563 research outputs found

    Análisis de la formación del docente en andalucía a través de la evolución de los centros de profesorado. Estudio de casos

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    El presente artículo está estructurado en dos partes diferenciadas e interdependientes. En primer lugar, se hace un recorrido diacrónico (periodo 1984-2009) de la creación de los Centros de Profesorado, en cuanto su creación y a los diferentes cambios normativos, que afectan, tanto en su organización y funcionamiento, como en su concepción de la formación del profesorado. En segundo lugar, se presenta un estudio observacional de carácter descriptivo, centrado en el análisis de la formación ofertada por un Centro de Profesorado en Andalucía (España), desde el año 2002 hasta el 2009. Dicho análisis se interesa por desglosar en macrocategorías aspectos tales como: características de las actividades, tipología de la formación, destinatarios potenciales y surgimiento de las necesidades formativas, de entre las más relevantes.This article is structured into two distinct and interdependent parts. First, we make a diachronic journey of the creation of Teacher Development Services (between the years 1984- 2009) and the various policy changes in both its organization and operation, as in the way of understanding the teacher training. Secondly, an observational study case is presented with a cualitative methodology about an analysis of the training offered by a Teacher Development Center in Andalusian (Spain), from 2002 until 2009. This analysis focuses on characteristics aspects such as: the personality nature of activities, types of training, potential recipients and the emergence of training needs, among the most important

    Estudio sobre la asertividad y las habilidades sociales en el alumnado de Educación Social

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    El estudio de las habilidades sociales ha experimentado un notable auge en los últimos años. La experiencia personal cotidiana nos indica que pasamos un alto porcentaje de nuestro tiempo en alguna forma de interacción social ya sea diádica o en grupo y tenemos experiencia de que las relaciones sociales positivas son una de las mayores fuentes de autoestima y bienestar personal. Al mismo tiempo, comprobamos que la competencia social de un sujeto, tiene una contribución importante a su competencia personal puesto que hoy en día el éxito personal y social parece estar más relacionado con la sociabilidad y las habilidades interpersonales del sujeto que con sus habilidades cognitivas e intelectuales. Esta competencia social es una competencia fundamental que ha de tener adquirida todo educador/a social. El presente estudio analiza descriptivamente las habilidades sociales y la asertividad del alumnado de la titulación de educación social, con el objetivo de ser la base para elaborar e implementar un programa de intervención transversal en dicha titulación a nivel de equipo docente. Se presentan aquellos datos más significativos del estudio, mostrando especial interés en aquellas dimensiones que más influyen, determinan y/o modulan las habilidades sociales y la asertividad. De igual modo, teniendo también como premisa fundamental a la titulación objeto de estudio.The study of social skills has experienced a remarkable boom in recent years. The everyday experience tells us that we had a high percentage of our time in some form of social interaction either dyadic or group and we have experience of positive social relationships are a major source of self-esteem and personal wellbeing. At the same time, we found that social competence of a subject, has an important contribution to personal competence today as personal and social success seems more related to sociability and interpersonal skills of the subject with their cognitive abilities and intellectuals. This social competence is a basic skill that must have acquired all educator social. This descriptive study examines the social and assertiveness skills of students in the degree of social education, with the goal to be the basis for developing and implementing an intervention program in that degree cross-level teaching team. Those data are presented highlights of the study, showing special interest in those dimensions that most influence, determine and / or modulate social skills and assertiveness. Similarly, taking also as a fundamental premise for certification under study

    Diversity and public television: analysis of subtitling as an accessibility service

