14 research outputs found

    Incidence of Diabetic Foot in the Podiatry Clinic of the University of La Coruña

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    La Diabetes Mellitus es una enfermedad de elevada incidencia en nuestro país, se sabe que afecta aproximadamente a un 5% de la población española generando un elevado coste económico derivado directamente de la enfermedad y sus complicaciones. Un 25% de los diabéticos tiene problemas en sus pies debido a la aparición de heridas crónicas (“pie diabético” y enfermedad vascular periférica), de tal forma que uno de cada quince diabéticos sufrirá amputación de una de sus extremidades inferiores, y de ellos, el 30-40% perderá la otra extremidad en 3 años. Convirtiendo a la DM en la principal causa de amputación no traumática. A través de este estudio pretendemos conocer la incidencia de diabéticos que acuden a la Clínica Universitaria de Podología, en adelante CUP y de patología asociada al síndrome de pie diabético con la finalidad de mejorar la prevención de aparición de lesiones a nivel de MMII derivadas de esta enfermedad.Diabetes Mellitus is a disease of high incident in our country, it is known that it (he, she) affects approximately 5 % of the Spanish population generating a high economic cost derived directly from the disease and his(her,your) complications. About a 25 % of the diabetics has problems in their feet, due to the appearance of chronic sores (“diabetic foot” and vascular peripheral disease), in such a way that one of every fifteen diabetics will suffer amputation of one of their low extremities, and of them, 30-40 % will lose another extremity in 3 years. Turning the DM into the principal reason of not traumatic amputation. Across this study we try to know the diabetics’ incident that they come to the CUP and of pathology associated with the syndrome of diabetic foot with the purpose of improving the prevention of appearance of injuries to MMII’s level derived from this disease


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    The fate of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole in amended soils remains unclear, moreover in basic soils. This work aimed to assess the adsorption, leaching, and biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole in unamended and biochar from holm oak pruning (BC)- and green compost from urban pruning (CG)-amended basic soil. Adsorption properties of the organic amendments and soil were determined by adsorption isotherms of sulfamethoxazole. The leachability of this antibiotic from unamended (Soil) and BC- (Soil + BC) and GC- (Soil + GC) amended soil was determined by leaching columns using water as solvent up to 250 mL. Finally, Soil, Soil + BC, and Soil + GC were spiked with sulfamethoxazole and incubated for 42 days. The degradation rate and microbial activity were periodically monitored. Adsorption isotherms showed poor adsorption of sulfamethoxazole in unamended basic soil. BC and CG showed good adsorption capacity. Soil + BC and Soil + GC increased the sulfamethoxazole adsorption capacity of the soil. The low sulfamethoxazole adsorption of Soil produced quick and intense sulfamethoxazole leaching. Soil + BC reduced the sulfamethoxazole leaching, unlike to Soil + GC which enhanced it concerning Soil. The pH of adsorption isotherms and leachates indicate that the anion of sulfamethoxazole was the major specie in unamended and amended soil. CG enhanced the microbial activity of the soil and promoted the degradability of sulfamethoxazole. In contrast, the high adsorption and low biostimulation effect of BC in soil reduced the degradation of sulfamethoxazole. The half-life of sulfamethoxazole was 2.6, 6.9, and 11.9 days for Soil + GC, Soil, and Soil + BC, respectively. This work shows the benefits and risks of two organic amendments, BC and GC, for the environmental fate of sulfamethoxazole. The different nature of the organic carbon of the amendments was responsible for the different effects on the soilPDC 2021-120744-I0

    Kinetics of Thermal Degradation of Cellulose: Analysis Based on Isothermal and Linear Heating Data

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    [Abstarct]: In spite of the many studies performed, there is not yet a kinetic model to predict the thermal degradation of cellulose in isothermal and non-isothermal conditions for the full extent of conversion. A model proposed by the authors was tested on non-oxidising thermogravimetric data. The method consisted of initially fitting several isothermal and non-isothermal curves, then obtaining a critical temperature and an energy barrier from the set of fittings that resulted from different experimental conditions. While the critical temperature, approximately 226 °C, represented the minimum temperature for the degradation process, the degradation rate at a given temperature was related to both the critical temperature and the energy barrier. These results were compared with those observed in other materials. The quality of fittings obtained was superior to any other reported to date, and the results obtained from each single curve were in line with each other.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MTM2011-22393 and MTM2014-52876-R

    Postlaunch evidence-generation studies for medical devices in Spain: the RedETS approach to integrate real-world evidence into decision making

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    The Monitoring Studies (MS) program, the approach developed by RedETS to generate postlaunch real-world evidence (RWE), is intended to complement and enhance the conventional health technology assessment process to support health policy decision making in Spain, besides informing other interested stakeholders, including clinicians and patients. The MS program is focused on specific uncertainties about the real effect, safety, costs, and routine use of new and insufficiently assessed relevant medical devices carefully selected to ensure the value of the additional research needed, by means of structured, controlled, participative, and transparent procedures. However, despite a clear political commitment and economic support from national and regional health authorities, several difficulties were identified along the development and implementation of the first wave of MS, delaying its execution and final reporting. Resolution of these difficulties at the regional and national levels and a greater collaborative impulse in the European Union, given the availability of an appropriate methodological framework already provided by EUnetHTA, might provide a faster and more efficient comparative RWE of improved quality and reliability at the national and international levels

    Cierre de fugas perivalvulares en prótesis mediante dispositivo Amplatzer

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    En portada aparecen logos del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualda

    GUARDIANES: Aprendiendo a aplicar la Ecología para un mundo sostenible

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    Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónDepto. de Investigación y Psicología en EducaciónDepto. de Filología ClásicaFac. de Ciencias BiológicasFac. de EducaciónFac. de FilologíaFALSEsubmitte