1,278 research outputs found

    Piecewise Linear Representation Segmentation in Noisy Domains with a Large Number of Measurements: The Air Traffic Control Domain

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    The importance of time series segmentation techniques is rapidly expanding, due to the growth in collection and storage technologies. Among them, one of the most used ones is Piecewise Linear Representation, probably due to its ease of use. This work tries to determine the difficulties faced by this technique when the analyzed time series shows noisy data and a large number of measurements and how to introduce the information about the present noise in the segmentation process. Both difficulties are met in the Air Traffic Control domain, which exhibits position measurements of aircraft's trajectories coming from sensor devices (basically surveillance radar and aircraft-derived data), being used as the motivating domain. Results from the three main traditional techniques are presented (sliding window, top down and bottom up approaches) and compared with a new introduced approach, the Hybrid Local Residue Analysis technique.This work was supported in part by Projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485) and DPS2008-07029-C02-02Publicad

    Robust sensor fusion in real maritime surveillance scenarios

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    8 pages, 14 figures.-- Proceedings of: 13th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION'2010), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Jul 26-29, 2010).This paper presents the design and evaluation of a sensor fusion system for maritime surveillance. The system must exploit the complementary AIS-radar sensing technologies to synthesize a reliable surveillance picture using a highly efficient implementation to operate in dense scenarios. The paper highlights the realistic effects taken into account for robust data combination and system scalability.This work was supported in part by a national project with NUCLEO CC, and research projects CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, SINPROB, CAM CONTEXTS S2009/TIC-1485 and DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    Sistema digital de catalogación y consulta de documentos académicos: Tesis, Tesinas, Proyectos de Fin de Carrera

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    A digital system has been developed on order to catalogue and consult academic documents: Theses, First Degree Dissertations and Technical Degree Final Projects. The system uses a listing of bibliographical subjects which makes easy the catalogue and search of theses documents. The system guarantees the copyright because the document can be consulted, but they can not be printed or copied on external devices. In addition, a cataloguing and search protocol is proposed in order to the system can be correctly used. This system is available to be integrated in the Web information system of the Library of Córdoba University.Se ha desarrollado un sistema digital de catalogación y consulta de documentos académicos: Tesis, Tesinas y Proyectos de fin de carrera. El sistema incorpora un listado de materias bibliográficas que facilitan la catalogación y búsqueda de los documentos. El sistema garantiza la propiedad intelectual de los autores, porque permite que los documentos sean consultados, pero impiden que sean impresos o copiados en dispositivos externos. Además, se propone un protocolo de catalogación y consulta de estos documentos académicos para que el sistema pueda ser correctamente utilizado. Este sistema está disponible para ser integrado en la página Web de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Córdoba

    The effect of ageing on the ocular surface parameters

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    Received 11 July 2017, Revised 18 September 2017, Accepted 19 September 2017, Available online 10 October 2017.Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEinpres

    Cervical artrosis: effectiveness of a conventional physiotherapic treatment

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    El objetivo de este estudio consiste en valorar la efectividad de un tratamiento de fisioterapia convencional para la cervicoartrosis (microondas, tracción cervical, movilización activa, masaje e higiene postural). Para su realización, se han seleccionado 32 pacientes (26 mujeres y 6 hombres) diagnosticados de cervicoartrosis. Se han valorado factores como el dolor y el balance articular. Tras analizar los resultados, concluimos que el tratamiento planteado es efectivo en la patología de artrosis cervical.Terapia y Rehabilitació

    Analysis of Plantar Pressure Pattern after Metatarsal Head Resection. Can Plantar Pressure Predict Diabetic Foot Reulceration?

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    To evaluate the metatarsal head that was associated with the highest plantar pressure after metatarsal head resection (MHR) and the relations with reulceration at one year, a prospective was conducted with a total of sixty-five patients with diabetes who suffered from the first MHR and with an inactive ulcer at the moment of inclusion. Peak plantar pressure and pressure time integral were recorded at five specific locations in the forefoot: first, second, third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal heads. The highest value of the four remaining metatarsals was selected. After resection of the first metatarsal head, there is a displacement of the pressure beneath the second metatarsal head (p < 0.001). Following the resection of the minor metatarsal bones, there was a medial displacement of the plantar pressure. In this way, plantar pressure was displaced under the first metatarsal head following resection of the second or third head (p = 0.001) and under the central heads after resection of the fourth or fifth metatarsal head (p < 0.009 and p < 0.001 respectively). During the one-year follow-up, patients who underwent a metatarsal head resection in the first and second metatarsal heads suffered transfer lesion in the location with the highest pressure. Patients who underwent a minor metatarsal head resection (second–fifth metatarsal heads) showed a medial transference of pressure. Additionally, following the resection of the first metatarsal head there was a transference of pressure beneath the second metatarsal head. Increase of pressure was found to be a predictor of reulceration in cases of resection of the first and second metatarsal heads

    Efficacy of cryotherapy for plantar warts: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

