6,692 research outputs found

    A novel recursive algorithm for the calculation of the detailed identity coefficients

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    International audienceAbstractBackgroundA recursive algorithm to calculate the fifteen detailed coefficients of identity is introduced. Previous recursive procedures based on the generalized coefficients of kinship provided the detailed coefficients of identity under the assumption that the two individuals were not an ancestor of each other.FindingsBy using gametic relationships to include three, four or two pairs of gametes, we can obtain these coefficients for any pair of individuals. We have developed a novel linear transformation that allows for the calculation of pairwise detailed identity coefficients for any pedigree given the gametic relationships. We illustrate the procedure using the well-known pedigree of Julio and Mencha, which contains 20 Jicaque Indians of Honduras, to calculate their detailed coefficients.ConclusionsThe proposed algorithm can be used to calculate the detailed identity coefficients of two or more individuals with any pedigree relationship

    Pruebas de selección como predictores del rendimiento académico de estudiantes de Medicina

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    ResumenIntroducciónPartiendo de la complejidad de los programas educativos de Medicina y de los estudios sobre la deserción de sus estudiantes, se estableció la necesidad de conocer la validez predictiva de los mecanismos que integran el proceso de selección de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Anáhuac-Mayab, como mecanismo de mejora del proceso educativo.ObjetivoIdentificar el grado de predicción del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes, con base en los instrumentos de admisión considerados en la institución.MétodoSe trató de un estudio correlacional con enfoque cuantitativo realizado a través de un procedimiento de regresión lineal. Para su realización se reconocieron como variables independientes, los resultados obtenidos por los alumnos de la cohorte 2012 y 2013, en el proceso de admisión a la carrera, para cada uno de los instrumentos utilizados y como variable dependiente, el rendimiento académico, basado en los promedios de notas de los estudiantes, obtenidos en los semestres cursados hasta el momento de la realización del estudio, realizándose un análisis estadístico con la obtención de frecuencias, porcentajes, medias y valores mínimos y máximos, para posteriormente contrastar los valores en un procedimiento de regresión lineal.ResultadosCon base en el comportamiento de los datos analizados para ambas cohortes, se pudo observar que la prueba de selección que más correlaciona con el rendimiento académico es el promedio que obtienen los alumnos en los cursos propedéuticos, teniéndose una r de 0.603 y 0.629 para las cohortes 2012 y 2013, respectivamente, y una R2 de 0.364 y 0.396 en el mismo sentido.ConclusionesMás allá de la importancia de ampliar el estudio a otras generaciones, se observó la necesidad de evaluar la administración de los instrumentos utilizados hasta el momento, a partir de su valor de correlación y predicción, sin menoscabo de la posibilidad de perfeccionar la implementación del curso propedéutico.AbstractIntroductionBased on the complexity of medical education programs and studies on student dropout, the need to know the predictive validity of the mechanisms involved in the process of selection of the School of Medicine at Anahuac-Mayab University was established as a mechanism for improving the educational process.ObjectiveTo identify the degree of prediction of academic performance of students based on the tools used for considering admission into the institution.MethodThis was a correlational study with quantitative approach carried out using a linear regression procedure. To conduct the study, the variables used were, the results obtained by students in the cohort 2012 and 2013, in the process of admission to the course, for each of the tools used, and academic performance as the dependent variable, based on the average student grades obtained in the courses in semesters completed until the study. A statistical analysis was performed to obtain the frequencies, percentages, means and minimum and maximum values, later to contrast the values in a linear regression procedure.ResultsBased on the behaviour of the analysed data for both cohorts, it was observed that the screening test most correlated with academic achievement is the average obtained by students in the preparatory courses, taking an r of 0.603 and 0.629 for cohorts 2012 and 2013, respectively, and an R2 of 0.364 and 0.396 in the same direction.ConclusionsApart from the importance of extending the study to other generations, the need to evaluate the management of the tools used to date was observed, from the value of correlation and prediction, without prejudice to the possibility of improving the implementation of the preparatory course

    Multiple Order Dual-Band Active Ring Filters with Composite Right/Left Handed Cells

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    In this paper, a novel dual-band active filter topology is presented. The non-linear phase response of a composite right/left-handed cell is used to achieve the desired dual-band performance. Additionally, the proposed structure based on coupled ring resonators yields a very compact solution in which high-order implementations can be easily obtained by cascading multiple rings. The theoretical principles of this type of filters are analyzed in detail. Finally, three prototypes based on first-, second- and third-order structures validate the feasibility of this type of filters. Good agreement between simulations and measurements has been achieved

    Noise Figure Measurement of Differential Amplifiers Using non-Ideal Baluns

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    This paper analyzes the noise and gain measurement of microwave differential amplifiers using two passive baluns. A general model of the baluns is considered, including potential losses and phase/amplitude unbalances. This analysis allows de-embedding the actual gain and noise performance of the isolated amplifier by using single-ended measurements of the cascaded system and baluns. Finally, measured results from two amplifier prototypes are used to validate the theoretical principles

    Estimation of specific cutting energy in an S235 alloy for multi-directional ultrasonic vibration-assisted machining using the Finite Element Method

