4,564 research outputs found

    Lightweight Crypto-Ransomware Detection in Android Based on Reactive Honeyfile Monitoring

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    This publication results from the project NetSEA-GPT (C-ING-300-UGR23), funded by Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación and the European Union through the ERDF Andalusia Program 2021–2027, and the project C025/24 INCIBE-UGR, funded with European NextGeneration Funds.Given the high relevance and impact of ransomware in companies, organizations, and individuals around the world, coupled with the widespread adoption of mobile and IoT-related devices for both personal and professional use, the development of effective and efficient ransomware mitigation schemes is a necessity nowadays. Although a number of proposals are available in the literature in this line, most of them rely on machine-learning schemes that usually involve high computational cost and resource consumption. Since current personal devices are small and limited in capacities and resources, the mentioned schemes are generally not feasible and usable in practical environments. Based on a honeyfile detection solution previously introduced by the authors for Linux and Window OSs, this paper presents a ransomware detection tool for Android platforms where the use of trap files is combined with a reactive monitoring scheme, with three main characteristics: (I) the trap files are properly deployed around the target file system, (II) the FileObserver service is used to early alert events that access the traps following certain suspicious sequences, and (III) the experimental results show high performance of the solution in terms of detection accuracy and efficiency.Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación C-ING-300-UGR23ERDF Andalusia Program 2021–2027European NextGeneration Funds C025/24 INCIBE-UG

    Análisis de factibilidad para la instalación de un proceso de acopio y reciclaje de plásticos en la BUAP

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    "El buen manejo de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) determina una parte fundamental en el desarrollo sustentable de cualquier comunidad. La falta de conocimiento en el tema, en conjunto con el desinterés ha generado una ventana de oportunidad para la integración en la aplicación e instalación de programas de reciclaje de plástico en la comunidad universitaria de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, que ayude a combatir y reducir la generación de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos que terminan en los rellenos sanitarios y vertederos de la ciudad. En este trabajo de investigación se presenta un análisis de factibilidad para la instalación de un proceso de reciclaje de plásticos en la BUAP. Se evalúan y comparan diferentes datos recolectados en el país con respecto a la generación de residuos urbanos, la cantidad de plásticos y cómo es el manejo de estos dentro de la familia tradicional mexicana, evaluando los precios de mercado junto con la cantidad de residuos plásticos generados por la población universitaria y el impacto que esta generación representa para el medio ambiente"

    A vueltas con la fiscalidad sucesoria de la fiducia aragonesa

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    Como es bien conocido, a través de la fiducia sucesoria aragonesa una persona con vecindad civil aragonesa, el comitente, puede nombrar a una o varias personas, los fiduciarios, para que se encarguen de ordenar la suce - sión mortis causa, produciéndose así una delegación de la facultad de dis - poner por causa de muerte. Se trata de una figura que forma parte de lo que genéricamente se denominan “instituciones de confianza” y que goza de amplia tradición en nuestro Derecho privado (vid. arts. 439-463 Código del Derecho Foral de Aragón). De acuerdo con su naturaleza, uno de los rasgos esenciales que definen esta institución es la situación de pendencia en que se encuentra la sucesión hasta que el fiduciario decide ejecutar la fiducia, ejerciendo la función de reparto que le corresponde. Hasta ese instante, los posibles beneficiarios y futuros herederos no están todavía llamados a la herencia ni pueden aceptarla, es decir, no se ha producido la delación hereditaria (ex. art. 448 Código del Derecho Foral de Aragón)(...

    Influencia del criterio de fallo en simulaciones numéricas de impacto en aluminio

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    En este proyecto se realiza una comparación entre los resultados obtenidos al estudiar la perforación de una placa de aluminio 2024-T351. Se comparará su comportamiento experimental y numérico con dos criterios de fallo distintos de modo que se pueda ver la calidad de la aproximación que da cada criterio a los resultados experimentales. Los resultados experimentales que se usarán como referencia se han obtenido de la tesis doctoral "Análisis experimental y numérico de la influencia del estado tensional en la deformación de fallo de elementos estructurales de aluminio", mientras que el análisis numérico ha sido realizado mediante el software ABAQUS. La comparación realizada ha incluido parámetros como la energía absorbida, la velocidad residual tras la perforación y el modo de fallo y la deformada obtenida. Todo ello se realiza con tres proyectiles distintos para ver la influencia de estos y a diferentes velocidades de impacto.Ingeniería Mecánic

    Mass extinction and recovery of the Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) brachiopods linked to climate change in Northern and Central Spain

