2,083 research outputs found

    Educational advantatges in the application of PLE in literature and language subjects in secondary education. Analyzing five experiences.

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    This article describes the experiences, projects and activities conducted by three teachers with their students of Literature and Language, and based on the construction and use of PLEs. The construction of the virtual spaces and the activities they designed and took into practice were relatively simple, and took advantage of free, user-friendly tools available on the Internet. All the activities explained in this article had been previously performed using “traditional techniques”; when the PLE concept was applied on the classroom and the academic activities were taken into virtual environments, there were important changes in the student's learning process and approach, on intellectual, social, and integrative levels, related both to the technological skills and to the information management. We conclude that the use of PLEs in this context helps both teachers and students realize the potential and importance of these tools when applied to their learning process, and that guidance is needed to implement this approach in the classroom

    Lyapunov exponents and Oseledets decomposition in random dynamical systems generated by systems of delay differential equations

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    Producción CientíficaLinear skew-product semidynamical systems generated by random systems of delay differential equations are considered, both on a space of continuous functions as well as on a space of p-summable functions. The main result states that in both cases, the Lyapunov exponents are identical, and that the Oseledets decompositions are related by natural embeddings.NCN grant Maestro 2013/08/A/ST1/00275MICIIN/FEDER Grant RTI2018-096523-B-100H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 643073 CRITICS

    Topologies of continuity for Carathéodory delay differential equations with applications in non-autonomous dynamics

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    Producción CientíficaWe study some already introduced and some new strong and weak topologies of integral type to provide continuous dependence on continuous initial data for the solutions of non-autonomous Carathéodory delay differential equations. As a consequence, we obtain new families of continuous skew-product semiflows generated by delay differential equations whose vector fields belong to such metric topological vector spaces of Lipschitz Carathéodory functions. Sufficient conditions for the equivalence of all or some of the considered strong or weak topologies are also given. Finally, we also provide results of continuous dependence of the solutions as well as of continuity of the skew-product semiflows generated by Carathéodory delay differential equations when the considered phase space is a Sobolev space.MINECO/FEDER MTM2015-66330-PH2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 643073 CRITICS

    Weak topologies for Carathéodory differential equations: continuous dependence, exponential dichotomy and attractors

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    Producción CientíficaWe introduce new weak topologies and spaces of Carathéodory functions where the solutions of the ordinary differential equations depend continuously on the initial data and vector fields. The induced local skew-product flow is proved to be continuous, and a notion of linearized skew-product flow is provided. Two applications are shown. First, the propagation of the exponential dichotomy over the trajectories of the linearized skew-product flow and the structure of the dichotomy or Sacker–Sell spectrum. Second, how particular bounded absorbing sets for the process defined by a Carathéodory vector field f provide bounded pullback attractors for the processes with vector fields in the alpha-limit set, the omega-limitset or the whole hull of f. Conditions for the existence of a pullback or a global attractor for the skew-product semiflow, as well as application examples are also given.MINECO/FEDER Grant MTM2015-66330-PH2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 643073 CRITIC

    Construyendo el Yo: un enfoque contextual

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    We propose a review of the formation of the Self from a phenomenological -contextual perspective. This approach is justified as a way of solving the metaphors that are used to understand the formation of the Self, which usually commits either categorical and reification errors or directly aporetic arguments. The concept of the Self is not denied, given the huge reinforcement re ceived by the human organism from infancy to tact with private experiences, and such being -in-contact is precisely the primary phenomenological experience of the Self. A genuinely behavioral explanatory model is presented, understanding the Self as a soci al epiphenomenon that requires a basic pre -reflective awareness in a particular cultural context that will shape it through prototypical verbal behavior in human interaction. Finally, the different stages of Self -learning are described. The discussion unde rlines the extraordinary importance of understanding the Self in terms of perspective, which leads to the parsimonious comprehension of the classic features attributed to the Self, such as constancy, timelessness, transcendence and interiority without elab orating mental constructs. Key words: Phenomenology, Behaviorism, Self, Verbal behavior

    Incorporating Wheelchair Users in People Detection

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    A wheelchair users detector is presented to extend people detection, providing a more general solution to detect people in environments such as houses adapted for independent and assisted living, hospitals, healthcare centers and senior residences. A wheelchair user model is incorporated in a detector whose detections are afterwards combined with the ones obtained using traditional people detectors (we define these as standing people detectors). We have trained a model for classical (DPM) and for modern (Faster-RCNN) detection algorithms, to compare their performance. Besides the extensibility proposed with respect to people detection, a dataset of video sequences has been recorded in a real in-door senior residence environment containing wheelchairs users and standing people and it has been released together with the associated groundtruthThis work has been partially supported by the Spanish government under the project TEC2014-53176-R (HAVideo) and by the Spanish Government FPU grant programme (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte

    Enseñanza interactiva en la ingeniería Iiformática

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    Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) propician que la información sea más fácil de conseguir, de transmitir y esté al alcance de todos. Además Internet, a la que podríamos llamar “La biblioteca moderna de Alejandría”, proporciona información variada sobre cualquier tema, con disponibilidad “24x7”. Esto es beneficioso para la educación universitaria en particular, quien se ve además reforzada con plataformas educativas como por ejemplo “Moodle”, la cual puede ser un contenedor de tecnologías punteras aplicadas a la educación con: vídeos, presentaciones, enlaces, sugerencias del profesor, etc. Nosotros pensamos que todo lo anterior ha influido en que los alumnos universitarios tiendan a no asistir a las clases presenciales con la misma asiduidad de hace pocos años. Éstas aparecen medio vacías, mientras nuestros jóvenes universitarios se vuelven anárquicos, estudiando cuándo y dónde quieren. Sin embargo, la tasa de suspensos y de abandono en la enseñanza superior aumenta. Para dar respuesta a esta situación, nos surge la idea de motivar a los alumnos para que asistan a las clases y de utilizar las nuevas TIC para que aprendan. Plasmamos esto en un proyecto de innovación educativa con tres criterios principales: Trabajar en clase. No poner deberes para realizar fuera del aula. No hacer exámenes finales. Nuestro objetivo es aprovechar al máximo las horas lectivas (tiempo docente) desde un enfoque totalmente práctico. Hacemos nuestra la frase de Séneca: “Largo es el camino de la enseñanza por medio de teorías, breve y eficaz por medio de ejemplos”. Este artículo recoge la metodología llevada a cabo en dicho proyecto de innovación y su aplicación en una asignatura optativa, de cuarto curso, dentro del Grado de Ingeniería de Software de una universidad pública española. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis sobre los beneficios y carencias detectadas en su aplicación. ABSTRACT: The new information and communication technologies (ICT) offer easier information to obtain, to transmit and it will be available to everyone. Besides Internet, what we could call "The modern library of Alexandria" provides a variety of information on any topic, and with full availability "24x7". This is a particularly beneficial to the university education, which is reinforced by educational platforms like for example "Moodle", that can be a container of advanced technologies applied to education with: videos, presentations, links, suggestions from the teacher, etc. We think all the circumstances above have influenced that university students tend to not attending classroom with the same assiduity than few years ago. These classrooms appear half-empty, while our young university students become an anarchic aptitude, studying by their own when and where they want. However, the failure rate and dropout in higher education increases. To give an answer to this situation, we arise the idea of motivating students to attend classroom and to using new technology so that they learn. We shape this in an educational innovation project, which is founded on three main criteria: Working in class; Not ordering homework to perform outside the classroom; Not doing final exams. Our aim is to maximize teaching time from a very practical approach. We agree with the words of Seneca: "Long is the way of teaching through theory, short and effective by examples." This article describes the methodology carried out in this innovation project and its application in an optional subject, in the last year, within the Software Engineering Degree of a Spanish public university. Finally, we do an analysis on the benefits and shortcomings identified by the way of application

    Principal Floquet subspaces and exponential separations of type II with applications to random delay differential equations

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper deals with the study of principal Lyapunov exponents, principal Floquet subspaces, and exponential separation for positive random linear dynamical systems in ordered Banach spaces. The main contribution lies in the introduction of a new type of exponential separation, called of type II, important for its application to random differential equations with delay. Under weakened assumptions, the existence of an exponential separation of type II in an abstract general setting is shown, and an illustration of its application to dynamical systems generated by scalar linear random delay differential equations with finite delay is given.2020-01-012020-01-01Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - FEDER (Project MTM2015-66330-P

    Dynamics for a non-linear and non-autonomous compartmental system

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    We study the long-time behavior of the amount of material within the compartments of a compartmental system for which the flow of material does not have to be instantaneous and may even take an infinite time to occur. Results on the estructure of minimal sets for monotone skew-product semiflows, previously obtained by the authors, are applied to this description