4,021 research outputs found

    Labor market integration and childbearing behavior of inmigrants in the European Union

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    [EN] As of 2020, immigrants accounted for 12.4% of the European Union (EU) population. This is due to large flows from outside the EU and increased intra-EU migration, the latter caused by the recent EU enlargement processes of 2004 and 2007. In this scenario, the labor integration of immigrants and their childbearing behavior are key to understanding the economic, social and demographic dynamics of the EU. We present two studies on the labor performance of intra-EU migrants in main EU labor markets (Chapter 2), and three studies on the fertility of immigrants from outside the EU and their descendants in Spain (Chapter 3). In Chapter 2, we use annual data from the EU labor force survey between 2005 and 2016. We focus on the over-qualification experienced by intra-EU immigrants originating from new EU member states residing in old EU countries. We conclude that intra-EU immigrants originating from new member states have lower labor markets outcomes compared to host country nationals and immigrants originating from old member states. Interestingly, although the enlargement of the EU has meant the improvement of the legal status of immigrant workers originating from new member states, the transitional arrangements imposed by most old member states have been an obstacle to full European integration. In Chapter 3, we use a new database that links Spain’s 2011 Census with the Natural Movement of the Population records from 2011 to 2015. We study various aspects of the fertility of first, 1.5 and second generation Latin American and Maghrebi immigrants. Our results show that first-generation Maghrebi immigrants tend to maintain the typical childbearing behavior of their origin countries to a greater extent than first-generation Latin American immigrants. We also find that while the childbearing behavior of Latin American immigrant descendants is very close to that of native Spanish women, the fertility of Maghrebi immigrant descendants falls in between that of their parents and that of native women. [ES] En 2020 los inmigrantes suponían el 12’4% de la población de la Unión Europea (UE). Esto se debe a los grandes flujos que han llegado desde fuera de la UE y a las crecientes migraciones intra-UE, causadas estas últimas por los recientes procesos de ampliación de la UE de los años 2004 y 2007. En este escenario, conocer la integración laboral y el comportamiento reproductivo de los inmigrantes son fundamentales para entender las dinámicas económicas, sociales y demográficas de la UE. Por ello, en esta tesis presentamos dos estudios sobre la integración laboral de los inmigrantes intra-UE en los principales mercados laborales de la UE (Capítulo 2), y tres estudios sobre el comportamiento reproductivo de los inmigrantes de fuera de la UE y de sus descendientes en España (Capítulo 3). En el Capítulo 2 usamos datos de la encuesta de población activa de la UE entre 2005 y 2016. Nos centramos en analizar el nivel de sobre-educación de los inmigrantes intra-UE originarios de los países que accedieron a la UE en el Siglo XXI, en los países que formaban anteriormente parte de la UE. Concluimos que los inmigrantes intra-UE originarios de los países que accedieron a la UE en el Siglo XXI, se encuentran en una peor situación laboral que los inmigrantes intra-EU originarios de países tradicionalmente comunitarios y que la población nativa. A pesar de que la ampliación de la UE supuso la mejora del estatus legal de los trabajadores inmigrantes provenientes de los nuevos países miembros de la UE, la imposición de moratorias por parte de los países anteriormente miembros de la UE obstaculizó el desarrollo de la integración de la UE. En el Capítulo 3 utilizamos una nueva base de datos consistente en la vinculación al Censo de España de 2011 de los registros del movimiento natural de la población entre 2011 y 2015. Analizamos diversos aspectos de la fecundidad de la primera, 1.5 y segunda generación de inmigrantes latinoamericanas y magrebíes en España. Los resultados muestran que las inmigrantes magrebíes de primera generación mantienen el comportamiento reproductivo característico de sus países de origen en mayor medida que las latinoamericanas de primera generación. Además, mientras que las descendientes de inmigrantes latinoamericanas tienen un comportamiento reproductivo muy similar a las nativas españolas, las magrebíes se encuentran a medio camino entre sus progenitores y las nativas españolas

    Rural development, population aging and gender in Spain: the case of rural women in the autonomous community of Castilla y León

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    The transformation that rural areas have undergone during the last 30 years constitutes a very important phenomenon in Spain, but it is especially relevant in certain regions such as the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León. The constant process of depopulation, which a great number of villages of that region are suffering, primarily caused by the continuous transfer of labour force from agriculture activities to the industrial sector and, more recently, towards the service sector of urban areas, is provoking the progressive demographic and economic decadence of rural areas. In this context, women played a key role in the process of rural exodus, especially in the case of young women. This trend has created highly aged, male rural populations, with few potential human resources, which are incapable of sustaining and promoting economic and social development in the future. This project attempts to determine to which extent women have been and continue to be the protagonists of the social and economic transformations which have affected rural areas during the last decades. To this aim, we will undertake an analysis by sex of different demographic, economic and social variables at the municipal level, which will show women’s spatial situation, according to rural criteria. We will also undertake a prospective analysis of the population evolution of these rural areas, in order to obtain a probable demographic scenario which rural women will have to face in the future. The specific focus of this study will be the territory of the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León. The results of this analysis will serve as a very useful reference for the public authorities as well as for private agents of this and other Spanish regions whenever they have to design alternative policies and actions regarding the role that rural women play and will play in the economic maintenance and development of rural areas. This is especially true given that, until now, studies which focus on the quantitative analysis of the economic and social situation of rural women have been practically nonexistent.

