181 research outputs found

    Social Labs in Universities: Innovation and impact in Medialab UGR

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    Los laboratorios sociales, como espacios de experimentación y cocreación, se han convertido en una de las principales instituciones de innovación en nuestros días. En este marco, los medialabs surgen como un tipo de laboratorios centrados en la experimentación con tecnologías y medios de comunicación y evolucionan, con el desarrollo de la sociedad digital, hacia laboratorios de mediación ciudadana e innovación social. En los últimos tiempos se ha producido una expansión de estos modelos en el contexto universitario, generando casos de gran interés para el desarrollo de nuevas métricas del impacto académico en la sociedad. El presente trabajo aborda, en primer lugar, el concepto, origen y desarrollo de los laboratorios sociales en España y globalmente, centrándose específicamente en el espacio universitario y en los medialabs. En segundo lugar, expone la problemática de las métricas alternativas del impacto social, aportando una propuesta de análisis basada en Twitter como herramienta para identificar los distintos tipos de públicos que muestran interés y el nivel de participación que despierta su actividad. Por último, se aplica este análisis al caso de Medialab UGR en la Universidad de Granada, un laboratorio de cultura digital enfocado en la cocreación y colaboración social. Los resultados muestran la pluralidad de actores vinculados a este tipo de redes, así como la dificultad y complejidad de establecer indicadores que concilien tanto intereses académicos como socialesSocial laboratories, defined as experimental spaces for co-creation, have recently become the main centers of innovation. Medialabs are experimental laboratories of technologies and communication media which have co-evolved along with the digital society into mediation laboratories of citizen experimentation, observing a confluence of both models. In recent years, these centers have expanded within the higher education context, generating new forms of innovation and posing the question of how to measure the impact of such open spaces. This paper analyzes the origin and development of social laboratories in Spain. It first reviews their historical development from their antecedents in the 19th Century to the most recent initiatives. It focuses specifically on initiatives launched within the university context, highlighting their role as motors of innovation. Then, it presents the case of Medialab UGR, a co-creation and digital culture center of social collaboration framed in the digital context. Finally, it offers a first approach towards the assessment of its social impact by using Twitter and analyzes its capacity to mobilize and reach non-academic audiences. The findings show the plurality of actors involved in this type of networks as well as the difficulty and complexity of the task for the development of indicators that can comprise both, academic and social interest

    Social Labs in Universities: Innovation and impact in Medialab UGR / Laboratorios sociales en Universidades: Innovación e impacto en Medialab UGR

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    Social laboratories, defined as experimental spaces for co-creation, have currently become the main centres of innovation. Medialabs are experimental laboratories of technologies and communication media which have co-evolved along with the digital society into becoming mediation laboratories of citizen experimentation, observing a confluence of both models. In the last years, these centres have expanded within the higher education context, generating new forms of innovation and posing the issue on how to measure the impact of such open spaces. This paper analyzes the origin and development of social laboratories in Spain. It first reviews their historical development since its antecedents in the 19th Century until the most recent initiatives. It focuses specifically on initiatives launched within the university context, highlighting their role as motors of innovation. Then, it presents the case of Medialab UGR, a co-creation and digital culture centre of social collaboration framed in the digital context. Finally, it offers a first approach towards the assessment of its social impact by using the Twitter and analyzes its capacity to mobilize and reach non-academic audiences. The findings show the plurality of actors involved in this type of networks as well as the difficulty and complexity of the task on the development of indicators that can comprise both, academic and social interests

    Distribution of the exotic parasite, <i>Lernaea cyprinacea</i> (Copepoda, Lernaeidae) in Argentina

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    Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus is an ectoparasitic copepod that infects the gills and skin of various freshwater fishes and amphibians tadpoles. It is capable of infecting fish at high levels, with high pathogenicity and mortality, mainly during the summer season. Besides the effects of penetration, haemorrhages and ulcerations are also caused. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of L. cyprinacea in natural bodies of water of Argentina in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Río Negro; the finding of the parasite in Choele-Choel, in the province of Río Negro, is the most austral distribution of its presence. In our study, infections with L. cyprinacea showed a low host specific and they were adapted to a large variety of habitats.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Un instrumento de interpretación de la acción educativa y de reflexión sobre la misma para el profesorado: el análisis de las tareas escolares, la estructura de la actividad y la evaluación

