1,925 research outputs found

    La responsabilidad del administrador de hecho

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    22 páginasTrabajo fin Curso de Experto. Dirección de Patricia Benavides y Tutoría de Salvador González. La figura del administrador societario ha venido siendo objeto de una creciente regulación que proclama la responsabilidad de éste ante hechos que pudieran derivarse perjudiciales para la sociedad que representan, sus socios así como a terceros. Sin embargo, no ha ocurrido lo mismo con la figura del administrador de hecho, que sin embargo no goza de un estatuto jurídico propio en la regulación actual. Así pues, no existe una definición unánimemente aceptada de esta figura, y tan sólo la legislación actual recoge someramente la referencia a su existencia a su régimen de responsabilidades. Véase Código Penal, Ley de Sociedades de Capital y Ley General Tributaria entre otras

    La centralidad de las políticas públicas

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    La actual centralidad de las políticas públicas y del Estado tiene mucho que ver con la capacidad de modificar las expectativas de la sociedad, ya que la incertidumbre es el signo de la crisis global. Situaciones contextuales como la actual, generan algunos interrogantes sobre una coyuntura que parece muchas veces ininteligible y difícil de abordar: ¿cuáles pueden ser criterios de políticas públicas orientadas al bien común que pueden ser sostenidos, por encima de debates muy coyunturales?, ¿cuál es el bien común en situaciones complejas, o cuál el mejor rumbo en la crisis global?; y en todo caso ¿cómo avanzar y no retroceder frente a las dificultades? Se trata de una situación difícil y, a la vez, novedosa, donde han quedado cuestionadas casi todas las teorías y predicciones. Este artículo se propone analizar desde cuatro criterios el rol de las políticas públicas y del Estado, actores que toman fuerza con la crisis global, pero que se encuentran socialmente cuestionados.The current centralidad of the public policies and of the State has much that to see with the aptitude to modify the expectations of the society, since the uncertainty is the sign of the global crisis. Situations contextuales as the current one, they generate some questions on a conjuncture that seems to be often unintelligible and difficult to approach: which can be criteria of public policies orientated to the common good that can be supported, over very relating to the moment debates?, which is the common good in complex situations, or which the best course in the global crisis?; and in any case how to advance and not to move back opposite to the difficulties?. It is a question of a difficult situation and, simultaneously, new, where almost all the theories and predictions have remained questioned. He(She) proposes in this article, actors analyze from four criteria, the role of the public policies and of the State, both that take force with the global crisis but that are socially questioned.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    La centralidad de las políticas públicas

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    La actual centralidad de las políticas públicas y del Estado tiene mucho que ver con la capacidad de modificar las expectativas de la sociedad, ya que la incertidumbre es el signo de la crisis global. Situaciones contextuales como la actual, generan algunos interrogantes sobre una coyuntura que parece muchas veces ininteligible y difícil de abordar: ¿cuáles pueden ser criterios de políticas públicas orientadas al bien común que pueden ser sostenidos, por encima de debates muy coyunturales?, ¿cuál es el bien común en situaciones complejas, o cuál el mejor rumbo en la crisis global?; y en todo caso ¿cómo avanzar y no retroceder frente a las dificultades? Se trata de una situación difícil y, a la vez, novedosa, donde han quedado cuestionadas casi todas las teorías y predicciones. Este artículo se propone analizar desde cuatro criterios el rol de las políticas públicas y del Estado, actores que toman fuerza con la crisis global, pero que se encuentran socialmente cuestionados.The current centralidad of the public policies and of the State has much that to see with the aptitude to modify the expectations of the society, since the uncertainty is the sign of the global crisis. Situations contextuales as the current one, they generate some questions on a conjuncture that seems to be often unintelligible and difficult to approach: which can be criteria of public policies orientated to the common good that can be supported, over very relating to the moment debates?, which is the common good in complex situations, or which the best course in the global crisis?; and in any case how to advance and not to move back opposite to the difficulties?. It is a question of a difficult situation and, simultaneously, new, where almost all the theories and predictions have remained questioned. He(She) proposes in this article, actors analyze from four criteria, the role of the public policies and of the State, both that take force with the global crisis but that are socially questioned.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Distribución del ingreso y pobreza en la Argentina postdefault

