212 research outputs found
Encapsulation of biologically active agents in emulsions stabilized by natural polymers
El uso de nanotransportadores para la encapsulación de diferentes moléculas ha sido explorado a lo largo de los últimos años para múltiples aplicaciones. Ha sido utilizado por ejemplo para la vehiculización de moléculas hidrofóbicas en medios acuosos (y de hidrofílicas en medios oléicos), la protección de moléculas sensibles o la inmovilización de diferentes moléculas en soportes.Entre los diferentes tipos de nanotransportadores que han sido desarrollados, las nanocápsulas poliméricas han atraído la atención de multitud de investigadores debido a sus grandes ventajas. En esta tesis, nanoemulsiones recubiertas de polisacáridos han sido desarrolladas para su utilización como nanotransportadores de diferentes moléculas. Gracias a su versatilidad, estas nanocápsulas permiten la encapsulación de moléculas hidrofóbicas en el interior aceitoso, mientras que las moléculas hidrofílicas pueden ser atrapadas en la recubierta polimérica. Además, los componentes de las nanocápsulas pueden ser modificados a demanda de la aplicación final.Las nanocápsulas desarrolladas han demostrado ser muy efectivas para la encapsulación de antibióticos como bedaquilina y daptomicina para su uso en el tratamiento de infecciones causadas por Mycobacterium tuberculosis y Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina (SARM), respectivamente. Han sido utilizadas también en un estudio exploratorio para la encapsulación del fármaco disulfiram y su utilización alternativa en el tratamiento del cáncer de páncreas e infecciones causadas por SARM. También han mostrado gran capacidad como soportes para la inmovilización de la enzima cloroperoxidasa así como la encapsulación de partículas magnéticas. Por último, también han sido desarrolladas nanocápsulas para la encapsulación de nanopartículas de vanadato de holmio para su utilización como agentes de contraste.Todas las nanocápsulas desarrolladas han sido recubiertas con el polímero adecuado teniendo en cuenta la aplicación final y las necesidades que se debían cubrir. Tanto el quitosano como el alginato y el xantano han sido utilizados para este propósito de manera satisfactoria. Se han realizado las caracterizaciones fisicoquímicas así como las pruebas de eficacia necesarias para cada aplicación.En todos los casos, estas nanocápsulas han demostrado tener una gran versatilidad como agentes nanotransportadores de diferentes fármacos, enzimas y nanopartículas así como ser capaces de modificar su superficie con diferentes polímeros para conseguir los requerimientos de la aplicación final.The use of nanocarriers for the encapsulation of different molecules has been explored over the recent years for multiple applications. They have been used for the vehiculization of hydrophobic molecules in aqueous media (or hydrophilic ones in oily media), protection of sensitive molecules or immobilization of different molecules in supports. Among the different nanocarriers that have been developed, polymeric nanocapsules have attracted the interest of many researchers thanks to their great advantages. In this thesis, polysaccharide coated nanoemulsions have been developed as potential nanocarriers for the encapsulation of different molecules. Thanks to their versatility, these nanocarriers allow the encapsulation of hydrophobic in the oily core, while hydrophilic ones can be entrapped in the polymer coating. Besides, the components of the nanocapsules can be modified upon the needs of the final application. All the developed nanocapsules were coated with the adequate polymer depending on the final application and the characteristics that needed to be achieved. Both chitosan, alginate and xanthan were used successfully. The developed nanocapsules have proven to be very effective for the encapsulation of antibiotics such as bedaquiline and daptomycin used the treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, respectively. An exploratory research has been also carried out to encapsulate the drug disulfiram for its repurposing for the treatment of pancreatic cancer and MRSA infections. The developed nanocapsules have shown great capability as immobilizing agents of the enzyme chloroperoxidase and the encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles (NP). They have also been able to encapsulate holmium vanadate NP for their use as contrast agents. Physicochemical characterization as well as efficacy test for the different purposes were performed in all the cases. For all the tested applications, the developed nanocapsules showed great versatility for their use as nanocarriers of many different drugs, enzymes and nanoparticles as well as being able to modify the surface with different polymers to meet the application requirements.<br /
Prevalence of burnout in paediatric nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Although burnout in paediatric nurses has been addressed in previous research, the heterogeneous
nature of the results obtained and of the variables studied highlights the need for a
detailed analysis of the literature.
The aim of this study was to analyse the literature on burnout characteristics, reported prevalence,
severity and risk factors, to achieve a better understanding of the risk of emotional
exhaustion, depersonalisation and feelings of low personal accomplishment.