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    Recent systematic reviews of plantar warts continue to consider cryotherapy as one of the treatments of choice, but this method appears to have lower cure rates than alternative treatments. A systematic review using meta-analyses of the efficacy of cryotherapy in plantar warts treatment was performed. Systematic electronic searches were conducted. The primary endpoint was complete clearance of plantar warts. Risk-of-bias assessment was based on Cochrane Handbook recommendations. Meta-analyses used Review Manager v5.4.1 software. Cryotherapy appears to have lower cure rates than other treatments (odds ratio [OR] 0.31, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.12–0.78) with substantial heterogeneity (I2 = 80%). A second subgroup analysis had low heterogeneity (I2 = 28.2%). Subgroup analysis showed that plantar wart cure rates were significantly lower with cryotherapy compared to the physical treatment group (OR 0.05, 95% CI 0.01–0.49) with substantial heterogeneity (I2 = 79%), and antiviral, chemotherapy, and retinoid group (OR 0.30, 95% CI 0.14–0.66) without heterogeneity (I2 = 0%). Intralesional versus spray-on cryotherapy appears to be more effective (OR 0.21, 95% CI 0.09–0.48). No difference in efficacy between two rounds of 10-s and four rounds of 5-s freeze–thaw cycles in cryotherapy was found. Evidence of the superiority of antivirals and chemotherapy over cryotherapy in the treatment of plantar warts was found. However, no evidence supports the superiority or inferiority of cryotherapy compared to other treatments

    Microcirculation Improvement in Diabetic Foot Patients after Treatment with Sucrose Octasulfate-Impregnated Dressings

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    To assess the patients’ microcirculation evolution during the treatment with a sucrose octasulfate-impregnated dressing, fifty patients with neuroischaemic DFU treated with TLC-NOSF dressing were included in a prospective study between November 2020 and February 2022. TcpO2 values were measured on the dorsalis pedis or tibial posterior arteries’ angiosome according to the ulcer location. TcpO2 values were assessed at day 0 and every 4 weeks during 20 weeks of the follow-up or until the wound healed. A cut-off point of tcpO2 < 30 mmHg was defined for patients with impaired microcirculation. The TcpO2 values showed an increase between day 0 and the end of the study, 33.04 � 12.27 mmHg and 40.89 � 13.06 mmHg, respectively, p < 0.001. Patients with impaired microcirculation showed an increase in the tcpO2 values from day 0 to the end of the study (p = 0.023). Furthermore, we observed a significant increase in the TcpO2 values in the forefoot DFU (p = 0.002) and in the rearfoot DFU (p = 0.071), with no difference between the ulcer locations (p = 0.694). The local treatment with TLC-NOSF dressing improved the microcirculation in patients with neuroischaemic DFU, regardless of microcirculation status at the baseline, and in the forefoot, regardless of the location

    Reposicionamiento de premaxila protruida y conservación vascular en pacientes con LPH bilateral

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    Objetivo: Presentar una técnica quirúrgica para el reposicionamiento de la premaxila protruida con conservación vascular en labio y paladar hendido bilateral. Métodos: Osteotomía de premaxila con técnica de conservación vascular y fijación con clavo de Kirschner y aparatología oral. En este estudio retrospectivo se utilizó la historia clínica, el examen físico, radiografías, valoraciones seriadas, estudios cefalométricos y manejo odontológico para la elección del plan quirúrgico de cada paciente. Se realizó seguimiento posoperatorio de 1 a 3 años. Resultados: El reposicionamiento de la premaxila fue exitoso en los 7 casos presentados. No hubo pérdida del segmento óseo de la premaxila en ningún caso con cicatrización adecuada. Hubo mejoría estética y funcional significativa con alineamiento del arco dentario, reposición de premaxila, disminución en las dimensiones de la fisura alveolar bilateralmente, cierre de la fístula oronasal, mejoría en la relación dentaria superior e inferior y mejoría estética del prolabio. Conclusión: La osteotomía de premaxila con técnica de preservación vascular permite un reposicionamiento seguro con resultados funcionales y estéticos satisfactorios, sin riesgo de pérdida del segmento por necrosis o secuestro óseo, con el consecuente cierre de fisuras alveolares y fístulas oronasales.Objective: To introduce a surgical technique for repositioning of protruded premaxilla with vascular preservation in bilateral clef lift and palate. Design: Retrospective study using patients’ medical records, physical and radiographic examination, cephalometric studies and odonthological management to choose the surgical plan of every patient. Setting: Private practice patients and public hospital patients in tertiary care were included. Patients: During the period between January 2008 and December 2010, 7 patients with protruding premaxilla underwent surgical repositioning of the premaxilla. Interventions: premaxillary osteotomy with vascular preservation and Kirschner wire fixation and oral apparatology. Alveolar bone graft in a second procedure. Main Outcome Measures: the presence of total o partial necrosis of the premaxilla, alignment respect to lateral maxillary segments in three dimensions, premaxillary mobility and alveolar bone graft integration were assessed in the post-operatory recovery. Results: repositioning of the premaxilla was successful in the 7 cases presented. There was adequate alignment of dental arch without loss of premaxillary bone segment whatsoever. Adequate consolidation without residual movement or pseudoarthrosis, alveolar bone graft integration and resolution of oronasal and alveolar fistulas was evident in 100% cases. Conclusions: premaxillary osteotomy with vascular preservation technique allows a safe repositioning with satisfactory functional and esthetic results, with no risk of loss of segment because of necrosis or bone sequestration with a subsequent closure of alveolar fissures and oronasal fistulas