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    The present article addresses media pluralism from a critical perspective, as a guarantor of attention to social and cultural diversity. The study focuses on deaf individuals, and an analysis is conducted of subtitles as one of the services that guarantees universal access to the contents offered by Spanish Radio and Television (Radiotelevisión Española, RTVE) for social and cultural diversity. Likewise, given the changes in audiovisual consumption in the form of streaming, and the rise of on-demand content, an analysis is not only performed of linear television, but also of live online and on-demand content. For this, a quantitative analysis was performed of a random sample of more than 5000 RTVE programs (2017-2018), to establish the number of subtitled programs for deaf individuals, their schedule, and the types of contents that included this service. Also, a qualitative analysis was performed on a sample of 72 programs distributed among the different channels belonging to this public corporation. Lastly, to evaluate the quality and suitability of the subtitles, an online survey was provided, which was completed by 183 deaf individuals who were users of the RTVE subtitles. Through this combination of methods, we were able to analyze and evaluate the cultural pluralism of RTVE through the subtitles provided for the deaf, associating it with the defense of the fundamental right of freedom of expression and social inclusion, values that must be guaranteed in democratic societies

    Exploratory and descriptive study of Secondary School children from cyberbullying

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    Esta investigación descriptiva analiza el fenómeno del cyberbullying, como nueva forma del acoso escolar tradicional (bullying) a través de las novedosas técnicas de la información y comunicación (TIC), en el alumnado de primero y segundo curso de secundaria obligatoria mediante un cuestionario autoinforme, voluntario y anónimo, que indaga las conductas violentas que se desarrollan a través del teléfono móvil y de internet. La muestra está compuesta por 180 escolares (chicos, N = 95 y chicas, N = 85) de dos centros de secundaria de Huelva. Los resultados más significativos indican que los estudiantes implicados en este problema alcanzan el 43,2% de la muestra; de ellos un 32,6% de forma moderada y un 10,6% de forma severa.This descriptive research analyzes the phenomenon of cyberbullying, as a new nuance of traditional bullying (bullying) through new techniques of information and communication technology (ICT) in students of first and second year of compulsory secondary through a selfreport questionnaire, voluntary and anonymous, which investigates violent behaviors that develop through the mobile phone and internet. The sample is composed of 180 students (boys and girls N = 95, N = 85) from two secondary schools from Huelva. The most significant results indicate that students involved in this problem reach 43.2% of the sample, of whom 32.6% moderately and 10.6% severely

    Click Surveillance of Your Partner! Digital Violence among University Students in England

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have given rise to new forms of contact as well as new forms of violence. This research analyses whether ICTs are the cause of a new form of digital violence and studies the prevalence of this digital violence exercised through screens among university couples. A quantitative and qualitative methodology was applied in this study: a non-probabilistic purposive or discretionary sample of 303 (Age = 22.79; SD = 47.32; 58.7% male), with the use of an ad hoc questionnaire, and two focus groups of students studying in the same country. The results reveal a prevalence of 51.04% in the perception of digital violence through electronic devices in dating relationships among young people; 15.84% in the prevalence of digital violence in young couples’ relationships; 9.36% in the prevalence of traditional violence; and 35.78% in the tolerance of digital violence among young people. The results highlight a slightly higher prevalence of women compared with men in digital violence. We conclude that there is a significant prevalence of digital violence among these young couples in the university context, which should be the subject of the creation of different awareness-raising, prevention and specific training programmes against it

    Exploración de las actitudes y conductas de jóvenes universitarios ante la violencia en las relaciones de pareja

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    In this paper, we present the results of a study on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of young people to violence in couple relationships. Students at the University of Huelva has been the target population for the study, specifically those from Social Education, Psychology and Teaching (Kindergarten). For the study developed an evaluation tool and developed two discussion groups. Notably the data obtained some significant results with respect to sex of participants and couple status. They also indicate the evidence of the need for information and training for domestic violence prevention to the young people.En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación sobre los conocimientos, actitudes y conductas de los jóvenes ante la violencia en las relaciones de pareja. El alumnado de la Universidad de Huelva ha sido la población objeto de estudio, concretamente de las titulaciones de Educación Social, Psicología y Magisterio (Infantil). Para el estudio se elaboró un instrumento de evaluación y se desarrollaron dos grupos de discusión. Cabe destacar de los datos obtenidos, algunos resultados significativos con respecto al sexo de los participantes y al tener o no pareja en la actualidad. Asimismo, indican la evidencia de la necesidad de informar y formar para la prevención en violencia de género a los/as jóvenes


