26 research outputs found

    Flexibility in the internal management of enterprises and itsimpact on the employment security of workers, after theadoption of the Spanish Act 3/2013, July 6th, onUrgent Measures for the Reform of the Labour Market

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    [Resumo] A grave crise económico-financeira evidenciou os desaxustes e debilidades dos sistemas de relacións laborais, e deu lugar a un profundo proceso reformista na Unión Europea en que a flexiguridade, probada con éxito no sistema regulador danés, se formula como obxectivo prioritario. Nesta liña, e ante o aparente fracaso de intentos anteriores que deixaban moitos aspectos en mans da negociación colectiva, o lexislador español aprobou a Lei 3/2012, do 6 de xullo. Con todo, ben pode ser que non se trate dunha reforma demasiado equilibrada, por canto a priori se puxo o acento máis nas medidas de flexibilización que nas de seguridade e protección que deberían acompañalas. Coméntanse aquí algúns dos aspectos principais desta lei, así como as luces e sombras na súa interpretación, á espera de resultados en termos de creación de emprego estable e de calidade.[Abstract] The severe economic and financial crisis has shown the failures and weaknesses of labour relations systems, giving rise to a profound reform process in the European Union, in which flexicurity, tested with success in the Danish regulatory system, is considered as a main objective. In this line, and due to the apparent failure of previous attempts leaving a number of issues in the hands of collective bargaining, the Spanish legislator has passed the Law 3/2012, July 6th.However, it may be not such a balanced reform, since a priori more emphasis is placed on measures of flexibility than on those of safety and protection that should accompany them. Some of the major aspects of the reform are discussed, as well as the lights and shadows in its interpretation, while waiting for results in terms of generation of stable and quality employment

    the significance of regulating reconciliation of work and family life after royal decree –law 5/2023 of june 28th: issues regarding teleworking and digital disconnection aiming a good quality of life for workers

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    [ES] Para lograr una buena dinámica en la regulación de la conciliación de la vida profesional y familiar resulta vital el papel a desempeñar por parte de empresas y administraciones públicas, siendo estos los principales agentes partícipes y con mayor responsabilidad de cara al adecuado equilibrio entre ambos roles de los trabajadores, tengan o no cargas familiares. El legislador ha tratado de dar respuesta a las necesidades detectadas mediante el RDL 5/2023, de 28 de junio, si bien en este tablero entran en juego más elementos, como el teletrabajo y el derecho a la desconexión digital, máxime dado el avance vertiginoso de las nuevas tecnologías, siendo así imprescindible lograr la adecuada ponderación o equilibrio de todos ellos en pro de una mejor calidad de vida.[EN] The role played by companies and public administrations is vital to achieve a good dynamic in regulating the reconciliation of professional and family life. These are the main participants and bear the greatest responsibility in ensuring the proper balance between both roles of workers, whether or not they have family responsibilities. The legislator has sought to respond to the identified needs through Royal Decree –Law 5/2023 of June 28th. However, more elements come into play in this scenario, such as teleworking and the right to digital disconnection, especially given the rapid advancement of new technologies. It is therefore essential to achieve a proper weighting or balance of all these factors in pursuit of a better quality of life.S

    Flexibility in the internal management of enterprises and its impact on the employment security of workers, after the adoption of the Spanish Act 3/2013, July 6th, on Urgent Measures for the Reform of the Labour Market

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    [GAL] A grave crise económico-financeira evidenciou os desaxustes e debilidades dos sistemas de relacións laborais, e deu lugar a un profundo proceso reformista na Unión Europea en que a flexiguridade, probada con éxito no sistema regulador danés, se formula como obxectivo prioritario. Nesta liña, e ante o aparente fracaso de intentos anteriores que deixaban moitos aspectos en mans da negociación colectiva, o lexislador español aprobou a Lei 3/2012, do 6 de xullo. Con todo, ben pode ser que non se trate dunha reforma demasiado equilibrada, por canto a priori se puxo o acento máis nas medidas de flexibilización que nas de seguridade e protección que deberían acompañalas. Coméntanse aquí algúns dos aspectos principais desta lei, así como as luces e sombras na súa interpretación, á espera de resultados en termos de creación de emprego estable e de calidade.[EN] The severe economic and financial crisis has shown the failures and weaknesses of labour relations systems, giving rise to a profound reform process in the European Union, in which flexicurity, tested with success in the Danish regulatory system, is considered as a main objective. In this line, and due to the apparent failure of previous attempts leaving a number of issues in the hands of collective bargaining, the Spanish legislator has passed the Law 3/2012, July 6th. However, it may be not such a balanced reform, since a priori more emphasis is placed on measures of flexibility than on those of safety and protection that should accompany them. Some of the major aspects of the reform are discussed, as well as the lights and shadows in its interpretation, while waiting for results in terms of generation of stable and quality employment.S

    Altruism or Strategy? A Study of Attributions of Responsibility in Business and its Impact on the Consumer Decision Making Process

