23 research outputs found

    El castillo de Almodóvar del Río (Córdoba). Una primera aproximación a su historia y restauración

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    Into the Spanish castles studies, the investigation of the rebuilt fortresses and in process of restoration ones occupies the last place. Taking them as a whole, the results of the first investigations about them dated from mid of the XIX century until the first years of the XX, are varied but have a lack of historic or archaeology rigour. From this point, «The Castle of Almodóvar del Río», located in the province of Córdoba, can be used to clarify the study of the first restorations carried out in Spain, as it was affected by the first rebuilding works in the first third of the XX century. We can consider two aspects to justi6 this: the fortress is perfectly kept without added post-historical works which denied its medieval origin. Outlines and notes performed by the architect and head of the works, Adolfo Fernández Casanova.Dentro del panorama castellológico español, figura en postrer lugar la investigación sobre las fortalezas restauradas, así como sobre su proceso de restauración. Tomadas en su conjunto las primeras labores de este tipo realizadas desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta los primeros años del XX, los resultados, aunque diversos, adolecen en su mayor parte de rigor arqueológico e histórico. En este estado de cosas, el castillo de Almodóvar del Río (Córdoba) puede servir para clarificar el panorama de las primeras restauraciones llevadas a cabo en España, ya que fue objeto de esta labor en el primer tercio del siglo XX. Contamos para ello fundamentalmente con dos elementos de primer orden: la fortaleza, perfectamente conservada y sin añadidos neohistoricistas que desdigan del castillo medieval, y los bocetos y apuntes tomados por el arquitecto director de los trabajos: Adolfo Fernández Casanova

    Un pozo de nieve en el arroyo del Molino, Santa María de Trassierra (Córdoba)

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    El conocimiento de dos pozos de nieve, en Sta. Mª. de Trassierra, Córdoba, ha sido diverso. Uno está estudiado y publicado, el otro —que publicamos ahora— ha pasado prácticamente desapercibido. Entre otras cuestiones, abordamos en esta investigación su localización, estructura, la casi inexistente bibliografía sobre este pozo, etc. Para conocer su cronología hemos investigado en la documentación conservada en el Archivo Municipal de Córdoba. De esa forma hemos podido concretar su año de construcción. Esta investigación, de contenido etnográfico —entre otros—, tiene como finalidad fundamental recuperar la memoria de este pozo de nieve e intentar, dentro de lo posible, que amplíe el Patrimonio conocido y valorado. Pensamos que, de no hacerlo así, dado el abandono en que se encuentra y la ausencia total de bibliografía específica, podría perderse para siempreThe knowledge of two snow pits, in St. Mary. Trassierra Cordova has been diverse. One is studied and published, the otherthan we publish now- has gone virtually unnoticed. Among other issues that we address in this research are: its location, structure, and its almost no literature on this well, etc. The chronology has been investigated in the documentation from the Municipal Archives of Córdoba. That way we have been able to know the year of construction. This research, ethnographic content, among others, has as main purpose retrieve the memory of the snow well and try, where possible, to extend the known and valued heritage. We believe that failure to do so, given the neglect that the well is and the total absence of specific literature, it could be lost foreve

    Evidence-Based management: involvement of new technologies in business management

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    a través de un estudio de caso, este trabajo presenta el proceso y la aplicación de la administración Basada en la Evidencia (aBE) a la gestión de empresas y la toma de decisiones en problemas para los que no se tiene experiencia previa. la aBE, derivada de la práctica médica denominada medicina Basada en la Evidencia (mBE), se apoya en la formulación de preguntas adecuadas que orienten la búsqueda de evidencias apoyada en las tecnologías de la Información, para después valorar críticamente dichas evidencias y aplicar la más adecuada. la aBE representa así una herramienta para el directivo que permite crear estructuras propias de las “organizaciones que aprenden”, orientadas hacia la gestión del conocimiento.through a case study, this paper presents the process and the application of the Evidence Based administration (aBE) to business management and decision making in problems for which there is no previous experience. the EBa, derived from the medical practice called Evidence-Based medicine (EBm), is based on the formulation of appropriate questions that guide the search for evidence supported by Information technologies, to then critically evaluate those evidences and apply the most appropriate one. the EBa thus represents a tool for the manager that allows creating structures of the "organizations that learn", oriented towards knowledge management