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    The present article examines digital violence born out of new forms of online communication in romantic relationships. A theoretical review identified the lack of an instrument to measure this type of digital violence, understood as violence exercised through electronic devices commonly used within romantic relationships in the form of control, harassment, abuse and coercion. The aim of the present research was to develop and validate the digital violence questionnaire (DVQ). For this purpose, an expert panel, fieldwork and exploratory factor analysis were used. Two-stage random cluster sampling was carried out at the University of Huelva (Spain) with a sample of 528 students. Following pilot testing and expert panel analysis, an instrument composed of 90 items was developed. This was divided into five blocks of analysis and included additional sociodemographic variables and relational variables pertaining to courtship. Likert scales were used to collect responses with some items being bidirectional in nature. This enabled measurement of perpetration and victimization in relation to this type of violence. Reliability of the questionnaire was supported with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.945. Following exploratory factor analysis, principal component analysis and varimax rotation, a 7-factor solution and a total of 55 items was obtained. It is concluded that the digital violence questionnaire (DVQ) is a valid and reliable instrument that is suitable for the detection and prevention of digital violence.Este artículo estudia la violencia digital nacida con las nuevas formas de comunicación a través de internet en la pareja sentimental. Tras la revisión teórica, se detecta la falta de un instrumento que mida tal violencia digital, entendida como aquella violencia ejercida mediante los dispositivos electrónicos de uso común dentro de la pareja sentimental en forma de control, acoso, abuso y coacción. El objetivo de esta investigación es la construcción y validación del cuestionario de Violencia Digital (en inglés Digital Violence Questionnaire, DVQ). Para ello se han utilizado las técnicas de juicio de personas expertas, trabajo de campo y análisis factorial exploratorio. Se realizó un muestreo bietápico aleatorio por conglomerados en la Universidad de Huelva (España) formado por 528 estudiantes. Tras un pilotaje y un grupo de personas expertas, resultó un instrumento de 90 ítems, subdivididos en cinco bloques de evaluación, además de las variables sociodemográficas y variables relacionales en el noviazgo. El formato de respuesta es de tipo Likert con carácter bidireccional en algunas preguntas, permitiendo medir la perpetración y victimización en la prevalencia de esta violencia. La fiabilidad del cuestionario mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,945. Tras el análisis factorial exploratorio, el análisis de componentes principales y la rotación varimax, se obtuvo una solución factorial de 7 factores y un total de 55 ítems. Se concluye que el cuestionario de Violencia Digital (DVQ), resulta un instrumento válido y fiable, adecuado para la detección y prevención de la violencia digital.Este artigo estuda a violência digital nascida com as novas formas de comunicação através da Internet no casal. Após a revisão teórica, deteta-se