211 research outputs found

    A Box-Behnken Design for Optimal Green Extraction of Compounds from Olive Leaves That Potentially Activate the AMPK Pathway

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    The author B.M.-G. is grateful to the National Youth Guarantee System for the grant for young research personnel. Also, the authors are grateful to the University of Granada for a “Contrato Puente” postdoctoral contract (S.P.-M.).Olive leaves contain bioactive compounds that have been shown to activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which decreases intracellular lipid accumulation. Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) is a green extraction technique that is frequently used in the recovery of phenolic compounds from plants. Thus, in this study, a Box-Behnken design was used to optimize MAE conditions such as temperature, percentage of ethanol and extraction time to obtain the maximum content of total compounds and compounds that activate AMPK. To this end, all extracts were characterized by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Electrospray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS). The optimum conditions to obtain the highest content of total compounds were 123 ◦C, 100% of ethanol/water (v/v) and 23 min, whereas the optimum conditions for the highest amount of compounds that activate AMPK were 111 ◦C, 42% of ethanol/water (v/v) and 23 min. Thus, a multi-analysis by desirability was carried out to establish MAE optimal conditions for both responses. The optimum conditions were 111 ◦C, 100% EtOH and 23 min with a desirability of 0.97, which means that the responses are close to their individual optimal values. As a result, the olive leaf extract obtained at these optimal MAE conditions has great potential to be effective in the treatment of obesity.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) AGL2015-67995-C3-2Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities RTI2018-096724-B-C22Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Junta de Andalucia B-AGR-466-UGR1

    Therapeutic measures in a moving ambulance: Qualitative study of professional opinions regarding prehospital emergencies

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    Background: current organization of the prehospital emergency teams, decreasing the prehospital times, given the possibility of working during the patient’s transport and, therefore, the consequences that may result from the same improving the prognostic. Objectives: To explore the opinion of professional healthcare experts regarding prehospital emergencies arising when forced to assist a critical patient in a moving vehicle, based on a high-fidelity clinical simulation, as well as the factors influencing them. Methods: An exploratory study of content analysis with qualitative methodology, via semi-structured questionnaires that are self-completed anonymously, before and after the clinical simulation intervention in which participants intubate a mannequin in a moving ambulance. The sample consisted of 36 experts in prehospital emergencies from the province of Alicante (Spain). Codification and assessment of the data obtained was carried out via triangulation, respecting the language and literal expressions of the participants. Results: Thirty-two pre- and post-intervention questionnaires were completed. Four different units of meaning or categories emerged which were organized based on two thematic structures, from the perspective of professional and patient needs. Twenty-three participants had never previously intubated in a moving vehicle. Discussion: Working in a moving vehicle may be yet another aspect to consider in the specialized teaching–learning process of prehospital emergency medicine. Conclusion: Based on the need to decrease prehospital assistance times, a new paradigm has been opened in prehospital emergencies with the possibility of being able to safely assist our patients during their transport on a moving ambulance or helicopter. It will be necessary further research in the future

    The Radiative Transfer Equation inversion on FPGA. the case of the Photospheric Magnetic field Imager

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    Part of the Proceedings of the 2023 European Data Handling and Data Processing Conference for Space (EDHPC 2023) Juan-Les-Pins2 October 2023 through 6 October 2023. Code 196870We present the radiative transfer equation (RTE) inverter core, a high performance SIMD architecture, to interpret the data obtained by the Polarimetric and Magnetic field Imager (PMI) instrument aboard the ESA's Vigil mission. After some pre-processing, the spectropolarimetric data will be translated on board into physical quantities of the solar atmosphere to be directly downloaded to Earth, hence strongly reducing the telemetry needs of such a deep space mission. The RTE inverter is direct heritage from that in the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) aboard the ESA/NASA's Solar Orbiter mission. The more stringent requirements of Vigil as compared to Solar Orbiter, as well as the production discontinuation of the FPGA used in the PHI instrument, have driven the migration of the inverter architecture to a brand-new, more powerful FPGA device (Xilinx Kintex UltraScale XQRKU060). © 2023 ESA.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been funded by AEI/MCIN/10.13039/ 501100011033/ (RTI2018-096886-C5, PID2021-125325OB-C5, PCI2022-135009-2) and ERDF “A way of making Europe”; “Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa” awards to IAA-CSIC (SEV-2017-0709, CEX2021-001131-S); and a Ramón y Cajal fellowship awarded to DOS

