6,770 research outputs found

    Efectos de un entrenamiento de fuerza de corta duración sobre la capacidad de salto vertical en jugadores de voleibol de elite durante la temporada

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    The aim of this study was to describe the effects of 6 weeks of combined strength and jump training which incorporated modera te loads and high intensity contractions on the vertical jump ability (VJ), loaded jumps and velocity of execution in full squat in a group of professional male volleyball players during the competition season. It was hypothesized that the VJ improved by cross combined strength and jump training both characterized by high velocity of execution (>1m/s). The participants in this study were twelve players who competed in the fir st national division of the Spanish National League during the 2011-2012 season. The neuromuscular performance was estimated by unloaded (CMJ) and load ed countermovement jumps (CMJ loaded ) height (cm); and by velocity of displacement in the concentric phase of full squat (FS) (m/s). There was a significant increase in CMJ and CMJ loaded after 6-week of training (5%, p<0.01; and 5.7%, p<0.05; respectively). These changes were accompanied by a small and moderate value of Effect Size (0.47, and 0.67; respectively). No significant differences were observed for velocity of displacement in FS. The linear correlation analysis showed a single moderate correlation statistically significant between the changes in CMJ-CMJ loaded and CMJ-FS (r=0.62 and r=0.59, p<0.05; respectively). Albeit speculative, our results suggest that the use of moderate loads could be enough to im prove the vertical jump performance, since in our study a load equivalent to 60% 1RM in the FS was not exceeded and jumping exercises were performed wi th light loads.El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los efectos de 6 semanas de entrenamiento combinado de fuerza y salto, el cual incorpora cargas moderadas e intensidades de contracción altas, sobre la capacidad de salto vertical, saltos con cargas y la velocidad de ejecución en el ejercicio de sentadilla en un grupo de jugadores profesionales de voleibol durante la temporada de competición. Se estableció la hipótesis de que el sa lto vertical mejoro por el uso combinado de entrenamiento de fuerza y salto, ambos caracterizados por una alta velocidad de ejecución (>1m/s). El rendimie nto neuromuscular fue estimado por la altura (cm) del salto sin cargas (CMJ), salto con cargas (CMJ loaded ), y por la velocidad (m/s) de desplazamiento en la fase concéntrica en la sentadilla completa (FS). Tuvo lugar un incremento significativo en CMJ y CMJ loaded después de 6 semanas de entrenamientos (5%, p<0.01; y 5.7%, p<0.05; respectivamente). Estos cambios fueron acompañados por un valor de Tamaño del Efecto pequeño y moderado (0.47, and 0.67 ; respectivamente). No se observaron diferencias significativas en la velocidad de desplazamiento en FS. El análisis de correlación lineal mostró una correlación moderada estadísticamente significativa entre los cambios en CMJ-CMJ loaded y CMJ-FS (r=0.62; y r=0.59, p<0.05; respectivamente). Aunque algo especulativo, nuestros resultados sugieren que el uso de cargas moderadas podría ser suficiente para mejorar el rendimiento del salto vertical, ya que en nuestro estudio no se excedió una carga equivalente al 60% de 1RM en FS y los ejercicios de saltos también fueron realizados con cargas ligeras

    Layer Selection in Progressive Transmission of Motion-Compensated JPEG2000 Video

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    MCJ2K (Motion-Compensated JPEG2000) is a video codec based on MCTF (Motion- Compensated Temporal Filtering) and J2K (JPEG2000). MCTF analyzes a sequence of images, generating a collection of temporal sub-bands, which are compressed with J2K. The R/D (Rate-Distortion) performance in MCJ2K is better than the MJ2K (Motion JPEG2000) extension, especially if there is a high level of temporal redundancy. MCJ2K codestreams can be served by standard JPIP (J2K Interactive Protocol) servers, thanks to the use of only J2K standard file formats. In bandwidth-constrained scenarios, an important issue in MCJ2K is determining the amount of data of each temporal sub-band that must be transmitted to maximize the quality of the reconstructions at the client side. To solve this problem, we have proposed two rate-allocation algorithms which provide reconstructions that are progressive in quality. The first, OSLA (Optimized Sub-band Layers Allocation), determines the best progression of quality layers, but is computationally expensive. The second, ESLA (Estimated-Slope sub-band Layers Allocation), is sub-optimal in most cases, but much faster and more convenient for real-time streaming scenarios. An experimental comparison shows that even when a straightforward motion compensation scheme is used, the R/D performance of MCJ2K competitive is compared not only to MJ2K, but also with respect to other standard scalable video codecs

    Prevalence and factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity in the Spanish HIV Research Network Cohort

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    "Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAM"Objectives: We aimed to assess the prevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and factors associated with seropositivity and asymptomatic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among people with HIV (PWH). Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out within the cohort of the Spanish HIV Research Network. Participants were consecutive PWH with plasma collected from 1st April to 30th September 2020. We determined SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (Abs) in plasma. Illness severity (NIH criteria) was assessed by a review of medical records and, if needed, participant interviews. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors of seropositivity among the following variables: sex, age, country of birth, education level, comorbidities (hypertension, chronic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, non-AIDS-related cancer, chronic kidney disease, cirrhosis), route of HIV acquisition, prior AIDS, CD4+ cell count, HIV viral load, nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor (N [t]RTI) backbone, type of third antiretroviral drug, and month of sample collection. Results: Of 1076 PWH (88.0% males, median age 43 years, 97.7% on antiretroviral therapy, median CD4+ 688 cells/mm3, 91.4% undetectable HIV viral load), SARS-CoV-2 Abs were detected in 91 PWH, a seroprevalence of 8.5% (95%CI 6.9–10.3%). Forty-five infections (45.0%) were asymptomatic. Variables independently associated with SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity were birth in Latin American countries versus Spain (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.30, 95%CI 1.41–3.76, p 0.001), and therapy with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate plus emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) versus tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)/FTC as the N(t)RTI backbone (aOR 0.49, 95%CI 0.26–0.94, p 0.031). Conclusions: Many SARS-CoV-2 infections among PWH were asymptomatic, and birth in Latin American countries increased the risk of SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity. Our analysis, adjusted by comorbidities and other variables, suggests that TDF/FTC may prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection among PWH.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCII) (grant number COV20/00108) and the Spanish AIDS Research Network (RD16/0025), which is included in the Spanish I þ D þ I Plan and is co-funded by ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluacion and European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER)

