21 research outputs found

    Pesca y agricultura : mismos problemas, ¿mismas respuestas?

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    Contiene la nota "Pescado dependencia", de Aniol Esteban.Aunque hablar de pesca y agricultura significa atender realidades diferentes, finalmente, en ambos casos estamos hablando del sector primario. Y en ambos casos el sistema neoliberal está llevándonos a unos escenarios preocupantes, con muchas similitudes. En este artículo nos queremos centrar precisamente en ellas, que se resumen con un término muy rotundo: acaparamiento; pero también en las respuestas que se intuye que son fundamentales y coincidentes también entre la pesca y la agricultura

    Integration of fishers’ ecological knowledge in fisheries biology and management : a proposal for the case of the artisanal coastal fisheries of Galicia (NW Spain)

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    The fisheries crisis of the last decades and the overexploitation of a great number of stocks have revealed that the scientific knowledge available about the dynamics of the marine ecosystems and needed for the management of the fisheries is inadequate. This problem is critical when the management of coastal ecosystems and artisanal fisheries is involved. These systems show a great complexity due to the high number of human factors that influence their functioning (related directly to the exploitation of fisheries resources, but also to other types of activities that originate modifications and destruction of habitats) and to the number of components involved in the fishing activity (usually multispecific, multigear, with a diversified fleet that shows a complex spatial pattern of activity). Moreover, a great number of stocks exploited by coastal artisanal fisheries are invertebrates with a population dynamics that no fits in the finfish models. The efficient and sustainable management of these resources is in general not possible using models designed to finfish stocks exploited by industrial fleets. We analyze the present state of the coastal fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain), paying special attention to the state of the art of the scientific knowledge available, the socioeconomical context, and to the management policies in use. In this sense, the main problems of the present policy directed to the achievement of scientific data and to the management of resources will be identified. We propose to modify the strategies of research in the fishery sciences to introduce the traditional ecological knowledge of the fishers in the management process. This kind of information should constitute a complimentary source to get new knowledge, and for this goal we propose to process it using the mechanisms and tools of the Artificial Inteligence to formalize, objectify and integrate it in the fisheries biology and marine ecology. Some case studies based in this approach will be presented.Xunta de Galicia; PGIDT99PX110201

    Procesos de producción pesquera e incertidumbre : la comercialización de los productos pesqueros en la pesca artesanal de Galicia

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo se hace una presentación descriptiva acerca de cómo una serie de factores mediombientales, socioeconómicos y políticos inciden sobre la actividad pesquera en Galicia. La finalidad es subrayar cómo algunos de estos "azares ambientales" constituyen una fuente de incertidumbre (problemas) para el desarrollo de la actividad pesquera afectando de modo especial a los procesos productivos menos capitalizados. Finalmente, a modo de ejemplificación, nos centraremos en la comercialización de los productos pesqueros en "primera venta" y sus problemas, mostrando algunas de las respuestas que dan los pescadores artesanales en el ámbito del mercado

    Como asignar valor económico a bancos de pesca cuando las estadísticas de pesca no son espacialmente explícitas

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    Fishery statistics do not usually include small-scale spatial references to assess the effects of natural or human disturbances. We present a methodology which assigns a geographical origin to the catches and assesses the total revenue of the fishing grounds. Market statistics are combined with the results of an ethnographic survey to provide a spatial allocation of the fishing effort. In the present case study, which corresponds to the Galician coast (NW Spain), 253 vessels from 14 base ports that fish in 80 fishing grounds were identified. The annual total revenue of the catches was 8.28 M€ and ranged from a minimum of 4928 € to a maximum of 0.60 M€ with a mean value per fishing ground of 0.104 M€.Las estadísticas pesqueras no suelen incluir referencia espacial a pequeña escala que permita evaluar los daños causados por perturbaciones naturales o humanas. Se presenta una metodología que asigna un origen geográfico a las capturas y permite estimar un valor de explotación de los caladeros. Se combinan estadísticas de comercialización con los resultados de un análisis etnográfico para proporcionar una localización geográfica al esfuerzo de pesca. En particular, se ha estudiado una situación en la que se identificaron 253 embarcaciones de 14 puertos diferentes, que pescaban en 80 caladeros de la costa de Galicia (NW de España). Los ingresos brutos anuales resultantes de las capturas realizadas fueron de 8.28 M€, con un importe promedio por banco de 0.104 M€, oscilando entre un máximo de 0.60 M€ y un mínimo de 4928 €

    Gestión de pesquerías, gestión de mercados : ¿es el comercio electrónico una solución?

