48 research outputs found

    Adolescents, Ambivalent Sexism and Social Networks, A Conditioning Factor in the Healthcare of Women

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    Despite gender equality being present in the social and political sphere, we still encounter aspects that are characteristic of sexism. Such aspects impact upon gender inequality and different types of violence towards women. The present article aims to ex amine the behaviour of adolescents from Huelva with regards to ambivalent sexism towards women on social networks and their influence on health. Further, we seek to uncover adolescent’s perceptions with regards to gender differences in the use of social ne tworks , the relationship between sexism and women's emotional well - being was observed. The study sample was formed by young people aged between 14 a nd 16 years who were residing in rural and urban zones in the south of Spain. A mixed methods approach was t aken. At a quantitative level, a sample of 400 young people was recruited. These were admin i stered a questionnaire about sexism which was composed of two scales and has been validated at a national and international level. At a qualitative level, the study counted on 33 young people who participated in in - depth discussions via interviews and discussion groups. The results showed that sexism emerges in adolescence in the analysed sample from the south of Spain. This favoured a digital gender gap and was rei nforced through social networks such as Instagram and Snapchat . Rising a wareness and a critical view of the aforementioned sexism was shown on the behalf of females, particularly those from urban backgrounds

    Re-reading past: the megalithic monument of Portillo de las Cortes, Guadalajara / MAN

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    La oportunidad de retomar el estudio del dolmen del Portillo de las Cortes, Guadalajara, a partir de los materiales conservados en el MAN y de recientes trabajos de campo, ofrece un resultado positivo. Podemos aportar el conocimiento de fuentes de aprovisionamiento, una fecha C14 obtenida de un cráneo recientemente documentado en la reestructuración del MAN, y una nueva lectura de posibles refacturas del monumento.Positive results have been obtained from resuming the study of the dolmen of El Portillo de las Cortes (Guadalajara, Spain) taking into account materials that are nowadays kept in the MAN (Museo Arqueológico Nacional) as well as recent fieldwork. We hereby present a new C14 date obtained from a recently found and documented skull from the MAN, and new perspectives about possible ancient interventions to rebuild the monument and about supply sources for the community that erected it

    Descripción de una nueva variante asociada a porfiria cutánea tarda

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    Poster [PC-093] La porfiria cutánea tarda (PCT) se debe a una alteración en la función de la enzima uroporfirógeno descarboxilasa, necesaria para la correcta síntesis del grupo hemo. Clínicamente, se caracteriza por fotosensibilidad y un cuadro de fragilidad cutánea que suele aparecer entre los 20 y los 40 años, siendo más frecuente en varones. También se asocia a afectación hepática. La PCT hereditaria es la responsable del 20% de los casos, causándola mutaciones en el gen UROD (MIM*613521) con un patrón autosómico dominante. El presente trabajo describe un paciente de 48 años sin antecedentes de hepatopatía crónica, enolismo o contacto con otros tóxicos, con erosiones dérmicas en zonas fotoexpuestas, hirsutismo malar y una concentración de uroporfirina en orina de 1.360, 97 mcg/24h. Concentración de hierro sérico, ferritina y enzimas hepáticas normales en sangre, VHB, VHC negativos, gen HFE normal. En resonancia magnética hepática se observa un incremento moderado (54mmol/g) en los depósitos de hierro. El análisis mediante secuenciación tipos “Sanger” del gen UROD completo detecta tres variantes, una de ellas con baja frecuencia poblacional y sin efecto descrito. Se ha analizado la presencia de esta variante en 21 sujetos control de población ibérica, no observándose en ninguno de ellos. Además, se ha analiza su efecto mediante 5 predictores bioinformáticos, indicando todos ellos que puede tratarse de una variante asociada a patogenicidad. El estudio en familiares de primer grado indica que un hijo del caso índice también presenta la variante. Los resultados del estudio, así como la baja frecuencia poblacional y las manifestaciones clínicas del paciente nos llevan a la conclusión de que esta variante, cuyo efecto no se conocía, se asocia a la porfiria cutánea tarda hereditaria. El hijo del caso presentado es un varón joven que puede no haber desarrollado todavía la sintomatología

    Diseño de un itinerario docente con TIC complementario a la docencia presencial en Anatomía Veterinaria.

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    [SPA] Se presenta un itinerario docente con TIC que de forma semipresencial complementa la docencia tradicional en una asignatura del grado en Veterinaria: Anatomía I de la Universidad de Murcia. Para definir dicho itinerario se utilizan Fichas-Guía donde se ordenan los recursos docentes on-line que más se adecúan a cada uno de los temas de la asignatura. Los resultados preliminares durante el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2013-14 a partir del trabajo de los alumnos con los borradores de las Fichas-Guía y de una encuesta anónima de valoración muestran una gran aceptación de la propuesta docente (4,54 puntos sobre 5), con especia predilección por los vídeos tutoriales de prácticas y las actividades de etiquetado de imágenes anatómicas. [ENG] The present work describes a teaching pathway for Veterinary Anatomy based on ICT which is complementary to the traditional learning. In this particular experience of blended learning Guide-Cards with an updated list of on-line resources for each topic were used as a way to facilitate a structured self-learning environment. During the first term of the 2013-14 academic year students worked with drafts of the Guide-Cards and then fulfilled an anonymous survey whose preliminary results showed the students’ appreciation of the project was very high (4,54 points out of 5), with special preference for video tutorials and the drag and drop activities on anatomical images

    Familial hypercholesterolaemia: A study of 36 cases with a phenotype of homozygous familiar hypercholesterolaemia