    Investment and Decapitalization in the Fishing Industry: The Case of the Spanish Crustacean Freezer Trawler Fleet

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    The objective of this work is to estimate the capital stock invested in the Spanish freezer trawler fleet dedicated to the capture of crustaceans on the African coast, for the period from 1964 to 2019. The importance of having methods for the correct measurement of the capital invested in a fishing fleet is to be able to express in monetary terms the excess catch capacity, which is a signal of overexploitation of a fishery, that is, the fleet operates at a level of effort or capacity higher than the minimum amount required to capture the desired quantity at the lowest possible cost. Following a methodology based on the permanent inventory method, we obtained a model that explains the construction value of a fishing vessel as a function of its technical characteristics. The market value in successive sales was estimated as a function of the construction value, the age of vessel and other variables. In this way, we estimated the value that the market assigns to the possible increases in individual fishing capacity and the decrease in value derived from the technical obsolescence of the vessels. Finally, we calculated the gross and net investment series and net capital stoc

    La epigrafía romana d’Asturies: una actualización = Roman Epigraphy of Asturies: an update

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    Nesti artículu inventaríense y coméntense les inscripciones romanes descubiertes en territoriu asturianu que nun se publicaron na obra Epigrafía romana de Asturias de Francisco Diego Santos, asoleyada en 1985. La mayoría d’elles atopáronse o diéronse a conocer dempués d’esa fecha equí y allá, en publicaciones diverses. Ye un conxuntu de doce inscripciones que pertenecen a distintes tipoloxíes epigráfiques: hai cuatro inscripciones votives, dos funeraries, delles sobro oxetos d’usu domésticu, una inscripción pintada ya inclusive un testu del ámbitu de la epigrafía xurídica, la tabula censualis, que ye absolutamente esceicional pola escasez d’inscripciones d’esti tipu. Tienen gran interés porque vienen añidir datos a otros conocíos enantes y amás ufierten otros nuevos, por exemplu nel ámbitu relixosu, como son dos nueves inscripciones pal catálogu de dedicatories a los llares viales, la primer inscripción dedicada a Tutela n’Asturies y la posibilidá d’un nuevu testimoniu d’una divinidá poco conocida, Dovitero. Tamién ufierten nuevos testimonios a la onomástica llatina del territoriu asturianu: Placidius, Assinius, Medugenus, Cesaron, Bodocena, Aravus y tolos nomes qu’apaecen nel llistáu de la tabula censualis. Conséñense nestos testos nuevos topónimos antiguos qu’ayuden a alcontrar los sos allugamientos y a entender meyor la etimoloxía de dellos topónimos actuales, asina castellum Agubri, [B]uroflavienses, Ocela, Elaniuum/Elanum. Per otra parte contribúin a afondar en cuestiones relatives a aspeutos sociales y d’organización política de los ástures, como la denominación xurídica de dellos llugares, asina nel casu del epígrafe castellum, y ufierten nomes de delles xentes que nun se conocíen anteriormente, como los cilúrnigos de Xixón

    A Cholinergic Synaptically Triggered Event Participates in the Generation of Persistent Activity Necessary for Eye Fixation

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    An exciting topic regarding integrative properties of the nervous system is how transient motor commands or brief sensory stimuli are able to evoke persistent neuronal changes, mainly as a sustained, tonic action potential firing. A persisting firing seems to be necessary for postural maintenance after a previous movement. We have studied in vitro and in vivo the generation of the persistent neuronal activity responsible for eye fixation after spontaneous eye movements. Rat sagittal brainstem slices were used for the intracellular recording of prepositus hypoglossi (PH) neurons and their synaptic activation from nearby paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) neurons. Single electrical pulses applied to the PPRF showed a monosynaptic glutamatergic projection on PH neurons, acting on AMPA-kainate receptors. Train stimulation of the PPRF area evoked a sustained depolarization of PH neurons exceeding (by hundreds of milliseconds) stimulus duration. Both duration and amplitude of this sustained depolarization were linearly related to train frequency. The train-evoked sustained depolarization was the result of interaction between glutamatergic excitatory burst neurons and cholinergic mesopontine reticular fibers projecting onto PH neurons, because it was prevented by slice superfusion with cholinergic antagonists and mimicked by cholinergic agonists. As expected, microinjections of cholinergic antagonists in the PH nucleus of alert behaving cats evoked a gaze-holding deficit consisting of a re-centering drift of the eye after each saccade. These findings suggest that a slow, cholinergic, synaptically triggered event participates in the generation of persistent activity characteristic of PH neurons carrying eye position signals.Unión Europea Grants BI04-CT98-0546España, Ministerio de Ciencia PB98-0011, BFI2000-00936, BFI2000-1190, y BFI2002-0137