417 research outputs found

    From Omic Layers to Personalized Medicine in Colorectal Cancer: The Road Ahead

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    Colorectal cancer is a major health concern since it is a highly diagnosed cancer and the second cause of death among cancers. Thus, the most suitable biomarkers for its diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment have been studied to improve and personalize the prevention and clinical management of colorectal cancer. The emergence of omic techniques has provided a great opportunity to better study CRC and make personalized medicine feasible. In this review, we will try to summarize how the analysis of the omic layers can be useful for personalized medicine and the existing difficulties. We will discuss how single and multiple omic layer analyses have been used to improve the prediction of the risk of CRC and its outcomes and how to overcome the challenges in the use of omic layers in personalized medicine

    Host Genetics and Microbiota Interactions in Colorectal Cancer: Shared or Independent Risk?

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    The role of microbiota in colorectal cancer has been studied since alterations in its composition were observed. In addition, there are more and more pieces of evidence that microbiota could be implicated in colorectal cancer progression. Thus, the components of the microbiota could be biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of colorectal cancer. In addition, it is important to address how the microbiota interacts with the host and how the host shapes the microbiota, in order to understand the biological pathways and mechanisms involved in their relationship and the consequences of their interactions in colorectal cancer. Thereby, it could be possible to find feasible measures and treatments to prevent or better diagnose colorectal cancer. In this review, we will try to summarize the role of the microbiota in colorectal cancer and its interactions with the host and the host genetics, coming to some conclusions that could be useful to find the gaps in our knowledge and propose future steps in this field

    The contribution of the commons to the persistence of mountain grazing systems under the Common Agricultural Policy

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    [EN] Mountain grazing systems, based since ancient times on common land, are finding it increasingly challenging to ensure their economic viability. Although marginal in productive terms, these systems are high-value natural areas that provide multiple benefits for society (e.g. biodiversity and ecosystem services). They are usually studied from an institutional or local perspective, but little is known about how mountain common land interacts with policies at a higher level, e.g. the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) in Europe. This study assesses the contribution of the commons to the persistence of mountain sheep grazing systems in Europe under the CAP. To that end, we analyse economic and land use data on 20 farms in the mountain common grazing lands of Aralar (Basque Country, northern Spain). We find that CAP payments associated with common land account for 42% of net margin while the resources extracted from common grazing lands in the summer months provide on average 30% of annual energy requirements, which equates to 22.5% of farms' net margins. We conclude that under the current CAP the common land can play a key role in securing additional resources for the small farmers who engage in low-input traditional management practices that sustain these valuable grazing systems. The way in which existing intertwined institutions adapt to the emergence of new, higher level conditions such as the CAP will determine the future of ever-changing mountain commons.The authors thank Lurgintza S. Coop, the forest guard and shepherds of Enirio-Aralar, and thank Pablo Dominguez for a tough, critical review. Financial support was provided by the Spanish Government MICINN Programme (PID2020-113395RB-C21), BC3 Maria de Maeztu Excellence Accreditation MDM-2017-0714, Juan de la Cierva (FJCI2016-30263) and Basque (IT1365-19) and BERC 2018-2021 programmes

    WACline: A Software Product Line to harness heterogeneity in Web Annotation

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    [EN] A significant amount of research project funding is spent creating customized annotation systems, reinventing the wheel once and again, developing the same common features. In this paper, we present WACline, a Software Product Line to facilitate customization of browser extension Web annotation clients. WACline reduces the development effort by reusing common features (e.g., highlighting and commenting) while putting the main focus on customization. To this end, WACline provides already implemented 111 features that can be extended with new ones. In this way, researchers can reduce the development and maintenance costs of annotation clients.Open Access funding was provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Elsevier. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under contract RTI2018-099818-B-I00 and TIN2017-90644-REDT. Onekin Group enjoys support from the program Grupos de Investigación del Sistema Univesitario Vasco 2019–2021 under contract IT1235-19. Haritz Medina and Xabier Garmendia enjoy a grant from the University of the Basque Country - PIF17/15 and PIF20/236 respectively

