396 research outputs found

    RelaciĂł entre l'activitat fĂ­sica i el rendiment acadĂšmicen alumnes de FĂ­sica i QuĂ­mica de Batxillerat

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    Treball Final de MĂ ster Universitari en Professor/a d'EducaciĂł SecundĂ ria ObligatĂČria i Batxillerat, FormaciĂł Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi SAP119. Curs: 2017/2018El rendiment acadĂšmic durant l'adolescĂšncia Ă©s un tema que preocupa a docents, mares i pares i investigadors. Durant aquesta etapa de la vida, s’ha observat un augment en l'abandĂł esportiu, sent la falta de temps per a compaginar esport i estudis la causa principal. Tot i aixĂČ, moltes recerques suggereixen que l'esport i el rendiment acadĂšmic estan relacionats de forma positiva. AixĂ­, aquest projecte s’emmarca en el context de la InvestigaciĂł Educativa, on l’objectiu Ă©s el de mostrar la relaciĂł entre la prĂ ctica d’activitat fĂ­sica i la millora del rendiment acadĂšmic d’un estudiant, amb l’anĂ lisi de la influĂšncia d’algunes variables sobre aquest, amb l’assoliment de valors que li seran Ăștils per a les metodologies de treball en grup en FĂ­sica i QuĂ­mica. Per a aixĂČ, s’ha realitzat un estudi transversal i longitudinal utilitzant un qĂŒestionari com a instrument de recollida de dades. La mostra estava formada per un total de 87 persones, estudiants de Batxillerat, de la provĂ­ncia de CastellĂł durant l’Ășltim trimestre del curs 2017/2018. Els principals resultats mostren que el perfil amb millor rendiment acadĂšmic correspon amb persones que practiquen activitat fĂ­sica, grĂ cies als millors hĂ bits d'estudi, desenvolupats grĂ cies a aquest.Academic performance during adolescence is a subject of particular concern to teachers, parents and researchers. During this stage in life, an increase of sports abandonment has been observed, due to the lack of time to combine sports and study as the main cause. Nevertheless, several studies suggest that sports and academic performance are connected positively. Thus, this project falls within the framework of Educational Research, whose aim is to show the connection between physical activity practice and the improvement of academic performance of students, using the analysis of the influence of some variables on them and with the achievement of values which would be useful in group methodologies in Physics and Chimestry classes. For this purpose, a transversal and longitudinal study has been carried out, using a survey as the instrument of data collection. The sample was constituted by a total of 87 people, amongst adolescents currently studying at college, from the province of CastellĂł during the last term of the 2017/2018 school year. The main results show that the profile with the best academic performance correlates with people who practise physical activity, due to better study habits, developed due to physical activity

    Estudio experimental y modelización de un micro refrigerador doméstico

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    Treball Final de Grau en Enginyeria en Tecnologies Industrials. Codi: ET1040. Curs acadĂšmic 2014-2015En los Ășltimos años, un compresor frigorĂ­fico de tamaño reducido ha sido propuesto en el ĂĄmbito de la refrigeraciĂłn. Por consiguiente, el año 2013 el laboratorio del CETHIL diseñó un circuito frigorĂ­fico en miniatura con el propĂłsito de implantarlo en electrodomĂ©sticos de baja potencia, con el objetivo de una eficiencia elevada y unas dimensiones mĂ­nimas. Asimismo, su mayor interĂ©s era su funcionamiento sin aceite. Sin embargo, a causa de una averĂ­a en el compresor, algunas modificaciones serĂĄn necesarias para resolver este problema y continuar con su estudio. De este modo, el objetivo del proyecto es efectuar un redimensionamiento de los intercambiadores de calor a partir del pliego de condiciones impuestas por el nuevo compresor y de los ensayos experimentales realizados precedentemente. AdemĂĄs, un modelo capaz de simular el comportamiento dinĂĄmico serĂĄ desarrollado y comparado con los resultados experimentales finales, y el circuito serĂĄ probado como un sistema de refrigeraciĂłn de agua, con el fin de evaluar sus posibilidades de empleo.For some years now, a more compact refrigeration compressor has been needed in the refrigeration market. Thus in 2013, the laboratory of Cethil designed a miniature refrigeration circuit, for low power domestic appliances, that combined high efficiency with minimal dimensions. Furthermore, a major interest in this design was due to its use of an oil-free compressor. However, this device also suffered from mechanical breakdowns. Consequently, further modifications would be needed to solve these problems and to continue with the study of the circuit. Hence, the first major aim of this project is to solve the mechanical problems by accurately sizing heat exchangers based on the specifications of the new compressor and on the previously collected data. Additionally, a model capable of simulating transient behavior will be developed and compared to eventual experimental results, and the device will be bench tested by incorporating a water chiller into the design in order to evaluate potential applications

