977 research outputs found

    Fiction et réalité dans "Les Bienveillantes" de Jonathan Littell

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza Les Bienveillantes, novela que ficciona las memorias atormentadas de un nazi. A través de su lectura se viaja a los infiernos del holocausto, de la guerra y de una conciencia sin anclajes éticos ni estéticos, narrados por una mente perversa que no se conmueve ante las atrocidades más profundas. Tras contrastar a lo largo de su trama ficción y realidad, se destaca, a la luz de los debates sobre la reescritura de la Historia, la operatividad de esta novela para captar y transmitir la verdad de lo ocurrido favoreciendo de ese modo el desarrollo de una conciencia responsable y la no repetición de los hechos.This paper studies the novel The Kindly Ones, whose main plot charts the anguished memories of a Nazi officer. The reader of this novel is plunged into the harshest atrocities of the Holocaust and WWII, as these are recounted by a perverse conscience who is unmoved by the most terrible actions. Fiction and reality are contrasted in the novel against the framework of history writing and the subsequent debates sparked by historical elaboration. This novel perceptively captures historical truth, thus calling for critical attention upon the collective responsibility which will prevent the repetition of events.L’étude suivante analyse le roman Les Bienveillantes, fiction des mémoires tourmentées d’un nazi à travers lesquelles le lecteur voyage aux enfers de l’holocauste, de la guerre et d’une conscience sans ancrages étiques ni esthétiques. Après avoir comparé fiction et réalité à la lueur des débats sur la réécriture de l’histoire, on peut conclure que ce roman permet de capter et transmettre la vérité des faits afin d’éviter leur répétition grâce à la prise de conscience de notre propre responsabilité

    Semántica ficcional y concepciones del tiempo : mundos y paradigmas temporales en la narrativa de Ursula K. Le Guin, Kurt Vonnegut y Juan Gómez Bárcena

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    La presente tesis persigue tres metas, que se entrelazan en un triple objetivo: 1)Mostrar la validez y fecundidad de la semántica ficcional de Lubomír Doležel como marco explicativo y como método de análisis de obras literarias. 2) Comprobar el uso del tiempo y el papel esencial que pueden desempeñar sus concepciones en la configuración de mundos ficcionales. 3) Poner de manifiesto cómo tres escritores contemporáneos de ciencia ficción y fantasía, Ursula K. Le Guin, Kurt Vonnegut y Juan Gómez Bárcena, han sabido expresar en sus obras narrativas por medio de paradigmas temporales las inquietudes del mundo en que vivimos. Comienza con una exposición de la semántica ficcional tal como se presenta en la obra de Doležel Heterocósmica, completando el marco de indagación con los planteamientos de otros autores como Eco, Iser, Pavel, Ryan, Harshaw, Genette, Bajtín, Pozuelo Yvancos, Garrido Domínguez, Ávila y Popeanga. Se procede en apartados posteriores a una propuesta de tipificación de los mundos ficcionales según la densidad de su textura y a una clasificación genérica de los mundos narrativos en la que se postulan dos nuevas categorías (la enajenada y la liminar), efectuada a partir de la semántica ficcional y tomando en consideración en lo referente a la configuración y definición de los fantásticos, maravillosos y de ciencia ficción las teorías de Moreno Serrano, Todorov, Roas, Campra y Alazraki..

    Escribir después del horror: El tiempo dislocado en la novela "Matadero Cinco" de Kurt Vonnegut

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    Faced with the difficulty of expressing the horror, Kurt Vonnegut in the novel Slaughterhouse Five, with a simple language and a rhythm that transmits calm, resorts, among other strategies such as the deployment of a dense network of intertexts or the insertion of appeasing drawings, to the fragmentation and dislocation of time, present not only in the plot of the novel, in which it is seen as a block of moments, but also in its discursive configuration; thus achieving a vivid anti-war picture, at once tender and humorous, inserted in a scenario in which autofiction, historical realism, social criticism and science fiction are harmoniously combined.Ante la dificultad de expresar el horror, Kurt Vonnegut en la novela Matadero Cinco, con un lenguaje sencillo y un ritmo que transmite sosiego, recurre, entre otras estrategias como el despliegue de una tupida red de intertextos o la inserción de dibujos apaciguadores, a la fragmentación y la dislocación del tiempo, presente no solo en la trama de la novela, en la que es visto como un bloque de momentos, sino también en su configuración discursiva; logrando de este modo un vívido cuadro antibelicista, a la vez tierno y humorístico, insertado en un escenario en el que se combinan armoniosamente la autoficción, el realismo histórico, la crítica social y la ciencia ficción

    A brief review on the contribution to the knowledge of the difficulties and misconceptions in understanding the chemical equilibrium.