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    Daniel García Delgado presenta los debates en torno a las distintas propuestas para una estrategia nacional de desarrollo con equidad en Argentina. El autor propone un análisis en cuatro dimensiones. En primer lugar, comenta los indicadores macroeconómicos positivos tras de 3 años de recuperación económica desde la crisis de 2001-2002. Sin embargo, advierte sobre algunas «luces amarillas» que han surgido en el camino, y las cuales se relacionan con el aumento de la pobreza, la distribución del ingreso y la evolución del mercado del trabajo. En segundo lugar, plantea la existencia de una brecha resistente, cuyas dimensiones (social, espacial y temporal) se asocian al modelo de concentración de capital y a la excesiva centralización de las tres últimas décadas. En tercer lugar, el autor discute que la modificación de estas tres falencias implica otras medidas, objetivos y valores políticos necesarios para constituir un proyecto de desarrollo enteramente construido, sostenible e inclusivo. Las altas tasas de cambio, el superávit comercial y el impuesto a la exportación de materias primas, constituyen políticas económicas necesarias pero no suficientes. Un proyecto inclusivo del desarrollo, necesariamente debe diferir del reciente pasado neoliberal, e implica algunas dimensiones claves como: i) la definición y la especialización en un perfil productivo; ii) el papel asignado al Estado; iii) el marco regional y global del proyecto y; iv) la coalición social que lo defenderá y sostendrá. Es necesario, por último, promover una asociación entre las orientaciones y los valores políticos. En la víspera del bicentenario de la independencia argentina, las metas nacionales deben establecerse no sólo respecto del crecimiento económico, sino especialmente de la reducción del desempleo, la pobreza y la injusticia.Daniel Garcia Delgado présente les débats sur les différentes propositions pour une stratégie nationale de développement avec équité en Argentine. L’auteur propose une analyse en quatre dimensions. Tout d’abord, il commente les indicateurs macro-économiques positifs après trois ans de récupération économique depuis la crise de 2001-2002. Néanmoins, il se penche sur certaines « lumières jaunes » qui ont surgi entre temps, lesquelles sont liées à l’augmentation de la pauvreté, la distribution du revenu et l’évolution du marché du travail. Dans un second temps, il affirme qu’il existe une brèche résistante, dont les dimensions (sociale, spatiale et temporelle) sont associées au modèle de concentration du capital et à l’excessive centralisation des trois dernières décennies. En troisième lieu, l’auteur discute du fait que la modification de ces faiblesses implique d’autres mesures, objectifs et valeurs politiques nécessaires afin de constituer un projet de développement intégralement construit, durable et inclusif. Les forts taux de change, l’excédent commercial et l’impôt à l’exportation de matières premières, constituent des politiques économiques nécessaires mais insuffisantes. Un projet inclusif de développement, devrait nécessairement se distinguer du récent passé néolibéral, et implique certaines dimensions clefs comme : i) la définition et la spécialisation dans un profil productif, ii) le rôle assigné à l’Etat, iii) le cadre régional et global du projet, iv) la coalition sociale qui le défendra et le soutiendra. Il est nécessaire, enfin, de promouvoir une association entre les orientations et les valeurs politiques. A la veille du bicentenaire de l’indépendance argentine, les objectifs nationaux doivent s’établir non seulement en fonction de la croissance économique, mais aussi et plus particulièrement en fonction de la réduction du chômage, de la pauvreté et de l’injustice.Daniel García Delgado presents the different debates concerning the multiple approaches involved in the construction of a national strategy of development with equity in Argentina. Four dimensions are presented. In first place, the author remarks the positive macroeconomic indicators after 3 years of economic recovery since the 2001-2002 default crisis. Some “yellow lights” are, however, emphasized, most of which concerning the recent evolution of poverty, income distribution and labour market evolution. Secondly, the existence of a treble and resilient gap is highlighted; its dimensions (social, spatial and temporal) are associated to the model of capital concentration and centralization of the last three decades. Thirdly, the author argues that modifying these three gaps implies further political measures, objectives and values in order to constitute a wholly built, sustainable and inclusive development project. High exchange rates, increased primary superavit and taxing commodities exportations, constitute the necessary but not sufficient economic policies. An inclusive development project, necessarily different from the neoliberal recent past, implies some key dimensions such as: i) the definition and specialization on a productive profile; ii) the role assigned to the State; iii) the regional and global framing of this project and; iv) the social coalition that will defend and sustain it. Last, an essential association between policies orientations and political values is defended. On the eve of the 200 anniversary of Argentinean independence, national goals must be established not only concerning economic growth but also, and centrally, the reduction of unemployment, poverty and inequity

    Effect of sepiolite bed material on gas composition and tar mitigation during C-cardunculus L. gasification

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    Sepiolite, a clay mineral that is commonly used as adsorbent, is proposed as bed material for biomass gasification in a lab-scale bubbling fluidized bed. In order to compare the obtained gas composition and tar generation, silica sand has been used as reference bed material. C cardunculus L. has been employed as biomass feedstock. The operating temperature is varied from 830 to 875 degrees C, at constant equivalence ratio (ER) of 0.30. The gas produced with sepiolite as bed material has a slightly lower quality than the gas generated with silica sand, the lower heating value (LHV) is 0.4-1.4 MJ/Nm(3) lower for sepiolite than for silica sand. However, the tar generation is rather reduced in the sepiolite bed and the tar composition is also different among the bed materials: the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons fraction (PAH) is drastically reduced while oxygenated compounds arise in the sepiolite tests. Sepiolite properties such as surface area and morphology have been analysed by means of specific surface area (BET) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) before and after the experiments. The fuel behaviour and the properties of sepiolite induce the adsorption of tars and molten ashes on the sepiolite surface, leading to a much better performance in terms of tar mitigation and agglomeration.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness from project ENE2014-54942-R. Alen Horvat acknowledges COST funding (short term scientific mission-STSM) under a COST STSM Reference Number: COST-STSM-FP1306-34300, supporting his exchange stay at University Carlos III of Madrid