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    [EN] The principal aim of this paper is to propose a model of consumer decision making based on responsibility criteria, just as to analyze the role of consumers’ attributions of business responsibility as determinants of that process. A self-reported study was conducted from a total sample of 454 Spanish consumers. Structural equations modeling with PLS was used to test the sequence between information search, information evaluation and purchase behavior based on responsibility criteria, just as the effect of value, stakeholder, strategic and egoistic-driven motivations attributed to corporate responsibility. Results support a model of responsible consumer decision making and show a different pattern of effects of social and strategic attributions on consumer behavior.S

    Las cooperativas de trabajo como vía para la flexibilación del mercado laboral

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    RESUMEN. Fruto de la adaptación de la legislación española a la normativa de la hoy Unión Europea se ha asistido a una paulatina liberalización de los mercados de trabajo. Una de las consecuencias del movimiento aperturista de mercados de trabajo a la Unión Europea ha sido el surgimiento de entidades de carácter privado cuya actividad es facilitar el acceso de personas al mundo laboral en las empresas. En este orden de cosas destaca la importancia creciente en muchos sectores de actividad de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado. En este artículo se define esta figura y se delimita su campo de actividad, constatándose posteriormente su importancia dentro del movimiento cooperativista y del­ mercado laboral en general a través de un análisis estadístico comparativo del número total de cooperativas creadas entre 1993 y 1995 en Castilla y León, el número de cooperativas de trabajo asociado, y el número de socios de cada uno de estos dos tipos de entidades.ABSTRACT. As a result of the adaptation of the Spanish Legislation to the regulations of the European Union, there has been a gradual liberalisation of the labour markets. On of the European Union has been the rise of entities with private character whose activity facilitates the access of persons to the world of labour in companies. This matter emphasises the increasing importance in many sectors of activities of cooperatives of associate work. This article explains this image and delmits its work domain, showing first its importance in the cooperative movement and in the labour market in general, thrugh a statistical analysis comparing the total number of cooperatives created between 1993 and 1995 in Castilla - León, the number of cooperatives of associate work, and the number of members in each of both types of entities

    Surgimiento, evolución y ratios de implantación de las empresas de trabajo temporal en Castilla y León: análisis y repercusiones socioeconómicas

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    Tras su legalización en 1994, las Empresas de Trabajo Temporal o ETT han venido implantándose en España, si bien su distribución regional no ha sido uniforme y homogénea, sino en función de los intereses particulares de las mismas. En este sentido, el presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar las disparidades interregionales en la dotación de empresas y centros de trabajo temporal, descendiendo al nivel interprovincial en Castilla y León, y utilizando para ello los indicadores oportunos que permitan detectar “escaseces” o llamar la atención sobre otras posibles situaciones de “saturación” o “sobredimensionamiento” en cuanto a dicha dotación

    An Analysis of the Reasons Attributed by Spanish Undergraduates to CSR in Organizations and its Implications for Consumer Behavior

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    [EN] The implications of CSR for consumer behavior have represented a quite common topic in recent literature, main conclusions remarking that, while it is true that socially responsible initiatives may induce some consumer goodwill towards the organization, the effects of CSR are more complex than expected. From this setting, this paper aims to analyze university students' consumer responses and motives attributed to CSR practices in business settings, just as the useful ness of academic background as segmentation variable. A survey study was conducted from a total sample of 400 Spanish undergraduates. Factor, descri ptive and multivariate analysis revealed the coexistence of different CSR dimensions and attributions when defining participants' consumer behavior, some differences existing between students with different academic background. Implications of the study are discussed.S

    Ausonia y Carrefour: #LaCienciaespoderosa

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    [ES] El cáncer es un conjunto de enfermedades caracterizadas por el desarrollo de células anormales que se dividen sin control y tienen la capacidad de infiltrarse y destruir el tejido corporal. Con motivo del día mundial del cáncer de mama, el 19 de octubre de 2021, Ausonia, junto con la fundación Solidaridad Carrefour y la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) lanzaron una campaña, bajo el hashtag #LaCienciaEsPodeROSA, destinada a recaudar fondos para la financiación de proyectos de investigación contra esta enfermedad. La campaña fue de carácter interactivo buscando la participación del público mediante el hashtag en redes sociales y obtuvo unos resultados elevados en cuanto a notoriedad y alcance.[EN] Cancer is a group of illnesses characterized by the development of abnormal cells which divide themselves without control and that have the capability to infiltrate and destroy the body tissue. Because of world Breast Cancer Day, on 19th of October of 2021, Ausonia, in collaboration with Fundación Solidaridad Carrefour and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) launched a campaign, with the hashtag #LaCienciaEsPodeROSA, that was destined to reach funds to fund research projects against this illness. The campaign had an interactive character searching the participation of the public by the use of the hashtag in social media and reached very high results in terms of visibility and reach.S