las variables. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto el predominio de la fase de ataque sobre la de defensa. El tratamiento de los contenidos ofensivos se plantea con la utilizacion de ejercicios y con situaciones de juegos sin oposicion (1x0). Para el trabajo defensivo se opta por los juegos y las situaciones de 1x1

    Parameterisation and Optimisation of a Hand-Rake Sweeper: Application in Olive Picking

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    Olive picking is one of the most common social agricultural activities in many regions of Andalusia where the predominant crop is the traditional olive grove. The machinery used includes shakers, blowers and essential, low-cost hand-rake sweepers. The latter are generally used by the women of the squads to sweep the olives that fall from the trees. This article is focused on the design and optimisation of a hand-rake sweeper, in terms of durability and cost, for the picking of olives and other fruits, such as almonds, which are currently the main alternative to nonperennial crops in Andalusia. A parametric design of a hand-rake sweeper was created for this application using the design software CATIA, and its most vulnerable points were analysed in terms of effectiveness with varying design parameters, conducting usage simulations with ANSYS for a light material such as polypropylene. The maximum von Mises stress of the whole structure was 155.81 MPa. Using ANSYS, the dimension parameters of the hand-rake sweeper structure were optimised. The modified design was analysed again, showing a reduction of maximum tensions of 10.06%, as well as a decrease in its maximum elongations (0.0181 mm)