17 research outputs found

    Documentant l'arqueologia: la casa de Massot Avengenà a l'alfòndec del call Major de Barcelona (carrer de Sant Honorat, núm. 3)

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    El present article sintetitza l?estudi historicoartístic de les restes medievals trobades al jaciment arqueològic del subsòl del número 3 del carrer Sant Honorat de Barcelona, avui seu del Departament de la Presidència de la Generalitat de Catalunya, realitzat l?any 2009. Les estratigrafies més importants d?aquest excepcional jaciment ?juntament amb les d?època tardoromana? corresponen a una casa palau situada a l?alfòndec del call Major de Barcelona, de la qual es conserven bona part dels fonaments i diverses sitges de grans proporcions construïdes a mitjan segle xiii. A partir de les dades facilitades per l?arqueologia, de la bibliografia existent i de documentació arxivística parcialment inèdita, s?ha pogut reconstruir la història de la finca entre els segles xiv i xix, però sobretot en un període clau per a la història de la ciutat: el pogrom de 1391, la desaparició de l?aljama barcelonina i l?establiment de les elits urbanes cristianes a l?antic call. En aquell moment, la casa passà de mans del darrer propietari jueu, el financer Massot Avengenà, al primer estadant cristià, el jurista Pere de Rajadell.Documenting archaeology: Massot Avengenà?s house in the corn exchange in Barcelona?s call Major (number 3, Carrer de Sant Honorat). The article outlines the historical and artistic study carried out in 2009 on the medieval remains found at the archaeological site in the subsoil of number 3, Carrer Sant Honorat in Barcelona, where the Government of Catalonia?s Presidential Office is currently located. This exceptional site?s most important stratigraphies (alongside those from the late Roman period) correspond to a house/palace located in the corn exchange in Barcelona?s call Major (the largest section of the city?s medieval Jewish quarter). A significant portion of the building?s foundations have been preserved, along with a number of large silos constructed in the mid-13th century. The information obtained through archaeological work and the existing bibliography and partially unpublished archive documents have made it possible to reconstruct the history of the property between the 14th and 19th centuries, particularly during a key period in the city?s past, encompassing the pogrom of 1391, the disappearance of Barcelona?s aljama (a Spanish term of Arabic origin used in old official documents to designate self-governing communities of Moors and Jews living under Spanish rule) and the settling of the urban Christian elite in the old Jewish quarter. During this period, the house ceased to belong to the financier Massot Avengenà, its last Jewish owner, and became the property of the jurist Pere de Rajadell, its first Christian resident

    Psychosomatic response to acute emotional stress in healthy students

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    The multidimensionality of the stress response has shown the complexity of this phenomenon and therefore the impossibility of finding a unique biomarker among the physiological variables related to stress. An experimental study was designed and performed to guarantee the correct synchronous and concurrent measure of psychometric tests, biochemical variables and physiological features related to acute emotional stress. The population studied corresponds to a group of 120 university students between 20 and 30 years of age, with healthy habits and without a diagnosis of chronic or psychiatric illnesses. Following the protocol of the experimental pilot, each participant reached a relaxing state and a stress state in two sessions of measurement for equivalent periods. Both states are correctly achieved evidenced by the psychometric test results and the biochemical variables. A Stress Reference Scale is proposed based on these two sets of variables. Then, aiming for a non-invasive and continuous approach, the Acute Stress Model correlated to the previous scale is also proposed, supported only by physiological signals. Preliminary results support the feasibility of measuring/quantifying the stress level. Although the results are limited to the population and stimulus type, the procedure and methodological analysis used for the assessment of acute stress in young people can be extrapolated to other populations and types of stress

    The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Adults with Major Depressive Disorder from Catalonia : A Decentralized Longitudinal Study

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    The RADAR-CNS project received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 115902. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and EFPIA (www.imi.europa.eu accessed on 8 February 2023). This communication reflects the views of the RADAR-CNS consortium and neither IMI nor the European Union and EFPIA are liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. The funding body has been involved in the design of the study, the collection or analysis of data, or the interpretation of data. MTPM (7Z22/009) is partially released of clinical activity through a personal research grant of IDIAP Jordi Gol and Institut Català de la Salut (ICS).The present study analyzes the effects of each containment phase of the first COVID-19 wave on depression levels in a cohort of 121 adults with a history of major depressive disorder (MDD) from Catalonia recruited from 1 November 2019, to 16 October 2020. This analysis is part of the Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse-MDD (RADAR-MDD) study. Depression was evaluated with the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8), and anxiety was evaluated with the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7). Depression's levels were explored across the phases (pre-lockdown, lockdown, and four post-lockdown phases) according to the restrictions of Spanish/Catalan governments. Then, a mixed model was fitted to estimate how depression varied over the phases. A significant rise in depression severity was found during the lockdown and phase 0 (early post-lockdown), compared with the pre-lockdown. Those with low pre-lockdown depression experienced an increase in depression severity during the "new normality", while those with high pre-lockdown depression decreased compared with the pre-lockdown. These findings suggest that COVID-19 restrictions affected the depression level depending on their pre-lockdown depression severity. Individuals with low levels of depression are more reactive to external stimuli than those with more severe depression, so the lockdown may have worse detrimental effects on them