    Towards 3D databases and harmonized 3D models at IGME-CSIC

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    IGME-CSIC has a highly relevant geological and geophysical database that includes a continuous digital geological cartography at 1:50000; 1:200000 and 1:1000000 scales and a fair amount of geophysical data: gravity, magnetic, well-logs in tiff and LAS format, seismic lines in tiff and SEG-Y format, borehole and petrophysical data, together with other geophysical and geological studies. Since the 2004, an important effort has been done to undertake 3D geological and geophysical modelling ranging from local studies (mineral exploration or CO2 storage sites) to regional geology for a better understanding of the subsurface structure and its geodynamic evolution as a base for other studies on natural hazards or mineral resources. These studies were ¿stand alone¿ and now IGME is designing a new strategy. It includes the available data and models harmonization (stratigraphy sequences, structural interpretations, faults distribution, seismic velocity models, spatial distribution of physical properties such as density and magnetic susceptibility, workflows, methodologies, evaluation of uncertainties, visualization, etc.) to comply with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data standardization. In this way, the new 3D models will be easily integrated and available from the databases. This strategy includes collaboration with the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières of France (BRGM) and Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia of Portugal (LNEG) in order to harmonize the Spanish geological data and models with their neighbours across national borders. The first step is being done in the framework of GeoERA projects. Plain-language Summary IGME-CSIC owns a large database that includes a highly valuable geological and geophysical data and geophysical studies containing the interpretation of some of the data of Spain (onshore and offshore) Since 2004 the authors of this work have been working in 3D geological and geophysical modelling that includes local (mineral exploration or CO2 storage sites) and regional studies. The goal is to improve our understanding of the subsurface structures and processes as a base for deepening our knowledge in how the natural hazards occur, how to improve the exploration for mineral resources, etc. These studies were made ad hoc within different projects and now IGME-CSIC is designing a workflow to harmonize these models in order to comply with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data standardization so the models will be available to being used beyond the initial objectives that generated their creation. This strategy includes collaboration with other European institutions like the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières of France (BRGM) and Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia of Portugal (LNEG) in order to harmonize the models across national borders. The first step is already being done in the framework of the GeoERA projects

    Characterization of the Cerdanya Neogene Basin by combining geophysical methods: passive seismic, magnetotelluric and gravimetry.

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    Congreso realizado en Toledo del 28 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre de 2022.[EN] The Cerdanya Neogene basin, located in the eastern sector of the Central Pyrenees, has been studied to characterize its structure in depth. The thickness of the Neogene filling of the basin (detrital materials with some levels of lignite) has been inferred by combining different geophysical exploration methods in a NW-SE trending profile that crosses, perpendicularly, the basin in its central part: passive seismic (H/V spectral ratio method and array technique), electromagnetic methods (MT and AMT) and gravimetry. Applying the array technique, the shear wave velocity (Vs) of the basin materials has been calculated, both for the Neogene deposits and the bedrock. These data combined with the results obtained from the H/V spectral ratio method allow deriving the bedrock geometry. The electromagnetic method provides the 2D electrical resistivity model, characterizing the geoelectric properties of the basin and depicting the presence of the d'Alp-la Tet fault, an important structural element of the basin. The electrical model inversion uses as an initial model the bedrock depth obtained from the passive seismic. In the residual Bouguer anomaly modelling, a satisfactory gravimetric model is obtained when the thickness of the Neogene deposits varies between 0 and 650 meters and assigned density of 2.2 g/cm3 , supported by the low Vs obtained. The thickness of the Neogene filling presents variations that are related to the presence of normal fault with small vertical offset. The application of this methodology, based on the combination of different geophysical exploration methods, has reduced the different uncertainties inherent in each geophysical method, and aim to characterize the Cerdanya Neogene basin geometry.Este trabajo se ha financiado con el proyecto PID2020-114273GB-C22 financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España.Peer reviewe

    Accesibilidad en los espacios públicos urbanizados

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    El libro, coordinado por el Director de ACCEPLAN, Fernando Alonso López, viene a ser un reflejo de los avances entorno a la búsqueda de accessibilidad universal en los espacios públicos urbanizados. Para aproximarse a la realidad normativa y técnica de la Orden Ministerial el libro se estructura en artículos referentes al contexto normativo, a los contenidos de la Orden, y a reflexiones y criterios en torno a la accesibilidad en la ciudad. Del conjunto de artículos, por su variedad y por su carácter multidiciplinar, se extrae un libro de referencia que ofrece la variedad de enfoques del tema y que ayuda a interpretar mejor la Orden Ministerial, su contribución a los objetivos de la Ley 51/2003 de Igualdad de Oportunidades No Discriminación y Accesibilidad Universal, LIONDAU, y su utilidad en la comformación de unas ciudades cada vez más abiertas a la diversidad funcional y a la convivencia.El llibre, coordinat pel director de ACCEPLAN, Fernando Alonso López, ve a ser un reflex dels avenços entorn de la recerca d'accessibilitat universal en els espais públics urbanitzats. Per conèixer un realitat normativa i tècnica de l'Ordre Ministerial el llibre s'estructura en articles referents al context normatiu, als continguts de l'Ordre, ja reflexions i criteris al voltant de l'accessibilitat a la ciutat. Del conjunt d'articles, per la seva varietat i pel seu caràcter multidiciplinar, s'extreu un llibre de referència que ofereix la varietat d'enfocaments del tema i que ajuda a interpretar millor l'Ordre Ministerial, la seva contribució als objectius de la Llei 51/2003 de Igualtat d'Oportunitats No Discriminació i Accessibilitat Universal, LIONDAU, i la seva utilitat en la comformación d'unes ciutats cada vegada més obertes a la diversitat funcional ia la convivència