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    The existence and persistence of errors in the understanding of chemical equilibrium denotes student"s difficulties in learning and also in teaching methodologies. The knowledge of these difficulties, in depth, can help teachers to try to overcome them. This work is a review together with new contributions on the chemical equilibrium misconceptions analyzed by a group of university and high school teachers. On the one hand, we pretend to collect some of most common difficulties that students, from high school and university, show in re lation to chemical equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle application. On the other hand, we also intend to analyze the possible causes and even, ocasionally, make suggestions of activities to help teachers to improve the topic. This work collects difficulties and misconceptions related with basic concepts of equilibrium (system type, forward and reverse reaction rates, stoichiometry, catalyst function, equilibrium constant and reaction quotient, changes of equilibrium constant with temperature and concentration...); as well as with the understanding and the prediction of the direction of change in the equilibrium position by changing different variables such us composition, volume, pressure or temperature. Finally, educational implications addressed to the teachers have been underlined in order to amend the observed mistakes by alerting students and changing methodologies. In order to not excessively lengthen the study, ionic equilibria have not been addressed. Moreover, the work makes special emphasis on the most common and significant conceptual errors but, obviously, is not an exhaustive revision of all the possible misconceptions

    Alimentos Transgénicos y Seguridad Alimentaria, ¿son la solución contra el hambre y la desnutrición en los países en desarrollo?

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    La seguridad alimentaria está ligada a múltiples factores como el crecimiento demográfico, la producción de alimentos, los factores socioeconómicos, el clima y la situación política. Para poder garantizarla deben ser cubiertas sus cuatro dimensiones: acceso físico y económico, inocuidad y calidad alimentaria, disponibilidad alimentaria y estabilidad en el tiempo. La falta de seguridad alimentaria conduce a la malnutrición, tanto por carencia de calorías como de macro y micronutrientes y tiene efectos negativos a corto y largo plazo ya que son responsables de muertes prematuras en madres y lactantes y provocan retraso en el crecimiento físico y mental de los niños afectados, impidiendo que alcancen una buena capacidad de aprendizaje.Para reducir la inseguridad alimentaria pueden implementarse diversas estrategias, una de ellas es la producción de alimentos transgénicos. En este trabajo de revisión bibliográfica, se analiza la capacidad de los alimentos transgénicos, especialmente los cultivos modificados genéticamente, para solventar la inseguridad alimentaria en los países en desarrollo. Tras el análisis, se concluye que los alimentos transgénicos garantizan tres de las cuatro dimensiones de la seguridad alimentaria, sin embargo, para lograr una seguridad alimentaria global y atemporal es necesaria la combinación de varias estrategias incluida la producción de alimentos genéticamente modificados.Food security is linked to a wide range of aspects such as: demographic growth, food production, socioeconomic factors, climate, and political situation. Food security in developing countries can only be achieved once its four dimensions are addressed: physical and economic access, food innocuousness and quality, availability, and time stability. Food insecurity can lead to malnutrition, which is a condition in which the body does not receive enough energy or nutrients, macro or micronutrients, to maintain proper health and functioning. It is a major public health issue that affects millions of people worldwide, including children, adults, and seniors. They are responsible for premature deaths in mothers and infants and negatively impacts physical, mental development and intellectual capacity.The aim of this revision is to analyze the capability of genetically modified crops to overcome undernourishment and food insecurity in developing countries. In conclusion, Genetically Modified Food guarantees three out of the four dimensions of food safety. These foods are able improve the nutritional quality of food while increasing crops yield and incrementing the overall production without negatively impacting the environment. However, to achieve global and timeless food security it is necessary to combine several strategies, among them, biotechnology, conventional methods and organic agriculture, being the main priority the implantation of sociopolitical measures that favor the reduction or eradication of socioeconomic inequalities

    Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, divulgación científica y pymes biotecnológicas. Una propuesta de punto de partida. 

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    The reason most frequently adduced by SMEs to avoid the implementation of CSR programs is their shortage of material resources. In this paper we propose the possibility that biotech SMEs supply the RSC with something they’ve got in abundance, that is, knowledge. Popular science thus becomes the focus of these programs, an affordable resource that can benefit them, and not only in reputation. Our study focuses on 32 SMEs settled in four Technology Parks in Andalusia

    Society and Its Challenges: The Teacher’s Perspective on Students at Risk

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    ©2022 MDPI. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Social Sciences. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11110517This study focuses on exploring and characterising the beliefs of Spanish teachers in relation to their attitudes and professional practice concerning students who may be at risk at school. A generational perspective is adopted and the stages of pre-school, primary, and secondary education are considered in order to analyse these beliefs. (2) This is a descriptive study with a qualitative methodology. The information was collected through semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 60 teachers belonging to publicly funded schools at pre-university levels. The data collected were subject to a thematic analysis and analysed with the qualitative data analysis tool ATLAS.ti (version 22). (3) The results show the diversity of student needs referred to by the teachers, positive relationships and attitudes towards them, and a favourable predisposition to the adaptation and adjustment of teaching practices. (4) The conclusions of the study highlight the importance of teachers’ beliefs for the development of educational processes based on justice, democracy, and equity, and how these beliefs can be used to offer the most appropriate responses to the needs presented by the students