64 research outputs found

    Últimos avances en cosechadoras de cereales y forrajes

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    Durante los últimos años la maquinaría de recolección de cereales y forrajes ha experimentado numerosas innovaciones técnicas principalmente orientadas a aumentar su capacidad de trabajo. En este sentido, las cosechadoras autopropulsadas, dada su complejidad y elevado precio, son las máquinas donde los avances han sido más significativos, como hemos podido comprobar en las anteriores ediciones de la FIMA

    La poda del viñedo: Opciones de mecanización

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    Una forma de rentabilizar lo inversión que requieren los grandes equipos de vendimiar autopropulsados es hacerlos más polivalentes; buen ejemplo de ello es esta moderna vendimiadora New Holland que entre otros muchos implementos, puede montar sobre su brazo telescópico frontal este cabezal para poda

    Evolución de las tomas de fuerza

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    Las tomas de fuerza (t.d.f.) se han constituido con el paso de los años en un elemento indispensable de los tractores agrícolas. Actualmente, muchos aperos basan su funcionamiento en la transmisión de potencia de forma mecánica a través de la t. d. f

    Daños mecánicos en los sistemas de envasado de cítricos

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    Como cualquier otra fruta fresca, ¡os cítricos sufren daños mecánicos durante su manipulación postcosecha en las líneas de las centrales hortofrutícolas. Estos daños pueden derivar en heridas que facilitan la entrada de patógenos y reducen la vida comercial del producto. En este artículo se analizan las características de los principales sistemas de envasado de cítricos, con un análisis especial de! daño mecánico que pueden producir a! producto

    The Most Appropriate Sustainable Growth Rate Model For Managers And Researchers

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    The objectives of this paper are to analyze whether there is a significant difference among widely used Higgins model and Van Horne model and whether these two competing sustainable growth rate models (SGR) estimate divergences in ways that are systematically related to variations in common financial characteristics. We find that Higgins SGR when used as continuous and dichotomous variables is more affected by variations in financial characteristics than Van Hornes model. This study confirms that Higgins and Van Hornes models are qualitatively and approximately the same in relation to most common financial characteristics of a firm. However, if the Higgins model is used to compute SGR, it would give higher SGR for more profitable firms than Van Hornes. A firm with higher leverage is given higher SGR in Van Hornes than Higgins. Variations of liquidity, debt maturity and financial distress are trivial in economic sense. Finally, we find that the both Higgins and Van Hornes models result in approximately same (less than 4%) loss in sample size and not induce more sample-selection bias. We suggest that Higgins and Van Hornes models are equally preferable from both the managers and researchers point of view

    The Most Appropriate Sustainable Growth Rate Model for Managers and Researchers

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    pp. 481-500The objectives of this paper are to analyze whether there is a significant difference among widely used Higgins model and Van Horne model and whether these two competing sustainable growth rate models (SGR) estimate divergences in ways that are systematically related to variations in common financial characteristics. We find that Higgins SGR when used as continuous and dichotomous variables is more affected by variations in financial characteristics than Van Horne’s model. This study confirms that Higgins and Van Horne’s models are qualitatively and approximately the same in relation to most common financial characteristics of a firm. However, if the Higgins model is used to compute SGR, it would give higher SGR for more profitable firms than Van Horne’s. A firm with higher leverage is given higher SGR in Van Horne’s than Higgins. Variations of liquidity, debt maturity and financial distress are trivial in economic sense. Finally, we find that the both Higgins and Van Horne’s models result in approximately same (less than 4%) loss in sample size and not induce more sample-selection bias. We suggest that Higgins and Van Horne’s models are equally preferable from both the managers’ and researchers’ point of view.S

    Euroagro'98: novedades en maquinaria hortofrutícola

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    La 12a edición de la Feria Internacional de la Producción, Transformación y Comercialización Agrícola celebrada del 22 al 25 de abril en Valencia reunió a numerosos profesionales del sector hortofrutícola; empresas de maquinaria agrícola y aperos, de maquinaria postcosecha, envases, embalajes, fitosanitarios, grandes productores, etc

    Detección de daños en líneas de clasificación de pimientos

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    Las magulladuras del fruto influyen negativamente en la decisión de compra y son causa de devoluciones de producto, por lo que es necesario trabajar en la detección de daños en las líneas de clasificación de estos productos con el fin de corregir las deficiencias y evitar tales daños

    El aprendizaje-servicio aplicado a la dirección de operaciones: del plan de operaciones a la puesta en marcha de una empresa = The Service-Learning methodology applied to Operations Management: From theOperations Plan to business start up.

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    p. 171-176A teaching innovation methodology characterized for being a link between the students ́ learning process and the University Social Responsibility is the "Service-Learning" (SL). Recently, it is been emphasized that teachers in the field of Business Management should use teaching methods that promote civic values and social commitment. In this line, the SL complements the economic-financial education that students receive, allowing them to develop important professional and personal skills as well as to receive training according to socially responsible principles, since they learn by working in community service initiatives. Our SL experience consisted in combining the teaching innovation in five subjects taught at the University of León (Spain) –where one of them is from the field of Operations Management–with the provision of a free support service for rural women's entrepreneurship. In the current unemployment situation, a possible alternative is the creation of an own company. However, female entrepreneurs have to develop their business idea and to demonstrate its viability, which poses them serious difficulties due to lack of training, experience or even advice on the matter. After detecting this social need, our experience consisted in organizing multidisciplinary groups of students to guide female entrepreneurs in rural areas during the whole entrepreneurship process.After developing this activity of teaching innovation, we can concludethat the SL is a good methodology to improve the academic, personal and social development of students, suggesting that it is possible to join theiracademic success with the social commitment of the University.S

    Análisis de la evolución experimentada por las entidades de crédito en España: 1997-2003

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    This paper aims to analyse the evolution of the financial institutions in Spain. Statistical Bulletins published by the Bank of Spain from 1997 to 2003 are used in this research. A description of the current situation and changes happened to banks, saving banks, credit unions, E.F.C. and I.C.O. are shown in the paper