a falta de um instrumento para medir essa violência digital, entendida como a violência exercida através dos dispositivos eletrónicos de uso comum no seio do casal sob a forma de controlo, assédio, abuso e coação. O objetivo desta investigação é a construção e validação do Questionário sobre Violência Digital (em inglês Digital Violence Questionnaire, DVQ). Foram utilizadas as técnicas de julgamento por peritos, trabalho de campo e análise fatorial exploratória. Na Universidade de Huelva (Espanha), foi realizada uma amostragem bietápica aleatória por conglomerados, composta por 528 estudantes. Após um teste piloto e um grupo de peritos, o resultado foi um instrumento com 90 itens, subdivididos em cinco blocos de avaliação, para além das variáveis sociodemográficas e variáveis relacionais no namoro. O formato de resposta é do tipo Likert, com caráter bidirecional em algumas perguntas, permitindo medir a perpetração e a vitimização na prevalência desta violência. A fiabilidade do questionário mediante o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,945. Após a análise fatorial exploratória, a análise de componentes principais e a rotação varimax, obteve-se uma solução fatorial de 7 fatores e um total de 55 itens. Conclui-se que o Questionário de Violência Digital (DVQ) é um instrumento válido e fiável, adequado para a deteção e prevenção da violência digital.Este artigo estuda a violência digital nascida com as novas formas de comunicação através da Internet no casal. Após a revisão teórica, deteta-se a falta de um instrumento para medir essa violência digital, entendida como a violência exercida através dos dispositivos eletrónicos de uso comum no seio do casal sob a forma de controlo, assédio, abuso e coação. O objetivo desta investigação é a construção e validação do Questionário sobre Violência Digital (em inglês Digital Violence Questionnaire, DVQ). Foram utilizadas as técnicas de julgamento por peritos, trabalho de campo e análise fatorial exploratória. Na Universidade de Huelva (Espanha), foi realizada uma amostragem bietápica aleatória por conglomerados, composta por 528 estudantes. Após um teste piloto e um grupo de peritos, o resultado foi um instrumento com 90 itens, subdivididos em cinco blocos de avaliação, para além das variáveis sociodemográficas e variáveis relacionais no namoro. O formato de resposta é do tipo Likert, com caráter bidirecional em algumas perguntas, permitindo medir a perpetração e a vitimização na prevalência desta violência. A fiabilidade do questionário mediante o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,945. Após a análise fatorial exploratória, a análise de componentes principais e a rotação varimax, obteve-se uma solução fatorial de 7 fatores e um total de 55 itens. Conclui-se que o Questionário de Violência Digital (DVQ) é um instrumento válido e fiável, adequado para a deteção e prevenção da violência digital.该文章试图研究亲密伴侣间的数字暴力,这是随着网络新媒体形式而诞生的新型暴力。亲密伴侣间的这种暴力可以理解为通过广泛使用的电子设备对亲密伴侣所进行的控制、骚扰、虐待和胁迫等暴力行径。对研究进行了理论回顾检阅后发现目前缺少一种衡量数字暴力的工具。因此该研究的主要目的是创建并验证数字暴力问卷(英文名称Digital Violence Questionnaire,缩写为DVQ)。在研究过程中,我们使用专家评判法、田野调查和探索性因素分析法,对西班牙维尔瓦大学的528名学生进行双阶段的随机聚类取样。在试点测试和专家组评判后,得出了一个包含90个项目的工具,除社会人口学变量和男女朋友关系变量以外,这些项目被细分在五个评估区块内。问卷回答形式为李克特式,其中有些问题为双向性,这样可以测量数字暴力概率中的施暴和受害行为。通过克隆巴赫系数得到问卷信度为0.945。在经过探索性因素分析、主成分分析、方差最大旋转后,得到由7项因素、55个项目组成的因素解。研究证明数字暴力问卷(DVQ)是一款能够预防并制止数字暴力的有效和可信的工具

