58 research outputs found

    Analysis, Evaluation and Simulation of Railway Diesel-Electric and Hybrid Units as Distributed Energy Resources

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    The objective of this paper involves the analysis, identification and evaluation of different possibilities offered by technology for the improvement and the management of the use of energy and hybridization in railways: On board generation, demand response and energy storage, both in traction and auxiliary loads, considering the aggregation of resources and its stochastic nature. The paper takes into account the importance of efficient use of energy in railways, both currently (trains in service, prototypes) and in the future, considering the trends driven by energy policy scenarios (2030–2050) that will affect service and operation of units during their lifetime. A new activity has been considered that will be relevant in the future in the framework of a new electricity supply paradigm: Smart-Grids. According to this paradigm, the interaction of the Electric Power System and the Railway Supply System (somehow embedded in the Power System) will bring new opportunities for the collaboration of these two systems to perform, in a wise economic fashion, a better and more reliable operation of the complete energy system. The paper is focused on a mixed profile with low-medium traffic (passenger and freight): The first part of the route is electrified (3 kV DC catenary) whereas the second part is not electrified. Results justify that complex policies and objectives bring an opportunity to make cost-effective the hybridization of railway units, especially in low/medium traffic lines, which improves their social and economic sustainability.Authors are very grateful to the information, data and technical discussions provided by Patentes Talgo S.A. (Spain). This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spanish Government) under research project ENE-2016-78509-C3-2-P; Ministerio de Educación (Spanish Government) under grant FPU17/02753 and especially EU FEDER funds. This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spanish Government) under research project ENE-2016-78509-C3-2-P; Ministerio de Educación through grant FPU17/02753 and EU FEDER funds. Authors have also received funds from these grants for covering the costs to publish in open access

    Analysis and evaluation of demand-side flexibility on customers with photovoltaic energy generation: application to residential and commercial sectors

