14 research outputs found

    Uso de internet y su relación con el clima familiar y el bullying

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    More and more teens are starting to use the Internet, because of the fast pace with which our society is digitized. Their first contact with this tool are produced mostly in the field schooling due to its forced utilization for learning about new technologies of information and communication. An misfit use can cause the emergence of maladaptive behaviors, such as bullying or cyberbullying. So it is important to research on the social climate in the classroom and the family as direct scenario where children develop a caring atmosphere influencing them different educational styles. Depending on how your education and develop social or antisocial guidelines. These behaviours reflecting itself in both physical and virtual reality. To prevent, it is important to investigate the factors that predispose or warn one unadapted tuning in Internet use.Cada vez son más los adolescentes que comienzan a usar Internet debido al ritmo vertiginoso con que se digitaliza nuestra sociedad. Sus primeros contactos con esta herramienta se producen mayormente en el ámbito escolar debido a su obligada utilización para el aprendizaje en cuanto a nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) se refiere. Un uso desadaptado puede provocar la aparición de conductas desadaptivas, como bullying, o ciberbullying. Parece necesario investigar sobre el clima social en el aula y la familia, como escenarios directos, donde los hijos se desarrollan en un ambiente afectivo influyendo en ellos las pautas de comportamiento de padres y profesores. Dependiendo de cómo sea su educación así desarrollará unas pautas sociales o antisociales. Para prevenir, es importante investigar sobre los factores que predisponen o advierten una sintomatología en el uso desadaptado de Internet

    La enfermedad crónica infantil. Repercusiones emocionales en el paciente y en la familia.

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    La OMS define la salud como el estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social. De este modo, se pasa de entender la salud únicamente como un concepto biológico, para entenderla como una dimensión biopsicosocial (Rubio et al., 2010). En general, la enfermedad, sobre todo cuando es crónica, altera en gran medida tanto la vida del paciente, como la de todas las personas de su entorno, y hace necesaria una adaptación a la situación de todas las partes implicadas (particularmente el niño y la familia). En el siguiente trabajo se pretenden analizar las distintas estrategias de afrontamiento emocional que, según la bibliografía relevante en este tema, tanto el paciente pediátrico como su círculo social más importante adoptan ante la nueva situación.Investigación realizada gracias al Proyecto I+D con ref.: EDU2009-11950 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.peerReviewe

    Effects of an intervention program for improving social competence among Primary Education students from Bolivia

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    Los datos demuestran que el desarrollo adecuado y positivo de habilidades sociales en la infancia es un cimiento importante para el buen ajuste social, ocupacional y personal a lo largo de la vida. Igualmente, el desarrollo de habilidades sociales inadecuadas durante la niñez esté asociado a diversas consecuencias negativas, incluyendo problemas psiquiátricos, problemas externos como la conducta antisocial agresiva y el trastorno por déficit de atención por hiperactividad, así como problemas internos como la depresión, el retraimiento social y la ansiedad. Por todo ello, consideramos de vital importancia el desarrollo de estas habilidades en edades tempranas. Este estudio pretende evaluar los efectos de un programa de habilidades sociales, dirigido a niños y niñas de primero, segundo y tercer curso de Educación Primaria de la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). Los resultados muestran una mejora significativa en competencia social y socialización en los participantes.Scientific findings show that an adequate and positive development of social skills during childhood is an important base of social, occupational and personal adjustment through life-span. On the other hand, it has been stablished that unfit social skills development during childhood is associated with negative effects like aggressive and antisocial behaviors, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as well as internalizing problems like depression, social withdrawal and anxiousness. For these reasons, the development of social skills as earlier as possible is crucial. In this paper we try to assess the effects of a program focused on social skills for boys and girls from the first, second and third years of Primary Education from Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). The results show significant improvement of social competence and socialization among the participants

    Problematic Internet Use among University Students and Its Relationship with Social Skills

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    Internet use has been steadily and unstoppably gaining ground in all areas of life, from recreational activities to the establishment of social relations. However, addictive use of the Internet is a problem that seriously affects some people. Factors that may influence the occurrence of inappropriate internet use include age and social skills. For this reason, the aim of this study is to analyze the influence of social skills and age on the development of problematic internet use in university students. The study involved 514 students enrolled at a university in Spain, who filled in two questionnaires, one on problematic internet use and the other on social skills. Multivariate multiple linear regression models revealed that some social skills variables (conversation and social ease, empathic and positive feeling skills, risk coping) predicted problematic internet use. In addition, age played a role in preference for online social interaction and deficient self-regulation. Younger students were more at risk of having obsessive thoughts related to internet use and of engaging in compulsive internet use compared to older students

    Executive Functions and Problematic Internet Use among University Students: The Mediator Role of Self-Esteem

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    Information and communication technologies are transforming our daily lives in a wide variety of ways, such as the way we work, study, and interact with others. There are clear benefits to be gained from appropriate use, but a problem arises when addictive and problematic use of the Internet is experienced. In this sense, several predictive factors can be related to inappropriate or problematic Internet use. For this reason, the present study aimed to analyze whether inhibition, flexibility, emotional control (executive functions) and self-esteem directly influence all variables of problematic Internet use. Furthermore, it was examined whether executive functions, mediated by self-esteem, indirectly influence problematic Internet use. The study involved 514 university students who completed three scales, one for the assessment of problematic Internet use, one for self-esteem and one for executive functions. Mediation models showed that both executive functions and self-esteem had an influence on different problematic uses of the Internet. Specifically, it was found that flexibility and emotional control were the variables with the most direct effects, as they influenced all variables of problematic Internet use. However, when self-esteem was included as a mediator, inhibition was the variable with the most indirect effects

    Problematic Internet Use among University Students and Its Relationship with Social Skills

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    Internet use has been steadily and unstoppably gaining ground in all areas of life, from recreational activities to the establishment of social relations. However, addictive use of the Internet is a problem that seriously affects some people. Factors that may influence the occurrence of inappropriate internet use include age and social skills. For this reason, the aim of this study is to analyze the influence of social skills and age on the development of problematic internet use in university students. The study involved 514 students enrolled at a university in Spain, who filled in two questionnaires, one on problematic internet use and the other on social skills. Multivariate multiple linear regression models revealed that some social skills variables (conversation and social ease, empathic and positive feeling skills, risk coping) predicted problematic internet use. In addition, age played a role in preference for online social interaction and deficient self-regulation. Younger students were more at risk of having obsessive thoughts related to internet use and of engaging in compulsive internet use compared to older students

    Promoting Social Competence in Preschool with an Executive Functions Program Conducted by Teachers

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    The objective of this research is to examine the effectiveness of the “Executive Function Training Program in Preschool” (EFE-P) that includes real-world activities and applies different required methodologies for a sustainable education. In addition, it is evaluated whether the improvement of executive functions is transferred to the social competence domain. The study involved 100 students aged 5–6 years, of which 50 were randomly assigned to the active control group and 50 to the experimental group. Executive functions (BRIEF-P) and social competence (BASC and PKBS-2) were measured at two time points (pre-intervention and post-intervention). Data were analyzed using the Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) for repeated data and results showed that children in the experimental group obtained better scores on executive functions and social competence compared to their peers in the control group. It is discussed if the executive functions training can be effective in improving social competence as long as the programs include real-world activities that encourage such transfer, as the EFE-P does