    Contextual control of conditional discrimination of the own behavior in pigeons

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    An experiment in which a pigeon was trained in contextual discrimination of its own behavior was carried out. When the experimental chamber was illuminated with a constant light, the pigeon had to peck on a red (or green) key in the sample component after having been pecking to the left (or to the right). When the chamber was illuminated with an intermittent light, the reinforced sample-comparison sequences were the opposite. The subject learned the task in about 40 sessions and maintained high correct response ratios even though the reinforcement probability decreased from 1 to 0.2 after each correct trial. The results are discussed in terms of the kind of discriminative rule and the kind of hierarchic structure involved in the task.Se llevó a cabo un experimento en el que se entrenó a una paloma en una discriminación contextual de su propia conducta. Cuando estaba iluminada la luz general de la cámara experimental de manera constante, la paloma tenía que picar una tecla roja (o verde) tras haber estado picoteando a la izquierda (o derecha) en el componente de muestra. Cuando la luz general de la cámara se iluminaba de manera parpadeante, las secuencias reforzadas muestra-comparación fueron las contrarias. El sujeto aprendió la tarea en unas 40 sesiones y siguió manteniendo unos altos índices de acierto a pesar de bajar la probabilidad de reforzamiento tras cada ensayo correcto de 1 a 0.2. Los resultados se discuten en relación con el tipo de regla discriminativa y de estructura jerárquica involucradas en esta tarea

    Valoración económica del ecosistema del Arroyo Alamar en la ciudad de Tijuana

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    El mundo emprende proyectos para rescatar escurrimientos pluviales, algunos se han convertido en espacios icónicos y de atracción, sin embargo, en México se sigue considerando la "urbanización" sin límites como señal de progreso e impulsando proyectos de ingeniería hidráulica tradicional para abordar problemas de inundaciones, contaminación y demanda de espacio. Es el caso del proyecto del arroyo Alamar en Tijuana B.C. En ese sentido el objetivo del trabajo es la valoración económica de la perdida ambiental que supone la construcción del referido proyecto, ésta se efectúa en parte con base a la propuesta de De la Lanza y colaboradores (2013); la cual sesustenta teórica y metodológicamente en el concepto y clasificación de los Servicios Ecológicos (SE) propuestos por el grupo de evaluación de ecosistemas del milenio (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) en 2005. Los resultados señalan una pérdida monetaria anual de 2 335 124.96 dólares americanos, a al que habría que sumar no solo la ambiental si no también la "social" o urbana.World undertakes projects to rescue rain runoff, some have become iconic spaces and attraction, however, Mexico is follows considering the "urbanization" without limits as a sign of progress and promoting traditional hydraulic engineering projects to address problems of flooding, pollution and demand for space. It is the case of the project of the Alamar brook in Tijuana B.C. In this sense the objective of the work is the economic valuation of environmental loss posed by the construction of the concerned project, this is done in part based on the proposal of the De la Lanza and collaborators (2013); which is sustained theoretically and methodologically on the concept and classification of ecological services (SE) proposed by the Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) in 2005. Theresults indicate an annual monetary loss of 2 335 124.96 dollars, to which should be added not only the environmental if not also a social or urban

    A Rich Morphological Diversity of Biosaline Drying Patterns Is Generated by Different Bacterial Species, Different Salts and Concentrations: Astrobiological Implications

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    Biosaline formations (BSFs) are complex self-organized biomineral patterns formed by ‘‘hibernating’’ bacteria as the biofilm that contains them dries out. They were initially described in drying biofilms of Escherichia coli cells + NaCl. Due to their intricate 3-D morphology and anhydrobiosis, these biomineralogical structures are of great interest in astrobiology. Here we report experimental data obtained with various alkali halide salts (NaF, NaCl, NaBr, LiCl, KCl, CsCl) on BSF formation with E. coli and Bacillus subtilis bacteria at two saline concentrations: 9 and 18 mg/mL. Our results indicate that, except for LiCl, which is inactive, all the salts assayed are active during BSF formation and capable of promoting the generation of distinctive drying patterns at each salt concentration. Remarkably, the BSFs produced by these two bacterial species produce characteristic architectural hallmarks as the BSF dries. The potential biogenicity of these biosaline drying patterns is studied, and the astrobiological implications of these findings are discusse