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    [SPA] Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. El desarrollo de las energías renovables para alcanzar un escenario sostenible en el horizonte 2030-2050 ha provocado un incremento de la variabilidad y rigidez del sistema eléctrico. Por ello, la integración de las renovables tiene que ir de la mano de un aumento de la flexibilidad del sistema, tanto en la generación como en la demanda. Las políticas de Respuesta de la Demanda se han orientado tradicionalmente a grandes consumidores, pero para que la integración se realice de forma eficiente, hay que incluir también al sector residencial, ya que explica aproximadamente el 27% del total de la energía consumida en la Unión Europea. El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es el estudio y desarrollo de nuevas herramientas para la gestión de la generación y el consumo de los llamados prosumidores (consumidores que a la vez producen su propia energía). Los grupos objetivo son consumidores de los segmentos residencial y comercial, y algunos mercados de energía. Los sistemas de generación estudiados son de tipo fotovoltaico, y se ha considerado también la utilización de sistemas de almacenamiento tanto directos (baterías, supercondensadores) como indirectos (almacenamiento térmico). El trabajo engloba el análisis y la integración de las herramientas para la planificación, operación y evaluación de la Respuesta de la Demanda por parte de los consumidores y agregadores, así como su participación en los mercados de energía. Se han desarrollado modelos de cargas físicamente basados (PBLM), así como modelos de predicción del consumo y la generación renovable a corto plazo (STLF). Asimismo, se han obtenido las líneas base de consumo (CBL) que permiten la medida y verificación de las acciones de Respuesta de la Demanda, para su posterior evaluación y remuneración por parte del mercado y los operadores del sistema eléctrico. Por último, se han aplicado los modelos de Respuesta de la Demanda al sistema eléctrico ferroviario. Se ha evaluado la instalación de sistemas de almacenamiento para aprovechar el frenado regenerativo de los vehículos y la aplicación de políticas de Respuesta de la Demanda que mejoren la eficiencia energética de este sector. Los resultados se presentan en forma de 5 artículos científicos publicados en revistas indexadas. Todos ellos demuestran que la Respuesta de la Demanda puede mejorar la flexibilidad del sistema eléctrico y la eficiencia energética de los consumidores, obteniéndose beneficios tanto a nivel individual (usuarios) como colectivo (sistema eléctrico). La Respuesta de la Demanda puede jugar un papel clave en el desarrollo de los futuros sistemas y mercados de energía, pero para ello es necesario un marco legislativo estable, un aumento de las inversiones, una mayor implicación de todos los agentes involucrados y el apoyo de la tecnología. [ENG] This doctoral dissertation has been presented in the form of thesis by publication. The development of renewable energy sources to achieve a sustainable scenario in the 2030-2050 horizon has led to an increase in the variability and rigidity of the Electricity Systems. Therefore, the integration of renewables should be related to an increase in the flexibility of the system, both in generation and demand sides. Demand Response policies have traditionally been oriented towards large consumers, but the residential sector should also be included as it accounts for approximately 27% of the total energy consumed in the European Union. The main objective of this Ph.D. is the study and development of new tools for the management of the generation and consumption of the so-called prosumers (consumers who produce their own energy). The target groups are customers in the residential and commercial segments, and some "special" consumers who normally are not participating actively in energy markets. The generation systems studied are photovoltaic, and the use of both direct (batteries, supercapacitors) and indirect (thermal storage systems) has also been considered. The work includes the analysis and integration of tools for the planning, operation, and evaluation of Demand Response by consumers and aggregators, as well as their participation in energy markets. Physically-Based Load Models (PBLM) and Short-Term Load and Generation Forecasting models (STLF) have been developed. For the measurement and verification of Demand Response, Customer Baselines (CBL) have been obtained in order to evaluate and calculate the incentives to be paid by the Energy Markets and the System Operators. Finally, Demand Response models have been applied to the railway electricity system. The installation of energy storage systems to take advantage of the regenerative braking of vehicles and the application of Demand Response policies to hotel loads to improve energy efficiency and demand flexibility in this sector have been evaluated. The results are presented in 5 scientific papers published in indexed journals. All of them demonstrate that Demand Response can improve the flexibility of the electricity system and the energy efficiency of consumers, with benefits at both the individual (users) and collective (electricity system) level. Demand Response can play a key role in the development of future energy systems and markets, but this requires a stable legislative framework, increased investments, greater involvement of all stakeholders, and technology support.Esta tesis ha sido financiada por el Ministerio de Universidades a través de la Ayuda de Formación de Profesorado Universitario FPU17/02753, con el apoyo del proyecto ENE-2016-78509-C3-2-P y la Red de Investigación REDYD2050 (RED2018-102618-T).Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. Está formada por un total de cinco artículos: 1. García-Garre, A.; Gabaldón, A.; Álvarez-Bel, C.; Ruiz-Abellón, M.D.C.; Guillamón, A. (2018). Integration of Demand Response and Photovoltaic Resources in Residential Segments. Sustainability 2018, 10, 3030. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10093030. 2. Ruiz-Abellón, M.C.; Fernández-Jiménez, L.A.; Guillamón, A.; Falces, A.; García-Garre, A.; Gabaldón, A. (2020). Integration of Demand Response and Short-Term Forecasting for the Management of Prosumers’ Demand and Generation. Energies 2020, 13(1), 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13010011. 3. Gabaldón, A.; García-Garre, A; Ruiz-Abellón, M.C.; Fernández-Jiménez, L.A.; Guillamón, A.; Alvarez-Bel, C. (2021). Improvement of customer baselines for the evaluation of demand response through the use of physically-based load models. Utilities Policy 2021, 70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2021.101213. 4. Gabaldón, A.; Álvarez, C.; Ruiz-Abellón, M.C.; Guillamón, A., Valero-Verdú, S.; Molina, R.; García-Garre, A. (2018). Integration of Methodologies for the Evaluation of Offer Curves in Energy and Capacity Markets through Energy Efficiency and Demand Response. Sustainability 2018, 10, 483. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10020483. 5. García-Garre, A.; Gabaldón, A. (2019). Analysis, Evaluation and Simulation of Railway Diesel-Electric and Hybrid Units as Distributed Energy Resources. Applied Sciences 2019, 9, 3605. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9173605.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Tecnologías Industriale

    A Physically-Based Model of Heat Pump Water Heaters for Demand Respose Policies: Evaluation and Testing

