1,259 research outputs found

    An axiomatic approach to measure the 'Leave No One Behind' principle.

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    ‘Leave no one behind’ has become an important principle of the entire 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals that brings inequality to the centre stage. Although a precise definition of what it is to lag behind is essential to assess sustainable economic growth and social progress a discussion on the desirable properties of such a measure is absent in the literature. This paper fills that gap by proposing and discussing a number of normative and analytical properties a measure of the ‘Leave no one behind’ principle should satisfy. The axioms proposed are necessary and sufficient to characterize the fuzzy measure by García-Pardo et al. [8] and together with other additional axioms make the structure of this measure more transparent

    Error correcting codes from quasi-Hadamard matrices

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    Levenshtein described in [5] a method for constructing error correcting codes which meet the Plotkin bounds, provided suitable Ha- damard matrices exist. Uncertainty about the existence of Hadamard matrices on all orders multiple of 4 is a source of difficulties for the prac- tical application of this method. Here we extend the method to the case of quasi-Hadamard matrices. Since efficient algorithms for constructing quasi-Hadamard matrices are potentially available from the literature (e.g. [7]), good error correcting codes may be constructed in practise. We illustrate the method with some examples.Junta de Andalucía FQM–29

    Chronic venous insufficiency and its manifestations in the foot

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    [Abstract] Chronic venous insufficiency is a common condition that affects a large number of population, being a frequent reason for consultation with an important clinical, social and economic impact. Through this case report, we show how the existence of chronic venous insufficiency can affect foot health, reflected in the form of non-specific symptoms such as numbness, tingling and heaviness in the foot, and availing ourselves of this case we make a review of chronic venous disease in relation to its pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapeutic management[Resumen] La insuficiencia venosa crĂłnica es una patologĂ­a que afecta a un elevado nĂșmero de personas, siendo un motivo de consulta muy frecuente, lo que conlleva mĂșltiples repercusiones clĂ­nicas, sociales y econĂłmicas. A travĂ©s de este caso clĂ­nico, mostramos cĂłmo la existencia de una insuficiencia venosa crĂłnica puede repercutir en la salud del pie, reflejĂĄndose en forma de sintomatologĂ­a inespecĂ­fica como prurito, parestesias, hormigueo y pesadez a nivel del mismo. ValiĂ©ndonos de este caso realizamos una revisiĂłn de la enfermedad venosa crĂłnica en relaciĂłn a su fisiopatologĂ­a, diagnĂłstico y manejo terapĂ©utic

    Environmental change rate and dispersion pattern modulate the dynamics of evolutionary rescue of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa

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    The rate of biodiversity loss is so high that some scientists affirm that we are being witnesses of the sixth mass extinction. In this situation, it is necessary to ask the following question: can the organisms be able to resist the environmental changes that are taking place? Recent studies have shown the possibility of a population recovering from a stress situation through evolutionary rescue (ER) events. These events depend on the size of the population, its previous history and the rate of the environmental change. The aim of this work is to add more knowledge about the ER dynamics creating stress situations with selective agents (sulphur and salinity) and using the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa as a model organism. The experiments are based on exposing populations to severe stress and analyze the effect of previous dispersal events and deterioration rates on the occurrence of ER events among populations. The model consists in three different rates of environmental change (constant, slow and fast; under salinity stress we only used the first two treatments) and three dispersal models (isolated, local or global). In total, 324 and 720 populations were exposed to stressful conditions caused by sulphur and salinity, respectively. The results showed that the dispersal modes and the environmental deterioration rates modulated the occurrence of ER events. It has been observed that dispersal favours ER events for both selective agents. Regarding the rate of environmental change, we observed an increase of ER events under constant changes in the populations exposed to sulphur stress. However, ER events were higher when there was previous deterioration (i.e., slow environmental change rate) under saline stress. As a conclusion, ER events in M. aeruginosa depend on selective agent, being the probability higher for salinity than for sulphur. Thus, it could be hypothesized that general conclusions in ER studies must take into account the selective agent.This work has been financially supported by the projects CGL2014- 53682-P (Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad) and CGL2017-87314-P (Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad), and the Universidad de MĂĄlaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    A male mouse model of WIN 55,212–2 self-administration to study cannabinoid addiction

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    We have established for the first time a mouse model of cannabinoid addiction using WIN 55,212–2 intravenous self-administration (0.0125 mg/kg/infusion) in C57Bl/6J mice. This model allows to evaluate the addiction criteria by grouping them into 1) persistence of response during a period of non-availability of the drug, 2) motivation for WIN 55,212–2 with a progressive ratio, and 3) compulsivity when the reward is associated with a punishment such as an electric foot-shock, in agreement with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5). This model also allows to measure two parameters that have been related with the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria of craving, resistance to extinction and reinstatement, and two phenotypic traits suggested as predisposing factors, impulsivity and sensitivity to reward. We found that 35.6% of mice developed the criteria of cannabinoid addiction, allowing to differentiate between resilient and vulnerable mice. Therefore, we have established a novel and reliable model to study the neurobiological correlates underlying the resilience or vulnerability to develop cannabinoid addiction. This model included the chemogenetic inhibition of neuronal activity in the medial prefrontal cortex to the nucleus accumbens pathway to assess the neurobiological substrate of cannabinoid addiction. This model will shed light on the neurobiological substrate underlying cannabinoid addiction

    Searching for partial Hadamard matrices

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    Three algorithms looking for pretty large partial Hadamard ma- trices are described. Here “large” means that hopefully about a third of a Hadamard matrix (which is the best asymptotic result known so far, [8]) is achieved. The first one performs some kind of local exhaustive search, and consequently is expensive from the time consuming point of view. The second one comes from the adaptation of the best genetic algorithm known so far searching for cliques in a graph, due to Singh and Gupta [21]. The last one consists in another heuristic search, which prioritizes the required processing time better than the final size of the partial Hadamard matrix to be obtained. In all cases, the key idea is characterizing the adjacency properties of vertices in a particular subgraph Gt of Ito’s Hadamard Graph (4t) [18], since cliques of order m in Gt can be seen as (m + 3) × 4t partial Hadamard matrices.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2008-06578Junta de Andalucía FQM-016Junta de Andalucía P07-FQM-0298

    Increased salt concentration promotes competitive block of OmpF channel by protons

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    Porins are channel-forming proteins that are located in the outer membranes (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria and allow the influx of hydrophilic nutrients and the extrusion of waste products. The fine regulation of the ion transport through these wide channels could play an important role in the survival of the bacteria in acidic media. We investigate here the mechanism responsible for the pH sensitivity of the trimeric porin OmpF, of Escherichia coli. Planar lipid bilayer electrophysiology and site-directed mutagenesis were used to study the effect of pH on the ion conductive properties of the OmpF channel in its fully open, “nongated” conformation. At low pH we observe a large drop in the OmpF open channel conductance that is accompanied by a substantial increase of the current noise. These channel features are strongly dependent on the salt concentration and we propose that they are originated by competitive binding of cations and protons occurring in the narrow central constriction of the channel. This subtlemechanismreveals to be capital for the channel function because it not only drives the channel sensitivity to pH but is also indispensable for the particularly efficient permeation mechanism of the channel at physiological conditions (~neutral pH)

    A male mouse model of WIN 55,212-2 self-administration to study cannabinoid addiction

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    We have established for the first time a mouse model of cannabinoid addiction using WIN 55,212-2 intravenous self-administration (0.0125 mg/kg/infusion) in C57Bl/6J mice. This model allows to evaluate the addiction criteria by grouping them into 1) persistence of response during a period of non-availability of the drug, 2) motivation for WIN 55,212-2 with a progressive ratio, and 3) compulsivity when the reward is associated with a punishment such as an electric foot-shock, in agreement with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5). This model also allows to measure two parameters that have been related with the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria of craving, resistance to extinction and reinstatement, and two phenotypic traits suggested as predisposing factors, impulsivity and sensitivity to reward. We found that 35.6% of mice developed the criteria of cannabinoid addiction, allowing to differentiate between resilient and vulnerable mice. Therefore, we have established a novel and reliable model to study the neurobiological correlates underlying the resilience or vulnerability to develop cannabinoid addiction. This model included the chemogenetic inhibition of neuronal activity in the medial prefrontal cortex to the nucleus accumbens pathway to assess the neurobiological substrate of cannabinoid addiction. This model will shed light on the neurobiological substrate underlying cannabinoid addiction

    ACS Searching for D4t-Hadamard Matrices

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    An Ant Colony System (ACS) looking for cocyclic Hadamard matrices over dihedral groups D4t is described. The underlying weighted graph consists of the rooted trees described in [1], whose vertices are certain subsets of coboundaries. A branch of these trees defines a D4t- Hadamard matrix if and only if two conditions hold: (i) Ii = i − 1 and, (ii) ci = t, for every 2 ≀ i ≀ t, where Ii and ci denote the number of ipaths and i-intersections (see [3] for details) related to the coboundaries defining the branch. The pheromone and heuristic values of our ACS are defined in such a way that condition (i) is always satisfied, and condition (ii) is closely to be satisfied.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn MTM2008-06578Junta de AndalucĂ­a FQM–296Junta de AndalucĂ­a P07-FQM-0298

    GA Based Robust Blind Digital Watermarking

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    A genetic algorithm based robust blind digital watermarking scheme is presented. The experimental results show that our scheme keeps invisibility, security and robustness more likely than other proposals in the literature, thanks to the GA pretreatment.Junta de AndalucĂ­a FQM-01