    An approach to the design of a scale for measuring happiness at work of Iberian companies

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    By reviewing bibliography on happiness at work, we may say that from a management perspective, this subject is yet poorly explained. So, main reason to conduct this research was he few number of references on organizational happiness in the field of Business and Economics, despite it increasing importance. More specifically, the non-existence of scales to measure happiness at work in Iberia. In this article we aim to propose an exploratory scale to measure happiness at work in Portuguese and Spanish organizations. To do that, we look for primary data collection by using a questionnaire with open questions. The research is qualitative and was conducted applying complementary phases: (1) data collection, (2) storage, (3) coding, (4) indexing system refinement, (5) relational code and (6) identify categories (key concepts). In phases 3, 4, 5, and 6 a content analysis was applied. To analyze the scale robustness in two cultures we have applied Hofstede's model. This model confirms that cultural and social values of Portuguese and Spanish individuals are very similar, allowing homogenizing the scale without significant bias. The scale proposed is based on: (1) total happiness at work, (2) happiness in the organization, and (3) happiness in the function. At the end, happiness at work was measured by 20 items. We consider this research as a significant first step to develop a consistent tool to measure happiness at work

    Proposal for measurement of university social responsibility

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    Se determina el estado del arte de la responsabilidad social universitaria y se propone un método sistémico para evaluarla. Se diseñan dos instrumentos para analizar la gestión de la responsabilidad social universitaria (RSU). Se diseña un modelo de RSU de 5 dimensiones y 17 subdimensiones. Se diseña una lista de chequeo de 90 ítems y un cuestionario estructurado de 39 ítems, y ambos se demuestran como herramientas válidas para evaluar la RSU. Palabras clave Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, stakeholders, gestión, instrumentos, LatinoaméricaThe authors determine the state of the art of UniversitySocial Responsibility (USR) and they propose a systemicscheme to evaluate it. The authors designed twoinstruments to analyze the management of USR. Basedon the theory of the impacts of the USR andenvironmental sustainability, the researchers designed amodel of 5 dimensions and 17 sub-dimensions. Achecklist of 90 items and a 39-item-structuredquestionnaire both are shown as valid in order toevaluate the US

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Exploratory and descriptive analysis of the webpages of the main Spanish banks and saving banks

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    En la actualidad se viene observando como el impacto y la importancia de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) está aumentando en la sociedad. Parte de esta importancia se traduce en los incrementos de publicación de memorias de sostenibilidad en las páginas webs de las empresas y en el incremento de artículos en las bases de datos de las universidades. Por este motivo hemos querido llevar a cabo un estudio tanto teórico como práctico donde analizar la evolución del concepto de RSC, el enfoque de los stakeholders, la teoría del desarrollo sostenible, la RSC en el sector bancario y la RSC como herramienta para el futuro. Para contrastar lo anteriormente dicho se ha utilizado una muestra de 58 bancos y 15 cajas de ahorro que operan en territorio nacional, obteniendo como resultado principal que no existe un elevado número de bancos que publiquen la memoria de sostenibilidad en sus páginas web mientras que la totalidad de las cajas de ahorro si lo hacen.It has recently been observed how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has an increasing impact and importance in our society. Part of such importance translates in the publication of a higher number of sustainability reports in Company websites and articles in university databases. This is the reason why we have decided to carry out a theorical and practical research focused on the analysis of the evolution of the CSR concept, the stakeholders approach, the sustainable development, CSR in the bank world and CSR as a tool for the future. In order to corroborate the previous information a sample of 58 banks and 15 saving Banks which operate nationally has been used, mainly concluding that there are not enough banks which publish the sustainability reports in their websites, whereas all the Saving Banks do