    Compartir ideas. La Universidad va al Instituto: un proyecto de aprendizaje- servicio transversal de la Universidad de Barcelona

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    Compartir ideas. La universidad va al instituto es un proyecto de aprendizaje servicio transversal de la Universidad de Barcelona. Este representa una propuesta de aprendizaje servicio que bajo una estructura común permite la participación de estudiantes y profesorado de distintas disciplinas en un mismo proyecto. El aprendizaje servicio (ApS) es una propuesta formativa que permite el desarrollo de diferentes tipos de aprendizajes a partir de la implicación en necesidades sociales reales con la intención de transformarlas (Tapia, 2001; Martínez, 2008; Puig, 2009). En este tipo de proyectos están presentes simultáneamente la intencionalidad pedagógica y la intencionalidad solidaria. Se pueden definir como experiencias educativas solidarias protagonizadas por estudiantes, que tienen como objetivo atender a una necesidad de los destinatarios a la vez que planificar y mejorar la calidad de los aprendizajes (Tapia, 2006)

    Assessing effectiveness of heart rate variability biofeedback to mitigate mental health symptoms : a pilot study

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    Introduction: The increasing burden on mental health has become a worldwide concern especially due to its substantial negative social and economic impact. The implementation of prevention actions and psychological interventions is crucial to mitigate these consequences, and evidence supporting its effectiveness would facilitate a more assertive response. Heart rate variability biofeedback (HRV-BF) has been proposed as a potential intervention to improve mental wellbeing through mechanisms in autonomic functioning. The aim of this study is to propose and evaluate the validity of an objective procedure to assess the effectiveness of a HRV-BF protocol in mitigating mental health symptoms in a sample of frontline HCWs (healthcare workers) who worked in the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A prospective experimental study applying a HRV-BF protocol was conducted with 21 frontline healthcare workers in 5 weekly sessions. For PRE-POST intervention comparisons, two different approaches were used to evaluate mental health status: applying (a) gold-standard psychometric questionnaires and (b) electrophysiological multiparametric models for chronic and acute stress assessment. Results: After HRV-BF intervention, psychometric questionnaires showed a reduction in mental health symptoms and stress perception. The electrophysiological multiparametric also showed a reduction in chronic stress levels, while the acute stress levels were similar in PRE and POST conditions. A significant reduction in respiratory rate and an increase in some heart rate variability parameters, such as SDNN, LFn, and LF/HF ratio, were also observed after intervention. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that a 5-session HRV-BF protocol is an effective intervention for reducing stress and other mental health symptoms among frontline HCWs who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic. The electrophysiological multiparametric models provide relevant information about the current mental health state, being useful for objectively evaluating the effectiveness of stress-reducing interventions. Further research could replicate the proposed procedure to confirm its feasibility for different samples and specific interventions

    Documentant l'arqueologia: la casa de Massot Avengenà a l'alfòndec del call Major de Barcelona (carrer de Sant Honorat, núm. 3)

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    El present article sintetitza l?estudi historicoartístic de les restes medievals trobades al jaciment arqueològic del subsòl del número 3 del carrer Sant Honorat de Barcelona, avui seu del Departament de la Presidència de la Generalitat de Catalunya, realitzat l?any 2009. Les estratigrafies més importants d?aquest excepcional jaciment ?juntament amb les d?època tardoromana? corresponen a una casa palau situada a l?alfòndec del call Major de Barcelona, de la qual es conserven bona part dels fonaments i diverses sitges de grans proporcions construïdes a mitjan segle xiii. A partir de les dades facilitades per l?arqueologia, de la bibliografia existent i de documentació arxivística parcialment inèdita, s?ha pogut reconstruir la història de la finca entre els segles xiv i xix, però sobretot en un període clau per a la història de la ciutat: el pogrom de 1391, la desaparició de l?aljama barcelonina i l?establiment de les elits urbanes cristianes a l?antic call. En aquell moment, la casa passà de mans del darrer propietari jueu, el financer Massot Avengenà, al primer estadant cristià, el jurista Pere de Rajadell.Documenting archaeology: Massot Avengenà?s house in the corn exchange in Barcelona?s call Major (number 3, Carrer de Sant Honorat). The article outlines the historical and artistic study carried out in 2009 on the medieval remains found at the archaeological site in the subsoil of number 3, Carrer Sant Honorat in Barcelona, where the Government of Catalonia?s Presidential Office is currently located. This exceptional site?s most important stratigraphies (alongside those from the late Roman period) correspond to a house/palace located in the corn exchange in Barcelona?s call Major (the largest section of the city?s medieval Jewish quarter). A significant portion of the building?s foundations have been preserved, along with a number of large silos constructed in the mid-13th century. The information obtained through archaeological work and the existing bibliography and partially unpublished archive documents have made it possible to reconstruct the history of the property between the 14th and 19th centuries, particularly during a key period in the city?s past, encompassing the pogrom of 1391, the disappearance of Barcelona?s aljama (a Spanish term of Arabic origin used in old official documents to designate self-governing communities of Moors and Jews living under Spanish rule) and the settling of the urban Christian elite in the old Jewish quarter. During this period, the house ceased to belong to the financier Massot Avengenà, its last Jewish owner, and became the property of the jurist Pere de Rajadell, its first Christian resident

