2,726 research outputs found
Petrological Study as a Tool to Evaluate the Degradation of Speleothems in Touristic Caves, Castafiar de Ibor Cave, Caceres, Spain
In Castafiar cave the surface of most of the speleothems present dissolution
and corrosion features. In touristic caves, this process has usually been related to
the acidification of the atmospheric moisture caused by C02 from the breath of
visitors. However, in Castafiar cave the process of corrosion has been also observed
in rooms that are not visited by tourists. Petrological studies were carried out in
the speleothems affected by surface corrosion in Castafiar cave. The results indicate
that this process occurs not only at present time, but over a period of thousands of
years, as evidenced by the presence of corrosion lines inside and on the surface of
the speleothems. All this and the fact that Castafiar cave recovers very quickly from
changes in the environmental parameters, indicates that the dissolution-corrosion
process is slow and hence it is not related to the presence of visitors
Micritización de espeleotemas en ambiente meteórico vadoso (Cueva de Castañar de Ibor, Cáceres)
The aragonite and calcite speleothems of the Castañar de Ibor Cave show white and matt coatings that
formed by micritization and dissolution of the initial crystals. These processes are also recognised in the
inner part of the speleothems. Either in the inner or outher parts the result is the lost of brightness and
transparency of the speleothems. Petrographically these coatings are seen as lines of micrite liked to
dissolution processes that probably occurred because of the circulation of undersaturated fluids within
the cave. At the moment no organic structures have been recognised in relation to the micritizated areas,
indicating very probably that the process was inorganically driven
Limitaciones administrativas a la libertad de creación artística en los espectáculos públicos
Culture is, nowadays, an objective that has to be protected by States, which must guarantee its free and diverse existence and promote the suitable conditions for its progress, as well as provide access to it to all citizens. To achieve this, is necessary that Public Administrations respect its autonomy and adopt an attitude of non-intervention in the exercise of cultural rights and freedoms, including artistic creation, which enshrines the right to create, transmit and receive cultural products as they were conceived by their authors, thus contributing to the cultural enrichment of society as a whole. Nonetheless, it is possible to impose certain restrictions upon the exercise of such rights at the moment of public communication, respecting, in any case, the essential content of the right itself.
Since one of the principal ways of cultural manifestation is public entertainment, every limitation to these will have also an impact on the freedom of artistic creation. Because of this, the objective of this project is to determinate the position that Administrations must adopt in relation to this type of entertainment in which a creative and artistic component exist, differentiating the interventions that can be considered legitimate from those that will constitute censorship.
For this purpose, the different Spanish state and regional laws about public entertainment were analyzed, as well as the the impact of the Directive 2006/123/CE on the juridical status of administrative intervention, and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the main Spanish courts in relation to limitations on freedom of artistic creation, where the protection of children and youth plays a key role
The myth of the Cid through time
La literatura tiene un incuestionable poder mitificador y así ha sucedido con Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar. Sin embargo, cada periodo literario lo ha adaptado a las peculiaridades de cada tiempo: en el Cantar de Mío Cid es un guerrero valiente y leal a la corona, en el teatro del siglo XVII esta imagen queda relegada a un segundo plano y lo que predominan son los conflictos del honor- tanto Rodrigo como Jimena tienen que vengar las ofensas familiares- mientras que en el siglo XX la verdadera protagonista es Jimena, ya que se niega a cumplir con su papel de viudaThe literature has an unquestionable mystifying power and thus has happened with Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar. However, each literary period has adapted to the peculiarities of each time : in Cantar de Mio Cid is a brave and loyal warrior to the crown, in the theater of the seventeenth century this is relegated to the background and predominating are honor- conflicts both Rodrigo and Jimena have to avenge the familiares- offenses while in the twentieth century the true protagonist is Jimena, and who refuses to fulfill its role as a wido
Três teorias sobre a origem da língua portuguesa
Expõem-se as principais teorias sobre a origem da língua portuguesa presentes em destacados textos metalinguísticos portugueses escritos entre os séculos xvi e xix. Pretende-se mostrar como as três teorias analisadas se integram no contexto de pensamento linguístico coevo, assim como a sua ligação com os discursos fundacionais da nação
Language and thought
La primera reflexión sobre la relación lenguaje y pensamiento partió del mundo griego donde se considera que las categorías lingüísticas son un reflejo de las categorías lógicas que rigen el pensamiento. A principios del siglo XX el relativismo lingüístico estadounidense afirmará que la lengua materna condiciona la visión que los hablantes tienen del mundo. Chomsky y la gramática generativa apuestan por la existencia de una teoría innatista y unos universales lingüísticos que serán claves para aprender una lengua. Si embargo, Piaget y Vigotsky centran sus estudios en cómo los niños aprenden a hablar y las diferentes fases de este proceso.The first reflection on the relationship language and thought left the Greek world where it is considered that linguistic categories are a reflection of the logical categories governing thought. In the early twentieth century the American linguistic relativism claim that the mother tongue affects the vision that speakers have of the world. Chomsky and generative grammar bet on the existence of a nativist theory and a universal language that will be key to learning a language. If however, Piaget and Vygotsky focused his studies on how children learn to speak and the different stages of this process
Features and Origin of Red Clays in Castafiar Cave: A Touch of Colour
In Castaiiar Cave (Caceres, Spain), coatings of red clays cover the walls
of the chambers, coexisting with diverse speleothems of aragonite, calcite, huntite
and dolomite. The mineralogy of the clays is mainly illite, chlorite, kaolinite, smectite,
quartz and Fe oxides and hydroxides such as goethite. They can be transported
into the cave by infiltration waters or form by in situ alteration of the host rock: layers
of dolomite rich in Fe and magnesite interbedded with greywackes and shales.
