423 research outputs found

    Dynamical description of the buildup process in resonant tunneling: Evidence of exponential and non-exponential contributions

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    The buildup process of the probability density inside the quantum well of a double-barrier resonant structure is studied by considering the analytic solution of the time dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation with the initial condition of a cutoff plane wave. For one level systems at resonance condition we show that the buildup of the probability density obeys a simple charging up law, Ψ(τ)/ϕ=1eτ/τ0,| \Psi (\tau) / \phi | =1-e^{-\tau /\tau_0}, where ϕ\phi is the stationary wave function and the transient time constant τ0\tau_0 is exactly two lifetimes. We illustrate that the above formula holds both for symmetrical and asymmetrical potential profiles with typical parameters, and even for incidence at different resonance energies. Theoretical evidence of a crossover to non-exponential buildup is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    El test de transformación de los linfocitos (TTL): Algunas aplicaciones del mismo en el laboratorio de análisis biológicos

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    Se estudió el test de transformación de linfocitos (TTL) analizándose algunos de los resultados obtenidos en sujetos no alérgicos y enfermos sensibilizados a diferentes sustancias: alergias alimenticias, alergias inhalantes, sustancias nitrogenadas específicas, sensibilizaciones medicamentosas y frente a células tumorales irradiadas empleando poblaciones linfoides autólogas. Se realizan finalmente unas consideraciones generales a las técnicas.The test transformation lymphocite (TTL) was studied, and the results obtained were analyzed in subjects with different substances (foods specific mitogens, inhalants alergens, drugs) and against irradiated tumor cells using autologous linfoide population. Finally general considerations to the technique were made

    Nebular emission lines in IRAS 17347-3139

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    We report the detection of nebular emission lines in the optical and mid-infrared spectra of IRAS 17347-3139, a heavily obscured OH/IR star which may be rapidly evolving from the AGB to the PN stage. The presence of emission lines is interpreted as a clear indication that the ionization of its circumstellar envelope has already started. This source belongs to the rare class of objects known as `OHPNe' displaying both OH maser and radio continuum emission. However, unlike the rest of stars in this class, prominent C-rich dust features are detected in its mid-infrared spectrum, which makes the analysis of this star particularly interesting.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, Proc. IAU Symp. 234, Planetary Nebulae in Our Galaxy and Beyond (3-7 Apr 2006), eds. M.J. Barlow & R.H. Mendez (Cambridge Univ. Press

    Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy of high mass precursors to planetary nebulae

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    We present Spitzer/IRS observations of a small sample of heavily obscured IRAS sources displaying both the infrared and OH maser emission characteristic of OH/IR stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), but also radio continuum emission typical of ionized planetary nebulae (PNe), the so-called OHPNe. Our observations show that their mid-infrared spectra are dominated by the simultaneous presence of strong and broad amorphous silicate absorption features together with crystalline silicate features, originated in their O-rich circumstellar shells. Out of the five sources observed, three of them are clearly non-variable at infrared wavelengths, confirming their post-AGB status, while the remaining two still show strong photometric fluctuations, and may still have not yet departed from the AGB. One of the non-variable sources in the sample, IRAS 17393-2727, displays a strong [Ne II] nebular emission at 12.8 microns, indicating that the ionization of its central region has already started. This suggests a rapid evolution from the AGB to the PN stage. We propose that these heavily obscured OHPNe represent the population of high mass precursors to PNe in our Galaxy.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (scheduled in the 2007 September 1 issue

    New groups of planetary nebulae with peculiar dust chemistry towards the Galactic bulge

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    We investigate Galactic bulge planetary nebulae without emission-line central stars for which peculiar infrared spectra have been obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, including the simultaneous signs of oxygen and carbon based dust. Three separate sub-groups can be defined characterized by the different chemical composition of the dust and the presence of crystalline and amorphous silicates. We find that the classification based on the dust properties is reflected in the more general properties of these planetary nebulae. However, some observed properties are difficult to relate to the common view of planetary nebulae. In particular, it is challenging to interpret the peculiar gas chemical composition of many analyzed objects in the standard picture of the evolution of planetary nebulae progenitors. We confirm that the dual-dust chemistry phenomenon is not limited to planetary nebulae with emission-line central stars.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure