1,289 research outputs found

    A genomic study of the Inter-ORF distances in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The genome of eukaryotic microbes is usually quite compacted. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the best-known examples. Open reading frames (ORFs) occupy about 75% of the total DNA sequence. The existence of other, non-protein coding genes and other genetic elements leaves very little space for gene promoters and terminators. We have performed an in silico study of inter-ORF distances that shows that there is a minimum distance between two adjacent ORFs that depends on the relative orientation between them. Our analyses suggest that different kinds of promoters and terminators exist with regard to their length and ability to overlap each other. The experimental testing of some putative exceptions to the minimum length model in tandemly orientated ORF pairs suggests that, in those cases, defects in promoter or terminator functionality exist that provoke transcription of polycistronic mRNAs

    The transcriptional inhibitor thiolutin blocks mRNA degradation.

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    Thiolutin is commonly used as a general inhibitor of transcription in yeast. It has been used to calculate mRNA decay rates by stopping the transcription and then determining the relative abundance of individual mRNAs at different times after inhibition. We report here that thiolutin is also an inhibitor of mRNA degradation, and thus its use can lead to miscalculations of mRNA half-lives. The inhibition of mRNA decay seems to affect the mRNA degradation pathway without impeding poly(A) shortening, given that the decay rate of total poly(A) amount is not reduced by thiolutin. Moreover, the thiolutin-dependent inhibition of mRNA degradation has variable effects on different functional groups of genes, suggesting that they use various degradation pathways for their mRNAs

    Social co-branding: The New Brand Builders.

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    En este trabajo de investigación se propone una estrategia de marca llamada social co-branding, que pretende contribuir a la mejora de la adaptación de las marcas corporativas a los medios digitales. Social co-branding promueve la alianza de marcas tradicionales con aquellas nacidas producto de las redes sociales -marcas personales- y marcas “sin ánimo de lucro”. Se ha conducido un experimento por medio de cuatro encuestas, dirigidas a cuatro grupos homogéneos diferentes de 30-40 personas cada uno. Los datos obtenidos sostienen que las marcas personales son las principales beneficiadas de esta estrategia, por lo que puede considerarse el social co-branding como una buena oportunidad de crecimiento para nuevas empresas que buscan introducirse en mercados muy concentrados. Por otra parte, esta situación dominante por parte de las marcas personales puede hacer que las nuevas empresas no vean el social-cobranding como una estrategia sostenible a largo plazo. Como conclusión, los resultados del estudio empírico aportan evidencia de lo importante que es hoy en día para las marcas tradicionales disponer de una amplia red de networking online (vía alianza con marcas personales) y ser capaces de desarrollar una buena política de responsabilidad social corporativa (vía alianza con marcas sin ánimo de lucro)

    Contribución al estudio de la aplicación de ultrasonidos de potencia en el secado convectivo de alimentos

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    Una de las principales limitaciones del secado convectivo es la baja velocidad de secado. La aplicación de ultrasonidos de potencia puede aumentar la velocidad de secado sin producir un aumento significativo de la temperatura del material, lo cual resulta especialmente interesante en el secado de materiales sensibles al calor o en procesos realizados a bajas temperaturas. El principal objetivo de este trabajo ha sido determinar el efecto de los ultrasonidos de potencia en procesos de secado convectivo estableciendo la influencia de las principales variables del proceso. El sistema de aplicación de ultrasonidos consistió en un cilindro vibrante, que constituye la cámara de secado y transfiere la energía acústica a las partículas al ser excitado por un transductor piezoeléctrico tipo sándwich (21.7 kHz). A partir de las experiencias de secado de diferentes productos agroalimentarios (zanahoria, albaricoque, caqui y piel de limón) y su modelización, se pudo establecer una influencia significativa de la aplicación de ultrasonidos tanto en la resistencia interna como en la externa a la transferencia de materia. La intensidad de los efectos provocados por los ultrasonidos dependió del valor de las diferentes variables del proceso: velocidad y temperatura del aire, tipo de material tratado, densidad de carga y potencia aplicada.García Pérez, JV. (2007). Contribución al estudio de la aplicación de ultrasonidos de potencia en el secado convectivo de alimentos [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1890Palanci

    A genomic view of mRNA turnover in yeast

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    The steady-state mRNA level is the result of two opposing processes: transcription and degradation; both of which can provide important points to regulate gene expression. In the model organism yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it is now possible to determine, at the genomic level, the transcription and degradation rates, as well as the mRNA amount, using DNA chip or parallel sequencing technologies. In this way, the contribution of both rates to individual and global gene expressions can be analysed. Here we review the techniques used for the genomic evaluation of the transcription and degradation rates developed for this yeast, and we discuss the integration of the data obtained to fully analyse the expression strategies used by yeast and other eukaryotic cells. Le taux de l"ARNm est maintenu à l"équilibre grâce à deux processus antagonistes : la transcription et la dégradation. Ces deux mécanismes sont cruciaux pour réguler l"expression des gènes. Dans l"organisme modèle Saccharomyces cerevisiae, il est maintenant possible de déterminer, au niveau génomique, les taux respectifs de transcription et de dégradation, ainsi que la quantité d"ARNm présente, en utilisant les puces à ADN ou le séquençage en parallèle. De cette manière, il est possible de connaître la contribution de chacun de ces processus en analysant le niveau d"expression des gènes individuellement et globalement. Nous présentons et comparons dans cet article les techniques utilisées pour évaluer les taux respectifs de transcription et de dégradation des transcrits de cette levure. Nous discutons la possibilité de l"utilisation des données obtenues pour analyser en profondeur les stratégies d"expression employées par la levure ainsi que par d"autres cellules eucaryotes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Sumar nueve… Y analizar el resultado en el mercado televisual español.

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    The abolition of the legal prohibition of combining significant participations in the shared capital of different operators of television at the beginning of 2009 in Spain, immediately caused strategic moves aimed at the concentration of private television channels. On the one hand, Telecinco and Cuatro; on the other hand, Antena 3 and La Sexta. In short: to add nine in order to establish the two main Spanish media holdings. This paper analyses these market movements through three major drivers of change.La supresión a comienzos de 2009 en España de la prohibición legal de simultanear participaciones significativas en el capital social de distintos operadores de televisión, provocó de manera inmediata el inicio de movimientos estratégicos orientados a la concentración de las cadenas de televisión privadas. Por un lado, Telecinco y Cuatro; por otro, Antena 3 y La Sexta. En definitiva: sumar nueve, para constituir los dos principales holdings mediáticos españoles. En el artículo se analizan estos movimientos del mercado, a través de tres importantes motores de cambio

    Ultrasonic Characterization and online monitoring of pork meat dry salting process

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    [EN] Bearing in mind the highly variable salt content in dry-cured meat products with anatomical integrity, such as pork loin or ham, non-destructive salt content characterization and the online monitoring of dry salting are highly relevant for industrial purposes. This study explores the ability of low-intensity ultrasound to monitor the dry salting of pork Biceps femoris (BF) and Longissimus dorsi (LD) online, as well as to estimate the salt content, both in these muscles and in hams. For this purpose, meat samples were dry salted for up to 16 d at 2 C. During the salting of the muscles, the ultrasonic velocity was continuously measured at time intervals of 5 min, while in the hams it was measured before and after salting. The ultrasonic velocity increased progressively during the salting due to salt gain and water loss, reaching a velocity variation (DV) of 46.8 m/s after 16 d of dry salting for hams and 59.5 and 30.6 m/s after 48 h of dry salting for LD and BF, respectively. Accurate correlations between salt gain and DV were obtained (R2 ¿ 0.903 in LD-BF muscles and R2 ¿ 0.758 in hams), which allowed the assessment of the salt content with an average estimation error of 0.4% w.b. for both muscles and hams. Further research should investigate the use of the time of flight obtained through the pulse-echo mode, instead of the ultrasonic velocity, in order to improve the industrial applicabiliThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO), Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF 2014-2020) (contract n. RTA2013-00030-C03-02), by the PROMETEOII\2014\005 and by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) through the FPI grant awarded to Marta de Prados (SP-1.2011-S1-2757).De Prados, M.; García Pérez, JV.; Benedito Fort, JJ. (2016). Ultrasonic Characterization and online monitoring of pork meat dry salting process. Food Control. 60:646-655. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.09.009S6466556

    From Telefónica to Movistar: A European Case of the Transformation of a Telecom Into a Global TV Company

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    Telefónica became a private company in the 1990s, and since the liberalization of the telecommunications sector, it has operated in the most competitive local market in Europe. The company has tried to compensate for the loss of hegemony in its country with a strong position in other European and Latin American markets. Among its diversification projects, following in the footsteps of AT&T, its attempt to transform itself into a global TV company stands out. This article analyzes the evolution that this Spanish company has undergone in the last 30 years. The most relevant factor in its role as a pay-TV service provider is that it has been forced to face a substantial economic outlay to have original content and a position of supremacy in the purchase of sports broadcasting rights. Our results indicate that today two visions coexist within Telefónica: One committed to maintaining a pay-TV model, and another that considers that paid content should occupy a secondary role, limiting itself to being a mere platform aggregator, after forming continuous alliances with Netflix, Disney+, and DAZN

    Editorial: New insights into adult neurogenesis and neurodegeneration: challenges for brain repair

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    The formation of new neurons in the brain is probably one of the most controversial topics in the scientific community since in the 1960's Joseph Altman described for the first time that proliferating cells give rise to new neurons in the adult brain of rats and other mammals. This Research Topic includes 1 brief research report, 3 mini review, 4 review and 9 original research papers gathering different contributions highlighting new developments in the field of neurogenesis

    Unexpected dielectric response in lead zirconate titanate ceramics: The role of ferroelectric domain wall pinning effects

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    Temperature dependent dielectric response has been measured in Pb(Zr1-xTix)O-3 ceramics. Samples of different compositions (x=0.40, 0.47, and 0.60), pure and doped with Nb-or Fe, were studied at temperatures between 15 and 700 K and in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 1 MHz. Unexpected dielectric behavior has been found around room temperature. Anomalous temperature dependent permittivity is observed in pure and Fe-doped samples but not in Nb-doped samples. The anomaly appears related to the presence of oxygen vacancies but not on the sample crystallographic phase. The authors suggest that the anomaly may be a manifestation of the domain wall pinning effect. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version