Present-day hydrological conditions in the cave and conditions during the formation
of speleothems have determined that the clays have not been transported by any
flooding or seepage, but mostly staying in situ, and not included into carbonate crystal
forms . Thus, most of the well-preserved speleothems are white and not stained,
conforming an interesting chromatic contrast with the red clays that represent an
additional attraction in this show cave
Chronic venous insufficiency and its manifestations in the foot
[Abstract] Chronic venous insufficiency is a common condition that affects a large number of population, being a frequent reason for consultation with an important clinical, social and economic impact. Through this case report, we show how the existence of chronic venous insufficiency can affect foot health, reflected in the form of non-specific symptoms such as numbness, tingling and heaviness in the foot, and availing ourselves of this case we make a review of chronic venous disease in relation to its pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapeutic management[Resumen] La insuficiencia venosa crónica es una patología que afecta a un elevado número de personas, siendo un motivo de consulta muy frecuente, lo que conlleva múltiples repercusiones clínicas, sociales y económicas. A través de este caso clínico, mostramos cómo la existencia de una insuficiencia venosa crónica puede repercutir en la salud del pie, reflejándose en forma de sintomatología inespecífica como prurito, parestesias, hormigueo y pesadez a nivel del mismo. Valiéndonos de este caso realizamos una revisión de la enfermedad venosa crónica en relación a su fisiopatología, diagnóstico y manejo terapéutic
El enfoque contrastivo en los métodos de portugués como lengua extranjera específi cos para hispanohablantes
En el contexto de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas próximas,
y en concreto en el caso de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua portuguesa
a/por hispanohablantes, es frecuente referir las ventajas que se derivan
de una aproximación contrastiva a dicho proceso, es decir, que integre el
conocimiento explícito sobre las semejanzas y diferencias entre la lengua de
partida, en este caso el español, y la lengua objeto de estudio, el portugués.
Por ello nos hemos preguntado si los métodos de portugués como lengua
extranjera específi cos para hispanohablantes asumen dicho planteamiento
metodológico, introduciendo secciones o tareas destinadas a hacer conscientes
a los aprendices de las semejanzas o diferencias entre ambas lenguas. Para
responder a esa pregunta, hemos seleccionado y analizado un conjunto de
tres métodos de PLE específi cos para hispanohablantes de frecuente uso en
España, evaluando si en ellos se privilegia un enfoque contrastivo, y, en caso
de así ser, cómo se integra dicha perspectiva metodológica en la vertebración
del método y en qué contenidos contrastivos se incide. El análisis muestra
que, efectivamente, es unánime en los métodos analizados dicho enfoque, si
bien cada uno realiza un planteamiento propio del mismo, que además no se
mantiene coherente en los diferentes volúmenes que lo integran. Interpretamos
esa situación como resultado del voluntarismo de los autores de los métodos, al
considerar la idoneidad de incorporar actividades que estimulen la conciencia
contrastiva de los aprendices, pero también como consecuencia de una falta de planificación previa sobre cómo plantear dicho enfoque contrastivo y cómo
secuenciar las actividades destinadas a ese fi n a lo largo de los diferentes
niveles de aprendizaj
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