    The role of the Bay of Biscai Mesozoic extensional estructure in the configuration of the Pyrenean orogen: Constraints from the MARCONI deep seismic reflection survey

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    Seismic interpretation of the MARCONI deepseismic survey enables recognition of the upper crustalstructure of the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay andthe main features of its Alpine geodynamic evolution.The new data denotes that two domains with differentPyrenean and north foreland structures exist in the Bayof Biscay. In the eastern or Basque‐Parentis Domain,the North Pyrenean front is located close to the Spanishcoast, and the northern foreland of the Pyrenees is con-stituted by a continental crust thinned by a north dip-ping fault that induced the formation of the EarlyCretaceous Parentis Basin. In the western or Cantab-rian Domain, the North Pyrenean front is shifted tothe north and deforms a narrower and deeper forelandbasin which lies on the top of a transitional crustformed from the exhumation of lithospheric mantlealong a south dipping extensional low‐angle faultduring the Early Cretaceous. The transition betweenthese two domains corresponds to a soft transfer zonelinking the shifted North Pyrenean fronts and a north‐to WNW‐directed thrust that places the continentalcrust of the Landes Plateau over the transitional crustof the Bay of Biscay abyssal plain. Comparisonbetween this structure and regional data enables char-acterization of the extensional rift system developedbetween Iberia and Eurasia during the Late Jurassicand Cretaceous and recognizes that this rift systemcontrolled not only the location and features of thePyrenean thrust sheets but also the overall structureof this oroge

    The MARCONI-3 deep seismic reflection profile: structure of the north Pyrenean foreland at the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay

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    The MARCONI-3 profile denotes that the structure of the North Pyrenean foreland at the western part of the Parentis Basin consists of a wedge of uppermost Cretaceous to Cenozoic synorogenic sediments lying on the top of a thinned continental crust with a major Mesozoic Basin to the north, the Parentis Basin, and a coeval structural high to the south, the Landes High. The Parentis Basin appears bounded southwards by a major normal fault. It is filled by a thick carbonate succession affected by a salt ridge and diapirs formed during the Albian-Late Cretaceous and squeezed during the late Eocene-middle Miocene. The Landes High includes a thin pre-Upper Cretaceous cover which, together with the synorogenic sediments, is deformed by a thrust wedge that constitutes the north-Pyrenean front. This overall structure evidences that the Mesozoic extension played an important role both in the location and features of the north-Pyrenean contractional deformation. Specially, the Alpine structure in the Parentis Basin denotes that the Landes High acted as a buffer for the north propagation of the Pyrenean deformation until early Miocene and vanished afterwards during the last stages of Pyrenean development when some basement faults reactivated in the Parentis Basin

    A geological cross-section along the Basque Pyrenees and the Parentis Basin (Western Pyrenees)

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    A new geological cross- section along the North Iberian Margin shows a complete image of the Western Pyrenees and the Parentis Basin as well as the geometric differences and age constraints between both Pyrenean fronts. The South Pyrenean front, developed during Uppermost Cretaceous- Middle Miocene, is represented by a major thrust which accumulates around 20 km of southward displacement. The Basque- Cantabrian basin is a mesozoic extensional basin which was inverted during Paleogene times as a consequence of the Pyrenean orogeny. A basement- involved thrust wedge with an upper south- directed back- thrust characterizes the North Pyrenean Frontal Thrust. The main thrust, emplaced during Late Eocene- Miocene times, shows a displacement around 2 km whereas the back- thrust detached in Paleocene materials shows a displacement about 1.5 km. Northwards, the Landes High, is interpreted as an uplifted plateau where a thick wedge of Upper Cretaceous- Cenozoic synorogenic deposits overlay unconformably the Hercinian basement. This package corresponds with the North Pyrenean foreland basin. More to the north, the Landes fault is the southern margin of the Mesozoic Parentis Basin, a semigraben infilled with a thick package of Triassic to Albian synrift sequence overlied by Cretaceous and Cenozoic deposits. There, inversion structures were poorly developed