    Predicting the effect of bed materials in bubbling fluidized bed gasification using artificial neural networks (ANNs) modeling approach

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    The effect of different bed materials was included a as new input into an artificial neural network model to predict the gas composition (CO2, CO, CH4 and H2) and gas yield of a biomass gasification process in a bubbling fluidized bed. Feed and cascade forward back propagation networks with one and two hidden layers and with Levenberg-Marquardt and Bayesian Regulation learning algorithms were employed for the training of the networks. A high number of network topologies were simulated to determine the best configuration. It was observed that the developed models are able to predict the CO2, CO, CH4, H2 and gas yield with good accuracy (R2 > 0.94 and MSE < 1.7 × 10−3). The results obtained indicate that this approach is a powerful tool to help in the efficient design, operation and control of bubbling fluidized bed gasifiers working with different operating conditions, including the effect of the bed material

    The Iberian pork meat Industry in Jabugo (Huelva, Spain), 1997-2016

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    El municipio de Jabugo es uno de los más importantes en la transformación del cerdo ibérico. En las últimas décadas el sector ha sufrido una transformación, con procesos de concentración, relocalización y posicionamiento entre sus empresas. Como resultado de ello, las grandes industrias han salido fortalecidas, y la Denominación de Origen Protegida “Jabugo” aparece como una oportunidad para el sector.The municipality of Jabugo is one of the most important in the transformation of the Iberian pork. In the last decades, the industry has undergone a transformation, with processes of concentration, relocation and positioning among the companies in the industry. As a result, large companies have been strengthened, and the Protected Designation of Origin “Jabugo" emerges as an opportunity for the sector

    Towards a Book Publishers Citation Reports. First approach using the Book Citation Index

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    Este artículo se ha publicado posteriormente con actualización del contenido en: Torres-Salinas, D.; Robinson-García, N.; Jiménez-Contreras, E. y Delgado López-Cózar, E. Towards a "Book Publishers Citation Reports". First approach using the "Book Citation Index". Revista Española de Documentación Científica 35(4): 615-620 (2012). [http://hdl.handle.net/10481/22700]The absence of books and book chapters in the Web of Science Citation Indexes (SCI, SSCI and A&HCI) has always been considered an important flaw but the Thomson Reuters 'Book Citation Index' database was finally available in October of 2010 indexing 29,618 books and 379,082 book chapters. The Book Citation Index opens a new window of opportunities for analyzing these fields from a bibliometric point of view. The main objective of this article is to analyze different impact indicators referred to the scientific publishers included in the Book Citation Index for the Social Sciences and Humanities fields during 2006-2011. This way we construct what we have called the 'Book Publishers Citation Reports'. For this, we present a total of 19 rankings according to the different disciplines in Humanities & Arts and Social Sciences & Law with six indicators for scientific publishers

    New actions and land uses in the historical heritage: the case study of one of the oldest underground water tanks in Madrid (Spain)

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    The preservation of architectural heritage in Europe is generally associated with the recovery of monumental buildings such as churches and castles, leaving behind a high amount of other historical constructions of civil and industrial architecture that exist in an old country like Spain. High efforts have been devoted by professionals from very different fields aiming to recover and enhance engineering works such as bridges, but the particular case of hydraulic works deserves special attention because it has remained hidden for centuries and sometimes continues to be ignored by society and many institutions. This type of architectural heritage, in the form of underground deposits that represents the case under study in this research, occupies a large area in cities such as Madrid and must be preserved to relieve the pressures of adapting them to accommodate other uses of the land that they occupy. In this paper, the complexity of material characterization and calculation of the Mayor water tank in Madrid (Spain), as an example of this type of construction, is presented. This reservoir currently supplies drinking water to a large part of the city and can accommodate a park on its surface without altering an original 150-year-old structure. As the main conclusion of this research, and in the absence of detailed studies of pathologies, tests, characterization of materials and the terrain, it is recommended to avoid loads greater than 30 kN/m2 in the existing structure, hence the current stresses are not substantially exceeded. This is a recommendation to preserve the historical heritage of this structure against economic and political perspectives that push for a substantial change in its use. This research is an example that can easily be extrapolated to other similar historical infrastructures aiming to guarantee their prevalence in the future