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of the vibration-assisted turning process on the machinability of S235 carbon steel. During the experiments using this vibrational machining process, the vibrational amplitude and frequency of the cutting tool were adjusted to drive the tool tip in an elliptical or linear motion in the feed direction. Furthermore, a finite element analysis was deployed to investigate the mechanical response for different vibration-assisted cutting conditions. The results show how the specific cutting energy and the material’s machinability behave when using different operational cutting parameters, such as vibration frequency and tool tip motion in the x-axis, y-axis, and elliptical (x-y plane) motion. Then, the specific cutting energy and material’s machinability are compared with a conventional turning process, which helps to validate the finite element method (FEM) for the vibration-assisted process. As a result of the operating parameters used, the vibration-assisted machining process leads to a machinability improvement of up to 18% in S235 carbon steel. In particular, higher vibration frequencies were shown to increase the material’s machinability due to the specific cutting energy decrease. Therefore, the finite element method can be used to predict the vibration-assisted cutting and the specific cutting energy, based on predefined cutting parameters.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimating radial railway network improvement with a CAS

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    The Spanish railway network is very complex, with two different track gauges: the broad classic Iberian track gauge and the so called international gauge, the latter used in the extensive high speed network. All new lines have been built with double track and top technologies. But there are controversial opinions among experts regarding how the network should grow. We had developed what we called isochrone circle graphs and a geometric index for radial railway networks improvement estimation, that can be very useful for decision taking regarding the improvement of railway lines. The corresponding paper was illustrated with a sketch constructed with a Dynamic Geometry System that used sliders to change the input parameters (timing to each peripheral destination and population of these destinations). Although very comfortable to use, altering the number of peripheral destinations considered required to construct a complete new sketch. To avoid this problem and in order to be able to perform symbolic computations and solve equations with the data obtained, we have begun from scratch and have designed and implemented a complete new package in the computer algebra system CAS Maple that takes as input the lists of destinations, timings and populations and builds the corresponding isochrone circle graphs and performs all the corresponding calculations. An important advantage of working in symbolic mode (i.e., of introducing parameters in the computations) is the possibility to work with unknowns (that represent network improvement goals) and consequently obtain the time improvement required in a line in order to ful ll a network speci c improvement goal

    Static Analysis of Usefulness States in Transition P systems

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    Transition P Systems are a parallel and distributed computational model based on the notion of the cellular membrane structure. Each membrane determines a region that encloses a multiset of objects and evolution rules. Transition P Systems evolve through transitions between two consecutive configurations that are determined by the membrane structure and multisets present inside membranes. Moreover, transitions between two consecutive configurations are provided by an exhaustive non-deterministic and parallel application of evolution rules. But, to establish the rules to be applied, it is required the previous calculation of useful, applicable and active rules. Hence, computation of useful evolution rules is critical for the whole evolution process efficiency, because it is performed in parallel inside each membrane in every evolution step. This work defines usefulness states through an exhaustive analysis of the P system for every membrane and for every possible configuration of the membrane structure during the computation. Moreover, this analysis can be done in a static way; therefore membranes only have to check their usefulness states to obtain their set of useful rules during execution

    Nuevas métricas de audiencia al servicio del Inbound Marketing

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    En el presente artículo se aborda la utilidad de las herramientas y métricas de audiencia surgidas en el entorno digital para desarrollar prácticas comunicativas de Inbound Marketing. Los objetivos que se persiguen son reconocer qué nuevos indicadores están utilizando las métricas de audiencia; identificar los datos que aportan para prácticas de inbound marketing y apreciar en qué permiten testar los contenidos y planificarlos. Para ello se identifican las principales herramientas de medición y los servicios que ofrecen, así como las métricas que permiten detectar los comportamientos y emociones de los usuarios frente a los mensajes, posibilitando testar los mismos y planificarlos para atraer la atención del público, retenerlo y fidelizarlo. Las conclusiones permiten ver cómo las nuevas métricas están reconfigurando la manera en la que se producen y distribuyen los contenidos, hasta llegar a convertirse en herramientas indispensables, que permiten identificar la capacidad de atracción, retención, fidelización y satisfacción de los usuarios frente a dichos contenidos. La analítica de datos ha pasado a ser una herramienta en la que los aspectos pragmáticos interseccionan con aspectos emocionales, permitiendo cuantificar la experiencia y la emoción más allá del hábito y posibilitando planificar los contenidos para adaptarlos a los requerimientos de los usuarios

    Estado De Nutrición Y Su Relación Con La Condición Física En Adolescentes De Escuelas Preparatorias.

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    Tesis de licenciaturaDe acuerdo a la investigación se concluye que no hay relación entre el estado de nutrición y la condición física de los alumnos de las escuelas preparatorias, al obtenerse por X2 valores no significativos. La comparación que encontramos en los diferentes nos muestra que la mayor parte del grupo de estudio tiene normopeso 73%, sobrepeso 16% y obesidad 6% cifras que no concuerdan con el estudio ENSANUT MC 2016. En cuanto al porcentaje de grasa por IMC y por medición de panículos adiposos relacionado con la condición física se encontró en este trabajo de tesis que existe una significancia estadística (valor P≤0.05) en el grupo de las mujeres. El empleo de la batería EUROFIT es un procedimiento sencillo y de fácil aplicación que puede mejorar la realización de pruebas a este grupo de estudio