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    La hipercolesterolemia familiar homocigótica (HFHo) se caracteriza por niveles muy elevados de cLDL y por enfermedad aterosclerótica temprana. Aunque la frecuencia es baja (1/300.000), las complicaciones son muy severas y pueden ser evitadas. Encontrar y tratar esta población de manera temprana podría reducir la mortalidad. Se describen 36 casos en Colombia, en donde se calcula que haya entre 160 y 200 casos. Resultados Un total de 36 pacientes con fenotipo sugestivo de HFHo fueron identificados y tratados en un período de observación de cuatro años. La media de edad fue 27 años (24 mujeres). 34 pacientes tuvieron un puntaje según la Red de Clínicas de Lípidos de Holanda (RCLH) mayor de 8 (diagnóstico definitivo) y los restantes 2 tenían puntaje equivalente a diagnóstico probable. Un cuarto de los casos procedían de la costa norte colombiana. En las pruebas genéticas, 14 fueron homocigóticos verdaderos para mutación del gen que codifica para el receptor de LDL (LDLR), 12 heterocigóticos compuestos, 2 heterocigóticos dobles y uno autosómico recesivo (LDLRAP1); 5 pacientes fueron heterocigóticos simples (LDLR) y 2 pacientes no autorizaron la prueba. En los homocigóticos verdaderos, la variante más frecuente encontrada fue la c.11G>A. 14 pacientes cursaron con enfermedad coronaria, 9 con estenosis carotídea, 8 con estenosis aórtica y 2 tuvieron ataques cerebrovasculares (ACV). 34 pacientes recibían estatinas (24 rosuvastatina), 30 recibían ezetimibe, 2 recibían evolocumab y 20 recibían lomitapide (dosis promedio 12,7mg). Ninguno recibió aféresis de cLDL. Los medicamentos, en general, fueron bien tolerados y la reducción promedio de cLDL con la terapia fue de 533,7mg/dl a 245,1mg/dl (54%). Conclusiones Todos los pacientes recibieron tratamiento hipolipemiante y se encontraron alteraciones genéticas diagnósticas en todos aquellos que autorizaron el examen. Los niveles elevados de cLDL conllevan tanto riesgo que el tratamiento debe establecerse aún sin conocer el diagnóstico genético.Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) is characterized for very high levels of cLDL and early cardiovascular disease. Although incidence is low (1/300 000), complications are very severe and can be avoided. Finding and treating this population promptly could reduce mortality. We describe 36 cases in Colombia, where 160 to 200 cases are expected. Results 36 patients with phenotype of HoHF were identified and treated in a follow-up of 4 years. The mean age was 27 years (24 women). 34 of them had at least 8 points in the FH Dutch Lipid Clinic Criteria (definitive diagnosis) and two had probable diagnosis. A quarter of the cases came from the Colombian North Coast. In molecular tests, 14 were true homozygous for LDLR, 12 were compound heterozygous for LDLR, 2 double heterozygous and one was autosomal recessive; 5 were heterozygous and 2 patients did not authorized genetic test. In true homozygous subjects, the most frequent variant was c.11G>A. 14 patients had coronary disease, 9 carotid stenosis, 8 aortic stenosis and 2 had stroke. 34 patients were on statins (25 rosuvastatin), 30 were receiving ezetimibe, 2 were receiving a PSCK9 inhibitor (evolocumab) and 20 were on lomitapide with mean doses of 12.7mg. None received lipoprotein apheresis. Medications were very well tolerated. Changes in cLDL after therapy was from 533.7 mg/dL to 245 mg/dL, (54%). Conclusions Treatment was started in all patients. We found genetic mutations in all patients with genetic tests. The high levels of cLDL mean such a high risk that treatment must be started promptly, even without a genetic test

    Brain dynamics of mild cognitive impairment during face encoding

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    Brain oscillations are closely correlated with human information processing and fundamental aspects of cognition. Previous literature shows that due to the relation between brain oscillations and memory processes, spectral dynamics during such tasks are good candidates to study and characterize memory related pathologies. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), defined as a clinical condition characterized by memory impairment and/ or deterioration of additional cognitive domains, is considered a preliminary stage in the dementia process. In consequence, the study of its brain patterns could help to achieve an early diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease

    Accuracy and Survival Outcomes after National Implementation of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Early Stage Endometrial Cancer

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    Background. Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy has recently been accepted to evaluate nodal status in endometrial cancer at early stage, which is key to tailoring adjuvant treatments. Our aim was to evaluate the national implementation of SLN biopsy in terms of accuracy to detect nodal disease in a clinical setting and oncologic outcomes according to the volume of nodal disease. Patients and Methods. A total of 29 Spanish centers participated in this retrospective, multicenter registry including patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma at preoperative early stage who had undergone SLN biopsy between 2015 and 2021. Each center collected data regarding demographic, clinical, histologic, therapeutic, and survival characteristics. Results. A total of 892 patients were enrolled. After the surgery, 12.9% were suprastaged to FIGO 2009 stages III-IV and 108 patients (12.1%) had nodal involvement: 54.6% macrometastasis, 22.2% micrometastases, and 23.1% isolated tumor cells (ITC). Sensitivity of SLN biopsy was 93.7% and false negative rate was 6.2%. After a median follow up of 1.81 years, overall surivial and disease-free survival were significantly lower in patients who had macrometastases when compared with patients with negative nodes, micrometastases or ITC. Conclusions. In our nationwide cohort we obtained high sensitivity of SLN biopsy to detect nodal disease. The oncologic outcomes of patients with negative nodes and low-volume disease were similar after tailoring adjuvant treatments. In total, 22% of patients with macrometastasis and 50% of patients with micrometastasis were at low risk of nodal metastasis according to their preoperative risk factors, revealing the importance of SLN biopsy in the surgical management of patients with early stage EC