213 research outputs found

    Structure and spin density of ferric low-spin heme complexes determined with high-resolution ESEEM experiments at 35GHz

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    The wide use of the heme group by nature is a consequence of its unusual "electronic flexibility.” Major changes in the electronic structure of this molecule can result from small perturbations in its environment. To understand the way the electronic distribution is dictated by the structure of the heme site, it is extremely important to have methods to reliably determine both of them. In this work we propose a way to obtain this information in ferric low-spin heme centers via the determination of g, A, and Q tensors of the coordinated nitrogens using electron spin echo envelope modulation experiments at Q-band microwave frequencies. The results for two bisimidazole heme model complexes, namely, PPIX(Im)2 and CPIII(Im)2, where PPIX is protoporphyrin IX, CPIII is coproporphyrin III, and Im is imidazole, selectively labeled with 15N on the heme or imidazole nitrogens are presented. The planes of the axial ligands were found to be parallel and oriented approximately along one of the N-Fe-N directions of the slightly ruffled porphyrin ring (approximately 10°). The spin density was determined to reside in an iron dorbital perpendicular to the heme plane and oriented along the other porphyrin N-Fe-N direction, perpendicular to the axial imidazoles. The benefit of the method presented here lies in the use of Q-band microwave frequencies, which improves the orientation selection, results in no/fewer combination lines in the spectra, and allows separation of the contributions of hyperfine and quadrupole interactions due to the fulfillment of the exact cancellation condition at g Z and the possibility of performing hyperfine decoupling experiments at the g X observer position. These experimental advantages make the interpretation of the spectra straightforward, which results in precise and reliable determination of the structure and spin distributio

    Detection of DNA-RNA hybrids in vivo

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    DNA-RNA hybrids form naturally during essential cellular functions such as transcription and replication. However, they may be an important source of genome instability, a hallmark of cancer and genetic diseases. Detection of DNA-RNA hybrids in cells is becoming crucial to understand an increasing number of molecular biology processes in genome dynamics and function and to identify new factors and mechanisms responsible for disease in biomedical research. Here, we describe two different procedures for the reliable detection of DNA-RNA hybrids in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in human cells: DNA-RNA Immunoprecipitation (DRIP) and Immunofluorescence

    A heme tag for in vivo synthesis of artificial cytochromes

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    A genetic approach is described here that enables the specific covalent attachment of heme via a short C-terminal peptide tag to an otherwise non-heme-binding protein. Covalent attachment of heme to the apo-protein is catalysed by the cytochrome c maturation system of Escherichia coli. While its original enzymatic activity is retained, the resulting heme-tagged protein is red, has peroxidase activity and is redox active. The presence or absence of a C-terminal histidine tag results in low-spin heme iron with six- or high-spin heme iron with five coordinate ligands, respectively. The heme tag can be used as a tool for the rational design of artificial c-type cytochromes and metalloenzymes, thereby overcoming previous limitations set by chemical approaches. Moreover, the tag allows direct visualisation of the red fusion protein during purificatio

    Magnetic anisotropy and Verwey transition of magnetosome chains in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense

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    Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are characterized by cellular magnetic dipoles formed by the 1-D assembly of magnetite and/or greigite particles aligned along their magnetic easy axes. This alignment creates strong interaction-induced shape anisotropy. Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectroscopy is applied to study the changes in anisotropy of the MTB Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense between room temperature and 10 K. The Verwey transition is found at about 100 K. The characteristic FMR signal of the cellular dipole at room temperature vanishes upon cooling to the isotropic point at Ti ≈ 130 K, where the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant K1 becomes zero. Monitoring of the FMR response of intact MTB as a function of temperature is taken to discuss theoretically the reduction of the interaction-induced shape anisotropy in magnetofossils because of diagenetic processes. It is concluded that there is a similarity in the FMR response between magnetofossils at room temperature and intact MTB near Ti. This is because the critical effect of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant K1 and of the alignment of magnetic easy axes on the cellular dipole. Low-temperature FMR results of intact MTB can thus be used as a guideline for detecting magnetofossils in geological environment