For this purpose, we carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. The
databases consulted were CINAHL, LILACS, PubMed, the Proquest Platform (Proquest
Health & Medical Complete), Scielo and Scopus. This study used the search equation ªburnout
AND ªpediatric nurs*ºº, and was conducted in July 2017.
The search produced 34 studies targeting burnout in paediatric nurses, with no restrictions
on the date of publication. Many of these studies detected moderate-high values for the
three dimensions of burnout, and highlighted sociodemographic, psychological and jobrelated
variables associated with this syndrome. The sample population for the meta-analysis
was composed of 1600 paediatric nurses. The following prevalence values were
obtained: (i) emotional exhaustion, 31% (95% CI: 25±37%); (ii) depersonalisation, 21%
(95% CI: 11±33%); (iii) low personal accomplishment, 39% (95% CI: 28±50%).
A significant number of paediatric nurses were found to have moderate-high levels of emotional
exhaustion and depersonalisation, and low levels of personal accomplishment. These
nurses, therefore, were either experiencing burnout or at high risk of suffering it in the future.
These results support the need for further study of the risk factors for burnout in paediatric
nurses. They also highlight the importance of developing interventions or therapies to help
prevent or attenuate the above symptoms, thus helping nurses cope with the workplace
environment and with situations that may lead to burnout.The research was carried out within the
framework of Research Project P11HUM-7771,
directed by PhD Emilia I. De la Fuente and funded
by the Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain).
The funders had no role in study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript
Prevalence, Related Factors, and Levels of Burnout Syndrome Among Nurses Working in Gynecology and Obstetrics Services: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Background: Although burnout levels and the corresponding risk factors have been studied
in many nursing services, to date no meta-analytical studies have been undertaken of obstetrics and
gynecology units to examine the heterogeneity of burnout in this environment and the variables
associated with it. In the present paper, we aim to determine the prevalence, levels, and related
factors of burnout syndrome among nurses working in gynecology and obstetrics services. Methods:
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature were carried out using the following sources:
CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature), LILACS (Latin American and
Caribbean Health Sciences Literature), Medline, ProQuest (Proquest Health and Medical Complete),
SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), and Scopus. Results: Fourteen relevant studies were
identified, including, for this meta-analysis, n = 464 nurses. The following prevalence values were
obtained: emotional exhaustion 29% (95% CI: 11–52%), depersonalization 19% (95% CI: 6–38%),
and low personal accomplishment 44% (95% CI: 18–71%). The burnout variables considered were
sociodemographic (age, marital status, number of children, gender), work-related (duration of the
workday, nurse-patient ratio, experience or number of miscarriages/abortions), and psychological
(anxiety, stress, and verbal violence). Conclusion: Nurses working in obstetrics and gynecology units
present high levels of burnout syndrome. In over 33% of the study sample, at least two of the burnout
dimensions considered are apparent.This research was funded by the Excellence Research Project (P11HUM-7771) provided by the Andalusian
Government (Spain)
Fibroblast response to initial attachment and proliferation on titanium and zirconium surfaces.
Introduction: In recent decades, dental implants have become one of the best options for comprehensive dental restoration; their placement is a multidisciplinary task that requires a solid understanding of biological, periodontal, surgical and prosthetic principles. Objective: The aim of this study was to quantify in vitro the adhesion and proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts’ (HGF) response on titanium (Ti) and zirconia (Zr) surfaces. Methodology: Samples of Ti and Zr were observed under atomic force microscopy (AFM). HGFs were inoculated in each sample to determine adhesion and cell proliferation. The MTT reagent was mixed with DMEM and inoculated in each plate; formazan was dissolved with dimethyl sulfoxide and analyzed at 540 nm in a microplate spectrophotometer. The test was performed with three independent experiments. Data were analyzed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests (Lilliefors), Kruskal-Wallis tests and Mann-Whitney test comparisons. Results: Topography of the Zr plates showed greater roughness (Ra= 0.39μm) than Ti (Ra= 0.049μm). Quantification of HGF adhesion was significantly higher (p˂0.05) in Ti, while proliferation showed no statistically significant differences between the groups. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that, even though Ti initially showed increased cell adhesion on the surface, after 24 h Zr samples showed similar proliferation; this demonstrates that both surfaces have a comparable biological response
Mountain hay meadows: assessing the loss of surfaces and ecosystem services in Iberian areas