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    We need instruments that facilitate the analysis ofthe own educative practice ofteachers for a teaching improvement and an adequate profesional development. These instruments must interpret and clarify the type of teaching that is used in classrooms and also its componen! elements. The analysis of school works, the structure of activities, and the evaluation system, presented from the Doy!e's yet classical perspective, allow to outline the educative action's elements. Our article proposes the use of a model based on this analysis, guaranteed for a practica! experience and with the purpose of provide formative support at teachers, for an individual use and also for its development from permanent formation institutions.Se necesitan instrumentos que faciliten el análisis de la propia práctica educativa de los profesores para una mejora docente y un desarrollo profesional adecuado. Estos instrumentos deben ser interpretativos y clarificadores del tipo de enseñanza que se produce en las aulas, así como de sus elementos constituyentes. El análisis de las tareas escolares, la estructura de las actividades y el sistema de evaluación, presentados desde la perspectiva ya clásica de Doyle permiten esquematizar los elementos de la acción educativa. Nuestro artículo propone el uso de un modelo basado en este análisis, avalado por una experiencia práctica y con el fin de facilitar apoyo formativo al profesorado, tanto para un uso individual del mismo como para su desarrollo desde instancias de formación permanente

    Posible rol de la gallareta chica (Fulica leucoptera) en la contaminación de aguas superficiales con quistes de Giardia sp. (Orden Diplomonadida, fam.Hexamitidae)

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    Giardia sp. is a genus of endoparasite protozoo of the small intestine, responsible for infections generally asymptomatic, especially in children. They can cause acute, sub acute, and chronic diarrheas and duodenal irritation with increment of the mucus and deficiencies in the absorption of liposolubles vitamins. Giardia sp. can inhibit the activity of the pancreatic lipasa causing mal absorption of fats. Their cysts remain viable more than two weeks in humid areas and the way of infection is by ingestion of water or polluted foods with cysts. Studies carried out in the Canadian goose (Branta canadensis) determined the presence of cysts of Giardia sp. in the faecal pellets of these birds, and considering their migratory nature the possible dissemination of the parasite has special interest. Giardia sp.has been also identified in feces of other aquatic birds that are considered reservoirs. The small gallareta (Fulica leucoptera) possesses a wide and profuse distribution in Argentina. It occupies a similar ecological niche of that of the Canadian goose, so their possible participation in the contamination of the superficial waters with cysts of Giardia sp. can be considere. With the purpose of testing this possibility, were captured some gallaretas in the complex Nordelta-Tigre (Bs. As., Argentina), taking samples of faecal pellets and duodenal content. The carried out studies did not showed Giardia sp. Anyway, it should be taken in to consideration the small size of the sample and it restricted geographical representation before possible epidemic inferences. The results provide original information on the rol of the wild aquatic birds as possible agents of dispersion of parasitosis whit importance in public health.Giardia sp. is a genus of endoparasite protozoo of the small intestine, responsible for infections generally asymptomatic, especially in children. They can cause acute, sub acute, and chronic diarrheas and duodenal irritation with increment of the mucus and deficiencies in the absorption of liposolubles vitamins. Giardia sp. can inhibit the activity of the pancreatic lipasa causing mal absorption of fats. Their cysts remain viable more than two weeks in humid areas and the way of infection is by ingestion of water or polluted foods with cysts. Studies carried out in the Canadian goose (Branta canadensis) determined the presence of cysts of Giardia sp. in the faecal pellets of these birds, and considering their migratory nature the possible dissemination of the parasite has special interest. Giardia sp.has been also identified in feces of other aquatic birds that are considered reservoirs. The small gallareta (Fulica leucoptera) possesses a wide and profuse distribution in Argentina. It occupies a similar ecological niche of that of the Canadian goose, so their possible participation in the contamination of the superficial waters with cysts of Giardia sp. can be considere. With the purpose of testing this possibility, were captured some gallaretas in the complex Nordelta-Tigre (Bs. As., Argentina), taking samples of faecal pellets and duodenal content. The carried out studies did not showed Giardia sp. Anyway, it should be taken in to consideration the small size of the sample and it restricted geographical representation before possible epidemic inferences. The results provide original information on the rol of the wild aquatic birds as possible agents of dispersion of parasitosis whit importance in public health