    The North Pyrenean front and related foreland basin along the Bay of Biscay: constrains from the MARCONI deep seismic reflection survey

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    Profile interpretation of MARCONI seismic profiles show that two domains exist in the Bay of Biscay with a different Pyrenean and north-foreland structure: the eastern, Basque-Parentis and the western, Cantabrian domains. In the eastern one, the North Pyrenean front is located close to the Spanish coast and the northern foreland of the Pyrenees is constituted by a continental crust thinned by Early Cretaceous extensional structures. In the western, Cantabrian domain, the North Pyrenean front is shifted to the north and belongs to a thrust imbricated stack deforming a foreland basin which lies on the top of the Lower Cretaceous oceanic or transitional crust that floors the Bay of Biscay abyssal plain. The coincidence of the transition between these two domains with the eastern border of this abyssal plain denotes that differences along strike of the Pyrenean structure are related to a dramatic change in the nature of the subducted crust from continental to the east, to oceanic or transitional westwards. Thus, the rift system developed between Iberia and Eurasia during the Early Cretaceous appears as a major factor controlling not only the location and features of most of the Pyrenean thrust sheets but also the overall structure of the chain

    The deep seismic reflection MARCONI-3 profile: Role of extensional Mesozoic structure during the Pyrenean contractional deformation at the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay

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    The new MARCONI-3 deep seismic profile allows recognition of the upper crustal structure of the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay and the main features of its Alpine geodynamic evolution. It denotes that the easternmost part of the Bay of Biscay consists of a thick wedge of uppermost Cretaceous to Cenozoic synorogenic sediments lying unconformably on the top of a thinned continental crust with the Mesozoic Parentis Basin to the north and the coeval Landes High to the south. The Parentis Basin appears as a major half-graben bounded southwards by a north-dipping planar fault. It is filled by a thick sequence of Jurassic-Upper Cretaceous carbonates affected by salt domes and squeezed diapirs made up of Triassic evaporites and mudstones. These salt tectonic structures also affect the overlying uppermost Cretaceous to Lower Miocene synorogenic deposits which are folded upon these structures. The Landes High includes a thin pre-Upper Cretaceous cover tilted to the south. In the Basque shelf, it is deformed by a basement-involving thrust wedge emplaced during the Late Eocene- Miocene that constitutes the North-Pyrenean contractional front. Geometric relationships and thickness variations depict that this overall structure results from the following

    Cuando el nuevo humanismo se llama tecnologĂ­a: ÂżcuĂĄndo dejamos de ser humanos?

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    La divisiĂłn de los saberes en Ăștiles e inĂștiles bombardea incesantemente nuestra sociedad positivista contemporĂĄnea de la ciencia y el conocimiento. En el utilitarismo cientĂ­fico-tĂ©cnico de base capitalista neoliberal todo aquĂ©l saber supuestamente incapaz de crear riqueza econĂłmica es considerado inĂștil y rechazado, por ser errĂłneamente considerado lastre en el avance cientĂ­fico y por poner en duda los beneficios futuros de la tecnologĂ­a aplicada. En la contraparte humanista se aboga por el diĂĄlogo, debate y reflexiĂłn de los avances cientĂ­ficos y de la tecnologĂ­a antes de aplicarla en la sociedad. El parcelado no comunicante de las disciplinas cientĂ­ficas, tĂ©cnicas y humanistas conlleva una separaciĂłn de la evoluciĂłn tecnolĂłgica y de la evoluciĂłn humana. Es justamente esta percepciĂłn del humanismo como contraparte por parte de los cientĂ­ficos y tecnĂłlogos el problema al que apuntamos. El sistema educativo es parte del sustrato que refuerza esta discriminaciĂłn, generĂĄndose asĂ­ nuevas subjetividades en los estudiantes que interiorizan los saberes Ăștiles y descartan los inĂștiles por no proporcionarles dinero. En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre la capacidad permeable de las instituciones y sus disciplinas como sustancia precursora tanto del hambre por el saber como de la utilidad actual de los saberes inĂștiles. Se realiza una revisiĂłn de los grados de informĂĄtica de todas las universidades del territorio español en bĂșsqueda de asignaturas que promuevan los saberes inĂștiles. Los resultados implican una reflexiĂłn profunda de los grados de informĂĄtica mĂĄs allĂĄ de las regulaciones impuestas en el marco universitario europeo.The division of knowledge into useful and useless incessantly bombards our contemporary positivist society of science and knowledge. In the neoliberal capitalist-based scientific-technical utilitarianism, all knowledge that is supposedly incapable of creating economic wealth is considered useless and rejected for being an erroneously entitled burden on scientific progress and for questioning the future benefits of applied technology. In the humanistic counterpart, dialogue, debate and reflection on scientific advances and technology are advocated before applying it in society. The non-communicating parcelling of scientific, technical, and humanistic disciplines entails a separation of technological evolution and human evolution. It is precisely this understanding of humanism as a counterpart by scientists and technologists that is the problem we are aiming at. The educational system is part of the substratum that reinforces this discrimination, thus generating new subjectivities in students who internalize useful knowledge and discard useless knowledge for not providing them with money. This paper reflects on the permeable capacity of institutions and their disciplines as a precursor substance of both the hunger for knowledge and the current usefulness of useless knowledge. A review of the computer science degrees of all the universities of the Spanish territory is carried out in search of subjects that promote useless knowledge. The results imply a deep reflection of computer science degrees beyond the regulations imposed in the European university framework