Hay meadows, agro-ecosystems established and maintained by human secular actions of extensive management, are disappearing all over Europe, especially in mountain areas where they represent key High Nature Value Farming systems for biodiversity and ecosystem services. In recent times, also mesophile hay meadows in South-West Europe, a European priority habitat registering a poor conservation status, have lost significant part of their area. This disappearance is due to abandonment, intensification or urbanisation, driven by changes in land management and rural socio-demographic decline. This study is aimed at assessing the loss of mountain hay meadows in the North of the Iberian Peninsula and its consequences for ecosystem services, focusing on selected pilot areas currently protected as Natura 2000 sites. A diachronic analysis of these habitats was carried out through detailed land use mapping for three different periods, from the 1960s to the present, representing areas covered by hay meadows over time. Once identified, land use changes during the time under consideration have been quantified and analysed, as well as the drivers responsible for those changes. The conceptual framework of the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment was then applied to identify and discuss the most relevant consequences of change on ecosystem services. Results showed that, over the last 60 years, some study areas have lost up to 74% of hay meadows progressively, although at a higher rate in the latest years. A relationship between abandonment and slope and distance to inhabited areas has been also observed. Findings suggest that the observed abandonment process may lead to a loss of biodiversity (domesticated species) and impacts in the supply of strategic ecosystem services such as genetic resources, safe and healthy food products, traditional knowledge or fire risk protection. Interactions between hay meadows loss, ecosystem services, demographic processes and agricultural structural changes are finally discussed.Authors thank EU Interreg SUDOE Programme and ERDF 2014-2020 for co-financing this study within the context of SOS PRADERAS Project (www.sospraderas.eu).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Implementación de la intubación fibróptica en un hospital general y análisis de resultados
La intubación fibróptica es esencial para el manejo de la vía aérea difícil. Sin embargo, la implementación de este recurso presenta dificultades que no han sido suficientemente investigadas.
Optical fiber intubation is essential for difficult airway management. However, implementation of this resource present problems not enough investigated
Implementación de la intubación fibróptica en un hospital general y análisis de resultados
Optical fiber intubation is essential for difficult airway management. However, implementation of this resource present problems not enough investigated.La intubación fibróptica es esencial para el manejo de la vía aérea difícil. Sin embargo, la implementación de este recurso presenta dificultades que no han sido suficientemente investigadas.
Criterios para establecer una ayuda específica de la PAC a los prados de siega de montaña
Parte de los trabajos desarrollados en el marco del Proyecto Interreg-SUDOE “SOS Praderas” se centran en el diseño de una ayuda específica de la Política Agraria Común (PAC) dirigida al fomento de los prados de siega de montaña, en riesgo de desaparición en el territorio del sudoeste europeo. Para ello se analizan los antecedentes sobre una revisión de los instrumentos de la PAC utilizados hasta ahora para tal fin en distintos países europeos, sobre el estado de conserva-ción actual de los prados en el área de estudio y sobre la identificación de las buenas prácticas agrícolas para su gestión y manejo ganadero. Las alternativas de diseño varían según la ayuda se oriente a la obtención de resultados de biodiversi-dad o al cumplimiento de unos compromisos de manejo sostenible por parte de los ganaderos. En cada caso se discuten las mejores medidas de la PAC a elegir, las áreas de aplicación, el sistema de evaluación de los resultados de biodiversi-dad, el tipo de compromisos y la cuantía de los pagos. Se concluye con una propuesta de cuatro opciones para la modula-ción de la ayuda. Finalmente se realizan una serie de consideraciones sobre el papel de otras acciones de fomento en la conservación de estas comunidades herbáceas
Smartphones and Apps to Control Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Level in Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine-metabolic disease, the evolution of
which is closely related to people’s self-control of glycemic levels through nutrition, exercise, and
medicines. Aim: To determine whether smartphone apps can help persons with diabetes to improve
their % levels of glycosylated hemoglobin. Method: A systematic review and meta-analysis were
done. ProQuest, Pubmed/Medline, and Scopus databases were used. The search equation used
was “(Prevention and Control) AND Diabetes Mellitus AND Smartphones”. The inclusion criteria
applied were clinical trials, conducted in 2014–2019. Results: n = 18 studies were included in the
review. The studies tried different applications to monitor glycemia and support patients to improve
glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels. More than half of the studies found statistically significant
differences in HbA1c in the intervention group compared with the control group. Eleven studies
were included in the meta-analysis and the study sample was n = 545 for the experimental group and
n = 454 for the control group. The meta-analytic estimation of the HbA1c % level means differences
between intervention and control group was statistically significant in favour of the intervention
group with a mean difference of –0.37 (–0.58, –0.15. 95% confidence interval). Conclusion: Smartphone
apps can help people with diabetes to improve their level of HbA1c, but the clinical impact is low
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