    Plataforma web para integración de alarmas Smart City

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    La empresa LEYCOLAN, ubicada en Usurbil, ofrece soluciones innovadoras en lo que respecta a la gestión de la iluminación. Se dedica a diseñar, fabricar e instalar tanto componentes de hardware como software para sistemas y redes de alumbrado que respondan a las necesidades básicas de instituciones y empresas en el plano económico, operativo y ambiental. Para asegurar que dichas instalaciones funcionen correctamente durante el mayor tiempo posible, existe un sistema de alarmas en cada instalación que notifica mediante correo al propio instalador de la misma y a los responsables de mantenimiento en caso de fallo en alguna luminaria, nodo, sensor, etc. Tal y como está actualmente diseñado el sistema de notificaciones y de alarmas, resulta poco sencillo desempeñar las tareas de monitorización y reparación de los nodos o luminarias de las instalaciones , ya que hay varios tipos de las mismas y cada tipo funciona de manera distinta. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar una aplicación web que facilite la gestión de las alarmas enviadas por los diferentes tipos de instalaciones, y ofrezca la posibilidad de monitorizar múltiples infraestructuras en una misma plataforma de manera intuitiva y sencilla

    Evaluación hidráulica del tramo en estudio puente peatonal Miguel Bonilla - UNICIT del cauce revestido Jocote Dulce del Distrito I de la ciudad de Managua, 2016

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    El cauce revestido Jocote Dulce del Distrito I de la ciudad de Managua se encuentra localizado según (Villachica, 2016) en el sistema de proyección UTM zona 16 y con las siguientes coordenadas (Este: 579143.661, Norte: 1338424.30), a una altura promedio de 214 metros sobre el nivel medio del mar. Presentando los límites siguientes: limita al sur con la Comarca Jocote Dulce y las Viudas, al Norte con la reserva natural de la laguna de Tiscapa en la que descarga sus aguas, al Este con el Distrito I y al Oeste con el Distrito III. El tramo en estudio está comprendido del puente peatonal Miguel Bonilla hacia la UNICI

    Aplicación del sistema HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) en agricultura de precisión

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    Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control (HACCP) es un reconocido método de prevención de peligros para la inocuidad de los alimentos sugerido por Codex Alimentarius. Es un sistema ampliamente utilizado en las industrias alimentarias y se basa en el control preventivo de peligros en todas las fases del proceso en lugar de una intensa inspección del producto final. En agricultura, el sistema HACCP ha sido adoptado para extender la cadena de la seguridad alimentaria desde la industria hasta la producción primaria. Sin embargo, a pesar de considerarse también una herramienta potencial para mejorar la gestión y aumentar la productividad, existen muy pocas referencias, especialmente en producción de cultivos. Los objetivos, general y específicos, de este trabajo final de carrera son los siguientes: El estudio de la teoría de Puntos Críticos de Control, como herramienta innovadora en la producción de caña de azúcar ; Identificar los peligros más importantes para la producción de caña de azúcar ; Identificar los parámetros clave que deben ser monitorizados ; Identificar los Puntos Críticos de Control del proceso de producción de caña de azúcar ; Averiguar qué lastra a los agricultores la adopción de la agricultura de precisión como sistema de manejo.Ingeniería AgronómicaNekazaritza Ingeniaritz

    Hurst Coefficient in long time series of population size: Model for two plant populations with different reproductive strategies

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    Can the fractal dimension of fluctuations in population size be used to estimate extinction risk? The problem with estimating this fractal dimension is that the lengths of the time series are usually too short for conclusive results. This study answered this question with long time series data obtained from an iterative competition model. This model produces competitive extinction at different perturbation intensities for two different germination strategies: germination of all seeds vs. dormancy in half the seeds. This provided long time series of 900 years and different extinction risks. The results support the hypothesis for the effectiveness of the Hurst coefficient for estimating extinction risk

    Methodology for the elaboration of the design table of GFRP structures subjected to fire

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    The main objective of this study is to establish a fire protection design method for pultruded Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) structures exposed to fire. The method is based on the development of tables similar to those already available for steel structures. The structural designer may use these tables to determine the minimum required thickness (of any type of insulation), so that the structure maintains its mechanical properties above the over-dimensioning coefficient. The method used to draw up these tables follows four steps; i) First, the limit temperatures are determined or the temperature ranges within which the application of pultruded GFRP is permitted; ii) Second, the behavior of certain physical properties (density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, emissivity…) are defined as a function of the temperature; iii) Third, the method to determine the fire resistance temperature of the pultruded profile sections is defined; iv) Finally, the mechanical properties and ultimate resistance values of these profiles at different temperatures are also estimated. The behavior of the mechanical properties is analyzed as a function of the massivity of each section and the ratio between the thermal conductivity of the insulation and its thickness. In addition, a practical example is given of the application of the tables to a pultruded GFRP structur