    Prevalence of sexual dysfunction risk in cocaine users in a sample of Spanish men

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    Sexuality should be able to be experienced in a healthy way. This can be affected by drug use in general and cocaine use in particular. Other aspects that can influence sexuality are anxiety and sexual attitudes. The main aim of this work is to explore and analyse how cocaine use affects men’s sexual response. In the present study, the GRISS (Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction) questionnaire was used to assess sexual function, the SOS (Sexual Opinion Survey) questionnaire to evaluate sexual attitudes, and the STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) questionnaire to measure sexual anxiety. The sample consisted of 471 male cocaine users and 82 male non-users. The sampling was carried out in different treatment centres throughout Spain. The results indicate that male cocaine users score worse on the GRISS questionnaire, indicating a higher likelihood of sexual dysfunction, worse scores on the SOS questionnaire and higher anxiety levels. It is also observed that scores on the GRISS questionnaire did not improve over time. The differences were statistically significant and the initial study hypotheses were confirmed. The practical utility of this research lies in the applicability of these data in addiction treatment centres, and the potential for these centres to enhance specific interventions that promote healthy sexuality

    TikTok y la caricaturización de la violencia en las relaciones de parejas adolescentes

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    La violencia en las relaciones de pareja se reconoce en la actualidad como un problema social de gran trascendencia. Entre los y las adolescentes puede ser especialmente preocupante debido a la falta de experiencia en el ámbito de las relaciones amorosas y la influencia de los mitos románticos. La creciente popularidad de TikTok y sus posibilidades creativas pueden tener un gran impacto en la percepción de los jóvenes sobre este tema. Como consecuencia, esto provoca la normalización de las relaciones tóxicas y, por ende, puede tener un efecto negativo en las relaciones románticas. Por lo tanto, el presente artículo analiza los discursos en TikTok sobre la normalización de los comportamientos abusivos en las relaciones de pareja. Para ello, se han examinado un total de 328 vídeos publicados bajo los hashtags #eltoxico y #latoxica en esta plataforma. Se ha empleado el análisis temático como herramienta de estudio cualitativa. Los resultados muestran que los usuarios de TikTok comparten contenidos que representan de manera exagerada y dramática las relaciones tóxicas y que enfatizan los comportamientos destructivos como el control, el abuso y la manipulación emocional. Además, se observa una tendencia a romantizar la toxicidad y a normalizarla a través de la humorización y la banalización de las conductas negativas. Estos patrones pueden influir en la percepción sobre lo que es una relación saludable y provocar la tolerancia de comportamientos violentos en el futuro por parte de la sociedad

    La formación del alumnado universitario en género y sexualidad como estrategia preventiva del sexismo en las aulas

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    En nuestros centros educativos la formación en sexualidad sigue siendo una asignatura pendiente. Sobre todo, si consideramos que esta debe tener entre sus objetivos el desarrollo de una sexualidad responsable, libre de prejuicios y respetuosa con las diferencias y no solo centrada en el modelo preventivo. Una parte esencial de sus contenidos debe ser el análisis del sexismo existente en nuestra sociedad y sus consecuencias en la vida cotidiana, entre otros. Este trabajo analiza los conocimientos y actitudes de 668 estudiantes de la Universidad de Huelva sobre sexismo, doble moral y la dimensión erotofilia/erotofobia, conductas que favorecen la aparición de comportamientos indeseables como la discriminación por razón de sexo. Para ello, contestaron a un inventario sociodemográfico y tres cuestionarios específicos (escala EROS, escala de Doble Moral y cuestionario de Sexismo Ambivalente). Los resultados son coincidentes con otros estudios en los que los varones heterosexuales alcanzan puntuaciones significativamente más elevadas en casi todas las variables estudiadas, destacando la escala de sexismo hostil, sobre todo en aquellos alumnos que desarrollan su formación en el ámbito de la educación física y el deporte y se declaran heterosexuales y de derechas en su orientación política. Por su parte, la variable erotofilia se identifica como predictora de alcanzar menores puntuaciones en doble moral y en sexismo lo que nos permite concluir que una actitud positiva hacia la sexualidad que anime a incrementar los conocimientos sobre ésta nos hace menos prejuiciosos y menos discriminativos. Se aportan así nuevas evidencias de la importancia de formar en sexualidad a los futuros formadores si queremos trasladar a las aulas actitudes tolerantes e igualitarias.In our schools, sex education is a matter that still needs to be addressed. Above all, if we consider that its objectives should include the development of a responsible sexuality, free from prejudice and respectful of differences and not only focused on the preventive model. An essential part of this content should be the analysis of sexism present in our society and its consequences in daily life, among other things. This work analyses the knowledge and attitudes of 668 students at the University of Huelva regarding sexism, double standards and the erotophilia/erotophobia dimension, conducts that favour the appearance of undesirable behaviours such as discrimination on the basis of sex. To this end, they filled in a sociodemographic inventory and three specific questionnaires (EROS scale, Double Standard scale and Ambivalent Sexism questionnaire). The results are consistent with those of other studies in which heterosexual males scored significantly higher on all the studied variables, notably the hostile sexism scale, especially in students carrying out their training in the area of physical education and sport who declared their heterosexuality and right-leaning political orientation. In turn, the erotophilia variable is identified as a predictor of achieving lower scores in double standards and in sexism, allowing us to conclude that a positive attitude towards sexuality that encourages increasing knowledge of the same makes us less prejudicial and less discriminatory. They thus provide new evidence of the importance of training in sexuality for future educators if the aim is to transfer tolerant and egalitarian attitudes to the classroom