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    The development of Demand Response in residential segments is basic to develop a practical flexibility of demand, because these segments account for up to 40% of the overall demand. Energy Efficiency is another concern for these segments, but unfortunately present scenarios lack a practical coordination between Efficiency and Demand Response. This paper deals with an important problem in residential Demand Response: the determination of the flexibility and response on the demand-side, in this case through loads which can have a high potential for Demand Response and also a considerable interest for energy savings: Heat Pump Water Heaters. A residential load has been fully monitored (temperature, consumption, water flow) in the laboratory to obtain a Physically-Based Model which allows the evaluation of Demand Response options. Moreover, the model helps the aggregator obtain how the flexibility of demand (power, energy, energy payback or rebound effects) can be modified or limited, and how to deal with these characteristics and limitations to engage customers in Electricity Markets

    Improvement of customer baselines for the evaluation of demand response through the use of physically-based load models

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    Demand Response (DR) is an opportunity and a concern for markets as well as power system flexibility. The deployment of DR depends on both knowledge on its performance and how to measure it effectively to provide adequate economic feedback. DR verification requires a baseline reference. This paper introduces a new baseline that provides an evaluation of response based on simple adjustment factors through physically-based models, tools which are also used in DR. The approach includes the detection of licit and gaming responses before and after DR. Results show that errors decrease by 10–15% with respect to conventional approaches.This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (projects ENE-2016-78509-C3-2 P, RED2018-102618-T and ENE-2016-78509-C3-3P/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033); the Ministerio de Educación (Spanish Government) under grant FPU17/02753, and EU-ERDF funds

    Dopamine genes (DRD2/ANKK1-TaqA1 and DRD4-7R) and executive function: their interaction with obesity

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    Obesity is a multifactorial disease caused by the interaction between genotype and environment, and it is considered to be a type of addictive alteration. The A1 allele of the DRD2/ANKK1-TaqIA gene has been associated with addictive disorders, with obesity and with the performance in executive functions. The 7 repeat allele of the DRD4 gene has likewise been associated with the performance in executive functions, as well as with addictive behaviors and impulsivity. Participants were included in the obesity group (N = 42) if their body mass index (BMI) was equal to or above 30, and in the lean group (N = 42) if their BMI was below 25. The DRD2/ANKK1-TaqIA and DRD4 VNTR polymorphisms were obtained. All subjects underwent neuropsychological assessment. Eating behavior traits were evaluated. The 'DRD2/ANKK1-TaqIA A1-allele status' had a significant effect on almost all the executive variables, but no significant 'DRD4 7R-allele status' effects were observed for any of the executive variables analyzed. There was a significant 'group' x 'DRD2/ANKK1-TaqIA A1-allele status' interaction effect on LN and 'group' x 'DRD4 7R-allele status' interaction effect on TMT B-A score. Being obese and a carrier of the A1 allele of DRD2/ANKK1-TaqIA or the 7R allele of DRD4 VNTR polymorphisms could confer a weakness as regards the performance of executive functions

    Validation and functional characterization of GWAS-identified variants for chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a CRuCIAL study

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    This work was partially supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant No 856620); grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, Spain; PI17/02256 and PI20/01845); Consejeria de Economia, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Granada, Spain; A-CTS-448-UGR18); Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades (Sevilla, Spain; PY20/01282); Generalitat de Catalunya (17SGR437); Gilead Sciences Fellowship (GLD17/00282); the "Xarxa de Bancs de tumors" sponsored by Pla Director d'Oncologia de Catalunya (XBTC); the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro and Fondazione Cariplo (TRIDEO 16923 and AIRC IG21436); the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation grant GCTRA18022MORE; and the Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), action Genrisk. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.In conclusion, this study confirmed the association of 31 GWASidentified SNPs with CLL risk and shed some light on the function of some of these biomarkers in the modulation of TReg, B, and T cell differentiation and proliferation, blood concentrations of B cell-related proteins, cell survival, and the expression of immuneand non-immune-related loci. Though outside the scope of the current study, it is important to mention that additional functional studies using blood samples from CLL patients are still required to validate our findings and to decipher the exact biological mechanisms behind the observed associations. A potential limitation of this work was the relatively small population size of the CRuCIAL cohort that hampered the validation of the SNPs showing modest associations.European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program 856620Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI17/02256 PI20/01845Consejeria de Economia, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Granada, Spain) A-CTS-448-UGR18 Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades (Sevilla, Spain) PY20/01282Generalitat de CatalunyaGeneral Electric 17SGR437Gilead Sciences GLD17/00282"Xarxa de Bancs de tumors" - Pla Director d'Oncologia de Catalunya (XBTC)Fondazione AIRC per la ricerca sul cancro Fondazione Cariplo TRIDEO 16923 AIRC IG21436Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation grant GCTRA18022MOREConsortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), action Genris