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    The Early Toarcian mass extinction event represented the most important Mesozoic and Cenozoic turnover of the population of brachiopods and severely affected other benthic fauna. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain the synchronous and global mass extinction: an oceanic anoxic event or awarming episode. To test both hypotheses, the dynamics of the brachiopod assemblages below and above the extinction boundary are analyzed and compared with the seawater paleotemperature variations, calculated from the δ18O data recorded in belemnite rostra. Five sections from Northern and Central Spain, well dated with ammonites, have been selected for this study. The sections show no indication of sedimentary breaks and contain abundant brachiopods, which have been grouped into four assemblages. The changes observed in the brachiopod assemblages show a close correlation with the changes in the seawater paleotemperatures. The oldest assemblage (assemblage 1) coincides with a cooling interval recorded to have taken place in the latest Pliensbachian. Paleobiogeographical reconstruction shows that this assemblage was distributed at paleolatitudes between 30 and 45°N, with a preference for relatively cool waters. With the rise of temperatures that took place during the earliest Toarcian Tenuicostatum Zone, assemblage 1 was substituted by assemblage 2, which composed of different species of the same genera but considerably restricted to the warmer waters of lower paleolatitudes, between 28 and 35°N. Coinciding with the rapid and pronounced increase in seawater temperature, recorded at the Tenuicostatum–Serpentinum zonal boundary, all of these brachiopod species disappeared in the studied localities, marking clearly the extinction boundary. Predominant southward currents through the Laurasian Seaway precluded the possible migration of the brachiopods to cooler northern waters. The brachiopods' disappearance is independent from the oxygenation degree of the sea bottom, and therefore the rapid warming seems to be the most plausible cause of the mass extinction. After the extinction event, the recovery of the brachiopodswas uneven. Subsequent to a brief pause, recoverywas rapid in Central Spain and in other southern areas of Western Tethys, whereas in northern Spain and in the whole of Europe north of the French Central Massif, brachiopods did not recover until the Mid to Late Toarcian times

    La institucionalización de la Better and Smart Regulation en la Unión Europea. El caso de la agencia de defensa de la competencia en Andalucía

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    La mejora de la regulación viene cobrando una importancia creciente en los últimos años, hasta el punto de suponer un pilar esencial en la agenda de la UE. Prueba de ello son tanto el reciente paquete de modernización como la institucionalización de la better regulation en el organigrama europeo. El presente trabajo está dedicado al estudio de dicha estrategia y cómo esta se está implantando en los Estados miembros. En concreto, se aborda la experiencia del estado español a partir del caso de Andalucía, incluyendo las líneas de actuación que se han emprendido en dicha comunidad para la mejora de la regulación económica. La principal aportación de esta investigación consiste precisamente en presentar el modo en que la mejora de la regulación está siendo institucionalizada en los territorios de la UE a partir del ejemplo andaluz.Better regulation has been gaining increasing importance in recent years, to the point of being an essential pillar on the EU's agenda. Proof of this is both the recent modernization package and the institutionalization of better regulation in the European organizational structure. The present work is dedicated to the study of this strategy and how it is being introduced in the Member States. Specifically, it addresses the experience of Spain from the case of Andalusia, including the lines of action that have been undertaken in that community for the improvement of economic regulation. The main contribution of this research is precisely to present the way in which better regulation is being institutionalized along EU territories through Andalusian case

    Better regulation in Collaborative Economics. The case of tourist housing in Andalusia

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    El mercado del alojamiento colaborativo está experimentando un fuerte crecimiento en los últimos años. Esto supone, por un lado, una oportunidad para el estimular el crecimiento económico y el empleo en un sector estratégico como el turismo; pero, por otro, plantea importantes retos en materia de regulación, que se antojan claves para aprovechar los beneficios de esta nueva economía. El presente estudio reflexiona sobre esta cuestión para identificar los elementos propios de la buena regulación económica en el mercado del alojamiento turístico, a partir del estudio de las tentativas reguladoras de los órganos autonómicos, prestando especial atención al caso de Andalucía, por ser la experiencia de mayor éxito en este ámbito

    Experimental evaluation of CAM and DENM messaging services in vehicular communications

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    The Cooperative Awareness Basic Service and Decentralized Environmental Notification Basic Service have been standardized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to support vehicular safety and traffic efficiency applications needing continuous status information about surrounding vehicles and asynchronous notification of events, respectively. These standard specifications detail not only the packet formats for both the Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) and Decentralized Environmental Notification Message (DENM), but also the general message dissemination rules. These basic services, also known as facilities, have been developed as part of a set of standards in which both ISO and ETSI describe the Reference Communication Architecture for future Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). By using a communications stack that instantiates this reference architecture, this paper puts in practice the usage of both facilities in a real vehicular scenario. This research work details implementation decisions and evaluates the performance of CAM and DENM facilities through a experimental testbed deployed in a semi-urban environment that uses IEEE 802.11p (ETSI G5-compliant), which is a WiFi-like communication technology conceived for vehicular communications. On the one hand, this validation considers the development of two ITS applications using CAM and DENM functionalities for tracking vehicles and disseminating traffic incidences. In this case, CAM and DENM have demonstrated to be able to offer all the necessary functionality for the study case. On the other hand, both facilities have been also validated in a extensive testing campaign in order to analyze the influence in CAM and DENM performance of aspects such as vehicle speed, signal quality or message dissemination rules. In these tests, the line of sight, equipment installation point and hardware capabilities, have been found as key variables in the network performance, while the vehicle speed has implied a slight impact.This work has been sponsored by the European Seventh Framework Program, through the ITSSv6 (contract 270519), FOTsis (contract 270447) and GEN6 (contract 297239) projects, and the Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Walkie-Talkie project (TIN2011-27543-C03)