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    Jornadas de Comercialización del pescado Fresco, Alternativas de Futuro : Palamós, 2 y 3 de marzo 200

    Methodology for integration of fisher's ecological knowledge in fisheries biology and management using knowledge representation (artificial intelligence)

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    Presentado na International Conference "Putting Fisher's Knowledge to Work", Vancouver, Canadá, 27-30 agosto de 2001[abstract] The fisheries crisis of the last decades and the overexploitation of a great number of stocks (FAO 1995) have been due mainly to the inadequacy of scientific knowledge, uncertainties in assessments and/or failures of the management systems. These problems are critical when the management of coastal ecosystems and artisanal fisheries is involved. These systems possess great complexity due to the high number of human factors that influence their functioning and the fishing activity. Small-scale coastal fisheries have a much greater social significance than offshore industrial fisheries, despite the larger economical importance of the latter (only in macro-economic terms). The artisanal coastal fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain) are in a general state of overexploitation derived from the mismatch between management (derived implicitly from models designed for industrial finfisheries) and the biological and socioeconomic context. Freire and García-Allut (2000) proposed a new management policy (based on the establishment of territorial users’ rights, the involvement of fishers in the assessment and management process in collaboration with the government agencies, and the use of protected areas and minimum landing sizes as key regulations) to solve the above problems. As well as a new management system, research should pay special attention to the design and use of inexpensive and rapid methodologies to get relevant scientific data, and introduce local or traditional ecological knowledge of the fishers to the assessment and management process. In this paper, we analyze the values and characteristics of fishers’ ecological knowledge (FEK). Using the artisanal coastal fisheries of Galicia as a case study, we present the objectives of the integration of FEK in fisheries biology and management and propose a methodology for that goal. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a tool for the analysis and integration of FEK is discussed, and the role of Knowledge Representation, a branch of AI, is described to show the epistemological and technological adequacy of the chosen languages and tools in a non-computer science foru

    Using description logics to integrate fishers' ecological knowledge in the research of artisanal fisheries

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    [Abstract] The aim of this paper is to show the role that Knowledge Representation can play in the research of artisanal fisheries. In particular we concentrate on the epistemological and technological adequacy of implementations of Description Logics to represent fishers’ ecological knowledge, so contributing to address some open methodological questions about its collection and us

    Deliberación e integración cultural en las comunidades pesqueras artesanales: el caso de RECOPADES (Red de Comunidades pesqueras artesanales por el Desarrollo Sostenible)

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    La ponencia que presentamos trata sobre las principales conclusiones de una investigación más amplia que nos permite diagnosticar el grado de incidencia social, en las políticas pesqueras artesanales en América latina, desde un proyecto de cooperación al desarrollo en pesca artesanal o de pequeña escala y una organización no gubernamental para el desarrollo: RECOPADES. Un proceso participativo donde representantes de la sociedad civil (Fundación Lonxanet, RECOPADES) y sector pesquero artesanal tienen como objetivo común, entre otros, establecer un nuevo escenario de gestión pública por medio de la creación de áreas marinas de interés pesquero cogestionadas en ambas regiones (América Latina, España

    Towards a Sustainable Campus: Working Together to Achieve the Green Campus Flag on the UDC Peripheral Campus of Ferrol

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    [Abstract] Purpose. This paper aims to present and describe the main actions carried out in six different faculties and common areas such as cultural and research centres and administrative buildings in the Ferrol campus at the University of A Coruña to achieve the second green flag on a Galician University. Design/methodology/approach. A case study describing the steps for implementing a green campus programme in a medium-size, young university campus integrated into a small city. An Environmental Campus Committee was created to assess the main factors that affect environmental footprint, discuss sustainability initiatives and develop a guide to action regarding different goals related to sustainable transport options, energy, water conservation and waste reduction. The actions included several fields such as education, circular economy and healthy life and involved the on and off-campus community. Findings. The programme achieved a decrease in water consumption and electrical energy. An important change in educational values and behaviours regarding sustainability was observed in and out of the campus community. The measurements adopted mainly in waste management, mobility and education led the Ferrol campus to achieve a green campus flag on November 2019. Originality/value. This experiment can serve as a guide to establish the Green Campus philosophy in other similar university campuses.The authors of this article want to thank the finantial and institutional support of Environmental Office of University of A Coruña to develop talks, activities and to implement different actions in Ferrol Campus. The authors of this article want to thank the finantial and institutional support of Vicerrectorado del Campus de Ferrol y Responsabilidad Social of University of A Coruña to achieve the Green Flag. Ana Ares-Pernas wants to thank the financial support of Vicerrectorado de Planificación Académica e Innovación Docente of University of A Coruña obtained in the I Edition of the Prizes for Teaching Innovation Projects in Service-Learning to develop Service-Learning activitie