    The RNAi machinery controls distinct responses to environmental signals in the basal fungus Mucor circinelloides

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    BACKGROUND: RNA interference (RNAi) is a conserved mechanism of genome defence that can also have a role in the regulation of endogenous functions through endogenous small RNAs (esRNAs). In fungi, knowledge of the functions regulated by esRNAs has been hampered by lack of clear phenotypes in most mutants affected in the RNAi machinery. Mutants of Mucor circinelloides affected in RNAi genes show defects in physiological and developmental processes, thus making Mucor an outstanding fungal model for studying endogenous functions regulated by RNAi. Some classes of Mucor esRNAs map to exons (ex-siRNAs) and regulate expression of the genes from which they derive. To have a broad picture of genes regulated by the silencing machinery during vegetative growth, we have sequenced and compared the mRNA profiles of mutants in the main RNAi genes by using RNA-seq. In addition, we have achieved a more complete phenotypic characterization of silencing mutants.  RESULTS: Deletion of any main RNAi gene provoked a deep impact in mRNA accumulation at exponential and stationary growth. Genes showing increased mRNA levels, as expected for direct ex-siRNAs targets, but also genes with decreased expression were detected, suggesting that, most probably, the initial ex-siRNA targets regulate the expression of other genes, which can be up- or down-regulated. Expression of 50% of the genes was dependent on more than one RNAi gene in agreement with the existence of several classes of ex-siRNAs produced by different combinations of RNAi proteins. These combinations of proteins have also been involved in the regulation of different cellular processes. Besides genes regulated by the canonical RNAi pathway, this analysis identified processes, such as growth at low pH and sexual interaction that are regulated by a dicer-independent non-canonical RNAi pathway.  CONCLUSION: This work shows that the RNAi pathways play a relevant role in the regulation of a significant number of endogenous genes in M. circinelloides during exponential and stationary growth phases and opens up an important avenue for in-depth study of genes involved in the regulation of physiological and developmental processes in this fungal model

    Helicobacter pylori Diagnostic Tests Used in Europe : Results of over 34,000 Patients from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management

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    Funding Information: This study was funded by Richen; however, clinical data were not accessible and the company was not involved in any stage of the Hp-EuReg study (design, data collection, statistical analysis, or manuscript writing). We want to thank Richen for their support. This project was promoted and funded by the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group (EHMSG), the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology (AEG) and the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd). The Hp-EuReg was co-funded by the European Union programme HORIZON (grant agreement number 101095359) and supported by the UK Research and Innovation (grant agreement number 10058099). The Hp-EuReg was co-funded by the European Union programme EU4Health (grant agreement number 101101252). Acknowledgments We want to especially thank Sylva-Astrik Torossian for her assistance in language editing. Natalia García Morales is the first author who is acting as the submission’s guarantor. All authors approved the final version of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Genome-wide association analysis of dementia and its clinical endophenotypes reveal novel loci associated with Alzheimer's disease and three causality networks : The GR@ACE project

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    Introduction: Large variability among Alzheimer's disease (AD) cases might impact genetic discoveries and complicate dissection of underlying biological pathways. Methods: Genome Research at Fundacio ACE (GR@ACE) is a genome-wide study of dementia and its clinical endophenotypes, defined based on AD's clinical certainty and vascular burden. We assessed the impact of known AD loci across endophenotypes to generate loci categories. We incorporated gene coexpression data and conducted pathway analysis per category. Finally, to evaluate the effect of heterogeneity in genetic studies, GR@ACE series were meta-analyzed with additional genome-wide association study data sets. Results: We classified known AD loci into three categories, which might reflect the disease clinical heterogeneity. Vascular processes were only detected as a causal mechanism in probable AD. The meta-analysis strategy revealed the ANKRD31-rs4704171 and NDUFAF6-rs10098778 and confirmed SCIMP-rs7225151 and CD33-rs3865444. Discussion: The regulation of vasculature is a prominent causal component of probable AD. GR@ACE meta-analysis revealed novel AD genetic signals, strongly driven by the presence of clinical heterogeneity in the AD series