    Implantación del sistema TALOS en las Unidades de Infantería y su integración en la malla de datos del FSE

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    El contexto internacional y las alianzas de las que España y, por ende el Ejército, forman parte, obliga a hacer un gran esfuerzo en mejora del material, así como, en la actualización de los procedimientos utilizados hasta la fecha. En este aspecto, nos encontramos con una serie de carencias referente al uso de morteros en Infantería que se traduce en un desfase respecto a los países de nuestro entorno. Ante esto, una solución nos la ofrece el Sistema de Mando y Control TALOS ampliamente utilizado en el Arma de Artillería que permite una mejora sustancial en el empleo táctico de los morteros. En primer lugar, en este trabajo se va a realizar una comparación de los morteros CARDOM (TALOS integrado) recientemente adquiridos por el Ejército con los morteros asentados en tierra (forma de trabajar hasta ahora, sin TALOS). Con esto, se pretende comprobar las ventajas que nos da esta implantación y analizar las posibles deficiencias para poder subsanarlas en el futuro. Como conclusión respecto a este estudio destaca la reducción del tiempo total que implica el tiro de morteros. En segundo lugar, partiendo de un análisis de las posibilidades reales de la implantación del sistema en un Batallón de Infantería Protegida (BIP), se pretende lograr una integración del Sistema de Mando y Control del BIP con las unidades que le apoyan, lo que significa que a través del TALOS se integren los morteros de infantería en la malla de datos de Artillería, logrando una unificación de todos los fuegos de los que dispone un jefe de Batallón para la ejecución de operaciones. Finalmente, cómo se concretará, en lo referente a este estudio ha destacado la capacidad de Mando y Control en la conducción de operaciones por parte del jefe de Batallón. Por último, se ha estudiado la posibilidad de integrar el sistema TALOS con el mini-UAV RAVEN B de dotación en las unidades debido al progreso que han experimentado estos medios en los últimos tiempos en cuanto a su uso. En este último estudio hay que resaltar la capacidad de levantar un objetivo imprevisto por parte del jefe de Batallón.<br /


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    En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha realizado una valoración de dos clases de vehículos terrestres no tripulados, con el objetivo de elegir uno de cada clase para una futura adquisición e integración en las secciones ligeras de zapadores. Para ello, se ha realizado una fase de documentación mediante el análisis y síntesis de publicaciones doctrinales, manuales, y estudios técnicos, y una encuesta a los mandos del Batallón de Zapadores Paracaidistas VI con al menos una misión en el exterior. Con la encuesta se han obtenido los requerimientos necesarios para el uso de estos vehículos en las secciones ligeras de zapadores, que han servido para la aplicación del método Scoring, con el que se ha determinado el vehículo más adecuado de cada clase.<br /

    Rock magnetic techniques complemented by ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy to analyse a sediment record

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    Environmental magnetism uses the spatial and temporal occurrence of magnetic carriers as diagnostic tools to detect environmental changes. Concentration, composition, grain size and configuration of the carriers inferred from magnetic properties are key parameters, because they are indicative of the formation conditions of magnetic phases, and/or of processes such as diagenesis and weathering. We present a detailed ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectroscopy analysis in concert with routinely used rock magnetic measurements to determine these parameters in a sediment record that documents the development of Lake Soppensee (Central Switzerland) since latest Pleistocene. FMR spectroscopy monitors varying concentration of the predominant magnetite/maghemite by the spectral signal intensity, whereas the stable single domain and superparamagnetic states are determined by the signal shape at room and low temperature. Fitting and simulation of FMR spectra are successfully applied to samples with well-defined magnetite components in the sediment matrix. Clear evidence for the colonization of magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) in Lake Soppensee was possible by applying empirical spectral separation to measured FMR signals that yield two magnetite populations differing in their configuration, that is, dispersed and aligned in chains. Low temperature measurements showed that these MTB can be preserved as pure or oxidized magnetite. The FMR data set confirms and completes rock magnetic information obtained from the lacustrine sedimentary record. The advanced application of FMR spectroscopy in the presented study critically highlights the benefit of this rapid and non-destructive method for future analysis of magnetic properties in environmental studie