    TalentoEDU: teacher training for educational attention on giftedness

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    Se presenta TalentoEDU, Proyecto de Innovación que surge ante las necesidades formativas de los futuros docentes respecto al alumnado con Alta Capacidad Intelectual. Este proyecto que se ha insertado en algunas de las asignaturas que conforman el Plan de Estudios de los Títulos de Grado que se imparten en el Centro de Magisterio “Sagrado Corazón”, adscrito a la Universidad de Córdoba. Pretende promover competencias para la atención a la diversidad en este ámbito. Los resultados de la experiencia indican que TalentoEDU ha contribuido a dicha formación, dada la satisfacción mostrada por los universitarios.This paper frames TalentoEDU Innovation Project that emerges from the academic needs of future teachers considering High Ability students. This project has been included in some of the subjects within the study plan of the Bachelor Degrees belonging to “Sagrado Corazón” teacher-training center, attached to the University of Cordoba. It aims at promoting skills related to attention to diversity in this field. The results of this experience suggest that TalentoEDU has contributed to the training on this field, according to the satisfaction that our college students showed

    Heritage and the Sea: Maritime History and Archaeology of the Global Iberian World (15th -18th centuries)

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    This two-volume set highlights the importance of Iberian shipbuilding in the centuries of the so-called first globalization (15th to 18th), in confluence with an unprecedented extension of ocean navigation and seafaring and a greater demand for natural resources (especially timber), mostly oak (Quercus spp.) and Pine (Pinus spp.). The chapters are framed in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary line of research that integrates history, Geographic Information Sciences, underwater archaeology, dendrochronology and wood provenance techniques. This line of research was developed during the ForSEAdiscovery project, which had a great impact in the academic and scientific world and brought together experts from Europe and America. The volumes deliver a state-of-the-art review of the latest lines of research related to Iberian maritime history and archaeology and their developing interdisciplinary interaction with dendroarchaeology. This synthesis combines an analysis of historical sources, the systematic study of wreck-remains and material culture related to Iberian seafaring from the 15th to the 18th centuries, and the application of earth sciences, including dendrochronology. The set can be used as a manual or work guide for experts and students, and will also be an interesting read for non-experts interested in the subject.Volume 1 focuses on the history and archaeology of seafaring and shipbuilding in the Iberian early modern world, complemented by case studies on timber trade and supply for shipbuilding, analysis of shipbuilding treatises, and the application of Geographic Information Systems and Databases (GIS) to the study of shipwrecks.Volume 2 focuses on approaches to the study of shipwrecks including a synthesis of dendro-archaeological results, current interdisciplinary case studies and the specialist study of artillery and anchors.Peer reviewe

    Fundamentos teóricos de la restauración del Castillo de Almodóvar del Río (Córdoba)

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    El castillo de Almodóvar del Rio (Córdoba), con construcciones del siglo VIII al XX, fue restaurado por el arquitecto Adolfo Fernández Casanova en el primer tercio del siglo XX. La restauración estuvo muy lejos de los postulados de Viollet-le-Duc. Se respetó su fisonomía original, no se tomaron libertades carentes de rigor histórico y no fue un campo de pruebas para una intervención sin escrúpulos. Casanova optó por un criterio lento, caro y riguroso: el defendido por el italiano Camilo Boito cuyos postulados él mismo compartía.The castle of Almodóvar del Rio (Córdoba), with construction of the VIII to XX century, was restored by architect Adolfo Fernandez Casanova in the first third of the twentieth century. The restoration was far from the principies of Viollet-le-Duc. Respect- ed its original appearance. Were not taken liberties devoid of historical accuracy and was not a testing ground for unscrupulous intervention. Casanova chose a criterion slow, expensive and rigorous: the defendant by the Italian Camillo Boito whose principies he shared