    Salt tectonics and controls on halokinetic-sequence development of an exposed deepwater diapir: The Bakio Diapir, Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Pyrenees

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    This work evaluates growth strata adjacent to the Bakio Diapir in the Basque Pyrenees, aiming to discuss the application of halokinetic-sequence concepts, mainly developed in shallow-water to subaerial environments, to deepwater depositional settings. This is one of the few exposed passive diapirs developed in deepwater environments, with both synkinematic carbonate and siliciclastic strata. Thus, considering that large hydrocarbon producing areas are located in salt provinces developed in deepwater environments, this study is of interest not only to researchers in salt tectonics, but also to industry geoscientists focusing on hydrocarbon exploration and production. We present a 3D analysis of this outstanding salt structure by integrating detailed geological cartography, high-resolution bathymetry, seismic, and well data. The resulting reconstruction enables us to trace the extent of the diapir offshore and decipher its evolution from its formation as a salt wall developed above the overlap of two basement-involved faults until its squeezing during the Pyrenean compression. But more significantly, it allows us to discern the roles played by bathymetry, subsidence, and sedimentation type in the configuration of halokinetic sequences developed in deepwater environments. Thus, our study shows that: 1) the geometry of halokinetic sequences is defined by the thickness of the roof edges, the dip of the salt-sediment interface in the limbs of the active drape fold, and the onlap angle of the synkinematic sediments over the salt; 2) the roof thickness is controlled not only by the ratio between salt-rise and regional sediment-accumulation rate, but also by the water depth of the diapir roof and the depositional environment that can promote vertical aggradation of a supra-diapir carbonate buildup; and 3) high surface slopes and consequent debrites are not exclusive to, and characteristic of, hook halokinetic sequences and tabular composite halokinetic sequences

    Vaginal metabolome: towards a minimally invasive diagnosis of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity in women with preterm labor

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    Microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity (MIAC) is only identified by amniocentesis, an invasive procedure that limits its clinical translation. Here, we aimed to evaluate whether the vaginal metabolome discriminates the presence/absence of MIAC in women with preterm labor (PTL) and intact membranes. We conducted a case-control study in women with symptoms of PTL below 34 weeks who underwent amniocentesis to discard MIAC. MIAC was defined as amniotic fluid positive for microorganisms identified by specific culture media. The cohort included 16 women with MIAC and 16 control (no MIAC). Both groups were matched for age and gestational age at admission. Vaginal fluid samples were collected shortly after amniocentesis. Metabolic profiles were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and compared using multivariate and univariate statistical analyses to identify significant differences between the two groups. The vaginal metabolomics profile of MIAC showed higher concentrations of hypoxanthine, proline, choline and acetylcholine and decreased concentrations of phenylalanine, glutamine, isoleucine, leucine and glycerophosphocholine. In conclusion, metabolic changes in the NMR-based vaginal metabolic profile are able to discriminate the presence/absence of MIAC in women with PTL and intact membranes. These metabolic changes might be indicative of enhanced glycolysis triggered by hypoxia conditions as a consequence of bacterial infection, thus explaining the utilization of alternative energy sources in an attempt to replenish glucose