    Documentant l'arqueologia: la casa de Massot Avengenà a l'alfòndec del call Major de Barcelona (carrer de Sant Honorat, núm. 3)

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    El present article sintetitza l?estudi historicoartístic de les restes medievals trobades al jaciment arqueològic del subsòl del número 3 del carrer Sant Honorat de Barcelona, avui seu del Departament de la Presidència de la Generalitat de Catalunya, realitzat l?any 2009. Les estratigrafies més importants d?aquest excepcional jaciment ?juntament amb les d?època tardoromana? corresponen a una casa palau situada a l?alfòndec del call Major de Barcelona, de la qual es conserven bona part dels fonaments i diverses sitges de grans proporcions construïdes a mitjan segle xiii. A partir de les dades facilitades per l?arqueologia, de la bibliografia existent i de documentació arxivística parcialment inèdita, s?ha pogut reconstruir la història de la finca entre els segles xiv i xix, però sobretot en un període clau per a la història de la ciutat: el pogrom de 1391, la desaparició de l?aljama barcelonina i l?establiment de les elits urbanes cristianes a l?antic call. En aquell moment, la casa passà de mans del darrer propietari jueu, el financer Massot Avengenà, al primer estadant cristià, el jurista Pere de Rajadell.Documenting archaeology: Massot Avengenà?s house in the corn exchange in Barcelona?s call Major (number 3, Carrer de Sant Honorat). The article outlines the historical and artistic study carried out in 2009 on the medieval remains found at the archaeological site in the subsoil of number 3, Carrer Sant Honorat in Barcelona, where the Government of Catalonia?s Presidential Office is currently located. This exceptional site?s most important stratigraphies (alongside those from the late Roman period) correspond to a house/palace located in the corn exchange in Barcelona?s call Major (the largest section of the city?s medieval Jewish quarter). A significant portion of the building?s foundations have been preserved, along with a number of large silos constructed in the mid-13th century. The information obtained through archaeological work and the existing bibliography and partially unpublished archive documents have made it possible to reconstruct the history of the property between the 14th and 19th centuries, particularly during a key period in the city?s past, encompassing the pogrom of 1391, the disappearance of Barcelona?s aljama (a Spanish term of Arabic origin used in old official documents to designate self-governing communities of Moors and Jews living under Spanish rule) and the settling of the urban Christian elite in the old Jewish quarter. During this period, the house ceased to belong to the financier Massot Avengenà, its last Jewish owner, and became the property of the jurist Pere de Rajadell, its first Christian resident

    Dealing with emotional vulnerability and anxiety in nurses from high-risk units a multicenter study

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    Abstract: Compassion fatigue and anxiety derived from continued exposure to trauma and death greatly impact nurses' quality of care and quality of life, increasing their desire to leave work. The aim of the study is to assess compassion fatigue and anxiety prevalence and their association with secondary variables. A multicenter, cross-sectional study in nurses from four high-risk units, Emergency, Intensive Care, Oncology, and Pediatrics, was carried out in 14 hospitals in Catalonia (Spain) between 2015 and 2016. The primary endpoints were compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue (burnout and secondary traumatic stress), which were assessed by Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL), and anxiety, assessed with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Multivariable logistic regression analyzed the association of sociodemographic, training, working, and psychological factors. Of a total of 1302 nurses, 18.6% presented low compassion satisfaction; 19.7%, high burnout; and 36.4%, high secondary traumatic stress. Trait anxiety scored high in 7.2%. Although compassion satisfaction was present, it did not protect sufficiently against the high level of compassion fatigue or anxiety present in nurses in all centers. The working conditions in the units and variables showed a strong association with nurses' desire to leave. This corroborates the global challenge of healthcare professionals' shortage. Participants expressed the need for better training in emotional management