    The DNA damage response acts as a safeguardagainst harmful DNA–RNA hybrids ofdifferent origins

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    Despite playing physiological roles in specific situations, DNA–RNA hybrids threat genome integrity. To investigate how cells do counteract spontaneous DNA–RNA hybrids, here we screen an siRNA library covering 240 human DNA damage response (DDR) genes and select siRNAs causing DNA–RNA hybrid accumulation and a significant increase in hybrid‐dependent DNA breakage. We identify post‐replicative repair and DNA damage checkpoint factors, including those of the ATM/CHK2 and ATR/CHK1 pathways. Thus, spontaneous DNA–RNA hybrids are likely a major source of replication stress, but they can also accumulate and menace genome integrity as a consequence of unrepaired DSBs and post‐replicative ssDNA gaps in normal cells. We show that DNA–RNA hybrid accumulation correlates with increased DNA damage and chromatin compaction marks. Our results suggest that different mechanisms can lead to DNA–RNA hybrids with distinct consequences for replication and DNA dynamics at each cell cycle stage and support the conclusion that DNA–RNA hybrids are a common source of spontaneous DNA damage that remains unsolved under a deficient DDR.European Research Council (ERC2014AdG669898TARLOOP)Worldwide Cancer Research (WCR15-00098


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    En este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre las necesidades para la implantación del sistema Battlefield Management System (BMS) en los vehículos modelo Blindado Medio Ruedas-Vehículo de Combate de Zapadores (BMR-VCZ) de los jefes de sección del Batallón de Zapadores VII (BZ VII). Se han determinado los elementos necesarios para la instalación del sistema, así como las posiciones que estos elementos ocuparán en el interior del vehículo, centrándonos especialmente en determinar la posición óptima para la tableta desde la que se controla el sistema BMS. Se ha determinado que la mejor opción es dotar a la tableta de un soporte móvil para que pueda variar su posición y operarse desde el puesto del jefe de vehículo, desde el del radio tirador o quedar recogida. Seguidamente, se ha diseñado un soporte para su instalación y se ha creado un prototipo del mismo a escala real.Finalmente, se han expuesto posibles mejoras para el diseño y una serie de futuras acciones a llevar a cabo en el caso de que se decidiera seguir adelante con el proceso de instalación.<br /

    El aprendizaje de la amistad en la Educación Primaria. Un procedimiento intensivo para ayudar a los niños rechazados a hacer amigos

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    Este artículo describe el programa de intervención Aprendizaje de la Amistad, elaborado a partir de la aplicación Pair Counseling (Consejo entre iguales) que propuso Karcher del modelo de Selman. El objetivo del Aprendizaje de la Amistad es ayudar al niño a coordinar distintas perspectivas sociales y utilizar estrategias de negociación más eficaces en el contexto de una relación continuada. El programa consiste en 9 sesiones de juego en pareja, con la única regla de que los niños se pongan de acuerdo en elegir, cambiar o finalizar el juego de forma respetuosa. Después de presentar las características de la amistad, este trabajo comenta las asociaciones entre amistad y rechazo y los distintos procedimientos utilizados para promover la amistad. La parte nuclear se centra en la propuesta de intervención que estamos aplicando, con la presentación del protocolo y desarrollo de las sesiones. Se mencionan resultados preliminares y limitaciones.This article describes the intervention program Friendship Learning, based on the program Pair Counseling which Karcher developed from Selman's model. The aim of the Friendship Learning is to help the child coordinate different social perspectives, and use more effective negotiation strategies in the context of an ongoing relationship. The program consists of 9 pair playing sessions, with the sole rule that the two children agree to choose, change or end the game in a respectful way. After presenting the characteristics of friendship, this paper discusses the associations between friendship and rejection and the different procedures used to promote friendship. The nuclear part focuses on the proposition of intervention which we are applying, with the presentation of the protocol and development of the sessions. First results and limitations are mentioned.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PSI2008-00541/ PSICUniversitat Jaume I P1-1B2009-33Fundación Bancaixa P1-1B2009-33Fundación Dávalos-Fletcher de Castelló