    The neandertal group of El Sidrón Cave (Piloña. Asturias. Spain)

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    572 pp.[EN] From the results obtained we verify that the conjectural late Roman form *situlone, linked to the water, prove the El Sidrón place name, and show that a Neandertal group cannibalised other group make up at least by 13 individuals linked and the fossil remains and the lithic artefacts used were settled in some passage or upper gallery of the karstic system. Few time after the cannibalisation, a high energy process have introduced very quickly those remains being captured in the speleothems of a little gallery. 49 000 years BP ago some classic Neandertals wandered through the actually named concejo of Piloña offering a really interesting information, someone pioneer, in different palaeobiological, paleogenomic, and cultural matters, that offers a more complex and updated vision of that specie. Somebody were redhead, they lived in a smoky atmosphere, they medicate, they have congenital anomalies, they were 1,64 m tall in average, they had a mixed meat and vegetal diet, knap their artefacts with a local flint and, among many other things, they hybridize with Homo sapiens in the Near East.[ES] A partir de los resultados obtenidos comprobamos que la forma conjetural tardorromana *situlone, vinculada al agua, justifica el topónimo El Sidrón. Dichos resultados muestran que un grupo neandertal canibalizó a otro grupo compuesto al menos por 13 individuos emparentados y los restos óseos e instrumentos líticos utilizados se depositaron en algún conducto o galería superior del sistema kárstico. Habiendo pasado muy poco tiempo tras dicha canibalización, un proceso de alta energía introdujo a toda velocidad esos materiales, que permanecieron atrapados entre los espeleotemas de una pequeña galería. Hace unos 49 000 años antes del presente, deambulaban unos neandertales clásicos por el hoy llamado concejo de Piloña, que nos han brindado una muy interesante información, alguna pionera, en diferentes aspectos paleobiológicos, paleogenómicos y culturales, que ofrece una visión renovada y más completa de esta especie. Algunos eran pelirrojos, vivían en un ambiente de humo, se medicaban, tenían varias anomalías congénitas, medían 1,64 m de media, tenían una dieta mixta cárnica y vegetal, tallaban sus herramientas con un sílex local y, entre otras muchas cosas, se hibridaron con la especie Homo Sapiens en Próximo Oriente.Peer reviewe

    pilotSTRATEGY project 2021-2026: “CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories”

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    [EN] The pilotSTRATEGY (2021-2026) is investigating geological CO2 storage sites in industrial regions to support development of large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS). It is focused on deep saline aquifers–porous rock formations filled with brine several kilometres below ground – which promise a large capacity for storing captured CO2. The goal of the characterisation is to assess the site’s containment, injectivity, capacity, integrity, hydrodynamics, and monitorability in order to ensure safe and permanent storage of CO2. PilotSTRATEGY covers the initial stages of project development up to the pre-final investment decision (pre-FID), regulatory approval and permitting of storage, and applied on selected structures of Paris Basin in France, the Lusitanian Basin in Portugal and the Ebro Basin in Spain, and in lower detail, in West Macedonia in Greece and Upper Silesia in Poland.The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme (10.1 million Euros, No. 101022664).Peer reviewe

    El grupu neandertal de la Cueva d'El Sidrón (Borines, Piloña).

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    Na monografía clásica de Puig y Larraz (1896: 250-252) amiéntense delles cavidaes del Conceyu de Piloña2 , pero non la Cueva d’El Sidrón (Fig. 1). Esta conocíase, ensin dulda, dende la Guerra Civil y el maquis al servir d’abellugu a persiguíos políticos, y guarda una alcordanza imborrable nuna de les sos múltiples entraes, yá qu’ellí ta enterrada Olvido Otero González (1908-1938). Per El Sidrón pasaron munches persones a lo llargo de los años, pero en 1994 prodúxose’l descubrimientu per parte d’unos espeleólogos xixoneses d’unos güesos humanos que dieron un importante xiru a la conocencia de los nuesos antepasaos neandertale

    Subsurface Geophysics and Geology (GEOFSU

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    [EN] The geophysics line at the IGME began in 1927 as a Geophysics Sectiondedicated to subsurface exploration. During all this time, it has been developed in order to support and give expert service in all IGME’s activities both as a geological service and public research institution, as well as a research and development work itself. On the other hand, in recent years the IGME has promoted a line of research aimed at the characterization and 3D modeling of geological structures and formations, the development of dedicated software and the evolution and sophistication of computer equipment. The new scenario of incorporation of the IGME to the CSIC as a national reference center in the field of Earth Sciences has allowed the establishment of the GEOFSUB Research Group (Subsurface Geophysics and Geology). It is constituted by 21 members who had been collaborating regularly of the IGME former scientific-technic areas Geophysics and remote sensing (Área de Geofísica y Teledetección) and Subsurface geology and 3D geological modelling (Área de Geología del Subsuelo y Modelización Geológica 3D). Our main differentiating element is our extensive knowledge of geophysical and geological techniques, which allows us to characterize the subsoil in an optimal waPeer reviewe