    Estrategias metodológicas favorecedoras del aprendizaje por descubrimiento para la enseñanza del contenido propiedades de las sustancias en la Asignatura de Ciencias Naturales en los Estudiantes de 7mo Grado del Colegio Público Filemón Rivera Quintero Distrito V de Managua en el II Semestre año 2020

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    En el ámbito educativo surgen una serie de variaciones en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Físico naturales en la que se tiene que aplicar diferentes estrategias metodológicas, siendo estas, un conjunto de procedimientos que son de utilidad para el docente en el proceso educativo y evaluativo de los estudiantes, para esto se toman en cuentas características particulares que permitan el desarrollo de habilidades y la comprensión de los estudiantes de la temática impartida por el docente. La investigación realizada en el colegio “Filemón Rivera Quintero” ubicado en el distrito V de Managua, está enfocada en la búsqueda de estrategias metodológicas que faciliten el aprendizaje por descubrimiento en los estudiante con el contenido propiedades de las sustancia de la clase de ciencia naturales en los estudiantes de 7mo grado de secundaria, la que tiene como objetivo analizar las estrategias metodológicas implementadas por el docente favorecedoras de la aprendizaje por descubrimiento en el aula de clase y la incidencia en los estudiantes. La información obtenida por medio de la aplicación de los instrumentos como la guía de observación aplicada en el desarrollo del contenido propiedades de las sustancias, en ella se verifico la estrategia aplicada por el docente a los estudiantes en la que se observó de forma directa la aplicación de estrategias metodológicas tradicionalistas con sus estudiantes, la que consiste en grandes dictados de texto que se torna muy cansado para los estudiantes. En el instrumento aplicado al docente la cual fue la entrevista, respondió de forma ambigua las preguntas realizadas, esto demuestra que el docente no tiene una idea clara de las estrategias metodológicas y las confunde con las estrategias didácticas y técnicas. En el instrumento de la encuesta aplicado a una muestra de 25 estudiantes se determinó un bajo nivel de conocimientos, la mayoría de ellos no contestaron de manera correcta la encuesta debido al poco dominio del contenido. Las estrategias son de gran importancia e indispensable en la labor constante del maestro en el sistema educativo, sin embargo, el docente no hace uso de muchas estrategias metodológicas, por tanto, sugerimos aplicar la estrategia metodológica de aprendizaje por descubrimiento para fortalecer las prácticas y la motivación de los estudiantes siendo ellos protagonistas de sus propios conocimientos y puedan de esta manera consolidar su aprendizaje del contenido propiedades de las sustancia

    Posible rol de la gallareta chica (<i>Fulica leucoptera</i>) en la contaminación de aguas superficiales con quistes de <i>Giardia</i> sp. (Orden Diplomonadida, fam. Hexamitidae)

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    Giardia sp. is a genus of endoparasite protozoo of the small intestine, responsible for infections generally asymptomatic, especially in children. They can cause acute, sub acute, and chronic diarrheas and duodenal irritation with increment of the mucus and deficiencies in the absorption of liposolubles vitamins. Giardia sp. can inhibit the activity of the pancreatic lipasa causing mal absorption of fats. Their cysts remain viable more than two weeks in humid areas and the way of infection is by ingestion of water or polluted foods with cysts. Studies carried out in the Canadian goose (Branta canadensis) determined the presence of cysts of Giardia sp. in the faecal pellets of these birds, and considering their migratory nature the possible dissemination of the parasite has special interest. Giardia sp.has been also identified in feces of other aquatic birds that are considered reservoirs. The small gallareta (Fulica leucoptera) possesses a wide and profuse distribution in Argentina. It occupies a similar ecological niche of that of the Canadian goose, so their possible participation in the contamination of the superficial waters with cysts of Giardia sp. can be considere. With the purpose of testing this possibility, were captured some gallaretas in the complex Nordelta-Tigre (Bs. As., Argentina), taking samples of faecal pellets and duodenal content. The carried out studies did not showed Giardia sp. Anyway, it should be taken in to consideration the small size of the sample and it restricted geographical representation before possible epidemic inferences. The results provide original information on the rol of the wild aquatic birds as possible agents of dispersion of parasitosis whit importance in public health.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet